Glyphworks Specification
Glyphworks Specification
Glyphworks Specification
Optimized Testing option: .....................................................................................................................................21 Excel Input Accesses Microsoft Excel data directly
Histogram Input Accesses Histogram data type
nCode Automation Personal Edition .................................................................................................................21
Automation Query Uses Query Templates defined in nCode Automation to find
Supported File Formats ...........................................................................................................................................22 data automatically and associate with other input glyphs.
Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................................................25 Burst Input Accesses both time-series and multi-column burst data for-
Languages .....................................................................................................................................................................25
Metadata Input Accesses XML format metadata files for the purpose of add-
Free Viewer ...................................................................................................................................................................26 ing or changing metadata. Also enables metadata to be
directly edited or created using a table view.
Metadata Generator Creates standard property entries to generate new metadata
Multi-column Input Accesses Multi-column data which is an n x m table of data
Time Series Input Accesses Time Series (constant x-axis increment) data
Time Series Generator Defines a channel of data. Functions include:
Square wave
Sine wave
Swept sine
White noise
Triangular wave
Vibration Generator Enables vibration tests for RandomPSD, swept sine, sine
dwell and sine on random to be defined. Multi-column input
data can also be used to define vibration data (moved in
Frequency Spectrum PSD, Amplitude or ESD frequency spectrums from time Strain Rosette Calculates from strain rosette data derived stress or strain Histogram Display Provides dynamic 3D plotting of histogram data including
series data. results including: colour mapped tower and surface plots.
Max principal
Histogram Manipulation Performs functions on histogram data such as: Min principal Metadata Display Metadata viewed as tree or configurable table and option-
Arithmetic Performs basic mathematical functions on time series or his- Exceedance ally outputs to ASCII CSV files.
togram data (including variable bin width histograms). Abs Max principal
Cumulative Max shear
Functions include: Sum to 2D XY Display 2D plotting of time series, histogram and multi-column data.
Add Von Mises Export of cursor values.
Rainflow conversion - From To > Range Only Strain/stress at angle
Subtract Closing residuals in rainflow histograms
Multiply Biaxiality ratio XYZ Display 3D scatter plots of time series or multicolumn data. The size and colour
Divide Integration Performs integration on time series data (including auto- Angle of the symbols can be set using 2 additional data sets.
Powers of mated units updating). Critical Plane Studio Display Report creation based on Studio templates including output
Square root Test Combination Combines channels from two to 16 tests to Word, HTML, PowerPoint, PDF and image formats JPEG,
Sine Metadata Manipulation Combines and copies metadata from one set of data to
another. Also can delete metadata. Test Splitter Uses logical functions to extract channels from a test
Tangent Metadata Calculator Creates or edits metadata though calculator interface Time Series Calculator Creates derived time series channels through mathematical
Metadata To Histogram Creates a histogram from user selected metadata item operations including bitwise functions. Also performs logical
operations to identify regions of interest and outputs feature Automation Instruction Defines actions to be performed on output data when pro-
Cotangent Multi-column Calculator Performs mathematical operations on columns of multi-col- lists. cess is run as part of Data Processing in nCode Automation
Equivalent anti trigonometric umn data.
Equivalent Hyperbolic Time Series To Multi-column Converts time series to multi-column data product.
Absolute Multi-column Filter Enables rows or columns to be automatically removed from
Type Conversion Converts between different data (pipe) types. It currently Histogram Output Writes out histogram data type.
Log Base E multi-column data.
Log Base 10 supports conversion from time series to histogram, and his- Metadata Output Writes out metadata data type.
Anti Log Base E Multi-column Manipulation Performs specific functions on multi-column data including togram to time series.
Anti Log Base 10 aggregation based on specified statistic, and splitting and Multi-column Output Writes out multi-column data type.
combining tables. Units Conversion Converts time series data and labels using configurable units
Butterworth Filter Butterworth low, high, band pass and band stop filters for up system Time Series Output Writes out time series data type.
Multi-column Sort Performs column based sorting of tables.
to 8th order forwards or forwards/backwards.
Multi-column To Time Series Converts multi-column to time series data.
