STUDENT - 2024 - 25 Mock GCSE Subject Guidance

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Subject guidance
In this booklet the topics which may be assessed in the mock exams and signposts for revision


Arabic Reading and Writing 2

Art: Fine Art 4

Art: Photography 5

Biology (Separate, Double) 6-7

Business 8

Chemistry (Separate, Double) 9-10

Computer Science 11

Economics 12

English Language 14

English Literature 15

Film Studies 16

French 17

Further Maths 18

Geography 19-20

German 21

History 22-23

ICT 24

Maths Core/Higher 25-27

Physics (Separate, Double) 28-29

Psychology 30

Religious Studies 21

Spanish 32-33

Name of subject: Arabic Length of paper: 2 hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Paper 1: Listening (25% of the overall mark). Carlos Ortuno
Head of Subject MFL (Y8 to Y11)
This will be assessed in class in Week 9. (50
Please ensure you contact your explore teacher first.
Paper 2: Reading (25% of the overall mark).

This will be assessed in Week 10. (1hr)

Paper 3: Speaking (this will be done as a

recording during the 2-week exam window)
(25% of the overall mark) 8-10 mins Week 8

Paper 4: Writing (25% of overall mark).

This will be assessed in Week 11. (1hr)

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Cambridge IGCSE Arabic - Foreign Language (0544) See specification

Paper 1 – Listening

This paper consists of multiple-choice and matching questions. Candidates answer all questions by
selecting the correct option or options. Candidates hear each recorded text twice. At the end of the test
candidates will be asked to transfer their answers onto the separate answer sheet.

Paper 2 – Reading

This paper consists of six groups of questions, each comprising a number of multiple-choice and
matching questions, as well as questions requiring short answers in Arabic.

Paper 3 - Speaking

Approximately 10 minutes (plus 10 minutes of preparation time), 40 marks

Each speaking test lasts approximately 10 minutes and is structured as follows:

• one role play – candidates respond to five transactional questions (approx two minutes)
• two topic conversations – candidates respond to questions on each topic to share views, opinions
and experiences (four minutes per topic conversation).

Paper 4 – Writing

This paper consists of:

• Fill in a form with single words or short phrases in response to a given context.
• complete a directed writing task in about 80–90 words on a familiar, everyday topic.
• Candidates choose between two tasks (an email/letter and an article/blog) and complete one of
these in about 130–140 words.

Revision guidance
Everyone will have their own revision technique that works for them: revising vocabulary by topic area,
using mind maps, watching Netflix in Arabic to revise for listening for example. You can also ask your
teacher for extra ideas!

Resources available to you

- Classroom notes - Quizlet

- Revision books - Memrise
- Recorded lessons - Languagenut

Name of subject: Art & Design: Fine Art Length of exam: 1 hour
Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Students will work on their portfolio under Art Joanna Middleburgh
Exam conditions
Content covered (syllabus reference)
IGCSE Art and Design (Fine Art) 4FA1
Component 1 Portfolio (Exam Preparations for Final Piece)
Revision guidance
Review the exam conditions and rules
Exam Conditions and Rules

• Each student will need to show their entire workspace and computer screen on camera using a
webcam before the session can start. Students do this one by one on screen whilst others can
see, so please ensure your workspace is appropriate for the exam.
• Webcams should show entire workspace including your computer. Do not pause or turn off your
camera. Mics on at all times.
• Students must upload a photo of their final work and/or upload final digital files before leaving the
room at the end of the exam session.

Join Instructions
At the specified time for the mock exam, please join your normal explore lesson. You will need your
project work, your art materials and a separate webcam.

Accessing your Mock Lesson on the learning platform

> Student Hub > Quicklinks > Learning Platform

> Click on your Art Mock > Click ‘Join the Class’ on home page > Click ‘Join’

Name of subject: Art & Design: Length of exam: 1 hour

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Students will work on their portfolio under Joanna Middleburgh
Photography Exam conditions
Content covered (syllabus reference)
IGCSE Art and Design (Photography) 4PY1
Component 1 Portfolio (Exam Preparations for Final Piece)
Revision guidance
Review the exam conditions and rules
Exam Conditions and Rules

• Each student will need to show their entire workspace and computer screen on camera using a
webcam before the session can start. Students do this one by one on screen whilst others can
see, so please ensure your workspace is appropriate for the exam.
• Webcams should show entire workspace including your computer. Do not pause or turn off your
camera. Mics on at all times.
• Photographers need to screen-share their digital work alongside their webcam.
• Students must upload a photo of their final work and/or upload final digital files before leaving the
room at the end of the exam session.

