2021 Microscan Walkaway User Manual
2021 Microscan Walkaway User Manual
2021 Microscan Walkaway User Manual
Instrument Guide
For use with DxM WalkAway and WalkAway Plus instruments
9020-8071, Rev. AE
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Beckman Coulter, the stylized logo, and the Beckman Coulter product and service marks mentioned herein are
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9020-8071, Rev. AE
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Current version
Previous versions
Summary of changes: Minor corrections to align content with DxM WalkAway product
feature updates.
Summary of changes: Minor corrections to align content with DxM WalkAway product
feature updates.
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Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Current version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Previous versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Future document updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1 Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Intended purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Clinical relevance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Warranty statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Expected lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installation policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Preparation for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Customer technical support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Customer technical support contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Resolving instrument or LabPro issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Locating system serial number and software version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Notice to user. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
MicroScan system safety overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Software safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Safety conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Electrical safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Biological safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Chemical safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Third-party instrument, device, or consumables safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Precautions and warnings for all instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Precautions and warnings for WalkAway instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2 System overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
WalkAway overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3 Startup-Shutdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4 Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Checking the reagent dispense lines and cleaning dispense tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Checking the reagent dispense lines in the WalkAway instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Cleaning dispense tips in the WalkAway instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
6 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
• Maintenance procedures
• Installation procedures
• Networking information
• Descriptions of alerts
Additional information
See the following guides for more information:
• MicroScan Organism Reference Guide—provides the current list of organisms and codes that
are available in LabPro software.
• You can also use the CLSI Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and
the appropriate MicroScan Panel Procedural Manuals for further reference.
• For additional information, contact Customer Technical Support or your Beckman Coulter
Representative or Distributor.
Intended purpose
Intended use
The MicroScan WalkAway instruments are intended to be used with a MicroScan data
management system as diagnostic tools for determining the microbial identification (ID) and
antimicrobial agent susceptibility (AST) patterns of microorganisms isolated from clinical
specimens, by trained laboratory personnel.
Clinical relevance
WalkAway instruments used in conjunction with ID/AST results, other laboratory results and/or
clinical indicators to refine the selection of therapy in symptomatic patients.
Warranty statement
The system is covered by and subject to the provisions of the warranty included in your
contractual agreement for the system or its reagents.
The customer is responsible for routine preventive maintenance procedures. Repairs arising from
the failure to perform these maintenance procedures at the indicated time intervals are made at
the discretion of Beckman Coulter, and at the customer’s expense.
Expected lifetime
The WalkAway instrument has been manufactured and marketed in the U.S. (since 1991) and
worldwide (since 2004). Based on historical usage and performance data, Beckman Coulter claims
that the service life of the product can be expected to exceed 7 years under the defined
laboratory conditions identified in the product labeling.
As long as the instrument follows the recommended preventive maintenance schedule, the
product will perform within the stated product claims.
Installation policy
An authorized field service engineer (FSE) will remove the instrument from the package, install
the equipment, and check the WalkAway and/or autoSCAN-4 instrument and the LabPro
computing system. Prior to installation, site survey and preparation procedures should be
completed by the FSE. Note that this system requires connection to and the use of LabPro
software. See the LabPro Software Operator’s Guide for minimum system requirements.
To maintain full warranty, a qualified FSE must be present in the event that laboratory personnel
attempt to remove any component from its shipping container.
If you need to move, un-install, or ship a WalkAway or autoSCAN-4 instrument, contact your field
service engineer for instructions.
See the Warranty statement in this guide for a description of the warranty policy.
For instructions on installing LabPro software updates, see the installation procedures included
with the update kit.
You are not expected to perform any installation activities in preparation for use. Your presence
might be required in an advisory role during installation. Your preparation might include basic
system training, maintenance procedures, ordering materials (reagents and other consumables)
and becoming familiar with the available system documentation (for example, this document).
Note that to maintain full warranty, a qualified FSE must be present in the event that laboratory
personnel attempt to remove any component from its shipping container. If you need to move,
un-install, or ship a Microbiology instrument, contact your field service engineer for instructions.
See the Installation Policy and Warranty statement in this guide for a more information.
On the LabPro Command Center, select Utilities > Configuration > WalkAway.
On the LabPro Command Center, select Utilities > System > LabPro System Information.
Notice to user
Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to this software or device shall be reported to
the manufacturer and the appropriate U.S. and country authority (for IVD products) or
appropriate authority of the EU Member State (for IVDR products) in which the user and/or the
patient is established.
Follow all start up, shut down, maintenance and repair procedures as described in MicroScan
For additional MicroScan instrument safety information, including the current hazard symbol
glossary, safety-related instrument components, compliance standards, and other related
information, see the MicroScan Instrument Safety Guide.
Safety conventions
The following table provides safety conventions that describe how symbols are used in system
and software documentation to indicate hazards and important or critical instructions.
See the “Key symbols for instruments and consumables” topic in the
MicroScan Instrument Safety Guide for descriptions of each symbol/icon.
Warning statements indicate the risk of personal injury or loss of life if
operating procedures and practices are not strictly observed.
Caution statements alert you to a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, might result in minor or moderate personal injury or damage to the
equipment, data, or other property. It might also provide an alert against
unsafe practices.
Indicates an area of the instrument that contains high voltage. Do not touch
unless a procedure specifically instructs you to do so.
Laser Beam warnings indicate a risk of exposure to laser beams.
Indicates an area of the instrument where you can be exposed to moving
parts. Be careful around these parts when performing diagnostic operations
and when performing maintenance operations with the top cover raised.
Indicates a heated area of the instrument that could burn you. Be sure to
power off the instrument and let these areas cool before touching them or
performing diagnostic and maintenance operations around them.
Indicates potential damage to electronic boards from electrostatic discharge.
Indicates an area that might cause physical harm to the user or damage to
the instrument. View as a potential hazard.
No symbol
Indicates information that is important to begin or continue with a procedure,
or refers to key supportive information that might be important for optimal
system or software use. This does not indicate a hazard or safety risk.
No symbol NOTE
Indicates additional, supportive, but non-critical information.
Electrical safety
• Only operate MicroScan instruments as described in the Instrument Guides and Software
Operator’s Guides and pay attention to warning labels on the instruments.
• Do not remove covers or override interlocks when power is applied to the system.
Biological safety
Consider all materials that come in contact with patient samples as potential biohazards and treat
according to local biohazard handling and disposal procedures.
• Always follow universal, safe laboratory practices when handling specimens, plates, or any
surfaces or instruments that can contact biological specimens.
Chemical safety
• Info for USA only-California Proposition 65: This product may contain chemicals known to
the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
• Observe all warnings and cautions on the reagent labels, the safety data sheets (SDS), and
hazard warnings in MicroScan guides when handling any chemicals or flammable liquid
• Do not substitute alternate cleaning fluids, or deviate from the recommended mixing
concentrations. If no cleaning fluid is specifically designated, use ethyl alcohol or isopropyl
• Do not use bleach cleaners to clean the instrument unless recommended by the regulatory
agency. The use of bleach cleaners might impact panel performance if it is not completely
removed from the decontaminated components.
Make sure to read and understand all safety information and hazard warnings
supplied by third-party (non-Beckman Coulter) instrument, device, or consumable
Your MicroScan instrument might be configured with other third-party instruments, devices, or
consumables as a part of a complete/integrated system. Beckman Coulter is not responsible for
any system hazards, hazard warnings, or unknown design issues that might be present in
instruments or devices supplied by other companies.
