Nursing Skills and Interventions
Nursing Skills and Interventions
Nursing Skills and Interventions
CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji
Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo
NURSING procedures & interventions / [authors Dejan Bokonjić ... [et al.] ;
[editors Dejan Bokonjić & Mirza Oruč]. - Zenica : Univerzitet, 2017. - 96 str. : ilustr. ;
26 cm
ISBN 978-9958-639-89-0
1. Bokonjić, Dejan
COBISS.BH-ID 23801350
Zenica, 2017
Vital signs 3
Urinary incontinence 17
Urinary catheterisation 20
Constipation 29
Enema 34
Decubitus 38
Oxygen therapy 46
Drug application 52
Injections 77
Wound care 87
Vital signs
Contributing factors
- age
- gender
- heredity
- race
- lifestyle
- environment
- medications
- pain
- exercise and metabolism
- anxiety and stress
- different acute diseases
- different chronic diseases
- sweat gland activity, reduced metabolism and poor vasomotor
Clinical signs
The pulse rate is a measurement of the heart rate or the number of times the
heart beats per minute. The pulse rate may fluctuate and increase with
exercise, illness, injury, and emotions. Clinical sign of rapid pulse is fast
heartbeat, restlessness, palpitations and clinical sign of slow pulse is fatigue,
shortness of breath, intolerance of exercise and etc.
The respiration rate is the number of breaths a person takes per minute.
Respiration rates may increase with fever, illness and other medical
conditions. Clinical sign of rapid breathing includes using of auxiliary
musculature, intolerance of exercises and etc.
Nursing diagnosis
To follow vital signs, to identify and assess causative/contributing
When assessing vital signs check and record the following signs:
Nursing intervention
to measure and follow vital signs in patient
- Like in every procedure first we need to check patient’s identity and
to ask patient is he/her familiar with procedure (sometimes patients
can feel uncomfortable during the air inflation feeling a lot of
- This procedure comprises few preconditions that can affect
measurement and values of blood pressure. After placing patient in
comfortable position ask whether she/he has done some physical
activity, drunk coffee, smoked cigarettes, experienced something
stressful etc.
- While preparing the equipment (apparatus – sphygmomanometer)
nurse always need to take care about the size of cuff and perform
disinfection of membranes and olives
- First place the patient in comfortable position. If the patient is
moveable you can ask him / her to take comfortable sitting position if
not than whole procedure can be conducted while patient is lying on
his back.
- For routine and daily check of blood pressure is measured on the left
hand and during examination blood pressure is measured on both
hands (left and right). Whole hand or part of the hand near the cubital
region need to be released from clothes otherwise take into account
the impact of clothes on blood pressure. Hand positioned at the heart
level fist need to be released while palm should be open upwards.
- Cuff placed 2,00 – 2,5 cm above the elbow need to be tighten so
much that you can easily drag one finger below.
- Palpate the brachial artery.
- Place the stethoscope membrane on brachial artery, palpate pulse
again, and use stethoscope to listen heartbeats.
- Close the air release valve that is connected to air inflation bulb.
When the valve is closed start to inflate the air into the cuff. Inflate
the air until you hear the last sound of heartbeat, look at the
manometer and remember the value. After that you can add more
pressure on air inflation bulb (around 25 – 30 mm Hg).
- The next step is to slowly open valve to release the air from cuff. Air
releasing need to be slow - around 2-3 mmHg/second.
- When you hear the last heartbeat again look at the manometer and
remember the value, then slowly release the 20-30 mmHg of air after
which you can open air releasing valve to free the air very fast till you
reach the value of 0 mm Hg.
- First sound that you have heard and that you remembered is
considered to be value of systolic blood pressure, while the time of
the last heard sound is considered as a diastolic blood pressure value.
- After the procedure is completed note all values in a patient chart,
(value, time and date).
- Clean and store all the equipment, disinfect the surfaces (membrane
and olives on stethoscope)
- Wash your hand.
Heart rate
Respiratory rate
usually thinner than thermometers for axillary measurement. Handling with
these thermometers asks for precaution because they can break easily and hurt
a patient or a nurse.
Another type of thermometers are electrical thermometers that can be used in
all kinds of temperature measurement. Depending on the place of
measurement they can have different design for measuring body temperature
on membrane tympani. Positive side of this thermometers is that time of
measurement is shortened and they are safer, but nurse always need to follow
the life of batteries and sensors that can give false results if they are broken.
The third type of thermometers are thermometers based on chemical changes
and they are predominantly in the form of stripes. They can be used just for
orientation not for precise measurement.
- Alcohol soaked cotton balls
- Few napkins
- Lubricant (in care of rectal or vaginal measurement)
- Check the patient’s identity, explain the procedure if he / she is not familiar
with it and secure them the privacy and comfortable position. This procedure
can be done in sitting position or patient can be laying on his back or side.
This procedure is appropriate because it is applicable for all age groups and
two big folds of skin are needed.
- Prepare the thermometer. If the thermometer is standing in the container with
other thermometers soaked in disinfection than it is needed just to clean
thermometer with cold water. If the thermometer is not placed in disinfection
than it is needed to disinfect it with cotton balls soaked in alcohol with one
move from reservoir till the end. Check the level of mercury if the level of
mercury is above 36 degrees of C. Apply one or two energetic moves with
thermometer in your hand to shake down the mercury (be careful while doing
this not to hit any hard object that can cause damage or breakage of it). Check
the level of mercury again and which should be below 36 C (it is
recommended that mercury is in reservoir).
- Ask patient to raise his / her hand and clean the axilla (do not rub or make fast
moves; tap the axilla with napkins to clean it from sweat).
- Place the thermometer into axilla in that position that reservoir of mercury
covers all sides, then ask the patient to lower his hand and to hold the
thermometer with his hand in that way that he will hold his hand on the
opposite shoulder or at the level of opposite hip if he cannot touch the
- Thermometer should stay in axilla 8-10 minutes (for adult patient) or 4-8
minutes (children).
- After this time take the thermometer out, check the level of mercury and write
it down in the patient chart and nursing chart (type, value and date).
- Disinfect the thermometer
- Wash your hands
Oral body temperature measurement:
When all other methods cannot be used for body temperature measurement
than this type of measurement can be used. This method is very often in
podiatry but sometimes when there is no other way it can be used with adult
persons. This method is very uncomfortable for patients and takes a lot of risk
to perform it.
- Check the patient’s identity and if the patient is aware explain the whole
procedure and what is expected.
- Ensure the patient privacy.
- For this procedure you need non-sterile gloves, wear them.
