Gex - Ranger (BM) LVL 3 Complete Sheet-1

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Lizardfolk Hermit

Lawful Good
3 Beast Master

+2 14
18 +5 30



+5 ●

Longbow +9 1d8 + 5 pierce
(2x) Shortsword +7 1d6 + 5 pierce
Bite +2 1d6 + 0 pierce

+1 Beasts Forest

13 ●

+2 ●


14 ● 15 ●

● Whoo Dini

12 13 +1 5w/60f

1 Hunter's Mark

1 Goodberry

1 Fog Cloud

10 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)

Perception, Stealth
Darkvision 120 ft, Passive Perception 13

30 ft. swimming speed Talons +5 3 slash

15 min. hold breath
Natural armor (13 + Dex)
Hungry Jaws*
Cunning Artisan* Flyby. The owl doesn't provoke
opportunity attacks when it flies out
of an enemy's reach.
Common, Draconic,
● ●
Elvish Keen Hearing and Sight. The owl has
advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
● ●
checks that rely on hearing or sight.
Herbalism kit
● Archery (+2 to attack rolls with ranged)
24 190cm (medium)

*During short rest, a slain beast, construct,

dragon, monstrosity, or plant creature of
size Small or larger to create one: shield,
club, javelin, 1d4 darts/blowgun needles.
Need a blade or appropriate artisan's tools.

*In battle throw yourself into feeding frenzy.

As bonus action, make a special attack with
your bite. If hits, deals normal damage and
you gain temp hp (minimum of 1) equal to
Con modifier, you can't use this until you
finish short/long rest.

mess kit
Leather armour tinderbox
scroll case stuffed of notes from
your nature studies
winter blanket
common clothes
herbalism kit

Rations: 10

Arrows: 20

Torches: 10

Feet of rope: 50

+7 15 3 ●

Hunter's Mark 1 Goodberry 1 Fog Cloud 1

90ft bonus action touch action 120ft action
● ● ●

1h instant a sprig of mistletoe ● 1h ●

● ●

You choose a creature you can see within range and Up to ten berries appear in your hand and are
mystically mark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends, you
You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of fog
infused with magic for the duration. A creature can
deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it centered on a point within range. The
use its action to eat one berry. Eating a berry
with a weapon attack, and you have advantage on any sphere spreads around corners, and its
Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make restores 1 hit point, and the berry provides enough
to find it. nourishment to sustain a creature for one day. area is heavily obscured. It lasts for the
duration or until a wind of moderate or
If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you The berries lose their potency if they have not been
can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour)
consumed within 24 hours of the casting of this spell.
a new creature. disperses it.

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