Section 7, group 14
1. Tigist Mekonen ……………………. A/UR /09
2. Wondimeneh Haiu ……………… A/UR /09
3. Yared Tadesse………………………A/UR4018/09
4. Yohannes Lisanewerk…………… A/UR /09
5. Zerihun Mengesha………………...A/UR /09
6. Kibur Belayneh …………………… A/UR /09
1. we will disagree. Because when we graduate from this university we will make a
promise that we will serve our country and the people honestly moreover that from
our civic knowledge embezzlement is one type of crime so we know what the
consequence of committing crime will be, also ourculture and ethical standard will
make us to be contained from embezzling on the public property
People migrate for many different reasons. These reasons can be classified as economic, social,
political or environmental:
Some people choose to migrate, eg someone who moves to another country to enhance their
career opportunities. Some people are forced to migrate, eg someone who moves due to war or
famine. A refugee is someone who has left their home and does not have a new home to go to.
Often refugees do not carry many possessions with them and do not have a clear idea of where
they may finally settle.
2.1.1. Push and pull factors
Push factors are the reasons why people leave an area. They include:
lack of services
lack of safety
high crime
crop failure
Pull factors are the reasons why people move to a particular area. They include:
higher employment
more wealth
better services
good climate
safer, less crime
political stability
more fertile land
lower risk from natural hazards
Migration usually happens as a result of a combination of these push and pull factors
3. Consequences of migration
Well-trained and enterprising people more readily make the decision to migrate. The emigration
of specialists weakens their home countries. On the other hand, money transferred by emigrants
alleviates the poverty at home. Large influxes of asylum seekers confront Western target
countries with serious and diverse problems.
As a rule, the emigration or expulsion of large numbers of people exacerbates the economic and
political problems in their native countries. Young men with a good education account for a
disproportionate share of the migrant population because they are most confident about settling
down successfully elsewhere.
The World Bank estimates that there are roughly 100 000 university graduates, fully or partly
educated in Africa, living and working in Western industrialized countries. The emigration of
highly-qualified personnel from Asia may well be many times higher. The former Eastern bloc
countries are also seriously affected by the so-called "brain drain": in the last 10 years Bulgaria
has lost about 20 per cent of its educated population due to emigration. In Armenia, even 30 to
40 per cent of the populations have left the country in the same period.
Emigration leaves noticeable gaps in the countries of origin. The loss of well-trained and
experienced specialists reduces a nation’s chances of building up workable economic structures
by its own efforts. People moving to a world with a better infrastructure and higher standard of
living soon become used to the new conditions. Only few are prepared to accept the poorer
conditions on return to their country of origin later.
The example of successful emigrants encourages others to copy them. By passing on their
contacts, they help to cultivate a network that reaches out to ever-widening circles of
Migrants help to alleviate the poverty in their native country, at least in the short
Flight movements triggered by repression or war, on the other hand, are felt mostly at political
and social levels. Opposition movements are nipped in the bud when their leaders are forced to
flee by arbitrary arrests, torture or threats against members of their families. In countries where
dictatorial conditions prevail and whose populations are terrorized by corrupt structures, only a
small circle of people generally has access to land and profitable economic sectors. While the
wealth of a few increases excessively, the population as a whole becomes visibly poorer. Those
profiting from such political conditions mostly transfer a sizeable share of their assets abroad in
order to insure themselves against the unpleasant consequences of political changes.
Most migrants and refugees do not have the financial means to travel long distances. They seek a
safe haven in another region in their own or in a neighboring country. The economically weakest
countries are therefore most severely affected by migration and refugee problems.
In general the consequences of migration have a great impact on the development of a country or stat
especially on the negative impact is weakening the country’s economic, social, political, and also
developmental issues.
As a matter of fact, the key for the development of a country is the countries well educated peoples and
also the labors so as this powerful migrate at the same time the countries is losing its power which in
turn weakens development of the country.
4. Solution
The government should have to make job opportunities for
the young man power
Creating awareness about migration
Making possibilities to eradicate conflict and war among the
peoples and the groups
Even if migration have both positive and negative impact but
peoples should be able to find out about the negative impact
of migration
The government of each counties should be able to
implement continuous and durable peace and stability among
the peoples
If peoples are forced to migrate from their home land because
of natural disaster like drought, developed countries should
be able to contribute and fund those countries in order to get
rid of the problem