- Place the patient in a suitable, comfortable position (laying on the back,
or on side; if this method is applied on a child than place the child on
your knees lying on the stomach so an anal region is in front of you).
- Prepare the thermometer (as it is described previously, but be aware
what kind of disinfect was used, to wash it because of the rectal
mucosa), prepare the lubricant on a napkin or cotton gauze and rub the
thermometer with lubricant, from reservoir till the end.
- Ask a patient to take few deep breaths, with your non - dominant hand
move out the gluteus using your finger exposing rectum (check the
rectum for any sign of infection, bleeding etc.), apply the thermometer
into rectum 4-5 cm in adults or 2-3 cm in children. (Be aware that part
with mercury reservoir is taken into rectum). During applying the
thermometer take care not to damage rectum or its mucosa.
Thermometer should be in rectum for 5 minutes.
- Take of the thermometer after proper time and clean it with napkin (it
can be dirty from fecal masses) and read the value.
- Place the patient into a comfortable position.
- Wash, disinfect and store the thermometer, dispose the gloves and all
used materials.
- Wash your hands
- Document all values into nursing chart and patient chart.
- document the blood pressure
- document the heart rate
- document the respiratory rate
- document the body temperature
The patient will have all vital signs measured and
All values will be precisely documented
The patient will experience a minimum of discomfort
during the procedure
Urinary incontinence
Contributing factors
- pregnancy,
- childbirth,
- excessive weight,
- dietary choices,
- smoking,
- bladder infection,
- hormone disturbances
- pelvic organ prolapse,
- diabetes,
- brain or neurological disorders,
- mobility issues,
- severe constipation
- and other medical problems.
Clinical signs
Stress incontinence: Urine leaks when you exert pressure on your bladder by
coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising or lifting something heavy.
Urge incontinence: A sudden, intense urge to urinate followed by an
involuntary loss of urine. Urge incontinence may be caused by infection, or a
more severe condition such as neurologic disorder or diabetes.
Overflow incontinence. Frequent or constant loss of urine due to a bladder
that doesn't empty completely.
Functional incontinence. A physical or mental impairment stops patient to go
to the toilet in time.
Mixed incontinence. Several types of urinary incontinence.
Nursing diagnosis
To follow urinary incontinence, to identify and assess
causative/contributing factors
When assessing urinary incontinence, check and record the following signs:
Nursing intervention
to measure and follow urinary incontinence signs in patient
history and physical examination. Implement toileting programs.
- avoid medications that may contribute to UI
- avoid indwelling urinary catheters whenever possible to avoid risk for
- monitor fluid intake and maintain an appropriate hydration schedule.
- limit dietary bladder irritants.
- consider weight loss for those with a high body mass index (BMI)
- modify the environment to facilitate continence.
- prevent skin breakdown by providing immediate cleansing after an
incontinent episode
- for stress UI: explain pelvic floor muscle exercises, provide toileting
assistance and bladder training and include other team members if
pharmacological or surgical therapies are warranted.
- For urge UI: implement bladder training and collaborate with team
members if pharmacologic therapy is warranted.
- for overflow UI: allow sufficient time for voiding, discuss with
interdisciplinary team the need for determining a post-void residual (if
catheterisation is necessary sterile intermittent is preferred over
indwelling catheterization)
- for functional UI: provide individualized, scheduled toileting, timed
voiding, provide adequate fluid intake, include physical and
occupational therapy and modify environment to maximize
independence with continence
- document the presence/absence of UI for all patients on
- document assessment of continence status throughout hospital
- document the presence/absence of an indwelling urinary
- identify and document possible etiologies of the UI
The patient will have fewer or no episodes of UI or
complications associated with UI.
The patient will feel much more comfortable
Problems that are caused by pathological work of urinary system like urinary
incontinency, anuria, urine retention, preoperative and postoperative health
care, obstruction of urinary tracts, retention caused by neurological paralysis
of a patient are followed by procedure of urinary catheterisation. This
procedure enables patient’s normal urine flow by positioning special urinary
catheter (Foley) catheter in urinary bladder.
Nurse role in this procedure is vital; this procedure is followed by all sterile
rules and sometimes is uncomfortable for patients. Depending on the rules of
Institution a nurse can perform full procedure or work as a member of team.
This procedure if performed by using all rules of sterile techniques with
extreme precaution to prevent injuries or infections.
- Sterile set for catheterisation or if you are not using factory made set
than equipment need to be adequately prepared and sterile.
- Sterile Foley catheter (proper size)
- Syringe with 5-8 ml of sterile aqua
- Towel and napkins
- Soap and water
- Oilcloth or linen baking
- Sterile gloves
- Non – sterile gloves
- Sterile compress with an appropriate open
- Sterile cotton balls and sterile pincette antiseptic suitable for perianal
- Dish for urine disposal
- Sterile lubricant
- Sterile urine collective bag
- Plaster
- Verify order for catheter insertion by checking a nursing chart or a
patient chart if is prescribed that patient need catheter.
- Check with patient allergy history, especially check the allergy on
lates or different types of lidocain, iodine povid or similar.
- Explain the whole procedure to the patient considering all aspects of
patient nature (age, education level, cultural and religious influence
etc.), be honest with patient and tell him what to expect. Ensure the
patient privacy.
- Wash your hands
- Place the patient in a right position. Male: supine position with legs
extended, female supine position with knee flexed and separated, feet
flat on the bad.
- Clean the perianal area with soap and water and let it dry.
- Create an area for the sterile field and open packaging using sterile
hygiene trolley or a table near the bad or similar.
- Drape the patient with sterile drapes supplied in the kit or outside kit.
- Wear the sterile gloves (from this moment the whole procedure must
be sterile).
- Soaked the cotton balls/swabs with iodine solution for disinfection (if
the patient is allergic to iodine use other disinfection means with
similar impact).
- Open the lubricant and lubricate the catheter up (minimum for 5 cm.)
- Check the clamp of urine bag that is closed (sometimes if you are not
using catheterisation kit, this procedure is slightly different, you need
to prepare all this steps before putting on sterile gloves).
- Prepare the place for insertion of catheter. It is different for male and
Female: Use your non-dominant hand to separate labia for cleaning
process. Use your dominant hand to clean the area (non-dominant
hand is continuously holding labia separated), with one single
downward move first clean the edges, then centre and meatus itself
(you need minimally 4 cotton balls/swab, be careful to keep cotton
balls/swabs clean)
Male: use your non-dominant hand to retract the foreskin before
cleaning if the patient is uncircumcised and if it is circumcised you
can skip this step. Use your non-dominant hand to hold the penis in
60 – 90 degree angle. Make circular moves with cotton balls/swabs
soaked in disinfection means with dominant hand, start from meatus
and continue outward. Repeat this 3-4 times and each time use new
cotton ball/swab.
