As Built Case Studies For BIM As Conflicts Detection and Documentation Tool
As Built Case Studies For BIM As Conflicts Detection and Documentation Tool
As Built Case Studies For BIM As Conflicts Detection and Documentation Tool
Received: 22 September 2017 Abstract: As built documentation provide critical information that is needed during
Accepted: 27 November 2017
and afterward the construction. This process serve as a foundation upon which all
First Published: 06 December 2017
changes, modifications or otherwise, made during the construction so that it can
*Corresponding author: Abbas M. Abd,
Architectural Engineering Department, quickly obtain information about any design change. After construction, it serve
University of Diyala, Baqubah, Iraq as ready information source about what was actually built. Conflicts of the design
documents with as built is crucial aspect of construction projects in order to prevent
Reviewing editor:
Jun Liu, Dalian University of Technology,
excessive cost of delays and work correction during operation and maintenance
China or renovation phases. Traditional documentation method sometime fails to serve
Additional information is available at in managing the development, rehabilitation and renovation of existing buildings.
the end of the article
The lack of appropriate documents, change orders and as built-drawing for existing
buildings are very common. These obstacles can be solved by the collaboration of
all stakeholders at different phases of the project life cycle to insert, extract, update
or amend related information. Since Building Information Modelling (BIM) has the
potential to create a single model that offers visualization, clash detection, con-
struction phases, and materials and testing together, this research will utilize the
ability of BIM through case studies to address the conflicts detection through the
project life-cycle. The results illustrates the main conflicts that had detected be-
tween the existing buildings and the available construction documents. The results
of the two case studies prove that BIM model was very correlated to as built in term
© 2017 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution
(CC-BY) 4.0 license.
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Abd & Khamees, Cogent Engineering (2017), 4: 1411865
of quantities take off (coefficient was 95.8 and 99.8%) and in the final shop draw-
ing. Also, the root mean square error was very little for BIM model (RMSE was 7.17
and 6.65) compared with traditional process for the quantities estimation compared
with traditional process (RMSE was 43.75 and 47.33). These indications refer to high
accuracy of BIM as a powerful tool for the re-documentation of existing building and
their conflicts detection.
1. Introduction
Many challenges occur in managing of the existing buildings through their lifecycle, often due to a
lack of related technical information. The rework is a major factor that contributes in unnecessary
excessive time and cost. It was found that the direct costs of the rework ranging from 3 to 23% of
the contract value (Love, Irani, & Edwards, 2004). Improving the productivity in the construction in-
dustry at task, project, and industry levels would have an extensive benefit that will cover further
than the industrial sector (Nepal & Staub-French, 2016).
Empirical evidence revels that the use of automation and integration technologies improves con-
struction productivity (Abd & Abd, 2012; Eastman, Eastman, Teicholz, & Sacks, 2008). Every increase
in productivity increases cost with the duration. Construction methods with its main factors; time,
cost and productivity will give the project manager or the site engineer a chance for taking the ac-
curate decision in suitable time. In other words, successful project with successful construction
management (Abd, Abd, Zain, & Ismail, 2008; Babic & Rebolj, 2016).
One of the problems in the architectural engineering and construction (AEC) sector are that there
are so many different professionals working on different parts of the project (structure, services,
design, distribution … etc.) following a fragmented method of management. Each of these parts
must be based on a common “idea” and follow the same criteria of others, they are key part of infor-
mation that, all together, allow the possibility to create the project. If information is not accurate
and exactly enough, the next stages will be affected by it (Abd & Abd, 2014; Tauriainen, Puttonen, &
Saari, 2015). Therefore the lack of appropriate documents, change orders and as a built-drawing for
existing buildings is very common.
The reason for choosing these projects was many documents not available for these buildings
(missing documents). These projects were assigned to more than one contractor due to security in-
cidents in Diyala Governorate at construction period (2002–2015). Also the project design has a lot
of details (slabs, beams, columns, concrete wall, finishing floor, staircases and truss, etc.). This re-
search was utilized Autodesk Revit software (version 2015) as BIM tool.
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The experimental work was implemented in Iraq, which suffer from a security problems includes
but not limited to civilian war. In last decade many heritage and old building were destroyed in this
country, with no possibility to rebuild them due to the missing documents for these buildings. In
Diyala province, the central library and festivals hall considered as largest and most important build-
ings. This work aim to investigate the use of BIM to document and 3D-visualizing these buildings,
besides the providing of as-built modelling and quantities take off. This work is a part of a promising
project to sustain and protect the heritage wealth in Iraq.
Habibi (2017) proposed a framework to explore the performance of existing building in Ferrara
(Italy). The core step in this framework was to establish and determine consumed energy and envi-
ronmental performance for the case studies. A simulation of building performance adopted to as-
sess these parameters. Architectural data (e.g. location data, building geometry, and materials) had
been used as a BIM framework to promote collaborative design progress, optimization, and contri-
bution to advanced simulation in building performance and energy efficiency. The important conclu-
sion presented that the future vision of BIM tools should focus beyond visualization and
The results of Park, Chen, and Cho (2017) work indicated that the addition of map knowledge from
a BIM model showed the capability of correcting improbable movements in construction industry.
