2018 Orama Bio Theory Mock Final

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NAME.: _______________________________________________________ Class.

: _______



Monday, 19 March Subject Number: M022/I

Time allowed: 2h 30min

8.00 – 10:30 am
(100 marks)


Instructions: Question Tick if Do not write in

1. This paper contains 11 pages. Number answered these columns
Please check. 1
2. Before beginning write your name at 2
the top of the question paper and on 3
all other sheets. 4
3. This paper contains Sections A, B 5
and C. Answer all questions in all 6
sections. Some can be answered 7
quickly, but others require 8
considerable thought and may take 9
longer. 10
4. Write your answers on the questions 11
paper in the spaces provided. The 12
maximum number of marks for each 13
answer is indicated against each 14
5. In the table provided on this page, tick
against the question numbers you
have answered

© 2018 OPSS MOCK

Turn over
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
2018 Page 2 of 11 M022/1

Section A
1. Define the term “transpiration”
___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

Figure below shows a Potometer with a leafy shoot. Use it to answer the questions that

a. What effect would each of the following have on the rate in movement of the bubble?
(i) Decreased temperature of the surrounding air
__________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

(ii) Increased humidity of the surrounding air

__________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

b. Explain why it is important to cut the leafy shoot under water

__________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

c. In what way is diffusion similar to osmosis?

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

d. What’s meant by term translocation?

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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2. Table 1 shows a cross between a pure breeding red cow and pure-breeding white bull. Use it
to answer the questions that follow.

a. (i) Complete the table by filling the genotype of the offspring marked P
__________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

(ii)What term is used to describe the genotype of the offspring?

__________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

(iii)If R and r are co-dominant, determine the phenotype of the offspring.

__________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

Figure below is a diagram showing the changes in carbon dioxide concentration in air in a
forest, over a 24 hour period. Use it to answer the questions that follow

b. Describe briefly the causes of the changes in carbon dioxide concentration

(i)From dawn to midday
__________________________________________________________________ (2marks)
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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(ii)From dusk to midnight

__________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

3. Figure below shows diagrams A and B. Diagram A shows the results of what happened when
a shoot was illuminated from one side for 48hours. Diagram B shows cells P and Q which were
taken from parts of the shoot in diagram A.

a. Which side of the shoot in diagram A was illuminated?

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

b. (i)Which cell was taken from the part marked M?

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
(ii) Explain your answer to b.(i).

__________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

4. Figure below shows the optimum pH for three enzymes G, Hand I. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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a. Which enzyme is most likely to be secreted by the stomach?

____________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

b. What would happen to activity of enzyme G at pH 9?

____________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
c. Suggest two usefulness of mucus in the alimentary canal

___________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

d. what is the optimum pH of the enzyme I?

____________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

5. Table shows results of an analysis of water in a stream and the organisms present in it. The
stream was sprayed annually with an insecticide to kill larvae of mosquitoes. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.

Analysis Concentration of
Lake water 12
Planktons (water 231
Fish type X 2155
Fish type Y 782354
King fisher 1006543

a. Write down a food chain that includes all the organisms shown in the table.

b. Why is the insecticide concentration in the king fisher higher than in the water plants?
___________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

c. At Mtakataka Police Training Centre, an officer was running at a speed of 2 metres per
second. As he passed through a forest, he saw a lion and his speed immediately rose to 8
metres per second.
(i) Name the hormone that caused the change in speed.
___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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(ii) Explain how the hormone led to the change in speed in c.

__________________________________________________________________ (3marks)

d. A police dog was able to detect an individual with Indian hemp at a roadblock in Liwonde.
What type of reflex action was this?

____________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

Section B

6 a. Explain how the stomach helps the body to defend itself against infection.
__________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

b. Why does a malarial patient become anaemic?

__________________________________________________________________ (2marks)
c. Mention the three main steps involved in conditioning organism.(3marks)


Figure shows volume of air in the lungs of a child at rest to the start of an exercise. Use it to
answer the questions that follow.
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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d. At what time does the child start the exercise?

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

e. What is the maximum volume of air inspired during the exercise?

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
f. Explain why there is an increased breathing rate between 20 –40 seconds?

__________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

7 a. Name a locomotory structure in

(i) Bird ____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(ii) Fish ____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

b. State one adaptations for locomotion common to both birds and fish.

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

Figure shows processes in human reproduction. Use it to answer the questions that follow:

c. Name the process represented by letter Q.

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
d. (i) What type of twins are produced in figure 5?
___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in d.(i).

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

e. What type of cell division contributes to the increase in size of the embryo?
___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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f. Explain one adaptation of the uterus to its function

___________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

g. name one contraceptive method that play dual purpose of preventing diseases and
preventing conception

____________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

8. Figure is a section of the kidney. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

a. Name one structure of the nephron found in each of the following parts of the kidney.
(i) A ______________________________________________________________ (1mark)
(ii) B ______________________________________________________________ (1mark)

b. Explain the effect of Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) on urine production.

___________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

c. in cold weather one may need to urinate frequently, producing a fairly colourless urine. In
hot weather urination is infrequent and the urine is often coloured. Explain these observations
___________________________________________________________________ (3marks)
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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9. Figure below shows a cross section of the spinal cord. Use it to answer the questions that

a. Name the part marked L.

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
b. Mention one disease that attacks neuron X
___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

c. Give one function of the fluid found in the neural canal.

___________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

d. State two effects of hypothyroidism

__________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

e. Name the pathogen which causes leprosy (Hansen’s disease)

____________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
f. Explain how polio virus affects the nervous system
___________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

10 a. Describe three ways how antibodies defend the body from diseases
___________________________________________________________________ (3marks)

b. If too much artificial fertilizer e.g. Ammonium Sulphate is spread on a pasture, the pasture
will wither and die. Suggest an explanation for this in-terms of osmosis
___________________________________________________________________ (3marks)
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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11. It is a common fallacy that manual workers need much more protein than sedentary workers.
Suggest why this idea is fallacious
___________________________________________________________________ (3marks)

12. It can be claimed that the suns energy is indirectly used to produce a muscle contraction in
your arm. Trace the steps in the conversion of energy which would justify this claim
___________________________________________________________________ (4marks)

Section C (20 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

13. Describe an experiment that can be conducted to show the effect of temperature on the
enzyme activity. Your answer should be in an essay form
NAME: _________________________________________________________ Class: ________
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14. Explain any five ways in which breastfeeding is important



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