- use your dominant hand to prepare catheter take the catheter from a
sterile bag or a kit and be very attentive to maintain sterility.
- Insert the catheter through urethra meatus until you see the urine:
Female 6 – 8 cm Male: to the catheter bifurcation.
- If you felt any resistance stop immediately and note the physician.
- Attach the saline – filled syringe and inflate the balloon if indwelling
- Hang the urine collection bag below bladder level.
- Dispose al used equipment
- Clean the perianal area
- Cover a patient to restore privacy
- Wash your hands
- Document the procedure and patient tolerance to the catheter size,
colour, clarity of urine and any other relevant information.
How to remove urinary catheter
This procedure is quite simple.
- Check the patient identity, date of catheter application and order to
remove catheter.
- Explain the patient the whole procedure, tell him that he can feel little
- Wear non – sterile gloves
- Connect the syringe to the valve mechanism on catheter.
- Pull the syringe clip backward (thus you will empty cuff that is
holding catheter fixate). Amount of aqua that is inserted into cuff
should be noticed into a patient chart or on the cuff. Wait until the full
amount is in syringe.
- Take the catheter with an absorbent cotton and pull it very easy and
gently out.
- Prepare the urination container for patient.
- Note the amount of urine in urine bag before you dispose it
- Check the patient for next 12 to 24 hours to be sure that patient is
- Document whole procedure, date and time.
a) mask
b) sterile gloves
c) sterile catheter
d) local anesthetic -lidocain gel
e) gauze for disinfection
f) Disinfectant
g) loin
h) urine bag
i) syringe, needle, 0,9%NaCl
a) get the sterile gloves
g) installation of 5 ml of 0,9%NaCl in an
appropriate hole on the catheter-for the fixation of
the catheter
Contributing factors
older age
inadequate fluid intake
low-fibre diet
medication use
lack of privacy
pain, fear of pain
laxative abuse
tumor or other obstructing mass
neurogenic disorders
use of medications, particularly narcotic analgesics
stress and depression
privacy issues (being away from home, hospitalized or otherwise
being deprived of adequate privacy can result in constipation).
Clinical signs
Frequent but non-productive desire to defecate
Abdominal distention, cramping and bloating
Nausea and vomiting
Dull headache, restlessness, and depression
Verbalized pain or fear of pain
Rectal bleeding
Bladder pressure or loss of bladder control
Lower back pain
Rapid heartbeat or light-headedness from straining to pass stool
Nursing diagnosis
To identify and assess causative/contributing factors
Evaluate usual dietary habits, oral/dental health, eating habits, eating
schedule and liquid intake.
Evaluate change in mealtime, type of food, disruption of usual
Assess activity level and exercise pattern
Evaluate current medication usage (drugs that can cause constipation
include the following: narcotics, antacids with calcium or aluminium
base, chemotherapy, steroids, antidepressants, anticholinergics,
antihypertensives and iron and calcium supplements).
Determine access to bathroom (ability to perform self-care activities)
and assess privacy for elimination (use of bedpan, access to bathroom
facilities with privacy during work hours).
Evaluate pain with defecation (hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or other
anorectal disorders that are painful can cause ignoring the urge to
defecate, which results over time in a dilated rectum that no longer
responds to the presence of stool).
Identify areas of stress (personal relationships, occupational factors,
financial problems)
Ask about anxiety
Assess usual pattern of elimination; compare with present pattern.
Include size, frequency, odour, colour, and quality of feces ("Normal"
frequency of passing stool varies from twice daily to once every third
or fourth day. It is important to ascertain what is "normal" for each
Assess degree to which patient's procrastination contributes to
constipation (ignoring the defecation urge eventually leads to chronic
constipation, because the rectum no longer senses, or responds to, the
presence of stool. The longer the stool remains in the rectum, the drier
and harder (and more difficult to pass) it becomes.
Ascertain duration of current problem and degree concern (short-
standing or long-standing)
Evaluate laxative use, type and frequency.
Evaluate reliance on enemas for elimination.
Assess for history of neurogenic diseases, such as multiple sclerosis,
Parkinson's disease.
Palpate abdomen and provide rectal exam
Nursing intervention
to help the patient to establish and maintain normal bowel habits
Encourage daily fluid intake of 2000 to 3000 ml per day, if not
contraindicated medically (Suggest drinking warm, stimulating fluids
(tea, hot water) to promote soft stool).
Encourage increased fibre in diet (raw fruits, fresh vegetables) to
improve consistency of stool and facilitate passage; a minimum of 20
gm of natural dietary fibre per day is recommended.
Encourage patient to consume prunes, prune juice, cold cereal, and
bean products.
Encourage physical activity and regular exercise.
Encourage a regular time for elimination.
Encourage/support treatment of underlying medical causes where
appropriate to improve body function, including the bowel.
Encourage isometric abdominal and gluteal exercises
Teach use of pharmacological agents as ordered, as in the following:
Bulk fibre (Metamucil and similar fibre products)-these
increase fluid, gaseous,
and solid bulk of intestinal contents
Stool softeners (these soften stool and lubricate intestinal
Chemical irritants (these irritate the bowel mucosa and
cause rapid propulsion of contents of small intestines.
Suppositories (these aid in softening stools and stimulate
rectal mucosa; best results occur when given 30 min before usual
defecation time or after breakfast.
Apply oil retention enema (to soften stool) if needed
Apply lubricant ointment if needed
Digitally remove fecal impaction if necessary.
Suggest the following measures to minimize rectal discomfort
(shrink swollen hemorrhoidal tissue):
Warm sitz bath
Hemorrhoidal preparations
Educate patients
Explain or reinforce to patient and caregiver the importance of the
Document pattern of elimination, colour, consistency,
frequency and amount of stool passed
Document found contributing and causative factors
Document type of intervention
Document further preventive strategy
The patient's rectum will be free of feces
The patient will establish and maintain normal bowel
The patient will experience a minimum of discomfort
during the procedure
An enema is the installation of a solution into the rectum and sigmoid colon.
An enema is given to treat severe constipation, unresponsive for other
measures, or to cleanse the bowel for diagnostic procedures.
