Global Migration
Global Migration
Global Migration
Researchers Parts:
Introduction to the topic - Cayao
Definition - Carl
Statement of the problem(Why do people migrate) - Carl
Types of Migrants - Carl
Types of Global Migration - Carl
Implications - Carl
Consequences - Carl
Summarization & Conclusion(almost same lang naman yung dalawa) – Jesus
References(APA Format) - ALL
Global migration and displacement are complex and heavily politicized, which leaves them open to false
information and misinformation. Reliable migration narratives support debunking myths about
migration and interacting with false information. It is essential to understand migration from the
perspectives of the economy, society, and security. Significant changes are occurring in the volume,
direction, demography, and frequency of human migration, all of which indicate long-term patterns
influenced by both recent and historical developments. According to the most recent estimates, there
will be approximately 281 million international migrants in 2020, making up 3.6% of the world's
population. Over the course of the upcoming year, this estimate is expected to be revised, offering
insights on long-term migratory tendencies and the degree to which COVID-19 interrupted them. More
people migrate within countries than across borders, with the majority of migrants occurring within
Global – relating to the whole world
Migration – The movement of people from one place to another
Global Migration or also known as International Migration is a type of migration when people
cross stateliness and remain in a host state for a specific amount of time. People who migrates are called
Migrants when a person moves from one place to another and these people travels the world, either
willingly or forced. In the latter case, people may be forced to migrate due to conflict or natural disasters
and their travel is not on their own free will. It is a recognized human rights to be able to move around
Statement of the problem(Why do people migrate):
In order to find the main cause on how or why people migrate is that international migration
have so-called ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors, these factors have their own reasons on why do people migrate.
On push factor, this are based upon the country of origins. Where the factors may cause the people to
have the desire to move on other country while the pull factor are based upon the intended destination
of the people migrating. Pull factor are factors that attracts people to a new place.
Push Factors:
Wars, political instability, conflict and economic crisis.
Ethnic and religious persecution.
Natural and man-made disasters. Such as climate change, natural disasters and famine
Unemployment , low wages and poor working conditions.
Shortages of food, water or healthcare.
Limited opportunities.
Pull Factors:
Better life prospects.
Political stability, more freedom.
Better quality of life and standard living.
Better healthcare and access to education services.
Varid employment opportunities, higher wages.
For retirees; a variety of services to meet their demands or features of the surroundings, like the
International transport has never been easier and is cheaper than ever, relative to incomes.
Developed countries, or industrialised city areas within countries, draw labour from countries or
regions where incomes are lower.
Many people in other parts of the world speak English or want to learn English.
Young people move in order to get better jobs or improve their qualifications, including their
language skills.
Falling birth rates in developed countries contribute to labour shortages and skills gaps.
Types of Migrants:
Asylum Seeker – this type of migrant is requesting asylum. Asylum seekers typically had to leave
their own countries due to being afraid they would be persecuted or worse, killed. A person who
applies for asylum looks for international protection, but their application for refugee status
hasn’t been approved yet and might not be approved at all.
Refugee – A person who is fleeing their nation because of persecution, a natural disaster, armed
conflict or another reason is referred to as a refugee. Legally speaking, a person who has
successfully requested asylum and has been granted the right to permanently reside in a new
nation is considered a refugee.
Economic Migrant – A person who has freely left their home country in order to look for work in
another nation through legal or illicit ways.
Labour Migration – The term “labour migration” refers to the movement of people who seeks
employment or in response to job searches across national borders. The form of movement that
host nations most prefer in order to recruit highly trained individuals is high-skilled labor
migration. When there is a shortage, nations typically look for highly-skilled workers in particular
occupations. There are only few of this type of migration. Another type of migration which is
related to the labour migration, which is the movement of individuals abroad with the specific
intent of finding employment, is called temporary migration. People with poor or low skill levels
may occasionally migrate, making them vulnerable to exploitation and human rights abuses.
This movement may be prohibited or illegals in some situations.
Forced Migration – when people are forced to leave their place of origin because of political
persecution or conflict, this is known as forced migration( such as refugees and asylum seekers).
Natural disasters, insufficient food production, and water scarcity(often made worst by climate
change) can also cause forced migration. Forced migration is another characteristic of human
International Retirement Migration(IRM) – Retired people who may be able to afford to
purchase overseas real estate as a primary residence or second residence. These individuals
place considerable pressure on mass house productions and urbanization, particularly in rural
and coastal locations. People who migrate of this kind may also quit their jobs and go to rural
areas of another nation. These people might start a business or engage in telework.
Internal Migration – this sort of migration, which is distinct from international and global
migration, involves a person relocating inside the same nation, for example, from the north to
the south of England. There is no crossing of international borders. This type of migration
intersects with “Rural-Urban” migration or “Counter-Urbanisation”.
Summary w/ Conclusion:
Global migration, or international migration involves people crossing countries caused by both voluntary
and forced reasons. Push factors like conflict and poverty drive people to leave their home countries,
while pull factors such as better opportunities attract people to new destinations. Migrants can be
classified as asylum seekers, refugees, or economic migrants. Migration affects the demographics,
economies, and societies in both origin and destination countries. It can also lead to challenges that they
will encounter sooner or later like discrimination, cultural conflicts, and human trafficking. Global
initiatives, such as the Global Compact on Migration, aim to manage migration safely and effectively.
Global migration can be complex due to its pros and cons that could offer a person or groups some
opportunities and challenges. To guarantee that migration reduces risk and benefits both migrants and
host countries, effective management and international cooperations are necessary. Our group have
learned many things about migration from gathering the information we needed for our research, the
information would be helpful since migration is becoming more common in our society and the
information given to us could guide us on our decision for our careers and as you can see from our
research, migration can be both a good and bad thing. Additionally, this research could be also use as a
guide to educate the next generations about global migration.
StudySmarter (NA) Global Migration.
Embrace (NA) Why do people migrate?
StudySmarter (NA) Consequences of Migration.
United Nation(NA) Internal Migration.