Join Instructions
At the specified time for the mock exam, please join your normal explore lesson. You will need your
project work, your art materials and a separate webcam.

Accessing your Mock Lesson on the learning platform

> Student Hub > Quicklinks > Learning Platform

> Click on your Photography Mock > Click ‘Join the Class’ on home page > Click ‘Join’

Name of subject: Biology (Separate) Length of paper: 2 hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Mixture of multiple-choice, short & long Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email
answer questions; practical skills and data address prior to the mock period.
analysis may also be assessed.
Joanna Jones (Head of Biology)

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Unit 1: Organisms & Life Processes:

• Life Processes
• The Variety of Living Organisms

Unit 2: Animal Physiology

• Breathing & Gas Exchange

• Food & Digestion
• Blood & Circulation
• Coordination
• Chemical Coordination
• Homeostasis & Excretion
• Reproduction in Humans

Unit 3: Plant Physiology

• Plants & Food

• Transport in Plants
• Chemical Coordination in Plants

Revision guidance

• Sources of information: classnotes, previous Apply tasks, textbook

• Past paper questions & mark schemes sorted by topic:
• Try some activities on Seneca Learning:

Name of subject: Biology (Double) Length of paper: 2 hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Mixture of multiple-choice, short & long Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email
answer questions; practical skills and data address prior to the mock period.
analysis may also be assessed.
Joanna Jones (Head of Biology)

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Unit 1: The Nature and Variety of Living Organisms

• Characteristics of Living Organisms

• Variety of Organisms

Unit 2: Structure and Functions in Living Organisms

• Levels of Organization
• Cell Structure
• Biological Molecules
• Movement of Substances Into and Out of Cells
• Nutrition
• Respiration
• Gas Exchange
• Transport
• Excretion
• Coordination & Response

Unit 3 – Reproduction & Inheritance

• Sexual & Asexual Reproduction

• Human Reproduction

Unit 5: Uses of Biological Resources

• Food production

Revision guidance

• Sources of information: classnotes, previous Apply tasks, textbook

• Past paper questions & mark schemes sorted by topic:
• Try some activities on Seneca Learning:

Name of subject: Business Length of paper 1 hour 30 mins

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
This paper will draw on topics taken from the Kath Thomas
four units of subject content. The question
scenarios are based on a small business and a Or your Explore teacher.
large business with two case studies.

Examination of 1 hour and 30 minutes,

consisting of four compulsory questions, each
worth 20 marks – total of 80 marks.

The sub-questions are a mixture of multiple-

choice, short-answer, data-response and
open-ended questions.

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Unit 1 – Business activity and influences on business
Unit 2 – People in Business
Unit 3 – Business finance
Unit 5 – Business operations

Revision guidance
Read over notes to check understanding have a go at past paper material and remember to ensure you have
a clear revision timetable & STICK TO IT

Don’t avoid those topics you find tricky! You can always email your explore teacher to seek extra help and

In addition to your textbook, class notes and learning materials from this year and last, on the Learning
Platform you will find, links to revision websites for business, past papers and mark schemes, a series of
GCSE PODs, revision booklets and all lesson PowerPoints from Year 10.

Name of subject: Chemistry (Separate) Length of paper: 2 hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
A mix of multiple choice, short answer and long Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email
answer questions. address prior to the mock period.

Amna Haider (Head of Chemistry):
Content covered

Revision guidance

• Class notes, Apply tasks, textbook, your classmates, your Explore Leader of Learning.
• Past paper questions & mark schemes sorted by topic

Name of subject: Chemistry (Double Length of paper: 2 hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
A mix of multiple choice, short answer and long Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email address
answer questions. prior to the mock period.