Handle any electronic component Ground yourself by touching something metal in the instrument
in the instrument prior to handling electrical components.
Shut down the instrument, wait 15 seconds, and then disconnect
the power cord from the wall to eliminate the risk of a severe
shock and to protect the system electronics.
Shut down the LabPro computer Exit the LabPro Command Center and Windows properly to
prevent data corruption.
Continue to work after a power If a power failure occurs, turn off the power switch on the
failure instrument and all LabPro components immediately.
After power is restored, start up the components. If the power
failed for an extended time, let the instrument warm up for one
hour before processing panels.
Attempt to close the incubator For the WalkAway Plus instrument, take hold of the incubator door,
door using the recessed handle on the lower-right side of the door.
For the DxM WalkAway instrument, take hold of the incubator
door, using the recessed handle in the middle-right side of the
door. Keep your other hand clear of the door. Close the door
Restart the WalkAway instrument Wait at least 10 to 15 seconds. Failure to do so might cause startup
after shut down errors.
Instruments must be decontaminated first. This minimizes the risk of bio-hazards to the
environment and to the personnel performing the decommissioning process. See the
“Decontamination” topic in this document for more information.
After decontamination and decommission, the instrument is prepared and shipped to the
appropriate Beckman Coulter facility or approved vendor facility in accordance with Beckman
Coulter service procedures. Note that decontamination certificate is included with the
decommissioned instrument.
WalkAway overview
Both the WalkAway Plus and DxM WalkAway instruments are microbiological incubators and
panel-reading devices that interface with LabPro software to identify organisms and determine
antimicrobic susceptibilities.
These instruments can simultaneously process conventional, rapid, and specialty panels on a
single, automated platform. These instruments directly identify minimum inhibitory
concentrations (MICs). This allows for a higher incidence of detecting emerging resistance
without reliance on historical data or virtual MICs.
WalkAway instruments are independent testing devices that require minimal operator
intervention during normal operation. Operators only need to load and unload the inoculated
panels, replace reagents, add sterile de-ionized water, and perform general maintenance and
cleaning as needed.
WalkAway instruments have a tower mechanism that holds inoculated panels (mitrotiter trays)
and automatically scans the panel bar codes, schedules incubation times and panel reads, and
adds reagents as needed. A reagent dispense system dispenses a controlled amount of reagents
and oil into the appropriate MicroScan panel wells.
WalkAway instruments use colorimetric and fluorometric optical systems to read panels by
measuring color changes, fluorescence changes, or the degree of turbidity in the panel wells.
You can use LabPro software to:
• generate reports.
Transmit a panel order from the LIS to LabPro software, or enter the order directly in
LabPro software.
Affix a bar code label to each panel.
Inoculate the panels with microorganisms from a clinical specimen.
See the appropriate MicroScan Panel Instructions for Use for inoculation and setup instruc-
tions for specific panels.
Load the panels into the WalkAway instrument, close the access door, and then lock the
The WalkAway instrument bar code scanner scans each panel tower to identify each panel
that is loaded into the instrument.
The LabPro WalkAway Monitor displays the identified panels in the WalkAway Status and
Load Status tabs.
Process panels.
The instrument incubates the panels at 35° C for 2 to 42 hours, depending on the panel
type, organism type, and processing results.
The instrument reads each panel between 20 minutes and 2 hours and 45 minutes after
loading (depending on panel type). This initial reading is used as a reference point to which
the later readings are compared.
At the scheduled time (depending on the panel type), the instrument dispenses reagents
into the appropriate biochemical wells and incubates the panels for an additional time
period—approximately 5 to 20 minutes (depending on panel type).
The WalkAway instrument measures the panels using the colorimetric system or the
fluorometric system (depending on panel type).
See How the WalkAway instrument processes specific panel types (page 30) for more
The WalkAway instrument measures a series of biochemicals in the panels for color chang-
es, increases in turbidity or changes in fluorescence after incubation.
The WalkAway instrument compares each processed test well value with a threshold value.
This value is a fixed number representing a certain percentage of relative absorbency or
fluorescence that corresponds to clinically significant growth.
See How WalkAway and LabPro software identify microorganisms (page 29) and
How WalkAway and LabPro software identify minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs)
(page 30) for more information.
As the WalkAway instrument processes panels, results are passed to LabPro software for
calculation and analysis. You can resolve exceptions and alerts, monitor and edit these re-
sults, and request various reports.
Unload completed panels from the instrument.
The used panels are a biohazard. Dispose of used panels as indicated in the panel
procedure manual. Use your laboratory’s safe biohazard waste disposal
procedures—including any PPE—for contact with and disposal of these materials.
The WalkAway instrument compares each test well reading with a threshold value. This value is a
fixed number representing a certain percentage of relative absorbency that corresponds to
clinically significant growth.
Operating the DxM WalkAway instrument requires close coordination with LabPro software.
From initial instrument startup, you must use LabPro software to perform instrument
maintenance, load and unload panels, and monitor panel processing on the DxM WalkAway
Displays the reagent, waste, oil, and water level status, and
(4) LED fluid status display panel
the error states.
(7) Control panel Includes the Status Display and control panel buttons.
Power switch (side of Powers the system on or off. The indicator light turns green
(8) instrument) when the power switch is on.
The following illustration shows the reagent dispense system, water reservoir, oil bottle, and
internal fluid level indicators (with the reagent drawer extended).
The waste bottle LED is green when waste level is low and yellow
(2) Waste level indicator
when you need to check waste level.
The oil LED is green when oil level is sufficient and yellow when
(3) Oil level indicator
you need to check oil level.
The exterior LED reagent level display panel shows the approximate reagent levels and also
indicates if a reagent is not in use or if the reagent cannot be dispensed because the reagent
adapter lever is not fully engaged (not in full horizontal position). It can also show various
reagent system troubleshooting and warning states.
*At 5% capacity, the LED flashes red/yellow and an audible alert sounds. Refill the reagent
**When a reagent is depleted, an audible alert sounds. Refill the reagent immediately.
Hardware failure—the instrument detects valve or valve circuitry problem and disables the
reagent dispense system, or a problem with the fan or the pressure regulator.
If the reagent system fan fails, the LED fluid status display panel alternately flashes the hardware
(1) failure error indicator LED pattern and the previous state.
See the “Hardware failure” topic in General WalkAway instrument issues (page 209) for more
Reagent adapter lever is not fully engaged. A possible leak between the top of the bottle and
(2) the gasket when the adapter is not fully seated on the bottle rim. Reagent dispense is disabled.
Indicates a possible reagent bottle leak.
Reagent drawer is closed with the reagent adapter lever not fully engaged or a reagent bottle is
(4) missing.
Reagent bottle opened or the Reagent drawer is opened when the reagent dispense system is
(5) pressurized.
(6) Reagent bottle is empty and the reagent valve was disabled.
The DxM WalkAway instrument sounds an audible alert if any of the following error or
reagent states occur:
A field service engineer can disable these audible alerts. However, the alerts cannot be
enabled or disabled individually—either ALL of the audible alerts will be enabled or ALL of
them will be disabled. Contact Customer Technical Support for more information.