Moreover, the knowledge-based decision-making process demonstrated its capability to make posi-
tive interaction by reducing the positioning errors by significant rate.
The promising development of BIM utilization in the construction industry introduces alot of
pportunities for professionals to data exchange and use. Practical BIMs can especially create great
potentials for downstream information users (Zadeh, Wang, Cavka, Staub-French, & Pottinger,
3. Experimental works
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US = 1160 ID). The work was started on 10 November 2002. The construction work was stopped at
2003 (Gulf war III). The project was re-announced for bidding and assigned to another local com-
pany with estimated cost of (1,600,000,000 ID). The work was restarted on 3 March 2005 and the
project was stopped in 2006 due to security events in Diyala Governorate, the project was assigned
for the third time to a new local company with estimated cost of (1,894,193,000 ID) in 2012. The
other information about this building can be summarized as follows:
The architecture and structural schemes were not provided for a big part (slab and beams) in the
first floor as shown in Figure 2(a). When this part represented in BIM model, it appeared as shown in
Figure 2(b), also it was found that this part of the slab and beams in the real building were imple-
mented by repeating the details of the slab and the beams of the ground floor as shown in Figure
2(c); therefore this part was modelled accordingly in the BIM model as shown in Figure 2(d).
When representing the second floor, conflicts founds between the walls, slab and the beams ac-
cording the schemes as explained in Figure 3(a) and (b) of the second floor, also it was found in the
real building; the wall was implemented according to the beam and the slab as shown in Figure 3(c);
therefore, the wall was modelled accordingly in the BIM model as shown in Figure 3(d).
Figure 4 draw the correlation between the BIM measures and each of traditional estimation and
as built measures. It was clear that there is a high correlation between BIM and as build measures
than traditional estimation (95.8 vs. 91.1% respectively). This is a second proof that reflects the high
accuracy of BIM measures compared with traditional estimation. Figure 4 illustrates the formula for
each fit line for the two methods.
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Table 1. Comparison of BIM, traditional estimation, and as built quantities for case study-I
Item BIM Estimation vs. BIM As Built vs. BIM
Quantity Quantity Error (%) Sqr-error Quantity Error (%) Sqr-error
1 Foundation (m ) 3
710.760 776.500 9.249 85.549 740.500 4.184 17.508
2 Columns (m3) 250.140 253.500 1.343 1.804 253.500 1.343 1.804
3 Beams (m )3
258.590 294.000 13.693 187.512 250.000 −3.322 11.035
4 Domes (m3) 28.470 70.000 145.873 21,278.888 29.500 3.618 13.089
5 Concrete slabs (m3) 356.040 345.000 −3.101 9.615 295.000 −17.144 293.922
6 Steel slab (m2) 882.213 950.000 7.684 59.040 891.000 0.996 0.992
7 Stair and strips (m3) 240.000 237.490 −1.046 1.094 248.490 3.538 12.514
8 Under D.P.C 24 cm (m3) 306.130 322.000 5.184 26.875 311.000 1.591 2.531
9 Brick above D.P.C 24 cm (m3) 1,119.890 1,223.000 9.207 84.772 1,137.000 1.528 2.334
10 Brick above D.P.C 12 cm (m2) 56.298 90.000 59.864 3,583.649 60.500 7.464 55.709
11 Floor (Murmur) (m2) 3,203.596 3,800.000 18.617 346.582 3,250.000 1.448 2.098
12 Floor of roof (m2) 910.754 1,050.000 15.289 233.756 904.000 −0.742 0.550
13 Concrete of D.P.C (m) 426.388 470.830 10.423 108.637 444.830 4.325 18.707
14 Package stone (m2) 3,822.883 2,750.000 −28.065 787.631 4,141.880 8.344 69.629
Mean square error (%) 1,913.96 44.17
Root mean square error (%) 43.749 6.646
In the architectural schemes it was found that the front wall is arch ends with straight wall, but in
the structural schemes, the beam and slab are arch as shown in Figure 6(a), when representing them
by BIM the conflict was clear between the wall with the beams and slab as shown in Figure 6(b). In
the as built, the front wall was implemented each shape of arch to the end without straight wall as
shown in Figure 6(c) therefore, the wall was modelled accordingly in the BIM model as shown in
Figure 6(d).
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In Architecture scheme the slab that surrounds the dome, which is in the form of a circle at level
14.6 as shown in Figure 7(a), but the other slabs at level 15. When the slab represented using BIM,
the conflicts found between the walls and beams with slabs as shown in Figure 7(b), also it was
found that this slab in the real building was a change in the design of the slab in level 14.6 was not
in the form of a circle as shown in the Figure 7(c) because the slab conflict with beams (the
Architectural and the Structural schemes); therefore, the slab was modeled accordingly in the BIM
model as shown in Figure 7(d).