Channel Reassignment Re-numbers channels of data based on interactive selection,
metadata or alphabetic sequence. Rainflow Cycle Counting Performs rainflow cycle counting and range-pair counting to
create 2D or 3D histogram of cycles. Super Glyph Creates a single glyph from a sub-process of multiple glyphs
Concatenation Appends time series data together which can be saved and re-used
Position Based Resampling Uses speed channel to convert from time to distance or
Amplitude Distribution Probability density, time at level and point count distribu- angle domain. SG Input Defines input connections for Super Glyph
Running Stats Calculates requested statistic on a sliding window of data. SG Output Defines output connections for Super Glyph
Graphical Editor Deletes, extracts or overwrites marked sections in a graphical Also enables periodic calculations for rotating machinery.
display: SG Loop Control Enables multiple iterations to be performed within a Super
Section extraction Sample Rate Adjust Adjusts sample rate of time series data. Glyph based on a set or table of values to loop through.
Delete sections
Deletion joining functions Simultaneous Values Finds simultaneous values across multiple channels at maxi-
Deletion taper functions mums, minimums and abs max.
Scale/offset overwrite sections Statistics Calculates time series and multicolumn statistics including
Ramp or Half sine wave overwrite sections Audit Display Views and exports audit report file which shows a configu-
Min, Max
Also provides for interactive shifting of sections, drift rable trace of data processed, version numbers and glyph
removal and Butterworth filtering. properties.
Differentiation Performs differentiation on time series data (including auto- RMS Chart Display Creates report quality charts (bar, pie, polar, line, bubble etc)
mated units updating). Standard deviation (based on sample or population) from tables of data (multi-column). JPEG images can be
Variance (based on sample or population) automatically generated and included in Studio reports.
Extraction Extracts a section of time series data Skewness (based on sample or population)
Kurtosis (based on sample or population) Data Values Display Views the all data values of time series, histogram and multi-
Fast Fourier Filter Frequency domain FIR low, high, band pass and band stop Crest factor (based on SD or RMS) column data and optionally exports ASCII CSV files.
filters. Rank statistics (median, mode, percentiles)
nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification
NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027
Signal provides additional signal processing tools for durability test applications. It Frequency provides a range of noise and vibration analysis capability with particular Joint Time Frequency Analyzes frequency content as it varies with time using methods GPS Display glyph enables latitude and longitude GPS data to be plotted on a map or
also includes methods for detecting anomalies in signals (flat-lines, spikes, drift etc). application to rotating machinery, octave analysis and frequency response. Specific including: grid background (optionally using an image file). Mapping capability can use Micro-
The Rainflow module provides a specialized tool for the combination and extrapola- functionality is also provided to assess vehicle ride quality analysis to ISO 2631 stan- Short Time Fourier
soft® MapPoint® 2006 or 2009. Also can use Internet-based mapping using Map-
tion of rainflow matrices. dard and hand-arm vibration assessment to ISO 5349 standard. Gabor
Quest Open for both mapping and satellite imagery. Direct export to Google KML file
Octave Analysis Calculates octave bands with optional noise and ride weighting is also provided to use data in Google Earth. Mapping is only supported on Windows
functions: platforms. The GPS Display option also enables this display capability within Studio
Full, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12, 1/24 Octave bands for inclusion in report layouts. GPS data can be time series format (e.g. SoMat SIF) or
Octave analysis with ISO 2631 vibration weighting
any supported multi-column format (e.g. CSV file from Excel). The GPS Display also
Octave analysis with dB(A), dB(B), dB(C) noise weighting
Joint Distribution Performs amplitude distributions with respect to 2 or 3 Auto/Cross Correlation This glyph analyses time series data and carries out an auto-corre- Inputs can be time series, PSD histograms or waterfall data. supports feature lists to enable locations of interest on the data lines to be automati-
channels simultaneously. lation or cross correlation on the data. Two algorithms can be cally marked using logical conditions.