For example, if the exterior LED reagent level display indicates that a reagent is 25% full
(five yellow LEDs), the corresponding reagent adapter in the reagent drawer displays two yellow
LEDs in the adapter lever. The following figure shows the interior LED reagent status indicators.
Note that when a reagent is not in use, the exterior fluid status display LEDs associated with the
reagent do not illuminate. The LEDs on the reagent adapter lever for the reagent bottle are blue.
The following table explains the different states for the internal LED indicators.
Flashing Red/Yellow Reagent level is VERY low. Refill the reagent immediately.
Red Reagent is depleted and reagent dispense is disabled. Refill the reagent
Blue Reagent adapter lever is not fully engaged, bottle/adapter is not in station, or
reagent level is unknown.
• Loading panels in a WalkAway instrument (page 90) • Removing a reagent bottle (page 151)
• Unloading panels from the WalkAway instrument • Maintaining the oil dispense system (page 194)
(page 96)
Operating the WalkAway Plus instrument requires close coordination with LabPro software.
From initial instrument startup, you must use LabPro software to perform instrument
maintenance, load and unload panels, and monitor panel processing on the WalkAway Plus
(7) Front control panel Includes the Status Display and control panel buttons.
Power switch (side of Powers the system on or off. The indicator light turns green
(8) instrument) when the power switch is on.
The following illustration shows access to the reagent dispense system, water reservoir, oil bottle,
and fluid level indicators.
• Loading panels in a WalkAway instrument (page 90) • Removing a reagent bottle (page 151)
• Unloading panels from the WalkAway instrument (page 96) • Maintaining the oil dispense system
• Requesting maintenance access (page 107) (page 194)
• Maintaining the water level (page 114)
The instrument front control panel status display provides the following instrument information:
Tower # The tower number that is accessible from the panel access door
Instrument error messages These messages describe specific alert actions, jams, or
component errors.
Quick access Unlocks the instrument doors for three minutes to load or
unload panels.
Locks unlocked doors when you press it again.
Access doors and incubator doors are equipped with sensors and interlocks to prevent you from
opening the doors when the instrument mechanisms are moving or when the instrument is
processing panels.
When the doors are locked, you must request maintenance access in the LabPro WalkAway
Monitor or press the Quick Access button on the control panel.
The reagent drawer is interlocked. When you want to remove a reagent bottle, you must request
maintenance access to the instrument to ensure that the system is not pressurized.
• Status display and control panel buttons (page 40) • Opening the incubator door (page 109)
• Requesting maintenance access (page 107)
• The colorimetric system measures the intensity of light transmitted through each well.
This measurement is inversely proportional to the concentration of bacteria in that well.
Selected wells also contain biochemical substrates that exhibit a color change in the presence
of certain bacteria.
• The fluorometric system measures the intensity of the fluorescence in each well.
Selected wells contain biochemical substrates that fluoresce when certain bacteria are
After the instrument optically reads the entire panel and stores the measured values
(final read minus initial read), each test well measurement is compared with a threshold value.
The threshold is a fixed number that represents a certain percentage of relative absorbance that
corresponds to clinically significant growth. The resulting measurement determines the MIC or
qualitative susceptibility of each antimicrobic.
ID results processing
The instrument computer also processes this data to provide information for use as a reference
by the physician when determining patient therapy.
For identification, the electrical signals corresponding to light intensity passing through or
fluorescencing from, each biochemical well are converted to a series of digital values indicating
that a change did or did not occur.
These values are also stored and compared to the fixed data. Based on the results
(either positive or negative) from each of the biochemical wells, the computer calculates a
biotype number that reflects these results and identifies the unknown organism.
• Tungsten-halogen lamp
• 450nm-emission filter
• Photomultiplier tube
The photomultiplier tube generates an electrical signal that is proportional to the emission,
which is converted to digital information for processing by the CPU.
The fluorometer moves to the left of the row containing the well.
The fluorometer passes over the row.
When the fluorometer reaches the read window for the well, the integrator is cleared and
opened, and starts accumulating the signal from the fluorometer.
The integrator closes when the fluorometer reaches the end of the read window.
The signal in the integrator is proportional to the fluorescence from the well.
This process repeats for each well to be read from the row.
After the fluorometer stops, it moves to the beginning of the next row to scan.
The process repeats.
To establish dark and reference measurements, the instrument performs the following actions:
The instrument takes dark measurements when nothing is positioned under the
The instrument takes reference measurements using a glass disk mounted in the grabber
mechanism. When the grabber moves to retrieve a panel from the tower, it stops
(when the disk is under the fluorometer's optical path), and takes a measurement.
Each well reading is adjusted by subtracting the dark read and multiplying by the ratio of
an ideal reference read to the actual reference read.
Based on the position of the last scanned locator well, the instrument takes a set of static
readings as the fluorometer moves in small increments over the well (between each
The position of the half power points are determined and averaged to determine the
center of the well in the transverse axis direction.
The fluorometer is then positioned at the determined center and the process is repeated
for the grabber axis.
The difference between the measured well center and the stored well center is used to off-
set the location of the upper left well on the panel, reducing panel positioning errors.
Well scanning
During well scanning, the instrument performs the following actions:
The fluorometer is positioned to the side of the panel and starts moving across the row of
When the fluorometer reaches the read window for the first well, a counter is cleared and
the signal from the fluorometer is accumulated until the fluorometer reaches the end of
the read window.
This process is repeated until all wells have been read. The panel advances to the next row
and the process repeats until the instrument reads all rows.
Value compensation
The value read for each well is compensated for short and long term drift as well as
instrument-to-instrument variability.
• Read matrix positioning (page 45) • Value compensation (page 46)
• Well scanning (page 46) • Reference and offset reading (page 45)
• The collimation lenses, which concentrate the light emitted from the tungsten-halogen light
source into a parallel beam.
• A Hot Mirror blocks the infrared spectrum before passing through the lenses.
• Glass interference filters are arranged on a rotating wheel, called the color wheel.
The color wheel enables selection of any one filter of a specific wavelength (color) of light at
a time. The filters have extremely stable optical properties.
• The fiber-optics bundle in the WalkAway instrument consists of 12 separate optical fiber
channels. The light coming from an interference filter is guided up to each of the well
locations of a MicroScan panel simultaneously through the fibers.
• The photo sensor A/D board converts the light energy emitted from each well of the panel
under test to a usable electrical signal.
There are 12 photodiodes on the circuit board in the WalkAway instrument, one for each row
of wells on the panel. The WalkAway instrument reads one row at a time.
• When a panel is read using the light that passed through the interference filter, the
photodiode produces a current (signal) relative to the amount of light reaching it.
The electrical signals pass from the photosensor A/D board in a serial manner.
High-speed multiplexing circuitry selects photodiodes individually.
This topic describes the WalkAway instrument mechanical components that position panels for
Sensors are located in the front left inner face of the carousel. These sensors constantly monitor
the carousel position.
Grabber assembly
The grabber assembly is located in the center of the read head assembly. The grabber positions
panels at the colorimetric or fluorometric read station or under the reagent dispense head,
depending on the operation being performed.
• Drive motor
• Drive belt
• Lead screw
• Grabber plate
• Optical sensor
The WalkAway bar code reader is mounted in the chamber on the rear, left side of the vertical axis
assembly (facing the towers).
As the carousel rotates the towers in front of the bar code reader, the reader scans the bar code
label that is affixed to each panel. The bar code includes patient identification, panel type, and
specimen information.
