Various Standing Orders
Various Standing Orders
Various Standing Orders
d) Must not have adverse report in the ACR in the preceding five years.
c) Must not have adverse report in the ACR in preceding five years.
ii) Must have qualified in W & T Course and those HCs who have
qualified in Senior Cadre Course, are not required to undergo
W & T Course.
i) Must have completed five years service as Constable from the date
of Enlistment.
ii) Constables will be detailed for JCC strictly in accordance with their
The Training Directorate will detail the board for conducting the
final test and will publish the result accordingly.
The Training Directorate will detail the Board for conducting the
final test and will publish the result accordingly.
The Training Directorate will detail the Board for conducting the
final test and will publish the result accordingly.
ii) The paper for written examination shall be prepared centrally by one
Board even if the subject course is being done/conducted at more than
one institution so that the standard of papers of written examination
is same. The Personnel-II Branch shall nominate the Chairman who
will be responsible for setting the papers. It should be prepared by
members so nominated by the chairmen of the board well in advance.
iii) The board may not assemble at the time of written tests. The chairman
could send one member to oversee the conduct of the examination.
Question papers in sealed cover are to be sent to Principal of the training
institutions who will see the conduct of written tests. The written tests
shall be conducted twice a day at the following timings:-
(1) 0700 Hrs to 1000 Hrs.
(2) 1400 Hrs to 1700 Hrs.
The answer sheets will be sent to the Chairman as per his directions.
iv) In case there are ground tests the entire board will assemble at the
training institution before the commencement of these tests. The board
will conduct the ground tests without co-opting any local member and
shall remain at the trg. institution till the tests are over. The answer
sheet of the written test held earlier should be collected at one place as
directed by the chairman and checked under personal supervision of the
chairman by other members of the board.
i) 70% and above `A'
ii) 60% to 69% `B'
iii) 45% to 59% `C'
2) Failure in one paper need to appear in that paper only at the time of final
test of the subsequent batch. However, those failing in more than one paper
shall be treated as failure in the whole course and will have to undergo the
course again.
Screening of records of SIs and HCs shall be carried out at respective Sector /
Range head quarters by the following board before sending the personnel to
Training Institution for undergoing promotional courses:-
Screening of records of SIs and HCs shall be carried out at respective Sectors / Range
Head Quarters by a Board presided over and constituted by concerned IsGP and DIsGP
before sending the personnel to Training Institutions. Order for screening of records for
the course to be conducted with effect from April of a year shall be issued by Personnel-
II Branch Directorate by first November of previous year and Zone / Sectors shall
send proceeding by 31st January. For all subsequent courses the exercise of screening
of records should start 6 months in advance as explained above.
i) Outstanding - 12 Marks
ii) Very Good/ - 09 Marks
Above Average
iii) Good / Satisfactory - 06 Marks
iv) Average / Fair - 03 Marks
v) Below average / - 00 Marks
Poor / Unsatisfactory
3. In addition to the above, the last ACR of the candidate should not be
Marks to be deducted from the total marks obtained under head rewards :-
Thus the maximum marks for rewards and punishment is 20 and minimum
is Zero.
The reasons for pass marks given above are that if aperson has no rewards /
punishment and has not got a grading in a Trg. / Course, he should have all 5 Good
ACR to become a SI and 1 Very Good and 4 Good ACRs to become an Inspector.
Constables who have completed minimum 8 years of service as Constable and have
successfully completed JCC, qualified in Section Commander Course (SCC)
and found fit, shall be brought on Appd. List `A'/GD drawn by a Selection Board
subject to availability of vacancies and their particulars be forwarded to the
Directorate General Personnel-II Branch duly consolidated at Range / Sectors Offices
for releasing them on promotion centrally according to the Force level inter-se-
seniority. The cut off date for assessing the eligibility of a candidate for
bringing on each Approved List shall be 1st January. Approved list will be drawn
once in a year in the month of January each year as per instructions issued by the
Personnel-II Branch, so that the promotion of such personnel could be released w.e.f
1st April of the year. However, additional Approved List may also be drawn during the
same year, if required, due to unforeseen circumstances.
Records in r/o nominated SIs who have completed minimum two years service from
date of promotion / enlistment as SI and nominated for Senior Sub Inspectors Cadre
Course by the Directorate General Personnel-II Branch will be screened at
respective Sector Head Quarter by a Board presided and constituted by concerned IsGP.
The SIs found fit in all respect by the IsGP will be detailed for SSICC in accordance
to their seniority at Force Level. On successful completion of SSICC and having
three years service in the rank, these SIs will be brought on Approved List `C'/GD by
Personnel-II Branch and will be released on promotion subject to availability of
Any departure from the above instructions shall be with the approval
of the Director General, CRPF.
-sd- 23/04/1999
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-sd- 23/04/1999
All Branches / Sections of Dte. Genl.
Master File.