Figure 8 elaborates the correlation coefficients of BIM measures with each of traditional estima-
tion and as built measures. The high correlation between BIM and as built measures was very clear
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Table 2. Comparison of BIM, traditional estimation, and as build quantities for case study-II
No. Item BIM Estimation vs. BIM As Built vs. BIM
Quantity Quantity Error (%) Sqr-error Quantity Error (%) Sqr-error
1 Foundation (m ) 3
1,482.612 1,424.000 3.95 15.63 1,572.980 6.10 37.15
2 Columns (m3) 235.399 248.852 −5.71 32.66 248.852 5.71 32.66
3 Beams (m3) 531.220 420.000 20.94 438.35 535.000 0.71 0.51
4 Domes (m ) 3
146.283 100.000 31.64 1,001.05 146.500 0.15 0.02
5 Slabs (m3) 877.267 914.720 −4.27 18.23 878.720 0.17 0.03
6 Stair (m )
13.619 23.330 −71.30 5,084.37 14.830 8.89 79.07
7 Under D.P.C 24 cm (m3) 278.334 327.320 −17.60 309.75 319.320 14.73 216.84
8 Brick above D.P.C 24 cm (m3) 1,300.109 1,321.900 −1.68 2.81 1,315.900 1.21 1.48
9 Brick above D.P.C 12 cm (m2) 154.121 250.000 −62.21 3,870.11 161.000 4.46 19.92
10 Concrete wall (m3) 82.126 80.830 1.58 2.49 87.830 6.95 48.24
11 Floor of the hall (m )
2,039.800 2,750.000 −34.82 1,212.23 2,070.000 1.48 2.19
12 Floor of the inner corridors (m2) 1,737.600 1,800.000 −3.59 12.90 1,800.000 3.59 12.90
13 Floor of the external corridors (m2) 894.262 1,150.000 −28.60 817.83 940.000 5.11 26.16
14 Floor of roof (m2) 1,339.919 1,600.000 −19.41 376.76 1,270.000 −5.22 27.23
15 Concrete of D.P.C (m) 461.431 1,166.670 −152.84 23,359.26 524.670 13.70 187.83
16 Concrete under the tile (m )
2,725.663 3,729.500 −36.83 1,356.38 3,077.000 12.89 166.15
17 Package stone (m2) 5,765.665 5,000.000 13.28 176.35 6,000.000 4.06 16.52
Mean square error (%) 2,240.42 51.46
Root mean square error (%) 47.33 7.17
compared to traditional estimation (99.77 vs. 92.34% respectively). This is another proof that re-
flects the high accuracy of BIM measures compared with traditional estimation. Figure 8 illustrates
the formula for each fit line for the two methods.
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Comparing with the results of previous researchers, this work also presented the development and
validation of a retrofit strategy on detailed building elements through BIM-based building visualiza-
tion analysis as discussed by Habibi (2017). Meanwhile, in terms of sustainability aspect, BIM stand-
ards and guidelines should include elements of relational contracting in the project delivery system,
especially for public involvement and other downstream project stakeholders in order to be used in
refurbishment and demolition aspects (Chong et al., 2017). The knowledge gained in this study is
that the inclusion of BIM as error tracing tool proved to have a large impact on accuracy of project
documents, thus, it considered a vital component in reducing drift in building information manage-
ment, and this was exactly concluded by Park et al. (2017).
4. Conclusion
This research explores through case studies the ability of BIM as a tool for improvement of knowl-
edge management in the constructed projects. The results prove the capability of detecting many
conflicts occurs between the as built and the design construction documents. Through the use of
this too; it was possible to avoid or minimize change orders to the minimum for the construction
project and to provide quantities take off, 2D, 3D, simulation and multi cross-sectional details for the
project. Most of the conflicts were found in the concrete work and finishing items for the case stud-
ies. BIM have been proved to be powerful tool for existing building re-documentation and conflict
detection, also to reduce the change orders for new or continued projects. The results illustrates the
main conflicts that had detected between the existing buildings and the available construction doc-
uments. The results of the two case studies prove that BIM model was of high correlation coefficient
with as built in term of quantities take off (correlation coefficient was 95.8 and 99.8%) and in the
final shop drawing compared with the traditional estimation method (correlation coefficient was
91.2 and 92.3%). Also, the root mean square error was very little for BIM model (RMSE was 7.17 and
6.65) compared with traditional process for the quantities estimation compared with traditional
process (RMSE was 43.75 and 47.33). These results reflect the high accuracy of BIM and its ability to
be used as a powerful tool for the re-documentation of existing building and their conflicts detec-
tion. Also, BIM can be used efficiently in heritage wealth protection by providing the 3D visualization
and documentation for these sites.
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