If you open the panel access door to load panels, the bar code reader only scans the panels in the
accessed tower. If you open the incubator door, the bar code reader scans all panels in all towers.
The reagent dispense system dispenses the appropriate amount of specific reagents into the
wells of the panels.
The WalkAway Plus instrument has an LED located outside of the reagent drawer that illuminates
if any of the reagent, oil, or water reservoir levels are low or if the waste bottle is full.
The DxM instrument has a LED fluid status display panel located on the front of the reagent
drawer that displays the reagent levels and status of the oil, water and waste levels.
See Exterior LED fluid status display panel (page 33) for more information.
• Reagent bottles
• Solenoids
• Waste funnel
• Water tank
• Oil bottle
(1) Reagent level indicator Illuminates if any of the reagent levels are low.
Waste/oil/water level
(2) Illuminates if the waste, oil or water levels need to be checked.
This is where you fill the water reservoir with sterile distilled or
(3) Water reservoir fill
sterile deionized water.
The reagents are placed in the individual reagent adapter assemblies located inside the dispense
drawer. The following illustrations show the WalkAway Plus reagent dispense bottle and adapter.
The waste bottle LED is green when waste level is low and yellow
(2) Waste level indicator
when you need to check waste level.
The oil LED is green when oil level is sufficient and yellow when you
(3) Oil level indicator
need to check oil level.
The water level LED is green when water level is sufficient. When
the water level LED is yellow, add water to maintain humidity, which
reduces evaporation. The system continues to process panels even
(4) Water level indicator when the indicator is yellow. However, note that if the humidity runs
out of range, it might produce incorrect panel results. If LED is red,
an audible alarm sounds, and the humidifier shuts off until more
water is added.
This is where you fill the water reservoir with sterile distilled or
(5) Water reservoir fill
sterile deionized water.
The DxM WalkAway reagent bottle adapter has a draw straw assembly that might be equipped
with a filter or a T-joint modified connector at the end of the draw straw.
The magnet configuration on the levers determines reagent bottle size and if an adapter is a
blank cap. These gray blank caps are used as placeholders when a reagent is not in use. They are
attached to empty bottles and cannot dispense reagents.
Blank cap adapters are represented by two blue lights under the lever in the reagent drawer, and
the corresponding reagent location on the exterior fluid status display does not illuminate.
See Exterior LED warning and troubleshooting states (page 35) for more information.
The following illustration shows reagent adapters (lever up) from the rear.
The automated oil dispense system distributes a controlled amount of MicroScan oil to
underlined wells on appropriate panel types during panel processing.
The oil dispense system is located to the right of the reagent drawer and uses the reagent
dispense head. The oil dispense system consists of the oil bottle, dispense line, and oil syringe.
The WalkAway humidifier assembly, located below the card cage assembly, maintains the
incubator temperature and humidity within established limits required for optimum growth of
organisms. The heater/humidifier are physically attached, yet operate independently under
software control.
The humidifier assembly contains the following components:
• Water reservoir
• Heater humidifier
• A peristaltic pump that delivers water from a tank in the drawer to the humidifier
The heater, which is attached to the top of the humidifier, consists of a heater duct, a circulation
fan, two heating elements and two thermal switches. If the air temperature within the heater duct
exceeds 140º F, the thermal switches open and shut down the heater to protect the instrument
from overheating.
The incubator temperature must remain at 35º C ±1º C. The humidifier is set to maintain 30%
humidity. However, 25% to 70% humidity is acceptable.
Humidity is necessary to prevent panels from drying out; therefore, out-of-range humidity is
underlined on the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report.
WalkAway instruments have a reagent waste system, which includes a waste bag or waste bottle
that is used to collect reagent waste from the reagent dispense system. Your system contains a
waste bag or bottle.
The following illustration shows access to the reagent dispense head, waste funnel, and waste
bottle (behind the reagent drawer).
• Replacing a waste bag (page 3) • Emptying a waste bottle in a WalkAway instrument (page 5)
The WalkAway instrument contains an internal computer that consists of a master central
processing unit (CPU), CPU support, and random access memory (RAM). The master CPU
controls the environment and scheduling, CPU support controls the motor functions, and the
instrument stores raw panel data.
Note that the LabPro computer also stores the panel data for raw and processed panel data
This topic describes WalkAway Monitor, tabs, and features. This topic only applies to LabPro
systems that are connected to a WalkAway instrument.
The WalkAway Monitor alerts you to all changes in instrument and panel status by displaying
check status indicators, un-reviewed critical alerts, time-critical exceptions, and communication
failures. The WalkAway Monitor should remain open during operation.
The following table describes the key features and components of this window.
WalkAway Monitor
WalkAway Selection Center
Provides access to panel and instrument information for multiple WalkAway instruments.
Each selector button corresponds to a configured WalkAway instrument and displays the
instrument name and status, panel processing, and communication problems.
WalkAway Monitor
Load Status tab
(3) Displays panel information for all WalkAway instruments attached to the LabPro system
(or LabPro Network).
Maintenance tab
Displays reagent lot information and tools to perform WalkAway instrument maintenance.
ID to WalkAway tab
(10) Enables you to manually identify a panel if the barcode reader cannot read the barcode (for
example, barcode is damaged or the panel was not loaded properly).
Use this tab to display status and errors in the following ways:
Messages Alert
Instrument problem or panel Displays a red WalkAway instrument icon and a Check Status
alert/exception messages message on the instrument selector button.
This alert requires immediate attention.
Informational (for example, Does not trigger a Check Status message. However, you can quickly
Oxidase required) identify panels with alert or exception messages and a Check Status
These messages do not require immediate action.
Communication failure between Displays a black WalkAway instrument icon and a WalkAway Offline
a configured WalkAway message on the on the instrument selector button.
instrument and a LabPro
A send or receive timeout message and a Data may not be current
message displays in the Error Conditions box on the WalkAway
Status tab.
You should check the WalkAway Selection Center and WalkAway Monitor periodically to
identify and resolve errors promptly.
If you filter the data, reports include only the filtered data as displayed in the table. If you do not
filter the table data, reports include data for all WalkAway instruments.
• You can right-click a row and select an option to reorder, delete, or abandon a panel,
or preview and print reports.
Data is presented in table format (rows and columns) and includes all LabPro table filtering,
sorting, and printing features.
Maintenance tab
Click the Maintenance tab to display and edit reagent and reagent lot information, monitor
WalkAway instrument dispense pressure, and select WalkAway commands to perform WalkAway
instrument maintenance tasks.
The following table describes the key features and components of this window.
The WalkAway Bar Codes window displays the test group orders for WalkAway processing.
Use this window to create and print bar codes for each panel. Patient panel orders always display
before QC panels. QC panels appear in blue text.
When the panel orders are complete (all required isolate information has been received or
entered), you can print bar code labels and affix them to the panels during panel setup.
After loading the panels into the instrument, the barcode scanner reads each barcode to identify
the specimen/lot, isolate, and panel type.
If a patient order is transmitted from the LIS without an isolate or test group, you must enter the
isolate or test group manually in the Patient Order Entry window.
Bar codes
(3) Displays the current list of bar codes to be printed.
The following information applies only to WalkAway Plus and DxM WalkAway instruments and
not to the LabPro computer system or printers.
