Science Lesson Plan

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Daily Lesson Plan

School: Grade Level: V

Teacher: Learning Area: Science

Date: Quarter: Third


a. Content standard The learners demonstrate understanding of motion in terms of distance and time

b. Performance The learners should be able to propose an unusual tool or device using electromagnet that
standard is useful for home school or community
c. Learning Identify types of motion
Competency S5FE-IIIa-1 PP 79
II. CONTENT Describing the Motion of an Object by Tracing Change in Position (distance travelled)
Over a Period of Time

a. References

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional
Materials from
b. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Reviewing or Write the word FACT if the statement is correct and

presenting the new word BLUFF if it is incorrect. (answer may vary)
lesson __a.. Kilogram is the standard of unit for weight.
__b. Using the proper measuring instruments give exact
__c. Centimeter is used for measuring short distances.
__d. The SI unit is accepted all over the word.
b. Establishing a
purpose for the A video presentation:
What have you seen in the video presented?
What is motion?

(Answers may vary)

c. Presenting examples 2. Measure and record the distance it travels.

of the lesson
(Answers may vary)

d. Discussing new
concepts and Group Reporting / Presentation of the Output
practicing new skills Sharing of results
e. Discussing new 1. What objects in the surrounding can you use as Answer may vary
concepts and reference point to tell that the girl has moved?
practicing new skills 2. What made you think that the girl has moved?
#2 3. Can you describe how the girl has changed her
position from the gate of the house?
4. Using the vehicle as your reference point, where
will the position of the girl be if she walked a few
more steps?
5. What happens to the position of an object when
there is motion?

f. Developing Mastery How do you describe motion? Complete the graphic


Reference point
g. Finding practical Why is the movement of an object important?
applications of
concepts and skills
in daily living

h. Making How will you describe the motion of an object?

generalizations and * When you apply force on any object, the object
abstractions about will move and change its position.
the lesson * Motion is a change in position measured by
distance and time. Motion depends on the distance
travelled and the length of time.
* When an object changes position over time when
compared with a reference point we say that the
object is in motion.
* All movement are compared with a background
that is assumed stationary. This background is
called a point or frame of reference.

i. Evaluating learning Direction: Put check (/) if the objects are in motion
and cross(x) if not. Check
__1.Pulling a cart X
__2.Picture frame hanging on the wall Check
__3.A boy running X
__4.Pushing a tree check
__5. A rolling ball

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