To safely and effectively administer enema with the minimum of
discomfort for the patient
Patients who has constipation and faecal loading
Patients being prepared for surgery or a procedure
Patients needing the removal of residual barium enema/meal
• Micralax enema or fleet (phosphate) enema
• Lubricant (Vaselinum)
• Non-sterile gloves
• Blue under sheet
• White coat or uniform
• Protective eyewear (if at risk of splash)
• +/- Bedpan as required
Explain procedure to patient
Obtain required equipment
Ensure patient’s privacy
Put on white coat or uniform and protective eyewear
Perform hand hygiene and put on non-sterile gloves
Position patient in the left lateral position in a knee-chest position
if tolerated and place a blue under sheet under their buttocks
Remove cap and lubricate tip of an enema tube
Instruct patient to relax and to breath normally
Slowly and gently insert a tube approx. 3 cm into the rectum
Ask the patient to take a deep breath in (relaxes the sphincter), if
resistance is encountered at the internal sphincter
Squeeze the tube to instil all of the contents into the rectum, and
keep the chamber compressed as you withdraw the tube (prevents
suction of fluid back into the chamber)
Dispose of rubbish adhering to infection control policy
Instruct patient to remain lying in bed for as long as comfortable
before opening bowels
Assist patient to mobilize to bathroom or onto bedpan as required
Perform hand hygiene
Offer patient the opportunity to perform hand hygiene
Sometimes, because of severe constipation, the faeces become so hard and
large that it will not pass through the anus without tissue damage. When this
happens, nurse needs to remove the faeces manually.
• To safely and effectively remove impacted faeces with the
minimum of discomfort
for the patient
Disposable absorbent pads
Non-sterile gloves
Plastic shovel
Blue under sheet
Bag for faeces removal
Wash bowel
Water/soluble lubricant
Explain procedure and rationale to patient
Obtain required equipment
Pull curtains around bed or close door to room to maintain
patient’s privacy.
Ask the patients to lay down on the side with knees flexed and
back toward the nurse.
Place a blue under sheet under the patient's buttocks, and a
bedpan to hold removed stool nearby.
Perform hand hygiene
Put on non-sterile gloves and apply lubricant to the index finger
that will be inserted to break up the impaction.
Insert a gloved, lubricated index finger and massage around the
anal sphincter and edges of the impaction, gradually working the
gloved finger into the mass to break it up.
Dislodge the broken-up pieces of stool carefully working them
downward toward the end of the rectum.
Check regularly to assure that there are no untoward effects such
as weakness, diaphoresis or clamminess, or changes in pulse rate.
Stop procedure if heart rate drops or rhythm changes from the
patient’s baseline.
Dispose used under sheet and gloves into the plastic bag and
safely dispose it in the space provided.
Wash your hand thoroughly
Decubitus (bed sore, pressure) ulcer is an ulcer occurring on the skin of any
bed-ridden patient, particularly over bony prominence or where two skin
surfaces press against each other. Four grades of decubitus ulcers can be
recognized on the basis of pathophysiology of soft tissue breakdown
overlying bony prominences (Table 1). Pressure relief and pressure reduction
devices for the prevention of skin breakdown include a wide range of
surfaces, specialty beds, mattresses and other devices. Preventive measures
are usually not reimbursable, even though costs related to treatment once
breakdown occurs are greater.
Stage Description
intact skin with redness
Stage I
(erythema) and sometimes with
Stage I partial-thickness loss of skin, an
abrasion, swelling, and possible
blistering or peeling of skin.
Stage III full-thickness loss of skin, open
wound (crater), and possible
exposed under layer.
Stage IV full-thickness loss of skin and
underlying tissue, extends into
muscle, bone, tendon, or joint.
Possible bone destruction,
dislocations, or pathologic
fractures (not caused by injury).
Contributing factors
Old age
Mechanical forces (pressure, shear, friction)
Pronounced bony prominences
Poor circulation
Poor nutrition
Poor hygiene
Altered sensation
Spinal injury
Presence of circulatory problems
Diabetic foot
Environmental moisture
History of radiation
Hyperthermia or hypothermia
Clinical signs
Nursing diagnosis
1. to provide the assessment of the decubitus ulcers
2. to provide the assessment of the risk/contributing factors
Determine age.
Assess general condition of skin (healthy skin varies from individual
to individual, but should have good turgor, feel warm and dry to the
touch, be free of rashes scratches, bruises, excoriation) and have quick
capillary refill (less than 6 seconds).
Specifically assess skin over bony prominences (sacrum, trochanters,
scapulae, elbows, heels, inner and outer malleolus, inner and outer
knees, back of head).
Assess patient's awareness of the sensation of pressure.
Assess patient's ability to move (shift weight while sitting, turn over
in bed, move from bed to chair).
Assess patient's nutritional status, including weight and weight loss
Assess for edema (skin stretched tautly over edematous tissue is at
risk for impairment).
Assess for history of radiation therapy (radiated skin becomes thin
and friable, may have less blood supply)
Assess for faecal and/or urinary incontinence.
Assess for environmental moisture (wound drainage, high humidity).
Check for repositioning
Assess surface that patient spends majority of time on (mattress for
bedridden patient, cushion for persons in wheelchairs).
Assess amount of shear (pressure exerted laterally) and friction
(rubbing) on patient's skin.
Reassess skin often and whenever the patient's condition or treatment
plan results in an increased number of risk factors.
For grade 1 decubitus ulcers skin integrity complete checklist at least
For decubitus ulcers grade 2 – 4 skin complete checklist at least
For patients at risk of decubitus ulcers or have healed decubitus ulcers
reassess for pressure release need at least every three months for as
long as it is required.
Check for pain
Check for infection
Nursing intervention
to improve circulation
to facilitate healing
to prevent infection
to prevent further damage
to treat decubitus ulcers
hypoallergenic tape
syringe 10 ml
needle 21 G
two pairs of gloves
isotonic saline solution
sterile gauze swabs 10x10 cm
sterile cotton tampons
sterile dressings
blue under sheet
sterile scissors
alcohol swabs
waste receptacles
Do not use gauze swabs and cotton wool for ulcer cleaning
because this can cause mechanical damage to new tissue and the
shedding of fibres from gauze swabs/cotton wool delays
Remove visible debris and devitalised tissue if present
Remove dressing residue
Remove excessive or dry crusting exudates (wound cleansing
should not be undertaken to remove 'normal' exudate)
Refer the patients with glued, necrotizing material for debrid
Choose and prepare appropriate dressing according to the need of
wounds (to be drained, protected or keep moist), dressing effects,
the availability and practicality of the dressing. Used the dressing
in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions or research
When uncertain about which dressing to use, a gauze dressing
moistened in saline solution may be applied. Gently put a
dressing over the ulcer's surface. Do not impale the gauze into
the ulcer. Change the dressing frequently to keep the wound
When using hydrocolloid dressing, carefully take the dressing out
of the package, remove the protective liner from the adhesive
side of the dressing and place it over the ulcer. Creases need to
be flattened. If needed, attach edges of the dressing to the intact
skin using tape.
