Loxar Heartripper

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Kraidyl Outlander

Loxar Heartripper
6 Primordial Savage

+3 14
21 +3 40/40 swim
Savage Jaws - Bite size increases
1 step. Bite attack scores a critical
hit on a natural 19 or 20 roll.
◆ +8

● +8



17 ● +6
Primordial Frenzy - Attack with all natural
+3 weapons as a bonus action. Ignore profane
healing penalties. Suffer 1 level of
Bite +9 3d6+6 (+9 raging)
◆ +9
exhaustion when rage ends.
Tail (bonus action) +8 1d6+5 (+8 raging)

6 X
+3 Savage Grab - Bite damage increases 1

step. When you hit a creature up to 1 size
larger then you with your bite, it is
grappled (Escape Artist DC 15).
+2 ●




Death Roll - May grapple foes with bite up to 2

sizes larger. Inflict double bite damage to grappled
Darkvision - 60ft
Hold Breath - 14 minutes
foes. Increase exhaustion level by +1 for every 2
Hypnotic Gaze - Action; creature w/in 30ft make Wis save DC14 Death Rolls performed when frenzy ends.
or charmed.
Necrotic Resistance
Profane Healing - 1/2 healing from normal sources
Radiant Vulnerability
Stalker - Advantage on Stealth checks

● ●

● ●

Loxar Heartripper

I feel far more comfortable You have an excellent memory for

around animals than people. maps and geography, and you can
always recall the general layout of
terrain, settlements, and other
features around you. In addition, you
The strongest are meant to rule. can find food and fresh water for
yourself and up to five other people
each day, provided that the land
offers berries, small game, water, and
I am the last of my tribe, and it is up to so forth.
me to ensure their names enter legend.

Violence is my answer to almost

any challenge.

Jaws of the Predator


Deadly Maw: Increase bite

damage 1 step. 1/turn reroll bite
damage and use either total.
Bracers of Defense ●

Bite Fighter: Increase DEX by 1.

Bite damage increases 1 step.
You gain advantage on attack rolls Belt of the Bronze Titan ●

to bite a grappled creature.

If you hit a creature within 5ft. of
you with a melee weapon attack,
can bite as a bonus action.

Talents: Jaws of the Predator ●

Daylight Adaptation: You no see handout

longer suffer light blindness or
penalties to Perception checks in Bracers of Defense ●

bright light. see handout

Extra Rage: You may rage 1 Belt of the Bronze Titan ●

additional time between rests

see handout
Invigorating Rage: When raging,
you can regain 1d4 hp each time
you hit a creature. Once rage ends
cannot use until after long rest.

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