Zwe Linn Htike (Campus2)
waterside and ready to start the race 15 clear, it is your responsibility to ensure that
minutes before your start time. it is safe to exit junctions.
Time Swim Wave Hat Colour This is a non-drafting race. Drafting is
cycling closer than two bike lengths behind
Swim Wave
Zwe Linn Htike (Campus2)
volunteers who distribute food and water available. A marshal will remove the timing
on the course. You are not allowed to use chip from your ankle. Provisional results
any equipment that acts as an impairment will be displayed live in the transition area.
to hearing or concentration such as Full verified results will be posted on the
headphones or audio listening equipment. website where you can download your
This carries a time penalty. timing splits. Please remove your bike,
Unsportsmanlike conduct, littering or personal belongings and any rubbish from
abusive behaviour will result in instant the transition area promptly.
disqualification. Full details of the
The Prize Giving ceremony is scheduled to
competition rules can be downloaded from
take place in the registration area at 17:00.
our website.
This part of the day is a time to relax and
have fun whilst acknowledging the great
AFTER THE RACE achievements of all entrants. All
When you cross the finish line please competitors who finish the race will get an
move away to the post-race area as soon individual medal and certificate to
as possible so as not to hinder those commemorate the event. There will be
athletes coming in behind you. trophies for the overall winners and prizes
Complimentary refreshments of water, will be awarded to the top three
sports drinks, fruit and sandwiches will be competitors in each category
We do hope your final preparations and training go to plan and we look forward to seeing you
on race day. In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact
us via the website contact form.