Amna Haider (Head of Chemistry):
Content covered

Revision guidance

• Class notes, Apply tasks, textbook, your classmates, your Explore Leader of Learning.
• Past paper questions & mark schemes sorted by topic

Name of Subject: Computer Science Length of Paper: 1 hour 45 minutes

Structure of Paper Teacher Contact
Mixture of multiple-choice, short & long Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email address
answer questions and practical Python prior to the mock period.
Carrie Preddy (Head of Computer Science)

Content Covered (syllabus reference)

Topic 1: Problem Solving
• 1.1 – Algorithms
• 1.2 - Decomposition & Abstraction
Topic 2: Programming
• 2.1 Develop code
• 2.2 Constructs
• 2.3 Data types and structures
• 2.4 Input/Output
• 2.5 Operators
Topic 3: Data
• 3.1 Binary
• 3.2 Data representation
• 3.3 Data storage and compression
Topic 4: Computers
• 4.2 Hardware
• 4.3 Logic
• 4.4 Software
Topic 5: Communication & the Internet
• 5.1 Networks
Revision Guidance
• Personal learning checklists – Book Creator
• Subject Knowledge Organisers – Book Creator
• Craig n Dave You Tube
• Learn Learn website covering full iGCSE
• Mr Bulmer you tube channel
• BBC Bitesize Edexcel

Name of subject: Economics Length of paper: 1 hour 30 mins

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Four compulsory questions, each worth 20
marks. The sub questions are a mixture of
multiple-choice, short-answer, data response
and open-ended questions.
Content covered (syllabus reference)
1.1 The Market System
1.2 Business Economics

1.1 The market System

• The economic problem
• Economic assumptions
• Demand, supply and market equilibrium
• Elasticity
• The mixed economy
• Externalities
1.2 Business Economics
• Production
• Productivity and division of labour
• Business costs, revenues and profit
• Business competition
• The labour market
• Government intervention

Revision guidance
1.1.1 The economic Problem & PPC
1.1.2 Economic Assumptions
1.1.3 The Demand Curve, The Supply Curve and Factors that may shift demand and supply
1.1.4 Price elasticity of demand, Price elasticity of supply and income elasticity
1.1.5 The mixed economy
1.1.6 Externalities

1.2.1 The factors of production and sectors of the economy

1.2.2 Productivity and division of labour
1.2.3 Business costs, revenue and profits
1.2.4 Competitive markets, advantages and disadvantages of large and small firms, Monopolies and
1.2.5 The impact of changes in the supply and demand for labour and trade union activity in labour markets.
The labour market
1.2.6 Government intervention

Create a revision timetable which covers all the topics, especially the hard ones!
• Read over notes to check understanding.
• Create flashcards of definitions.
• Create mind maps showing how different concepts are related.
• Complete past exam questions.

You can always email your explore teacher to seek extra help and support.

In addition to your textbook, class notes and learning materials from this year, on the learning platform in
your economics course, you will find links to revision websites for economics past papers, videos and
revision notes.

Name of subject: English Language Length of paper: 2 hours 15 minutes

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Section A: Reading – a mixture of short- and
long-answer questions related to a nonfiction
text from Part 1 of the Pearson Edexcel
International GCSE English Anthology and one
previously unseen extract. Total of 45 marks.

Section B: Transactional Writing – one 45-mark

writing task, from a choice of two involving a
given audience, form or purpose.
Content covered (syllabus reference)
Section A: Non-fiction
• There will be a mixture of short- and long-answer questions related to a non-fiction text from Part 1 of the
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology and one previously unseen extract.
Part 1: Unit 1 Section A Non-fiction texts
From The Danger of a Single Story, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
From A Passage to Africa, George Alagiah
From The Explorer’s Daughter, Kari Herbert
Explorers or boys messing about? Either way, taxpayer gets rescue bill, Steven Morris
From 127 Hours: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Aron Ralston
Young and dyslexic? You’ve got it going on, Benjamin Zephaniah
From A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat, Emma Levine
From Beyond the Sky and the Earth: A Journey into Bhutan, Jamie Zeppa
From H is for Hawk, Helen Macdonald
Questions will test the following assessment objectives:
AO1 read and understand a variety of texts, selecting and interpreting information, ideas and perspectives
AO2 understand and analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects
AO3 explore links and connections between writers’ ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are

Section B: Transactional Writing

• There will be one writing task, based on a choice of two prompts involving a given audience, form or
Questions will test the following assessment objectives:
AO4 communicate effectively and imaginatively, adapting form, tone and register of writing for specific
purposes and audiences
AO5 write clearly, using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures, with appropriate paragraphing and
accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Revision guidance
• Revise the texts in Part A of the International Anthology.
• Use the ‘Revision’ area on the Learning Platform.

Name of subject: English Literature Length of paper: 1 hour 20 minutes

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Section A: Unseen Poetry. You will answer one
20 mark question. The poem will be
reproduced in the exam.