For the ulcers with excessive exudate and infected ulcers alginate
dressing may be applied. Switch to another type of the dressing
when the drainage stops and the wound bed looks dry. For non-
adherent surfaces, foam dressing may be applied. Change the
dressing when the foam stops absorbing the exudate.
For painful ulcers hydrogel dressings may be applied.
When dressing change is completed, remove the gloves and
dispose them into the waste receptacles. Dispose all other waste
into the waste receptacles.
Wash the hands
Plan preventive strategy
Decubitus prevention
Encourage use of lift sheets to move patient in bed and discourage
patient or caregiver from elevating HOB repeatedly. Remove all
creases of the linen. Place a pillow in a comfortable position.
Leave blisters intact by wrapping in gauze, or applying a hydrocolloid
(Duoderm ) or a vapour-permeable membrane dressing (maintains the
skin's natural function as barrier to pathogens while the impaired area
below the blister heals).
Teach patient and caregiver the cause(s) of decubitus ulcer
Ulcer management is practiced in accordance with the best available
evidence for optimizing healing
Ulcer management dressings, pharmaceuticals and devices are used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or research protocols
The patient will experience a minimum of discomfort during the
The ulcer is healed within the expected period of time (in accordance
with the phase)
Patient's skin remains intact
No redness over bony prominences
Capillary refill <6 seconds over areas of redness.
Contributing factors
Clinical signs
Colour of skin, ranging from blue to pale
Fast heart rate
Rapid breathing
Shortness of breath
Wheezing or stridor
Using auxiliary respiratory muscles
Nursing diagnosis
To identify and assess causative/contributing factors
When assessing for hypoxemia, check and record the following signs:
- evaluate complete vital signs (blood pressure, pulse and frequency of
- evaluate respiratory status.
- auscultate lungs and heart.
- investigate is there any chronic pulmonary or cardiac conditions.
- check capillary refill on all extremities. Capillary refill time varies
with age should return to normal within two to three seconds in all
- evaluate is there peripheral or central cyanosis
- looking for evidence of restlessness
- check how patient is answering questions and is there any confusion
- check the level of consciousness
Nursing intervention
to help the patient to establish normal level of oxygen in blood
- document the initiation of oxygen therapy, changes in therapy,
and the effect and tolerance of therapy.
- document the way of usage of therapy
- document mode of delivery (device and FiO2)
- document level of SpO2
- document indications for usage of oxygen.
The patient will have normalized vital signs and feel
The patient will establish and maintain normal blood
levels of oxygen
The patient will experience a minimum of discomfort
during the procedure
DRUG APPLICATION – Enteral procedure
Enteral Parenteral
Nursing diagnosis
Before administration of any kind of drugs it is important to make
assessment based on patient condition, age etc.
- Patient should be positioned in a comfortable position. If it is
possible it is semi – seat position (Fowler position); if patient is
not able to be placed in this position it is recommended to use
patient’s bed options for placing him/her in a comfortable
- Prepare appropriate liquid (tea or water) that will patient use while
taking drugs.
- Explain and show what kind of pills/tablet patient is going to take
- If the patient is in position to take pills/tablet on his own nurse
should give him a cup with pill tablet and ask him to swallow. If
the patient is not in possibility to do this by his own Nurse should
ask a patient to open mouth and nurse puts pills/tablet in his
- Along with pills Nurse should give a patient a glass of water/tea
and asks to drink it with pills and swallow easy.
- It is important to determine if patient is capable to take more than
one pill at the time and to make sure that Nurse helps patient to
take all necessary pills/tablet.
for aspiration should be detached and syringe with prepared drug
should be connected.
- Check again is the drug/tablet ready for application.
- Applicate the drug using the methods of free fall with syringe.
- After the drug is administered, nasogastric tube should be washed
out with 15-30 ml of water (maximum 50 ml of liquid). Amount
of this liquid should be noted on the patient chart and Nursing
- Syringe used for drug administration should be removed and
Nasogastric tube should be plugged,
- Patient should stay in Fowler position at least 30 minutes and
comfortable conditions should be ensured for him.
- All equipment that is used for this drug administration equipment
should be discarded (what is for a single use).
- Nurse must wash her hands thoroughly.
- Notice the amount of drugs, liquid, time, date and person who
administered this drug in patient chart and Nursing chart.
When there is obstacle to administer drug orally some of the medications can
be administered per rectum (PR). Medication that are usually administered
PR are good for local and for systematic treatment, because the physiology
and anatomy characteristics of rectal mucosa ensure fast medication
absorption. Enema procedure is used for therapeutic and diagnostic purpose
and sometimes it can be used for medication administration (Enema
medication administration is described in procedure about enema). Usually
types of medication administered per rectum are different types of
suppositories and different types of unguents.
This method with all benefits also has some deficiencies that are usually
caused by contraindication. Contraindication for this procedure are the lack
of consent, anal surgery, abnormalities or trauma, pruritus or any other
malformation of anal region.
Nursing diagnosis:
This procedure has several similarities with procedure for enema insertion
but it is simpler and demand lower number of material units for this
- Suppositories
- Gloves (clean not sterile)
- Lubricant
- Waste bag
- Absorbent pad
- Gauze swabs or tissues
- Bedpan and toilet paper.
Once the equipment is prepared nurse can start with procedure according to
the following steps:
nurse to enable gravity – assisted flow through rectum toward the
sigmoid colon. Under the patient's hips and buttocks place an
absorbent pad. When patient feels comfortable and ready for
procedure start with the application of suppository.
- Wash your hands once again and wear non-sterile gloves.
- Remove all packaging of suppositories and place it onto a clean
dressing trolley or similar.
- Take the lubricant and squeeze sufficient amount on gauze and
lubricate the apex of suppository.
- Ask patient to take deep breath, to relax and concentrate on
breathing. With non-dominant hand part the buttocks, while with
dominant hand place the suppository in an anal canal for 2- 4 cm
using a gloved index finger. If there is several suppository
prescribed repeat this step. Note to patient that is very
important to keep suppository in an anal canal as long as
possible or at least for 20 minutes while defecation reflex
Exception: procedure is the same for administration of
unguentum, just for unguentum special factory made
applicator is used.
