Exercise 3 4

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Ihe corrpany hou dicpoce tho tbrry yea

Exevciçe 3

-2 friendr Simiyu Ohene own a piece f land

and a pick up repecbhvely

Current value is 2 million -Land,

4.8 million Pick -up.

The land apprecater at vate of 44 of cuYront value

and the pickup depreciabes at rabe of 7 of current value

The Auo frie nde have agreed to erchange their acrehr

ah a point where no add thional oaument wnl be mde

(Same value) to oither f bhe m. hetermine the no. of

atber which the 2 friends wil exchange heir

respecive agrets


Curent value land 2,00,o00 Y°L)
(Yo) pick-up 4,8D0 000 4O
Appreciabhon fornula

bepreciabn for mala Vo (i-)

Vo= Prineiple /originad value. of asset
Y=rabe (uçualy a b)

LANE(T) PlCkue)
2000,0 0o (1+

4,860,obD (1-o.0)
we equabe the a nides because we have been

told thak after land appre ciabes 3 piek -up deprecktj

the value wil be equal hey will be exchanggd

thout additonal gay mant on ether side.

2,000,0o0 (1+.ow) =4300,0bo (1-o.03

Smphfy innide brackete

2,00o ooo (1.09)=480o,boD (0.q:)

Siide both ides by 2, million, bo renan

wth exponenhal on the lefe

2. 4
-4204,000- (o.92)

binde both des by (0.43)

(.o4) a.4


Nohice Hhab he numeratwr denominalbr on Hhe

left nde, have bhe came po wer. (b can thus be wnte

1.04 2.4


To undo muttiplicabion We mucb


lo undo
Square on a number, we
muct find Square roob

bito un do n xpenera we fnd tbs

inverse (which is a loqaribm).
Power b, becomes a
Inverce on the calculotor ic denotec bu n

:04 o.43) In (a4)

>E(o.12) 0.8755

bivide both cidec by 0-l|a b fnd t

Ot12 0.8755 -7.82 uears

Ihe valueg will be equal after

Eernptett Exercise 4

XY2 2022 2023


eost 180,330o o0

daba har been obtain ed from the bosks

The follpuwing
st Uwezo lbd

Obtain fixed cost

profit realized if Vayiable ogt incured ic Iolh

(i)BEP in value.

Prohtlobal Revenue (hxed cost 4 Variabla

Reavranqing the formula to nake revenue

Revenue fiyod cod + Variable ot t prbft

+800,Doo 330,000

+ 500, o00 180o0D

Group ike ferms.

Sutbract the 2 egns to eliminate a.

Note thab we hormalu ubhra o the later year

minus the earlierCie.2028a022.b see how

much groth act reven ue has arouon/changod


-0+ 450, 000

This implies hab 20a3 Revenue war 450,Do

morehan that of 20a2, |f we add 450,00b o

the Pevenue funchon Gf 2022 t w1thus be
equal to revenue of 20a3. funchon,

lat 680,DDD+)450900 at l130 9

Dpening bra ckets:

L,130,bDD ta = (
LA30,0o0 1, 130,ooD

No f suriable cocts were incured.


0)) Pro Fit reelizcl i vanable coct incuwed ic,000,u

= Rev (a
onthu nt

t b)

profit. 2R(,00b,ov)
Ascuming Hhat Ric aun gtanb (Rate of revenue

change is consant !We know Ras130,oe

Profik= Revenae
(+ Rate f Rev, chanael



-1130,0o01 G6
FL,13o,000 (.66 8

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