NRG 402 Lecture - Controlling

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- aka: free-form review

➢ involved comparing actual results with projected results
- appraiser describes in narrative form an
➢ performance is measured against predetermined
employee’s strengths and areas where
improvement or growth is needed
➢ controlling or evaluating is an on-going function of
➢ self-appraisals
management which occurs during planning, organizing,
- employees are being asked to submit written
and directing activities
summaries or portfolios of their work-related
accomplishments and productivity as part of the
➢ ensures that quality nursing care is provided ➢ management by objectives
➢ allows for the setting of sensible objectives and ensures - excellent tool for determining an individual
compliance with them employee’s progress seldom used in health care
➢ provides standards for establishing comparisons ➢ peer review
➢ promotes visibility and a means for employees to monitor - peers carry out monitoring and assessing work
their own performance performance
➢ highlights problems related quality care and determines ➢ the 360-degree evaluation
the areas that require priority attention - adaptation of peer review, and a new addition to
➢ provides an indication of the costs of poor quality performance appraisal tools
➢ justifies the use of resources - includes an assessment by all individuals within
➢ provides feedback for improvement the sphere of influence of the individual being
➢ phe primary purpose is to give constructive feedback PRINCIPLE OF EVALUATION
➢ serve as developmental tools ➢ the evaluation must be based on the behavioral standards
of performance which the position requires
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL TOOLS ➢ the evaluation should have enough time to observe
employee’s behavior
➢ trait rating scale ➢ the employee should be given a copy of the job
- a method of rating a person against a set description, performance standards, and evaluation
standard, which may be the job description, conference
desired behaviors, or personal traits. ➢ the employee’s performance appraisal should include both
➢ job dimension scale satisfactory and unsatisfactory results with specific
- tool require that a rating scale be constructed for behavioral instances to exemplify these evaluative
each job classification rating factors are taken comments
from the context of the written job description ➢ areas needing improvement must be prioritized to help the
➢ behaviorally anchored rating scales worker upgrade his/her performance
- requires that a separate rating form be ➢ the evaluation conference should be scheduled and
developed for each job classification conducted at a convenient time for the rater and the
- grounded in desired behaviors can be used to employee
improve performance and keep employees ➢ the evaluation report and conference should be structured
focused on the vision and mission of the in such a way that is perceived and accepted positively as
organization a means of improving job description

➢ a specific type of controlling
➢ refers to activities that are used to evaluate, monitor, or
regulate services rendered to consumers


➢ needs to be supported by top-level administration
➢ sincere commitment by the institution, as evidenced by
fiscal and human resource support
➢ process of quality control must be ongoing
➢ who should be involve in quality control?
- quality control requires evaluating the
performance of all members of the
multidisciplinary team
➢ checklist - patients should also be actively involved in the
- weighted scale, forced checklist, simple determination of an organization’s quality of
checklist are some of the types under this tool care


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STEPS IN QUALITY CONTROL PROCESS ➢ create a constancy of purpose for the improvement of
➢ establish control criteria products and service
➢ identify info relevant to criteria ➢ adopt a philosophy of continual improvement
➢ determine ways to collect info ➢ focus on improving processes, not on inspection of
➢ collect & analyze info product
➢ compare collected info with established criteria ➢ end the practice of awarding business on price alone;
➢ make judgment about quality instead, minimize total cost by working with a single
➢ provide information and, if necessary, take corrective supplier
action regarding findings reevaluation ➢ constantly improve every process for planning, production,
and service. institute job training and retraining
AUDITS ➢ develop the leadership in the organization
➢ drive out fear by encouraging employees to participate
➢ measurement tools
actively in the process
➢ is a systematic and official examination of a record,
➢ foster interdepartmental cooperation and break down
process, structure, environment, or account to evaluate
barriers between department
eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the
➢ auditing can occur retrospectively, concurrently, or
➢ focus on quality and not just quantity; eliminate quota
➢ types of audits
systems if they are in place
- retrospective audits
➢ promote teamwork rather than individual
● performed after the patient receives
accomplishments. eliminate the annual rating or merit
the service
- concurrent audits
educate/train employees to maximize personal
● performed while the patient is
receiving the service
➢ charge all employees with carrying out the tqm package
- prospective audits
● attempt to identify how future
performance will be affected by TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM
current interventions ➢ it is a production system built on the complete elimination
of waste and focused on the pursuit of the most efficient
production method possible
➢ “toyota members seek to continually improve their
➢ outcome audit standard processes and procedures in order to ensure
- can be defined as the end result of care maximum quality, improve efficiency and eliminate waste
- determine what results, if any, occurred as a ➢ this is known as kaizen and is applied to every sphere of
result of specific nursing interventions for the company’s activities
patients ➢ health-care organizations that use tps would have
➢ process audit caregivers not only attempt to directly solve problems at
- measure how nursing care is provided the time they occur, but it would also have them determine
- assumes a connection between the process and the root cause of the problem, so that the likelihood of the
the quality of care problem recurring would be minimized
➢ structure audit
- assume that a relationship exists between
quality care and appropriate structure
- includes resource inputs such as the
environment in which health care is delivered


➢ over the past several decades, the american health-care
system has moved from a quality assurance (QA) model
to one focused on quality improvement (QI)

➢ total quality management (tqm)
- referred to as continuous quality improvement
- developed by dr. w. edward deming
- one of the hallmarks of japanese management
➢ total quality management (tqm)
- it assumes that production and service focus on
the individual and that quality can always be
- identifying and doing the right things, the right
way, the first time, and problem-prevention
planning—not inspection and reactive problem-
solving—lead to quality outcomes.


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