- Wipe away excess traces of lubricant from the anal area
- Place all used equipment in clinical waste and wash your hands
with disinfection agent
- Patient should be left in a comfortable position to ensure
medication absorption
- Document type, amount, time and person who delivered
medication on the patient chart and Nursing chart.
- Observe patient for any adverse reactions.
A nurse must document all steps that are conducted within this procedure
like: type of medication that is used, dosage, time and person who
administrated this medication
All steps should be documented in the patient’s chart and Nursing chart.
Nursing diagnosis
- Help the patient to take comfort position and tell her to stay as
long as possible in the bed for next few hours.
- After finishing application all equipment that is for single use
should be disposed. If an applicator is for multiple use it must be
washed with soap, disinfection media and warm water (one
applicator can be used just for one same patient).
- Wash your hands
Document all that you have done, note the date and time of application, drug
dosage, usage of applicator, effects of treatment and all other relevant
It is very important to notice that this drug can make local complication like
local irritation. This procedure can be evaluated after few hours to see has the
vaginal drug been absorbed properly.
More than 800% of hospitalized patients receive some kind of i.v therapy (i.v.
– intravenous therapy). I.V. therapy means that medication is put directly into
blood flow into veins by using some of the methods for application of blood
therapy. I.V. therapy can be performed in two ways:
Peripheral veins are used for application of infusion solution using hand, pals,
and leg and foot veins for short time for the occasional application of therapy.
Central venous therapy is usually used vena cava superiors and vena jugulars
interna and externa and it is used for patients that need to take large amount of
solution, hypertonia solutions, medication with caustic impact and high
calories parenteral nutrition.
Nursing diagnosis
- To apply therapy
- To improve nutrition status of patients via parenteral feeding
- To improve status of electrolytes
- To maintain water – salt balance
Indications for I.V. therapy are various depending on therapy goals, the length
of therapy, diagnosis, age, veins status etc. I.V. therapy can be used for a single
application of medication if the medication need to be put in blood flow
immediately. There are three types of medication I.V. application:
Infusion system
- Infusion system
- Tupfers
- Alcohol or other relevant disinfection mean
- I.V. solution
- I.V. medication
- I.V. stand
- Adhesive tape
- Non – sterile gloves
- Tourniquet
- Cannula I.V.
- Needle dispenser
- Sterile gauze
bucket or the sink point the distal part of system towards it and slowly
open the clamp wheel. Hold the clamp fully open until the all air
bubbles that are created in the system go out. When all air bubbles go
out hang the system on the stand. (if you are doing this outside the
patient’s room place the etiquette on the bottle with patient’s name,
room number, bed number and medication that are in infusion).
- Explain to the patient all procedure and ensure him comfort. Ask a
patient to take a comfortable position if he/she can move.
- Before starting procedure choose the place for I.V. (usually veins of
hand and palm). It is recommended to use distal veins, so if therapy last
longer you can move I.V. places of administration)
- When you choose I.V. place ask a patient to take a comfortable
- Put on the gloves and place the tourniquet 15 cm above the place of
I.V. set insertion. Easily palpate the vein with the fingers of a non-
dominant hand, stretch the skin with non-dominant hand to fixate the
- Make the disinfection of the area by using disinfection media (alcohol
or povidon iodum- never combine these two) by making round moves
from a centre to a periphery in range 5-0 cm.
- Take the cannula with your dominant hand for a plastic delta part and
take of the protective cap, then rotate the needle until the slope is
looking up.
- With fingers of a non-dominant hand stretch the skin minimum 4 cm
from the place of insertion to fixate the vein.
- Tell the patient the moment when you will place the cannula. Place the
cannula in the above explained position using angle of 15 – 25 degrees.
- With an energetic move place the cannula into vein, press the rubber
mouth of cannula to see is there any blood that will prove you that you
located the vein. If the blood is shown place the cannula minimally half
of its length and take the needle.
- Remove the tourniquet
- Place the cannula (full length) into a vein. Place the gauze below the
cannula to prevent blood to contact skin, and connect the infusion
system if you have not done that before. (An infusion system can be
connected before the placing cannula).
- Open the clamp on infusion system and regulate the speed of solution
- Fixate the cannula using U or H or some other methods.
- Stay with patient for next 10 minutes to check possible complication
and reaction that can be caused by cannula, solution or some other
- Dispose all used material.
- Document all steps that are done
drugs from ampulla, check the date on ampulla and the type of drug
administration. Clean the neck of ampulla with swab soaked in alcohol,
and if there is a sign that ampulla can be opened use your non- dominant
hand to hold an ampulla still and use your dominant hand to take the
ampulla neck with a thumb and a forefinger. With a strong move open
the ampulla. If the ampulla need to be opened with a saw first make
three sharp move with a saw. Drugs packed as powder need to be
soluted in the following way: use a sterile syringe, a needle and an
ampulla of 5 ml with sterile aqua. Open the syringe and a needle then
connect the needle to the syringe. Remove the protective cap from a
needle and pull aqua into the syringe. With a non-dominant hand use
your thumb and a fore finger to hold aqua ampulla upside down
(vacuum in ampulla will prevent aqua from leaking). With a dominant
hand place the needle in ampulla and use three fingers to pull aqua into
the syringe. When aqua is in the syringe open the bottle where powder
rug is, remove the steel cap and clean the rubber cap with alcohol. Place
the needle through the rubber cap by holding bottle with your non
dominant hand and by a dominant hand hold the syringe with needle.
Insert the aqua into bottle and shake a bottle until you get a clear
solution. And with same needle (that is still into the bottle) and syringe
pull the appropriate dosage of drug. Before the administration drug into
vein it is recommended to change a needle.
- Explain to the patient all the procedure and ensure him/her comfort.
Ask a patient to take comfortable position if he/she can move.
- Before starting procedure choose the place for I.V. (usually it is veins
of hand and a palm) it is recommended that you use distal veins. Thus
if therapy lasts longer you can change I.V. places of administration
having in mind that all peripheral veins are appropriate locations I.V.
- When you choose I.V. location ask a patient to take comfortable
- Put on the gloves and place the tourniquet 15 cm above the place of
I.V. set insertion. Easily palpate the vein with the fingers of a non-
dominant hand, then stretch the skin with a non-dominant hand to fixate
the vein.
- Make the disinfection of a selected area by using disinfection media
(alcohol or povidon iodum- never combine these two) by making round
moves from a centre to a periphery in the range of 5-0 cm.
- For this purpose you can use cannula, (usage of cannula is described in
the procedure about infusion) or a needle. The syringe with a needle
need to be rotated until the slop looks up (before inserting needle into
a vein air need to be pulled out the syringe – with a non-dominant
hand hold the syringe with a needle in the straight position and with a
dominant hand make an easy pressure on the syringe clip until the air
is pulled out.