Dimensions WalkAway-40 Plus and DxM 1040 WalkAway:
29" H X 38.5" W X 34" D (74 cm X 98 cm X 86 cm)
WalkAway-96 Plus and DxM 1096 WalkAway:
37" H X 38.5" W X 34" D (94 cm X 98 cm X 86 cm)
Power requirements
Removable Power Cord • 3-conductor, 14 AWG Shielded (100/120V), NEMA Type 5-
15P/IEC 60320 type C14 (included - US and Japan only)
• 3-conductor, 16 AWG Shielded (220/230/240V)
(optional - outside US and Japan)
Line current 9A (Nominal) 11A (Maximum) for 100/120 VAC operation; 4.5A
(Nominal) 5.5A (Maximum) for 220/230/240 VAC operation
Safety Requirements
Instrument safety information and See the MicroScan Instrument Safety Guide for current safety
Safety compliance standards information. See the Beckman Coulter website for safety
compliance certificates.
Overcurrent Protection
Fusing Primary fuses F1 and F2, IEC (5 x 20 mm size) time lag/slow blow
type, 250V rated, 12A (100/120V)/6.3A (220/230/240V)
Light Source
Lamp specifications (All WalkAway • Tungsten-Halogen Lamp, 50W, 12V
systems) • Tungsten-Halogen Lamp, T2-½, 15W, 10.5V
Panel Capacity WalkAway-40 Plus and DxM 1040 WalkAway:
40 MicroScan panels with 96 wells each of any type compatible
with the incubator environment—up to 8 panel towers with 5
panels each
WalkAway-96 Plus and DxM 1096 WalkAway:
96 MicroScan panels with 96 wells each of any type compatible
with the incubator environment—up to 8 panel towers with 12
panels each
Reagent Dispense Volume (µl) 15 to 90, depending on reagent dispensed and panel type
Operator interface
Operator Interface Front panel controls and PC keyboard, monitor, mouse, and
LabPro software
Temperature Control
Set by computer at 35° C ±1° C
Bar code
Code 39
This topic describes how to start up the WalkAway instrument and LabPro software.
To start up the WalkAway instrument:
1. Press the power switch on the side panel of the WalkAway instrument. When power is on, the
power indicator light turns green.
During startup, the WalkAway performs a system calibration and scans the barcodes for any
panels it detects in the panel towers. Startup takes approximately 90 seconds.
2. Turn on the LabPro computer and monitor.
4. Turn on the report printer. For paper loading instructions, see your printer manual.
You can get a printer manual by going to the manufacturer’s website and searching by
printer model number.
5. Turn on the barcode printer. For label loading instructions, see the barcode printer manual,
which is included with your WalkAway instrument.
Allow the instrument to warm up for at least 1 hour before processing panels.
1. Make sure the WalkAway instrument is not currently reading panels or adding reagents to
panels. Listen for the typical mechanical sounds that accompany these processes.
When the power goes off, the green indicator light turns off.
If you are shutting down the WalkAway instrument briefly, wait at least 15 seconds
before starting up the instrument again.
This topic describes a typical workflow for processing panels in a WalkAway instrument using
LabPro software.
See the LabPro Operator’s Guide for more information about LabPro software.
Enter patient orders into the LIS, or manually enter patient or QC orders in LabPro
Print and apply bar code labels to panels.
See: Printing and applying bar codes to samples (page 82)
Inoculate panels.
Request/receive access to the WalkAway instrument.
See: Requesting access to the WalkAway instrument (page 87)
Load panels into the WalkAway and terminate access.
See: Loading panels in a WalkAway instrument (page 90)
Identify panels (read bar codes) and respond to any bar code read errors.
Read/process panels and resolve any unread panels.
Request/receive access to the WalkAway instrument.
See: Requesting access to the WalkAway instrument (page 87)
Unload panels and terminate access.
See: Unloading panels from the WalkAway instrument (page 96)
Resolve any exceptions or alerts in LabPro software.
Accept results, or abandon, delete, or reorder panels in LabPro software.
Save accepted results in LabPro software.
Print reports and/or transmit panel results to the LIS.
• Select a sort order to view data in a different order or to print bar code labels in groups based
on the sort order selected.
• Print a separator label to identify each set of printed bar code labels within the selected sort
For example, you can include exclusive Source and Character code groups.
For example, you can filter data in the Source Group column by workbench or filter data in
the Bench Groups column by patient last names within a specified range of characters, such
as A-H.
For example, you can sort by panel type. LabPro software starts printing bar code labels for
the first panel type, then the second panel type, etc.
• Print separator labels to quickly identify the bar code labels for each category within the
selected sort order.
For example, select an ascending sort order in the Panel Type column, and then select the
panel type filters. LabPro software prints a separator label and set of bar code labels for each
selected panel type.
1. Make sure the exclusive source, ward, or character code groups you want to use to filter
column data exist in the Code Groups table.
The Ø symbol next to a panel indicates that additional isolate information is required.
3. In the WalkAway Bar Codes window, unhide the column or columns associated with the
exclusive code group (for example, Source Group, Ward Group, and Bench Group
4. In the code group column header, click the Filter arrow and then select one or more check
boxes to filter the data in that column.
To sort orders by patient last name, in the Bench Group column, select character ranges (for
example, A-H).
5. Select filters in other columns if needed.
1. Click the Sort arrow in the Ø column heading to show all orders that need isolate
2. Click the first incomplete panel to select it and then look at the boxes in the Patient Isolate
Detail area to determine where to enter additional isolate information.
3. If Required displays in a box, type the appropriate information in the box, or click the lookup
button and then double-click an item in the table.
4. Repeat step 2 and step 3 for each incomplete panel on the WalkAway Bar Codes window.
You can click Previous or Next to select the panels in backward or forward sequence.
You can click Refresh at any time to add any recently downloaded panels.
You can right-click the panel, and then click Clear or Delete to clear or delete a panel.
Note that you cannot clear Rapid Fluorogenic panels.
1. In the WalkAway Bar Codes window, click the column header to display the Sort arrow.
1. In the WalkAway Bar Codes window, filter and sort data until you see the set of orders for
which you need bar code labels.
• To select a sort order for separator labels, click a column header to display the Sort arrow,
and click the Sort arrow.
Note that you cannot print separator labels when the selected sort order is:
Specimen/Lot #, Isolate, Collect Date, Received Date, or QC.
2. Click Print.
To Do this
Print bar code labels for all panels Click Bar Codes > Print.
shown on the WalkAway Bar
Codes window
Print separator labels Select the Print Separator bar codes check box and then
click Print.
LabPro software prints a descriptive label and one set of bar
code labels for each category displayed in the selected sort
order column.
Print the New WalkAway Orders Click New WalkAway Orders Report and then click Print.
Test the alignment of a bar code on Click the Alignment Bar Code and then click Print.
a label
The bar code printer prints one bar code label.
If necessary, adjust the bar code labels in the printer and print
another alignment label until the bar code is aligned on the
4. Click Close to return to the WalkAway Bar Codes window. Orders remaining on the
WalkAway Bar Codes window are new or need additional isolate information.
1. Hold the panel with the MicroScan logo on the right side facing you.
2. Affix the bar code label securely to the long side of the panel facing you and the MicroScan
logo. Make sure the label is upright and the bar code is centered to the panel.
Do not extend the bar code label beyond the top edge of the panel. If any part of
the label extends over the top of the panel, the WalkAway instrument might jam.
This topic describes how to reprint bar code labels that were damaged or printed incorrectly.
