EDC Unit 2 Complete Notes

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Unit 2: Bipolar Junction Transistor

Q 1: Explain the construction of transistor.

A transistor basically acts as a switch and an amplifier.

Formed by sandwiching a semiconductor material by other type of semiconductor.

It has 3 regions. Emitter, Base and Collector. It has 2 junctions JE and JC

Emitter: Supplies charge carriers and is heavily doped.

Base: Very thin layer and moderately doped.

Collector: Larger than base and emitter, collects charge carriers. lightly doped.

Q 2: What are the types of Bipolar Junction Transistor? Draw their symbols.

There are two types of BJT. These include:

 P-N-P Transistor: It is a type of BJT where one n-type material is introduced or

placed between two p-type materials.
 N-P-N Transistor: In this transistor, we will find one p-type material that is present
between two n-type materials.

Q 3: Explain Transistor configurations indicating different current and

voltages in each configuration.

There are three types of configuration as a common base (CB), common collector (CC)
and common emitter (CE).

 Common Base (CB) Configuration:

The common terminal is Base terminal. Input signal is given across Emitter and Base.
Output is taken across Collector and Base. Emitter current IE is the input current. Collector current
IC is the output current.

 Common Emitter (CE) Configuration:

The common terminal is Emitter. Input signal is given across Emitter and Base. Output is
taken across Collector and Emitter. Base current IB is the input current. Collector current IC is the
output current.
 Common Collector (CC) Configuration:

The common terminal is Collector. Input signal is given across Collector and Base. Output
is taken across Collector and Emitter. Base current IB is the input current. Emitter current IE is the
output current.

Q 4: Explain the concept of Current Gain. Derive current gain for different
BJT configurations.

The ratio of output current to the input current of a transistor in any configuration is called
as current gain.

 Common Base DC Current gain:

It is defined as the ratio of collector current to the emitter current.

It is usually denoted by α or αDC

Mathematically, α = 𝐈𝐄
We know that in a transistor, IC is always smaller than IE, value of α is always less than

Moreover, IC = α . IE

Since IE = IB + IC

IB = IE – IC = IE – (α . IE) = (1- α) . IE

 Common Emitter DC Current gain:

It is defined as the ratio of collector current to the base current.

It is usually denoted by β or βDC

Mathematically, β = IB

We know that in a transistor, IC is always much higher than IB, value of β is always much
greater than unity.

Moreover, IC = β . IB

Since IE = IB + (β . IB)

IE = (1+ β) . IB

Q 5: What are different region of operation of Transistor.

For proper working of transistor, it is essential to supply suitable voltage to the terminal of
the transistor.

Transistor will never work if its emitter-base junction is reverse biased.

Depending upon the biasing, transistor operates in different modes:

 Forward active region: Emitter-base junction is forward biased and Collector-base

junction is reverse biased.
 Saturation region: Both Emitter-base junction and Collector-base junction is
forward biased.
 Cut off region: Both Emitter-base junction and Collector-base junction is reverse
 Reverse active region: Emitter-base junction is reverse biased and Collector-base
junction is forward biased.

Derivations of BJT Biasing are attached here at

the end of MOSFET questions. For numerical on
BJT Biasing, refer your class notebook and
Q6. Explain Construction of MOSFET.

Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistors commonly known as MOSFETs are electronic
devices used to switch or amplify voltages in circuits. It is a voltage controlled device and is
constructed by three terminals. The terminals of MOSFET are named as follows:

 Source
 Gate
 Drain

The p-type semiconductor forms the base of the MOSFET. The two types of the regions
are highly doped with an n-type impurity which is marked as n+ in the diagram. From the heavily
doped regions of the base, the terminals source and drain originate.

The layer of the substrate is coated with a layer of silicon dioxide for insulation. A thin
insulated metallic plate is kept on top of the silicon dioxide and it acts as a capacitor. The gate
terminal is brought out from the thin metallic plate. A DC circuit is then formed by connecting a
voltage source between these two n-type regions.

Q 7: What are different types of MOSFET? Draw their symbols.

Following chart describes different types of MOSFET.

Q 8: Explain the working of depletion type N channel MOSFET.

This MOSFET includes an N-channel region which is located in the middle of the source
& drain terminals. It is a three-terminal device where the terminals are G (gate), D(drain), and S
(source). In this FET, the source & drain is heavily doped n+ region & the body or substrate is of

Here, the channel is created on the arrival of electrons. The +ve voltage also attracts
electrons from both the n+ source & drain regions into the channel. Once a voltage is applied in
between the drain & sources then current freely flows in between the source & drain and the
voltage at the gate simply controls the charge carriers electrons within the channel. Similarly, if
we apply –ve voltage at the gate terminal then a hole channel is formed below the oxide layer.

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