- With fingers of non-dominant hand stretch the skin minimum 4 cm
from place of insertion to fixate the vein.
- Tell the patient the moment when you will place the needle. Place the
needle in the above explained position using angle of 15 – 25 degrees.
- With a single move place the needle into a vein, then slightly pull the
syringe toward yourself to see have you hit the vein. If the blood is
shown place the needle into a vein.
- Remove the tourniquet.
- Administer drug very slowly.
- When the drug is fully administered take out the needle with a slow
uninterrupted move then put swab with alcohol on the place of insertion
and fixate it with an adhesive tape.
- Explain to the patient that he/she needs to make small pressure on that
place to stop bleeding.
- Stay with a patient for next 10 minutes to check possible complication
and reaction.
- Dispose all used material.
- Document all steps that are done.
It is crucial that all steps are documented: date, time, the type of I.V. system,
name, as well as the dosage of infusion system. If some of medication is added
to infusion solution it should also be documented. All this data need to be
signed in the patient and nursing chart and signed by person who performs this
Always use the sterile infusion system, it is recommended that I.V. system
stays in vain for 48 or maximum 72 hours.
Preparation of the material necessary for the application of the drug: Points
(max 3 points, each 0,5 points)
-supporter arm
4. Disinfection of the place of done not done
5. Removing air from syringe done not done
Central venous catheter can be placed in vena subclavia but because of it length
it ends in vena cava superior or right atrium, using vena iugularis interna and
vena basilica catheter ends in vena cava superior
- Second person (in most cases physician) wears a sterile mask and a
- Nurse opens the 3ml syringe with a needle 25G size and using sterile
technique give them to physician. Nurse cleans the top of lidocain
bottle and turns it toward physician who will fill up the syringe with
lidocain and apply it to the selected area.
- Nurse will open catheter and using aseptic technique give it to
physician to conduct application.
- While physician is placing the catheter nurse should prepare infusion
set to be connected the very moment the catheter is placed into a central
- When physician confirms that catheter is in the central vein the infusion
solution is used.
- Place the label with date and time of placing catheters and its length
- Dispose all used material that are for disposal, and materials that can
be reused send to washing and sterilization.
- Document all steps in the patient and nursing chart.
Central venous catheter is very complex procedure and all steps from placing,
drugs administration, dressing, removing and swab control should be noted.
Note when, where and who have conducted procedure in the patient and
nursing chart.
Every drug administration need to be noted in the patient chart and signed by
person whom performed it. Dressing of catheter is very important. Note time
and date of central venous catheter dressing which is very important in
prevention of infection (it should be noted in the patient chart including date
and time of removing of catheter).
Usage of injections enables faster and better impact of drugs increasing the
speed of drug impact. Dosage is more precise and it is used when drugs cannot
be applied via digestive system. This procedure is quite complex because the
nurse and patient need preparation. Procedure is followed by pain occurrence
so patient usually feels uncomfortable during this procedure. Preparation of
equipment is similar to all types of injection. Choosing location and drug
application depends on the type of injection.
General equipment:
- Swabs with alcohol or other relevant disinfection remedy 3- 5 psc
- Bed pen
- Gloves non-sterile
- Clean the place of administration of drug using swabs with alcohol
using round circles moving from centre towards outside in radius at
least of 5 cm.
- Tell the patient when you will insert the needle
- Apply the injection and insert drug
- After the insertion of drug remove the injection with one continuous
move and on the place of puncture put the alcohol swab
Above described procedure is for all kinds of injections. In the text below
specific places of injections and procedure will be explained.
These injections are given into dermis, mostly used for different allergy tests.
Dosage of applied drug by this method is usually 0, 5 ml. Most common places
for intacutaneosu injection are inner side of forearm and outer side of upper
arm. Suitable place for this injections is also upper back area – shoulder blades
area and upper thorax area.
- When the needle is in an adequate position insert the drug using easy
pressure on the syringe plunger (clip). When the drug is inserted with
one single continuous move remove the injection.
- Do not massage place of application.
- If the place of application is used for testing mark the place.
- Dispose all used material in accordance with institution rules.
Subcutaneous injection:
This type of injections represents injections that are given directly into
subcutaneous tissue. Most common drugs applied in this way are insulin,
heparin and some types of painkillers, vaccine etc. Dosage for application of
subcutaneous injection is 1-2ml.
Place for application of subcutaneous injections are: outer part of upper arm,
upper part of abdominal wall and back and outer part of thigh.
- Check the medicine following all the steps for drug check.
- Check the identity of patient and prepare equipment and drug (as it is
previously described).
- Wash your hands, explain the procedure to the patient.
- Choose the location of drug application. (Location need to be clean
without any bruise, oedema, scratch or any other changes in skin
integrity. That is recommended whenever you administer subcutaneous
injection because this type of injections is used for long lasting
- Patient should take comfortable position.
- Place of drug insertion need to be cleaned with cotton swab soaked in
alcohol using circular motions from centre to outside.
- Remove the needle cap.
- Use your non-dominate hand to wrinkle skin on the place of application
and insert the injection using angle from 30 to 90 degrees. Drug should
be applied very slowly. After the application take out the needle with
slow continuous move.
- Place of injection application need to be rubbed with alcohol soaked
cotton swab to improve drug absorption. (Rubbing is not allowed after
the application of heparin).
- Patient should be in a comfortable position
- Document all steps about drugs, date and time.
- Dispose all used material and it is recommended to visit the patient
after 30 minutes.
One of the most common places for injection application is muscle tissue. This
method is used for application of drugs of common dosage of 5 ml with fast
absorption. Places for application of intramuscular injections are large muscles
like gluteus maximum, musculus quadriceps femoris and musculus deltoideus.
Musculus gluteus is most commonly used muscle for application of injections
for adults.
- Check the equipment, prepare the drugs following rules for drug
- Check the identity of patients and drug prescription.
- Wash your hands, prepare equipment and drug.
- Explain the procedure to the patient.
- Choose the location for injection insertion.
If the maximum gluteus is used as the location for intramuscular
injection, locating of puncture point of this muscle is very important
because if the place is chosen wrongly nervus ischiadicus can be
damaged. Location of intramuscular injection application on musclus
glutes is upper lateral quadrant. To determine this quadrant you need to
ask patient to lay on his stomach, gluteus need to be open and separated
by imaginary lines. Upper horizontal line is spread among two crista
illiaca, lower horizontal line is spread among thigh and seat muscles,
outer vertical line follows the lateral body line and inner vertical line
follows gluteal fissure. The quadrat is divided into 4 quadrants and
injection is applied into upper lateral quadrant, 5-7 cm below the spina
of illiac bone.