LabPro software reprints bar code labels for selected specimens only and does not reprint all
specimens displayed on the Reprint Bar Codes table. However, you can customize columns, select
a sort order, and use filters to display a subset of the available information on the Reprint Bar
Codes window.
To reprint bar code labels:
To Do this
Sort the panels differently Click the Specimen/Lot #, Panel Type, or Print Date column
header to select the sort order.
Right-click anywhere in the list and then click Sort.
Patient panels always appear before QC panels.
To reprint Do this
One bar code label Click the appropriate panel and then click Print.
Multiple bar code labels Press Ctrl + click on each panel and then click Print.
Bar code labels for all panels on the Right-click anywhere in the list and then click
Reprint Bar Codes dialog box Select All > Print.
LabPro software removes a panel from the Reprint Bar Codes dialog box when the
WalkAway instrument begins processing the panel or if the panel is abandoned.
Before you can load or unload panels, you must request access to avoid interrupting scheduled
If the instrument is performing time-critical activities, LabPro does not grant access immediately.
You can wait for access or cancel the request.
• Use the Quick Access procedure if you need no more than three minutes to load or unload a
small batch of panels.
• If you need to perform maintenance procedures, request access using the LabPro
Maintenance tab.
1. On the front panel of the WalkAway instrument, press the Quick Access button
(lock symbol).
• If Quick Access is not granted immediately, the instrument doors do not unlock and the
LED light at the right of the panel access door remains red. The instrument status displays
Unable to Access at This Time. Wait a few minutes and then retry Quick Access or request
access through LabPro software.
• If Quick Access is granted, the instrument doors unlock and the LED light turns green.
The WalkAway Monitor instrument status displays the message ACCESS TIME
UNKNOWN. This means that you can access the instrument until you choose to lock the
doors again. The instrument, however, beeps after about 2 1/2 minutes to indicate that
one or any of the doors are not locked.
2. When the instrument doors unlock, open the panel access door on the front of the WalkAway
1. On the WalkAway Monitor, click the WalkAway Status, Load Status, or Exception Status
tab. Do not click the Maintenance tab.
2. Under Access, click the number of minutes required for access (1, 5, 15, or 30) and then click
• If access is not granted, the instrument doors do not unlock and the LED light at the right
of the panel access door remains red. The Access area displays a message and counts
down the time you must wait for access. After the time counts down to zero, the
instrument doors unlock. If you decide not to wait, click Cancel.
• If you requested 30 minutes and access was not granted, try a shorter time interval
(for example, 5 or 15 minutes).
• If access is granted, the instrument doors unlock and the LED light turns green.
The Access area in the LabPro Maintenance tab displays a message and counts down the
time available for access.
3. When the instrument doors unlock, open the panel access door on the front of the WalkAway
If you do not terminate access to the WalkAway instrument before the allotted time expires,
the WalkAway Monitor displays the ACCESS OVERTIME message in the Access area.
Quickly close any opened instrument doors and then press the Quick Access button or click
Lock Door to terminate access.
If you terminate access without closing all instrument doors, the front panel display on the
WalkAway displays the message PLEASE CLOSE THE DOORS with an audible alarm.
Close any door that is open and then press the Quick Access button or click Lock Door to
terminate access.
Use this procedure when using a WalkAway instrument with LabPro software.
See the LabPro Software Operator’s Guide for more information about LabPro software.
See Unloading panels from the WalkAway instrument (page 96) for more information about
unloading processed panels.
To load panels into a WalkAway instrument chamber:
1. On the WalkAway instrument control panel, confirm that the tower facing the panel access
door has empty or available slots.
If necessary, close the panel access door, press the Tower Rotation Forward button or the
Tower Rotation Reverse button to position a tower with empty or available slots. When you
press a rotation button, the doors lock, the towers rotate, and then the doors unlock.
2. When the instrument doors unlock, open the panel access door.
3. Check the red LED light at the right of each tower slot.
If Then
The red light is blinking The slot contains a completed, aborted, or abandoned panel.
You can unload the panel from this slot.
If you open the panel access door and the LED status lights next to the tower
slots are flashing at a very fast rate, the door sensor might have failed to detect
that the door is open. Close the door, turn off the instrument, wait at least 15
seconds, and then turn on the instrument again. If the lights are still flashing,
contact Customer Technical Support.
4. Hold a panel with the tray lid so the bar code label is facing away from you.
5. Carefully and evenly insert the panel into a tower slot, aligning the lid with the tower slot
6. Gently slide the panel and lid forward until the lid drops into place.
Make sure the lid drops into place. A panel jam occurs if the lid is not properly
seated in the tower slot.
7. Repeat this procedure for each panel to be loaded into a WalkAway instrument. You might
need to open and close the panel access door and rotate the towers several times.
8. When you are finished loading panels, press the Quick Access button on the instrument
control panel or click Lock Door on the WalkAway Monitor to close and lock the door and
terminate access.
If you do not terminate access to the WalkAway instrument before the allotted time expires,
the WalkAway Monitor displays the ACCESS OVERTIME message in the Access area.
Close and lock any opened instrument doors to terminate access.
If you remove the panel from a tower slot and do not replace it before terminating access, LabPro
software displays a Panel missing exception. You can resolve the exception by placing the panel
into any tower slot.
Do not move a panel that has only an ID to the WalkAway. Doing so results in Bar Code errors,
which must be resolved manually to continue to read the panels.
This topic describes how to monitor instrument and panel status using the WalkAway Monitor.
Use this procedure when using a WalkAway instrument with LabPro software.
See the LabPro Software Operator’s Guide for more information about LabPro software.
The WalkAway Monitor should remain open during operation. Check the WalkAway Selection
Center and WalkAway Monitor periodically to identify and resolve errors promptly.
1. In the WalkAway Monitor, click the WalkAway Status, Load Status, or Exception Status
To Do this
Display the panels in one Click the WalkAway instrument selector button at the top of the
instrument on the WalkAway WalkAway Monitor that displays the instrument name and
Status tab serial number.
QC panel details display in blue type.
Display details for a specific Click the panel tower/slot location to display patient
panel demographics, panel details, alerts, and exception messages on
the Panel Information tab.
To Do this
Display panels in all instruments 1. Click the Load Status or Exception Status tab.
2. Make sure the Status and Exceptions columns are displayed.
3. Select filters in the WalkAway column to show specific
WalkAway instruments.
Display specific panels in 1. Click the Load Status or Exception Status tab.
selected instruments 2. Make sure the Status and Exceptions columns are displayed.
3. Select filters in the WalkAway column to show specific
WalkAway instruments.
4. (Optional) Select a sort order and other column filters to
display a specific set of information.
No action is necessary.
(2) Hold You can review, edit, and store partial results
and continue WalkAway processing for all
(10) Manually Identified This error was manually identified by the operator.
If a panel graphic is yellow (Hold) or red (Complete with exceptions or aborted) and includes
any of the error symbols, the following occurs in the WalkAway Monitor:
• Alerts or exceptions that require immediate action display a red WalkAway instrument
icon and a Check Status message on the WalkAway Selector button.
• Symbols appear on panel graphics, an error displays in the Error conditions box,
and exception messages appear in the Exceptions box.
4. Double-click a panel graphic (or anywhere in a row) to display results in the
Results Summary and Edit dialog box.
This topic describes how to unload panels from the WalkAway instrument.
Use this procedure when using a WalkAway instrument with LabPro software.