used, Direct: time based process that can deal with any size of Order Tracking Filter The Order Tracking Filter glyph performs a Butterworth filter on
Block Cycle Input Converts block cycle xml definition file into time series data. data but can be slow with large data sets, FFT-based: quicker fre- time series data using a rotational speed channel to extract a Regions can be defined in the GPS Display glyph and are displayed as semi-transpar-
Level Crossing Level crossing counting. quency domain process limited to 2^23-1 points. specified order from the signal. The cut-off frequencies track the ent polygons with points defined by their latitude and longitude. Processing regions
speed channel to provide an adaptive band-pass or band-stop fil- creates an output feature list for when the time series data on the first input pipe
Potential Damage Performs damage calculations for comparing tests including Convolution The glyph takes in time series data and performs a convolution ter that changes with speed.
between the primary data, and the secondary data (the secondary enters and leaves a region. The feature list can be used as input to a Graphical Editor
relative damage and damage intensity combinations.
data is usually an impulse or a filter response. Pulse To Speed Creates smoothed speed data from tachometer pulse signals glyph to enable time series data to be edited based on geographical regions.
Peak Valley Slice Shortens data by peak valley slicing across multiple channels
at turning points. Custom Fourier Filter Enables user specified filter characteristics to be applied Spectrum Weighting Adjusts frequency spectrum data based on built-in dB(A), dB(B), The GPS display can also use a channel to colour a data line in order to correlate a
dB(C) weightings or user-defined functions. parameter with location and shows a corresponding colour legend.
Markov Count Performs peak-valley and transition from-to histogram bin- Waterfall Display Provides dynamic 3D plotting of complex frequency data includ-
ning. ing active cursors, waterfall slices, colour surface plots, colour Waterfall Analysis Calculates frequency content with respect to speed for rotating The GPS Processing glyph reads GPS time series data and creates calculated channels
waterfall plots. An additional 2D plot of time series can also be machinery analysis and creates waterfall data. Without speed and test metadata. The calculated channels that are made depend on the channels in
Channel Comparison Compares statistics between channels. overlaid. defined, this glyph will also calculate frequency content at fixed the input file, and the glyph's property settings. Latitude and Longitude channels are
time intervals.
Drift Detection Finds drifting mean levels in data. Campbell Plot Display Provides a Campbell plot for complex frequency data by showing required. Speed, Altitude, and Heading can be optionally provided. Calculated chan-
Flat Line Detection Finds flat lines and drop out in data.
peaks in the data as circles or other shapes where the size of the Weighting Filter Applies built-in noise and vibration weighting filters to time series nels include speed, percent gradient, yaw rate and lateral acceleration. If additional
shape is proportional to magnitude of the peak. Options are pro- data including: vehicle parameters are provided, further calculations can be performed including esti-
Limit Detection Finds where data crosses defined limits. vided to control the number of peak values displayed. This ISO2631/UIC 513 Wk, Wd, Wf, Wc, We, Wj, Wb mates of braking power, engine power and steering angle. A Kalman smoothing
enables order relationships between frequency and speed to be ISO5349 - Wh option in included based on an internal physics model.
Spike Detection Finds spikes in data. identified in a 2D plot and is commonly used for rotating machin- A, B, C noise
Relative Damage Spec- Performs relative damage calculation for a range of fre- ery analysis.
trum quency bands using SN approach. It is well suited for calcu- Complex Frequency Input Accesses Complex Frequency data type
lating input for proving ground optimization using Test
Match glyph. Complex Frequency Out- Writes out complex frequency data type
put GPS Display Enables latitude and longitude GPS data to be plotted on a map or grid
PSD to Rainflow Calculates a rainflow cycle histogram from a PSD input, background. Mapping can use Microsoft 2006 or 2009 to be installed. A live
enabling fatigue analysis from frequency domain data. Scal- Complex Frequency Extracts data sets from complex frequency data including:
internet connection can access MapQuest Open for maps and satellite
ing, integration, and differentiation can be applied and also Manipulation Order cuts
imagery. Regions can be defined interactively using polygons to edit time
included in the output PSD. Waterfall X-slice series data based on geographical location. The GPS display can use a chan-
Waterfall Y-slice
Trend Removal Performs drift or offset corrections on time series data. Sig- nel to colour a data line with a colour map in order to correlate a parameter
Waterfall Sum to 2D with location.
nal drift can be removed using linear or polynomial curve fits
for either the whole signal or a section within the data. Frequency Response Calculates linear transfer functions for single input and single out-
GPS Processing Enables vehicle performance data to be estimated from low sample rate GPS
put systems including:
Auto spectrum of input
Takes as input longitude, latitude, speed, heading, and altitude GPS time
Auto spectrum of response
series channels, and produces conditioned versions of those inputs, and a
Cross Spectrum
set of calculated channels.