Section B: Modern Prose Text. You will answer

one 40-mark essay question from a choice of
two questions from the list of set tests - The
Whale Rider is taught at iGCSE at King’s

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Section A: Unseen Poetry
Apply knowledge of poetic form, content and meaning to an unseen poem.
• demonstrate understanding of how writers create literary effects using, for example, imagery, descriptive
skills, language choice, tone and mood, structure and form
• understand and use appropriate literary terminology
• identify and use relevant examples from the poem.
The question will test the following assessment objective:
AO2 Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects.

Section B: Modern Prose – ‘The Whale Rider’

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ‘The Whale Rider’
Show understanding of the relationship between The Whale Rider and the context in which it was written.
• demonstrate a close understanding of ‘The Whale Rider’
• maintain a critical style
• present an informed personal engagement
• identify and use relevant examples from their prose text
• understand the influence of contextual factors on the interpretation of texts.
This question will test the following assessment objectives:
AO1 Demonstrate a close knowledge and understanding of texts, maintaining a critical style and presenting an
informed personal engagement
AO4 Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written This
component is a closed book examination and learners may not take texts into the examination.
Revision guidance
• Reread the modern prose text (The Whale Rider for King’s InterHigh students)
• Revisit the material from Week 1 – Week 4 on the Learning Platform for unseen poetry revision.
• Revisit the material from Week 5 – Week 9 on the Learning Platform for The Whale Rider revision.

Name of subject: Film Studies Length of paper: 1hr 30 minutes

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
FILM STUDIES – Component 2 Mr. C Stavri
Global Film: Narrative, Representation and
Film Style

Content covered (syllabus reference)

SECTION A: Global English language film (produced outside US) - District 9
SECTION B: Global non-English language film - Tsotsi
Section C: Contemporary UK film (produced after 2010) -Submarine

Revision guidance
You must revise the following:

• Key Film Terms (Cinematography/Editing/Mise-en-scene/Sound/Narrative)

• The narrative structure of District 9 with special focus on the climax of the film and how editing and
cinematography helps tell the story of the film
• The representation of female characters in Tsotsi and social and historical context with close focus
on how the characters have been influenced by their culture and society
• The costume and overall mise-en-scene used in Submarine and its overall aesthetic influences and
genres conventions

There are revision booklets available for D9 and Tsotsi and a ‘Knowledge organiser’ for Submarine (all in book
creator). The films should also be available to watch on the learning platform.

Also use your notes on these films from our Year 10 studies and any tests or assignments you have completed

Name of subject: French Length of paper: 1hr 45

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
There are 3 papers: Carlos Ortuno
Head of Subject MFL (Y8 to Y11)
Paper 1: Listening (25% of the overall mark). 35
mins. Week 9 Explore
Please ensure you contact your explore teacher first.
Paper 2: Reading and Writing (50% of the overall
mark) 1hr 45 mins
Paper 3: Speaking (this will be done as a
recording during the 2 week exam window)
(25% of the overall mark) 8-10 mins Week 8
Content covered (syllabus reference)
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in French (4FR1) See specification

Paper 1: Seven questions, which are a combination of multiple-choice, multiple-matching, note-taking and
gap-fill questions. All five topic areas are assessed.

Paper 2: Section A: Reading Five questions, which are a combination of multiple-choice, note-taking, gap-fill
and short-answer questions.

Section B: Writing There are two open-response writing tasks. There is also a grammar task which requires
writing 10 words from a paragraph in their correct form depending on their function in the sentence (mainly verbs
and adjectives). Each task in this section is linked to a specific topic area.

Paper 3: The examination is made up of three tasks (A, B and C). Students will present and answer questions on
a picture that is related to one of the topic areas. They will also discuss two different topics, chosen at random
by the teacher.

Revision guidance

Everyone will have their own revision technique that works for them: revising vocabulary by topic area, using
mind maps, watching Netflix in French to revise for listening for example. You can also ask your teacher for extra

Resources available to you

- Classroom notes
- Revision books
- Recorded lessons
- Quizlet
- Memrise
- Languagenut

Name of subject: Further Maths Length of paper – 2 hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
A mix of short and long questions covering the Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email
content from Year 10 and beginning of Year 11. address prior to the mock period.

