Activity 1 HPP

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Activity 1

1. The cellular unit of the nervous system is the neuron. What is the major function of this cell type?
 Receiving sensory input or messages delivered and transmitted from the external or internal
environment. They are specialized cells which translate information from our different senses
such as sight, hear, touch, taste, and smell into an Action Potential.
2. The supporting cells, or neuroglia, have numerous functions. Name three.
 Provides structural support
 Regulate neuronal signalling
 Contributes to the blood-brain barrier.
3. Match each statement with a response chosen from the key.
Central Nervous system 1. the brain and spinal cord collectively
Synaptic Cleft 2. a tiny gap that separates two neurons
Ganglion 3. a collection of nerve cell bodies found outside the central nervous system
Interneuron 4. neuron connecting sensory and motor neurons
Tract 5. neuron processes running through the CNS
Nuclei 6. collections of nerve cell bodies inside the CNS
Efferent Neuron 7. neuron that conducts impulses away from the CNS to muscles and glands
Afferent Neuron 8. neuron that conducts impulses toward the CNS from the body periphery
Neurotransmitters 9. chemicals released by axon terminals
Neuroglia 10. specialized supporting cells of the nervous system

5. How is one-way conduction at synapses ensured?

 The body of a neuron receives an electrical signal from the sense that was triggered, when the
electrical signal reaches the end of the axon and enters to the synapse, the electrical signal releases
a neurotransmitters that flow across the synapse onto the next neuron’s dendrites. The dendrites
will then translate the chemical substance back into an electrical signal, creating a neural
6. What anatomical characteristic determines whether a particular neuron is classified as unipolar, bipolar, or
 The arrangement of the dendrites and the cell body or soma determines whether a particular
neuron is classified as unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar.
7. Describe how the Schwann cells form the myelin sheath and the neurilemma encasing an axon. (You may
want to diagram the process.)
 Myelin sheaths are form by the Schwann cell in the PNS or Peripheral Nervous System, They
repeatedly wrap around a segment of an axon to form a series of tightly wrapped cell membranes,
which also pushes the cell's cytoplasm and other organelles to the periphery or edge of the cell.
8. Correctly identify the sensory (afferent) neuron, interneuron, and motor (efferent) neuron in the figure below.
Which of these neuron types is/are unipolar? Sensory Neuron
Which is/are most likely multipolar? Motor Neuron

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