Rainflow module to perform advanced duty cycle combinations of rainflow Gain
histograms and extrapolations of rainflow histograms based on duration or Coherence
percentile usage.
KAMTranslate module for converting ACRA KAM-500 data.
nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification
NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027
nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification
NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027
Creep Analysis Performs creep calculation for time in hours to rupture. Inputs can be time Fatigue Editing is used to perform damage sensitive editing to generate shorter time Optimized Testing provides both linear and non-linear least squares optimization to
series data for stress and temperature; Stress and/or temperature can also series data that retain the required damage. This enables time savings in time domain find the best mix of tests to match a target test. The optimization methods can
be defined as constants. Output includes metadata results and creep dam- durability rig tests by removing the non or less damaging portions of data. (The either give the closest match of optimized proving ground schedules to match cus-
age time histories. The supported methods are Larson-Miller and Chaboche Fatigue option is a pre-requisite for Fatigue Editing.) tomer data.
and materials data from creep rupture tests is required for each method.
Open Glyph Enables data to be written out, external program run and data MATLAB (Specific General reading of
read back in. Can call any command line executable process/ format, V5 and V7 MAT-files requires
script such as Visual Basic, Visual Basic Script, Java, nCL, MathCAD, compressed.) Scripting glyph and
Fortran, C++. MATLAB license
Open Glyph Input Reads data in and runs external program Microsoft Waves files
Open Glyph Output Writes data out and runs external program MSC Adams .req
Moog SmarTEST
nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification
NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027
SoMat 2100 DAT nCode 10.0 is supported on the following platforms and operating systems: nCode Viewer is a free to use viewer for time series, histogram, multi-column and
complex frequency data using the XY Display, Histogram Display, Table Display,
MTS RPC3 Including floating point Waterfall Display and XYZ Display. On installing GlyphWorks, the nCode Viewer is
SoMat SIF Platform O/S Level associated with nCode data file formats so that data can be double-clicked in Win-
format (PC Format-Little
Endian). Pentium (IA-32) Windows 7 dows Explorer to be viewed. Other formats can be associated with nCode Viewer.
National Instruments Pentium (IA-64) Windows 7 64-bit, 8.1 A standalone zip of nCode Viewer is also available so that other uses can view nCode
DIAdem DAT data without installing GlyphWorks.
Pentium (IA-64) Red Hat Enterprise 6 (Linux)
National Instruments If a valid license of GlyphWorks is not available, the user also has the choice to run
TDM/TDMS Pentium (IA-64) Suse Linux 11.1 GlyphWorks in Free Viewer mode.
nCode DAC
ASCII via ASCIITranslate In Free Viewer mode, the following glyphs are available for unlimited use:
nCode s3t TSInput
CSV with header Comma, tab or
nVision Signal space separated Histogram Input
OROS oxf IPETRONIK TESTdrive Multi-column Input
In addition the default English interface, the following language options are avail- XYDisplay
Microsoft Excel
Saginomiya RFC able for GlyphWorks 11.0. Histogram Display
Moog AeroTEST dat, Suite 2011 Release German
Schenck-Pegasus SPG
hdr 2.0 (and above) sin-
Data Values Display
SoMat 2100 DAT gle dat file is also French Metadata Display
SoMat SIE Now contains TCESetup Japanese Copy to clipboard from displays contains watermark.
file in metadata nCode s3m
Some aspects of the software (such as glyph properties, keywords) remain in English
Sony PCScanII & III regardless of language setting. Please refer to installation guide for more details.
Sony PCScanIV XMX GlyphWorks User Guide is provided in English, French and German.
UFF I-DEAS Universal
Type 58
Vector 3.1 mdf Some data read as multi- Formats supported by Not supported on
column Windows Media Player XP 64
nCode DAC
nCode s3h
nCode XML
nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification nCode GlyphWorks® 11.0 Specification
NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027 NC-SP-GW 11.00.027