Calculator allowed for all questions Liz Kendrick (Head of Maths Faculty)

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Surds, Binomial, Sectors/segments, Arithmetic series, Vectors, Coordinate Geometry, Completing the
Square, Geometric Series, Log equations, Discriminant, Factor Theorem, Solutions of equations using graphs

Revision guidance

1. Use the topic checklist and highlight topics by difficulty to identify which areas to concentrate your
revision on
2. Make flashcards or posters with key formulae and equations
3. Use past exam questions from the PowerPoints in Learn and Explore lessons in the Learning Platform.
Practise completing them under timed conditions. You have approximately 1 mark per minute.
4. Work through questions with friends. Ask your Explore teacher about anything you are unsure of.

Name of subject: Geography Length of paper: 1 hour 30 minutes

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
The paper is split into three sections which will Please ensure you know your Explore teachers email
contain a mix of multiple choice, short and address prior to the mock examinations.
long questions.
Kimberley Anderson (Head of Geography)
Section 1A – Physical Geography
Answer two questions from three:
Question 1 - River Environments
Question 2 - Coastal Environments
Question 3 - Hazardous Environments.

You should choose the two topics we have

studied – see the content covered section

Each question is worth 17 marks.

Section 1B – Investigating
Answer all of:
Question 4 – Investigating Coastal
Environments – 10 marks

Section 2a – Human Geography

Answer two questions from three:
Question 5 - Economic Activity and Energy
Question 6 - Rural Environments
Question 7 - Urban Environments.

You should choose the two topics we have

studied – see the content covered section

Each question is worth 17 marks.

Section 2b – Investigating
Answer all of:
Question 8 – Investigating Urban Environments
– 10 marks
Content covered (syllabus reference)
Coastal Environments (Weeks 1 - 9 of Year 10)
➢ Physical processes and human intervention give rise to characteristic coastal landforms
➢ Distinctive ecosystems develop along particular stretches of coastline
➢ Coastal environments are of great importance to people and need to be sustainably managed

Urban Environments (Weeks 10 – 18 of Year 10)

➢ A growing percentage of the world’s population lives in urban areas

➢ Cities face a range of social and environmental challenges resulting from rapid growth and resource
➢ Different strategies can be used to manage social, economic and environmental challenges in a
sustainable manner

Economic Activity and Energy (Weeks 19-27 of Week 10)

➢ The relative importance of different economic sectors and the location of economic activity varies
spatially and changes over time
➢ The growth and decline of different economic sectors have resulted in a range of impacts and possible
resource issues
➢ Countries increasingly experience an energy gap and therefore seek energy security by developing a
balanced energy mix and sustainable energy use

Investigating Coastal Environments (Weeks 29 to 32 of Year 10)

Investigating Urban Environments (Weeks 33 – 35 of Year 10)

Hazardous Environments (Weeks 1 – 8 of Year 11)

- Some places are more hazardous than others
- Hazards have an impact on people and the environment
- Earthquakes present a hazard to many people and need to be managed carefully

Revision guidance

Revision techniques

Work through class work and make notes. You could do this using mind maps, flash cards or more visual
techniques. Whatever you find most useful. Test yourself against your notes. You could do this by asking
someone at home to test you, completing past papers, or completing a memory dump.

Use past papers where you can – remember to BUG questions and use the mark schemes to check your
answers. There are past papers available under the Revision and Resources tab on the Learning Platform. If,
when you are testing yourself, you find gaps in your knowledge go back to your notes and make sure you have
filled those gaps. Use your ‘Need to Know’ checklists to help you with this.

Resources available to you

• Use the ‘Need to Know’ checklists to target and support revision.
• Use the glossaries or word mats to aid your understanding of key vocabulary.
• Class notes, lesson materials and recordings.
• Materials held within the Revision and Resources tab on the Learning Platform.
• Inspired AI (for some units only).
• Textbook (Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Witherick ISBN: 978-0435184834
• Hodder Revision Guide (Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Nagle and Guinness ISBN: 978-
• Popular websites and You Tube contributors such as Mrs Geography and Internet Geography

Name of subject: German Length of paper: 1hr 45 minutes

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Carlos Ortuno
There are 3 papers: Head of Subject MFL (Y8 to Y11)
Paper 1: Listening (25% of the overall mark) – 35
mins - Week 9 Please ensure you contact your explore teacher first.
Paper 2: Reading and Writing (50% of the overall
mark) – 1hr 45 mins - Week 11

Paper 3: Speaking (this will be done as a

recording during the 2 week exam window) (25%
of the overall mark) 8-10 mins Week 8

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in German (4GN1) See specification

Paper 1: Seven questions, which are a combination of multiple-choice, multiple-matching, note-taking and
gap-fill questions. All five topic areas are assessed.