If the patient is lying on the side one imaginary line is drawn between
spina illiaca superior posterior and trochanter femors major. Then
injection can be applied on the side up from the imaginary line because
nervus ischiadicus goes below this line.
If you choose place on thigh you can use muscles rectus femoris and
musculus vastus lateralis. Patient needs to lay on his/her back or to be
in seated position. Usually this location is used for smaller doses of
drug. Places of application are front, lateral and middle third part of
thigh. Muscles need to be relaxed not stretched. This place is not
recommended for undernourished patient because it can be very
If you choose muscles deltoids as the location of injection you need to
know that you can give drug in dosage 1-2 ml. Patient needs to be in
sitting or standing position. Choose the middle of muscles deltoids. It
is recommended not to use drugs that irritate and nurses need to be
careful because radial nerve can be damaged.
- Clean the place for injection application. Use a thumb and a forefinger
of non-dominant hand to stretch the skin and with sharp movement at
90 degree angle apply needle.
- When needle is inserted pull the plugger (clip) to check is there any
blood. If the blood shows up that is sign that needle hit the blood vessel
and procedure need to be repeated. If there is no blood apply the drug
easily. Use non-dominate hand and apply alcohol soaked cotton swab
and easily rub the place of insertion to lower the pain.
- Place the patient in comfortable position.
- Dispose all used material.
- Wash your hands.
- Document all steps about procedure and drug.
- After 30 minutes visit thee patient.
Acute Wound is the result of tissue damaged by trauma. This may be
deliberate, as in surgical wounds of procedures, or be due to accidents caused
by blunt force, projectiles, heat, electricity, chemicals or friction. An acute
wound is by definition expected to progress through the phases of normal
healing, resulting in the closure of the wound.
Chronic Wound fails to progress or respond to treatment over the normal
expected healing time frame (4 weeks) and becomes "stuck" in the
inflammatory phase.
Aseptic Technique
Aseptic technique means “without micro-organisms”. It refers to the
procedure used to avoid the introduction of pathogenic organisms into the
vulnerable body site. The principle aim of an aseptic technique is to protect
the patient from contamination by pathogenic organisms during medical and
nursing procedures.
Contributing factors
Reduced Blood supply
Medication (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and
Psychological stress and lack of sleep
Reduced wound temperature
Underlying Disease
Inappropriate wound management
Patient compliance
Unrelieved pressure
Substance abuse including alcohol and cigarette smoke
Clinical signs
1. Acute Surgical Wound is a clean cut with a sharp instrument which
cuts or punctures the skin deliberately during a surgical procedure.
Acute surgical wounds normally proceed through an orderly and
timely reparative process resulting in sustained restoration of
anatomic and functional integrity. If an acute wound fails to heal
within six weeks, it can become a chronic wound.
2. Trauma Wound is a stressful event caused by either a mechanical or
a chemical injury resulting in tissue damage. Depending on its level,
trauma can have serious short-term and long-term consequences.
3. Burns are the injuries to tissues caused by heat, friction, electricity,
radiation, or chemicals. Burns may be caused by even a brief
encounter with heat greater than 120°F (49°C). The source of this heat
may be the sun, hot liquids, steam, fire, electricity, friction (causing
rug burns and rope burns), and chemicals (causing a caustic burn
upon contact).
4. Chronic Wound fails to heal in an orderly and timely manner. The
clinical signs of chronic wounds may include: non-viable wound
tissue (slough and/or necrosis), lack of healthy granulation tissue
(wound tissue may be pale, greyish and avascular), no reduction in
wound size over time and recurrent wound breakdown.
5. Pressure injury is a localised injury to the skin and/or underlying
tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, shear
and/or friction, or a combination of these factors.
6. Infected Wound represents the invasion of wound tissue by and
multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, which may produce
subsequent tissue injury and progress to overt disease through a
variety of cellular or toxic mechanisms
Nursing diagnosis
To provide the assessment of the wound
To provide the assessment of risk&contributing factors
Contraction - wound edges are coming together, signs of
Sensation - increased pain or the absence of sensation should
be noted
If any of the above clinical indicators are present medical review
should be instigated and referral to microbiology laboratory should be
Nursing intervention
Gently remove the dressing in a way that minimises pain and exposed
wound for the minimum time to avoid contamination and maintain
Perform the wound cleansing using aseptic technique procedure in a
way that minimises the trauma of the wound
Clean and irrigate the wound using isotonic saline solution. This may
be carried out utilising a syringe in order to produce gentle pressure in
order to loosen debris.
Do not use gauze swabs and cotton wool because this could cause
mechanical damage to new tissue and the shedding of fibres from
gauze swabs/cotton wool delays healing.
Warm fluids to 37°C to support cellular activity
Use Antiseptics only sparingly for infected wounds
Avoid alcohol as tissue is degraded
Remove visible debris and devitalised tissue if present
Remove dressing residue
Remove excessive or dry crusting exudates (wound cleansing should
not be undertaken to remove 'normal' exudate)
Choose the dressing according to the stages of healing (Table 1 and 2)
Maintain a moist environment at the wound/dressing interface
Be able to control (remove) excess exudates. A moist wound
environment is good, a wet environment is not beneficial.
Do not stick to the wound, shed fibres or cause trauma to the wound
or surrounding tissue on removal
Protect the wound from the outside environment
Keep the wound close to normal body temperature
Perform procedure avoiding accidental contamination of sterile
equipment and site
Change the gloves and decontaminate hands at any stage when
contamination has occurred
Reassess the wound with every dressing change to ensure the most
appropriate products are used
Document the outcomes of the assessment
Educate patients about ongoing wound treatment process
Dry wound Minimal Moderate Heavy exudate
exudate exudate
Non adherent
Hydrogel Calcium alginate Hydrofibre
island dressing
pressure wound
Ostomy bags
Document type and appearance of wound
Document amount and type of drainage, colour,
consistency and odour of exudate
Document status of surrounding skin
Document type and amount of solution used
Document the patient’s reaction to procedure
Capture wound documentation in progress notes and
treatment plans
Wound management is practiced in accordance with
the best available evidence for optimizing healing in
acute and chronic wounds
Wound management dressings, pharmaceuticals and
devices are used in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions or research protocols
The patient will experience a minimum of discomfort
during the procedure
The wound is healed within the expected period of
time (in accordance with the phase)
Infectious and noninfectious complications of the
wound are prevented