See the LabPro Software Operator’s Guide for more information about the LabPro software.
See Loading panels in a WalkAway instrument (page 90) for more information about loading
To unload panels:
2. When the instrument doors unlock, open the panel access door.
3. Check the red LED light at the right of each tower slot.
If Then
The red light is blinking The slot contains a completed, aborted, or abandoned panel.
You can unload the panel from this slot.
If you open the panel access door and the LED status lights next to the tower
slots are flashing at a very fast rate, the door sensor might have failed to detect
that the door is open.
Close the door, turn off the instrument, wait at least 15 seconds, and then turn
the instrument on again. If the lights are still flashing, contact Customer Technical
4. Carefully and evenly grasp the panel and panel cover from a tower slot with a blinking
red light.
5. Gently pull the panel and lid toward you until they are completely removed from the
tower slot.
6. Repeat this procedure to remove each complete or abandoned panel in the instrument.
Note that you might have to open and close the panel access door and rotate the towers
several times.
7. When you are finished unloading panels, close and lock the door to terminate access.
• Checking the reagent dispense lines and cleaning dispense tips (page 191)
This topic lists daily and periodic WalkAway instrument maintenance tasks.
You must request maintenance access before you begin maintenance procedures.
See Requesting maintenance access (page 107) for more information.
Always wear PPE as defined by your laboratory policies when working with the instrument.
Daily maintenance
Complete daily maintenance procedures in the following sequence.
Do not perform any maintenance procedures while panels are being read. If you
perform maintenance tasks after the initial read and before the final read, the panel
results might be inaccurate.
Check the instrument temperature.
Check the water LED indicator and fill, if necessary.
Check the LED indicators for reagent and fluid levels and replace or refill, if necessary.
Check the reagent dispense pressure and purge dispense lines if necessary.
Check the reagent dispense lines and clean dispense tips.
Clean the reagent waste funnel.
Inspect the waste bottle/bag and replace if necessary.
Check the oil level.
Check the oil level indicator and replace or refill the oil bottle, if necessary.
Purge the oil line if necessary.
Check the photodiode shield and diffuser plate and clean if necessary.
Clear the unread panel list.
If the WalkAway instrument has been idle for three or more days, you must purge the
oil line and the reagent lines to ensure that oil and reagents are properly dispensed
into the panels.
Periodic maintenance
Perform the following maintenance tasks each week:
Clean the diffuser plate.
Optimize the database.
Restart the LabPro computer (optional).
Replace reagent manifold gaskets.
Restart the LabPro computer.
This topic describes the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report, how to interpret the report data, and
how to print it.
The report provides a result (OK or Failed) for each diagnostic test and underlines calibration or
environmental values that are out of specification. The panel detection system is functioning
properly when the status is Enabled and not functioning properly when the status is Disabled.
The internal diagnostic checks reflect the most recently available status. All colorimeter,
fluorometer, and environmental status information appear on the lower half of the report.
This information is based on the last instrument calibration.
You should document any corrective measure(s) you perform for each failed result.
If you have two configured WalkAway instruments, select the appropriate instrument in the
LabPro WalkAway Monitor.
To select an instrument, in the LabPro WalkAway Monitor, in the WalkAway Selection Center,
click the instrument name.
1. In the LabPro WalkAway Monitor, click Print > QC Diagnostics Report, and then complete
one of the following actions:
If the report identifies any problems, perform the appropriate maintenance and corrective
actions, calibrate the instrument again, and reprint the report.
• when you manually shut down and start up the instrument during maintenance or
The calibration values should remain fairly stable from day to day (±10%). Fluctuations could
indicate a dirty shield or diffuser plate, or a component failure.
When the instrument is shut down, the WalkAway Monitor displays Check status and a
communication error. When the instrument is restarted, the instrument status is Busy and all
other WalkAway Monitor functions are unavailable until the instrument has finished
scanning the towers and calibrating.
General WalkAway instrument issues (page 209)
This topic describes how to request access to the WalkAway instrument for maintenance.
If the instrument is performing time-critical activities, LabPro software does not grant access
immediately. You can wait for access or cancel the request. When access is granted, the
instrument doors (panel access door, incubator door, and reagent drawer) unlock. Note that the
incubator door is sometimes called the service hatch in some technical literature.
If you have two configured WalkAway instruments, select the appropriate instrument in the
LabPro WalkAway Monitor.
If access is granted:
• The instrument doors unlock and the LED light at the right of the panel access door turns
• The Access area displays a message and counts down the number of minutes and
seconds available for access.
• The WalkAway Monitor instrument status displays the message Accessed.
If access is not granted:
• The instrument doors do not unlock and the LED light at the right of the panel access
door remains amber.
• The Access area displays a message and counts down the number of minutes and
seconds that you must wait for access. Click Cancel to cancel the access request.
• After the time counts down to zero, the instrument doors unlock.
3. When access is granted and the instrument doors unlock, open the appropriate instrument
doors on the WalkAway instrument.
If you open the panel access door and the LED status lights next to the tower
slots are flashing at a very fast rate, the door sensor might have failed to detect
that the door is open. Close all instrument doors, turn off the instrument, wait
at least 15 seconds, and then turn on the instrument again. If the lights continue
to flash when the panel door is open, contact Customer Technical Support
4. When finished with maintenance, close and lock the doors to terminate access.
If you terminate access without closing all instrument doors, the front panel display on the
WalkAway displays the message PLEASE CLOSE THE DOORS with an audible alarm. Close any
door that is open, and then press the Quick Access button or click Lock Door to terminate
This topic describes how to open the WalkAway instrument incubator door to access the
instrument interior components and perform maintenance tasks.
To open the incubator door:
3. On the WalkAway Plus, pull the recessed handle on the lower-right corner of the incubator
door to open the door.
On the DxM WalkAway, pull the recessed handle on the middle-right area of the incubator
door to open the door.
4. When finished with maintenance, close and lock the doors to terminate access.
This topic describes how to remove the work tray in the DxM WalkAway instrument.
2. Pull both release levers located underneath the front right and left areas of the work tray and
then pull out the work tray.
The WalkAway instrument displays the internal temperature on the control panel and on an
external thermometer located on the top left corner of the instrument.
Temperature requirement
The instrument temperature must be 35° C ±1° C. The internal temperature displayed on the
control panel and the external thermometer readings must be within ±0.5° C of each other.
When to check
Check the temperature each day, but do not check until the temperature stabilizes.
Temperature stabilization
Allow the instrument temperature to stabilize for one hour after start up or after closing the
incubator door and 30 minutes after closing the panel access door.
Check the temperature reading on the instrument control panel and on the external
thermometer. The external thermometer is located on the top, left side of the instrument.
A temperature reading that is too high could be the result of a high ambient temperature.
It could also occur if the instrument panel access or incubator door are open for an extended
period of time and the instrument heater is trying to equilibrate.
• If the instrument temperature is too high, ensure that the ambient temperature is less
than 81° F (27° C) and make sure the panel access door has been closed for 30 minutes or
the incubator door has been closed for an hour.
Allow the system to equilibrate for at least an hour and then check the temperature again.
If the temperature is still too high, contact Customer Technical Support immediately.
• If the instrument temperature is too low, make sure the panel access door is closed for at
least 30 minutes, then check the temperature again. If the instrument temperature is still
too low, contact Customer Technical Support.