Paper 2: Section A: Reading Five questions, which are a combination of multiple-choice, note-taking, gap-fill
and short-answer questions. Section B: Writing There are two open-response writing tasks and a task that
requires writing verbs in their correct forms. Each task in this section is linked to a specific topic area.

Paper 3: The examination is made up of three tasks (A, B and C). Students will present and answer questions
on a picture that is related to one of the topic areas. They will also discuss two different topics, chosen at
random by the teacher.

Revision guidance

Everyone will have their own revision technique that works for them: revising vocabulary by topic area, using
mind maps, watching Netflix in German to revise for listening for example. You can also ask your teacher for
extra ideas!

Resources available to you

- Classroom notes
- Revision books
- Recorded lessons
- Quizlet
- Memrise

Name of subject: History Length of paper: 1 hour 30 minutes

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email
The paper will have 2 sections and examine address prior to the mock period.
topics from Paper 1 and Paper 2
Head of Faculty: Jennie Phipps
Section A = 30 marks

Paper 2: Historical Investigation: The origins Head of Subject: Chris Mason

and course of the First World War, 1905–18
The section contains one question, split into 3
parts. Answer the complete question. (30
marks, 45 mins, a, b & c)
• a) 6 marks = 9 minutes
• b) 8 marks = 12 minutes
• c)16 marks = 24 minutes

Section B = 30 marks

Paper 1: Depth Study: Germany: Development

of Dictatorship, 1918-1945

The section contains one question, split into 3

parts. Answer the complete question. (30
marks, 45 mins, a, b & c)

• 6 marks = 9 minutes
• 8 marks = 12 minutes
• 16 marks = 24 minutes
Total Marks = 60

Content covered (syllabus reference)


1. Germany: Development of Dictatorship, 1918-1945 (Year 10 Course Weeks 14-28)

2. The origins and course of the First World War, 1905–18 (Year 10 Course Weeks 1-5)
Revision guidance

Revision techniques

• When learning content try to avoid just re reading notes and highlighting texts. Use mind maps,
timelines, flash cards and quizzes. Detailed advice and examples of effective revision strategies are
available on the Learning Platform under ‘Revision’.
• The revision planners for the units will help to breakdown the topic into manageable chunks. Once you
are confident that you know the content, it is time to practice applying that that knowledge to exam

questions. There are example exam questions in the revision planner, this contains example
questions, but also crucially top tips for each question, writing frames, sentence starters and useful
• Please look back at the example answers that we have analysed in class and refer to the KS4 course
booklet for History which is on the Learning Platform under ‘Course Resources’. This has links to
podcasts, websites, documentaries, films and novels that can be used to further widen your
knowledge and understanding.

Resources available to you on the learning platform

There are revision resources available on the Learning Platform. Each Unit is sub-divided for pupils, including
booklets used in Year 10, revision techniques, structural advice for question and GCSE Pod clips. Pupils can
also refer to recordings.

Name of Subject: Information and Length of Paper: 1hour 30 minutes

Communication Technology
Structure of Paper Teacher Contact
Mixture of multiple-choice, short & long Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email address
answer questions. prior to the mock period.

Louise Trotman (Head of ICT)

Content Covered (syllabus reference)

Unit 1: Digital Devices:

• 1.1 - Types of digital devices

• 1.3 - Software
• 1.4 - Types of peripheral devices – input and output
• 1.8 - ICT systems to meet specified needs

Unit 2: Connectivity

• 2.2 - Factors influencing the choice of digital communication in a network

• 2.3 - Requirements for connecting to a network, including the Internet
• 2.4 - Benefits of using a LAN/home network
• 2.5 - Securing data on a network, Including the internet

Unit 3: Operating Online

• 3.1 - Potential risks to data and personal information when information is transmitted and stored
• 3.2 - Impact of the Internet on individuals
• 3.6 - Types of online communities
• 3.8 - Implications of the use of digital technologies
• 3.9 - Availability of information online and the use of online information

Unit 4: Online Goods and Services

• 4.1 - Types of services

• 4.2 - Impact of online services
• 4.3 - Online software
Revision Guidance
• Sources of information: class notes, Learn and Explore presentations, previous Apply tasks and the ICT
• Past paper questions & mark schemes can be found on the learning platform.

