Lecture 22
Lecture 22
Lecture 22
EE-440: Electrical Machines
• Squirrel Cage - no windings and no slip rings: A cage induction motor rotor
consists of a series of conducting bars laid into slots carved in the face of the
rotor and shorted at either end by large shorting rings.
• Wound rotor - It has 3 phase windings, usually Y connected, and the
winding ends are connected via slip rings. The rotor windings are shorted
through brushes riding on the slip rings.
Wound rotor are known to be more expensive due to its maintenance cost to
upkeep the slip rings, carbon brushes and also rotor windings.
Induction Motors
Squirrel Cage Rotor Wound Rotor
Basic Induction Motor Concepts
The Development of Induced Torque in an Induction Motor:
When current flows in the stator, it will produce a magnetic field in
stator as such that Bs (stator magnetic field) will rotate at a speed:
Hence there will be rotor current flow which would be lagging due to
the fact that the rotor has an inductive element. And this rotor current
will produce a magnetic field at the rotor, Br .
Basic Induction Motor Concepts
Hence the interaction between both magnetic field would give torque:
Conclusion : An induction
motor can thus speed up
to near synchronous
speed but it can never
reach synchronous
The Concept of Rotor Slip
The induced voltage at the rotor bar is dependent upon the relative
speed between the stator magnetic field and the rotor. This can be
easily termed as slip speed:
Using the ratio of slip, we may also determine the rotor speed:
The Electrical Frequency on the Rotor
An induction motor is similar to a rotating transformer where the
primary is similar to the stator and the secondary would be a rotor. But
unlike a transformer, the secondary frequency may not be the same as
in the primary.
If the rotor is locked (cannot move), the rotor would have the same
frequency as the stator (refer to transformer concept). Another way to
look at it is to see that when the rotor is locked, rotor speed drops to
zero, hence by default, slip is 1. But as the rotor starts to rotate, the
rotor frequency would reduce, and when the rotor turns at
synchronous speed, the frequency on the rotor will be zero.