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IGCSE English Language B (9-1) STRUCTURE

General SQuID Analysis for STRUCTURE

1 C Cyclical Structure as the text starts with ‘X’ and it To emphasise and make it The readers are forced to compare what has
ends with ‘X’. more memorable. changed in the middle and whether or not it has Page | 1
made a lasting impression on the outcome.
2 D Dialogues/Monologues ‘He needs to shut It breaks up the narrative It defines the characters' voices, establishes their
up!’ retorted Harry. and gives us more detail speech patterns, exposes the inner emotions, and
about which characters are showcases their character development.
It makes the readers feel as though they are
hearing the direct words of the characters
themselves and hence gives them an immersive
Flashback ‘Three months ago…’ To add detail It gives insight into a character's current
to show readers a scene that motivation and emotional state.
unfolded in the past.
It shows an event that happened years before the
story begins, which is vitally important for the
3 F reader to know in order to fully understand the
tension or mysterious circumstances of the current
Foreshadow ‘It wasn’t a good holiday.’ To build dramatic tension It makes the reader wonder what will happen
and suspense. next, and keeps them reading to find out. It
prepares the readers emotionally for the big
4 L List ‘chocolates, cookies, cream and To convey factual By giving a list, the writer is providing multiple
milk’ information succinctly. To arguments to sway the reader, and furthermore,
write in an organized targeting multiple readers at once in case one
manner, and make it easy to particular argument or idea is not persuasive to a
remember. particular person.

©Sheikh Mohammad Ishtiak | Ardent Education | Epsilon Int’l (UK) | English Alphabets
IGCSE English Language B (9-1) STRUCTURE
5 L Long Sentence ‘This is a long sentence…’ To slow down the pace and The longer the sentence, the less readers
take time to add important comprehend.
OR detail about…

Long Paragraph ‘The area is…big.’ --------------- This creates a vivid image for readers and Page | 2
To describe something in effectively build the scene.
detail. Large chunks of text on a page can turn readers
To show importance. away.
6 S Short Sentence ‘This is a short sentence’ To build dramatic tension Shorter sentences increase understanding.
and suspense. A message written in a string of short sentences is
OR To increase the pace and choppy.
---------------- make the action seem live. ----------------------
Short Paragraph ‘This is a short paragraph…’ To create a sense of rapid This makes your writing more inviting and easier
movement or events to read. Shorter paragraphs with white space
happening quickly. between is more welcoming for them.

To show importance. Content that is broken up into more digestible

To quickly talk about groups of sentences keeps readers engaged.
7 S Subheadings ‘How to make friends in school’ To make the text coherent This makes The text look neat and clean, and more
and easy to follow. precise helping the readers find what they are
looking for.
8 T Tone Change ‘optimistic to pessimistic’, ‘happy To make the writing more It helps the readers interpret the writer’s attitude
to sad’, ‘positive to negative’, interesting and avoid on the subject and perceive the writer's true
‘skeptical to reassuring’, etc. monotony. intentions.
Zoom In To slow down the pace and As the writer zoom in, new details appear to the
show something more readers that were previously invisible.
Zoom Out To reduce the visible detail This creates in the reader's mind a bird's eye view,
9 Z and create an ever-widening or aerial shot, of the setting.
context and panorama.

©Sheikh Mohammad Ishtiak | Ardent Education | Epsilon Int’l (UK) | English Alphabets
IGCSE English Language B (9-1) STRUCTURE


1 C Cyclical Structure as the text starts with ‘X’ and it To emphasise and make it The readers are forced to compare what has
ends with ‘X’. more memorable. changed in the middle and whether or not it has Page | 3
made a lasting impression on the outcome.
2 D Dialogues/Monologues ‘He needs to shut It breaks up the narrative It defines the characters' voices, establishes their
up!’ retorted Harry. and gives us more detail speech patterns, exposes the inner emotions, and
about which characters are showcases their character development.
It makes the readers feel as though they are
hearing the direct words of the characters
themselves and hence gives them an immersive
Flashback ‘Three months ago…’ To add detail It gives insight into a character's current
to show readers a scene that motivation and emotional state.
unfolded in the past.
It shows an event that happened years before the
story begins, which is vitally important for the
3 F reader to know in order to fully understand the
tension or mysterious circumstances of the current
Foreshadow ‘It wasn’t a good holiday.’ To build dramatic tension It makes the reader wonder what will happen
and suspense. next, and keeps them reading to find out. It
prepares the readers emotionally for the big
4 L List ‘chocolates, cookies, cream and To convey factual By giving a list, the writer is providing multiple
milk’ information succinctly. To arguments to sway the reader, and furthermore,
write in an organized targeting multiple readers at once in case one
manner, and make it easy to particular argument or idea is not persuasive to a
remember. particular person.

©Sheikh Mohammad Ishtiak | Ardent Education | Epsilon Int’l (UK) | English Alphabets

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