Name of subject: Maths Core Length of paper - 2hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
1 x 2 hour full paper Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email address
prior to the mock period.
Calculator allowed
Liz Kendrick (Head of Maths Faculty)
Content covered (syllabus reference)
Foundation paper:
Units, place value and rounding
Simplifying, substituting and solving expressions
Time units
Numbers, primes, multiples and powers
Number reasoning
Mean from frequency table
Linear graphs
Perimeter and area
Highest Common Factors
Angles in polygons
Expanding brackets
Set notation
Volume and pressure
Standard form
Pythagoras’ theorem

Higher paper:
Nth term
Highest Common Factors
Angles in polygons
Expanding brackets
Set notation
Volume and pressure
Standard form
Pythagoras’ theorem
*Factorising quadratic equations, algebraic fractions

*Functions and inverse

*Surds – rationalising the denominator
* Differentiation
*Sine and cosine rule
* Cosine rule and circle sector
*Similar shapes and volumes
*Sequences, including sum
*Completing the square
*Graph transformations

Topics indicated by *, are grade 8 and 9 topics and should only be attempted after completing the questions
on topics covered in class. It is possible to get a grade 7 with the topics covered.

Revision guidance

• Use the topic checklist and highlight topics by difficulty to identify which areas to concentrate your
revision on
• Make flashcards or posters with key formulae and equations
• Use past exam questions from the PowerPoints in Learn and Explore lessons in the Learning Platform.
Practise completing them under timed conditions. You have approximately 1 mark per minute.
• Ensure you are enrolled on the IGCSE revision course for Mathematics
• Work through questions with friends. Ask your Explore teacher about anything you are unsure of.

Name of subject: Maths Higher Length of paper - 2hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
1 x 2 hour full paper Please ensure you know your Explore teacher’s email
address prior to the mock period.
Calculator allowed
Liz Kendrick (Head of Maths Faculty)

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Nth term
Highest Common Factors
Angles in polygons
Expanding brackets
Set notation
Volume and pressure
Standard form
Pythagoras’ theorem
Factorising quadratic equations, algebraic fractions
Surds – rationalising the denominator
Similar shapes and volumes
Sequences, including sum
Completing the square
*Functions and inverse
* Differentiation
*Sine and cosine rule
* Cosine rule and circle sector
*Graph transformations
Topics with *, are topics not yet covered in class. It is possible to get a grade 9 with the topics covered.
Revision guidance

• Use the topic checklist and highlight topics by difficulty to identify which areas to concentrate your
revision on
• Make flashcards or posters with key formulae and equations
• Use past exam questions from the PowerPoints in Learn and Explore lessons in the Learning Platform.
Practise completing them under timed conditions. You have approximately 1 mark per minute.
• Ensure you are enrolled on the IGCSE revision course for Mathematics
• Work through questions with friends. Ask your Explore teacher about anything you are unsure of.

Name of subject: Physics (Separate) Length of paper: 2 hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
Please contact your explore teacher, make a note of their
A mixture of multiple-choice, short and long email address before the mock period.
answer questions. Practical skills and data
analysis may also be assessed. Head of Physics: Michelle Jones

Content covered (syllabus reference)

All content from Y10 and content up to Week 8 in Y11.

Unit 1 Forces
Unit 2 Electricity
Unit 3 Waves
Unit 4 Energy
Unit 5 Solids, Liquids, and Gases
Unit 6 Electricity and Magnetism
Revision guidance

Ensure you have a clear revision timetable & STICK TO IT.

Don’t avoid those topics you find tricky!

Try some strategies that can be found here:

Resources available to you

All your class notes, resources on the learning platform, previous Apply tasks, textbook.

Past paper questions & mark schemes sorted by topic:

Try some activities on Seneca Learning:

Challenge yourself by signing up to a free account on Isaac Physics and using their tutorials and self-marking

Do some of the Edexcel revision quizzes on gradegorilla, use “Guest” as your school's name to see how you
did and work through your corrections.

Name of subject: Physics (Double Length of paper: 2 hours

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
A mixture of multiple-choice, short & long Please contact your explore teacher, make a note of their
answer questions; practical skills and data email address before the exam period.
analysis may also be assessed
Teacher overseeing Double Science
Dave Adlem
Content covered (syllabus reference)
Unit 1 Forces and Motion
Unit 2 Electricity
Unit 3 Waves
Unit 4 Energy resources and energy transfers
Unit 5 Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Revision guidance
Summarise your class notes, use the resources on the learning platform and previous Apply tasks and your
Past paper questions & mark schemes sorted by topic:
Try some activities on Seneca Learning:
Challenge yourself by signing up to a free account on Isaac Physics and using their tutorials and self-marking
Do some of the Edexcel revision quizzes on gradegorilla, use “Guest” as your school's name to see how you
did and work through your corrections.
Edexcel IGCSE Physics Revision - PMT
Revision for Edexcel Physics IGCSE, including summary notes, exam questions by topic and videos for each

Name of subject: Psychology Length of paper: 1hr 45

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
One 1 hour and 45-minute paper – 100 marks

4 sections plus research methods.

Full paper 1 – cognition and behaviour

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Section A – Memory (20 marks) - Context, multi-store model, long –term memory and reconstructive
Section B – Perception (20 marks) - Depth cues, Gilchrist and Nesberg’s study, illusions.
Section C – Development – Willingham's ideas, Dweck’s mindset theory, Piaget’s stage theory, Brain
development, Penfield
Section D – Research Methods (20 marks)

For research methods – You need to have clear knowledge of how to conduct an experiment: variables, IV
DV and EV, types of experiment, experimental design (independent groups, matched pairs, repeated
measures), sampling methods (population), types of data, interpretation of data, correlations, computation
(ratios, percentages), observations, ethics.

Revision guidance

Revision techniques
• Write out key definitions on flash cards
• Draw visual mind maps with names of studies in the middle and annotate the strengths and
• Prepare to describe and evaluate studies
• Watch the revision videos on the learning platform under ‘course resources’.
• Ask your parents to write a question paper/quiz for you
• Present or teach a topic to someone
• Go to AQA GCSE Psychology website for practice papers.

Resources available to you

The AQA online GCSE Psychology textbook
Memory – pages 12-31
Perception – pages 40-57
Language, thought and communication – pages 162-175
Social influence – pages 132-150

Research methods – pages 92-128


Name of subject: Religious Studies Length of paper: 1 hour 30 minutes

Structure of Paper: Teacher contact:
1 paper with 3 sections. Each section will have
four questions. All must be completed.

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Sections 1, 2 and 4 of the specification will be covered in this paper. The Universe, Creation and the Place of
Human Beings; Life and Death; Rights, Equality and Social Justice

Revision guidance
Everyone has their own method of revising. But if you are still unsure then have a look on Youtube. For example,
Ben Wardle is fantastic; Revision Techniques by Noo etc. You could also create Mindmaps, flashcards for each
of the topic areas. Interleaving is another method. Rather than revise one unit in one chunk, separate your
revision so you are mixing and matching different topics and units. For example, try spending 15 minutes on
Attributes of God, followed by 15 minutes on the 3 Marks of Existence, followed by 15 minutes on Creation.
Can you see any links between the topics? Ensure you regularly change the order of recall.

Name of subject: Spanish Length of paper: 1hr 45

Structure of Paper Teacher contact
There are 3 papers: Carlos Ortuno
Head of Subject MFL (Y8 to Y11)
Paper 1: Listening 35 mins (25% of the overall
mark) – Week 9
Please ensure you contact your explore teacher first.

Paper 2: Reading and Writing 1hr 45mins (50%

of the overall mark) – Week 11

Paper 3: Speaking (this will be done as a

recording during the 2 week exam window) (25%
of the overall mark) 8-10 mins Week 8

Content covered (syllabus reference)

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Spanish (4SP1) See specification

Paper 1: Listening

Seven questions, which are a combination of multiple-choice, multiple-matching, note-taking and gap-fill
questions. All five topic areas are assessed.

Paper 2: Reading and Writing

Section A: Reading. Five questions, which are a combination of multiple-choice, note-taking, gap-fill and
short-answer questions.

Section B: Writing. There are two open-response writing tasks. There is also a grammar task which requires
writing 10 words from a paragraph in their correct form depending on their function in the sentence (mainly
verbs and adjectives). Each task in this section is linked to a specific topic area.

Paper 3: Speaking

The cycle test is made up of three tasks (A, B and C). Students will present and answer questions on a picture
that is related to one of the topic areas. They will also discuss two different topics, chosen at random by the

Revision guidance

Everyone will have their own revision technique that works for them: revising vocabulary by topic area, using
mind maps, watching Netflix in Spanish to revise for listening for example. You can also ask your teacher for
extra ideas!

Resources available to you

- Classroom notes
- Revision books
- Recorded lessons
- Quizlet
- Memrise
- Languagenut

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