• If the control panel and external temperature readings are not within ±0.5° C, contact
Customer Technical Support.
This topic describes how to check and refill the sterile distilled or sterile deionized water for the
instrument. Water is used to maintain proper humidity in the instrument chamber.
If you observe a water level low message on the instrument display or out of control humidity
measurements on your daily diagnostics report, you should check the water level before
proceeding to other troubleshooting steps.
Note that water refill procedures are different for WalkAway Plus and DxM WalkAway
Always wear protective eyewear, gloves, and a laboratory coat when handling
reagents and the reagent dispense system.
Clean up any reagent spills in accordance with the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and
local/state/federal/international waste guidelines.
Reservoir capacity
The water reservoir holds approximately five liters of sterile distilled or sterile deionized water.
The low-level LED indicator illuminates if the water level drops below approximately two liters.
The audible alarm sounds if the water level drops below approximately one liter.
Do not use regular tap water or saline solution to fill the water reservoir. Use only
sterile distilled or sterile deionized water to fill the reservoir.
If the LED on the exterior fluid status display panel is red and when the interior water level
indicator is red, an audible alarm sounds, and the humidifier automatically shuts off until
you add more water.
Adding water
To add water to a WalkAway instrument:
2. Lift the reagent drawer lid, and locate the water reservoir.
This topic describes how to clean the air (fan) filter for WalkAway instruments. This filter is
located at the front of the instrument, under the small panel platform.
When to clean
To keep the air filter clean and in good condition, clean the air filter at least once a month.
Maintenance access is not required to check and clean the air filter.
Required materials
This procedure requires hot water and mild detergent.
1. Locate the air filter cover on the lower-right front of the instrument.
2. Grasp the filter cover and pull it out and away from the front of the instrument.
4. Examine the filter for discoloration by holding the filter in front of a light.
1. Check the airflow indicator arrows on the sides of the filter for the direction of airflow.
2. Force a mixture of hot water and mild detergent through the filter in the opposite direction
of the air flow.
5. Insert the filter into its original position. The airflow arrows around the perimeter of the filter
must point down.
This topic describes how to clean the reagent funnel in WalkAway instruments.
Required materials
• Squirt bottle with 70% isopropyl alcohol
• Lint-free cloths
1. Lift the dispense head from the waste funnel and then examine the dispense head for
2. Clean the dispense tips with a lint-free cloth soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol and then
examine the waste funnel for residue or crystallization.
3. Clean the waste funnel using a lint-free cloth soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
4. Reseat the dispense head firmly into the waste funnel, making sure that the alignment pin is
seated in the alignment hole on top of the waste funnel.
5. Ensure that the dispense head tubing is seated properly and is not tangled. The following
illustration shows the WalkAway Plus dispense head tubes.
The DxM WalkAway instrument has a cover that conceals the dispense head tubing.
The following illustrations shows the dispense head tubing cover.
See Checking the reagent dispense lines and cleaning dispense tips (page 191) for more
This topic describes how to check and replace a reagent waste bag, or remove, empty, and
replace a waste bottle. Waste bags and waste bottles collect reagent waste from the reagent
dispense system. Your system might have one or the other installed.
Wear a laboratory coat, gloves, and protective eye wear to remove the reagent waste
bag. Though not a biologic hazard, the contents of this bag are caustic and must be
disposed of according to local regulations.
1. After you clean the waste funnel, examine the waste bag. Dispose of the bag when the fluid
level reaches the Max Fill line. Do not allow it to overfill.
A. Remove the reagent dispense head from the waste funnel. Wipe any remaining reagent
residue from reagent tubes in the dispense head with a lint-free cloth soaked in 70%
isopropyl alcohol.
4. Place the reagent dispense head funnel assembly into the new waste bag.
When the bottle is full in the WalkAway Plus, the fluid indicator LED (on the outside of reagent
drawer) and the Waste LED (inside the reagent drawer) illuminate.
When the waste bottle needs to be checked in the DxM WalkAway, the waste level indicator on
the outside of the instrument is yellow.
See Exterior LED fluid status display panel (page 33) for more information.
1. Lift the dispense head off of the waste funnel and then carefully set aside the dispense head.
Wipe any remaining reagent residue from reagent tubes in dispense head with a lint-free
cloth soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol.
2. Remove the waste level sense probe from the bottle and then set the probe to the side.
3. Plug the open waste level sense hole on the bottle with the provided yellow cap.
4. Place a gloved finger or thumb inside the waste funnel, and carefully release the funnel/
waste bottle assembly from the holding clip by pushing the funnel/waste bottle assembly
away from the drawer.
(1) Funnel
5. Remove the funnel from the full waste bottle and then plug the open hole on the bottle with
the provided yellow cap for disposal.
6. Dispose of the liquid waste according to your laboratory chemical waste disposal policy.
7. Insert the funnel into a new waste bottle, sit the waste bottle on the platform, and then install
the funnel in the funnel holder clip.
Make sure that the level sense probe assembly is properly placed back in the
waste bottle. Failure to replace the level sense probe results in not detecting the
fluid level in the waste bottle. This can cause the reagent waste bottle to overfill.
9. Reinstall the dispense head in the funnel. Verify that the alignment pin is in the alignment
hole and the dispense head is seated properly.
Before closing the reagent dispense door, replace the reagent dispense drawer
lid if it was removed. Without this lid, excessive light enters the instrument,
interfering with the fluorometric panel reads.
If you are finished with maintenance, lock the doors to terminate access.
This topic describes how to clean and decontaminate the internal components of the
WalkAway instrument after a panel failure or accidental spill.
If the system hardware unexpectedly fails, a panel handling failure might occur. A panel handling
failure can cause panel contents to spill into the internal components of the system.
You must clean up any spill or splash as quickly as possible to prevent damage to the internal
components of the WalkAway instrument that are not designed for prolonged contact with the
To decontaminate the instrument:
2. Use 70% isopropyl alcohol as required to thoroughly clean and decontaminate any surface
contacted by the panel contents.
3. Inspect the grabber plate and optics components to ensure the spill has not reached
locations that are not typically cleaned using the optical component maintenance
4. If necessary, remove the towers from the system and clean them separately on a nearby
bench, using a lint-free cloth soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
5. If you cannot adequately clean the spill, contact Customer Technical Support for resolution.
This topic describes how to remove and clean optical components in the WalkAway instrument.
The reference disk and shields are integral parts of the WalkAway optical systems and require
careful handling to ensure the instrument reads panels correctly.
You need to remove the front tower of the WalkAway instrument to access the reference disk and
If your lab does not process fluorogenic panels in the WalkAway instrument, you can disable the
fluorometer to eliminate the need for daily maintenance on the reference disk and fluorometer
Perform the following tasks in sequence.
Opening the incubator door (page 109)
Removing the front tower (page 132)
Cleaning the reference disk (page 136)
Cleaning the fluorometer shield (page 138)
Checking and cleaning the photodiode shield (page 141)
Checking and cleaning the diffuser plate (page 144)
Cleaning the air (fan) filter (page 116)
See Decontaminating the WalkAway instrument (page 129) for more information about cleaning and
decontaminating the internal components of the WalkAway instrument after a panel failure or accidental spill.
Remove the front tower of the WalkAway instrument (the tower facing the panel access door) to
provide access to the reference disk and shields.
Before you open the incubator door, make sure the top of the instrument is clear.
Failure to do so can damage the WalkAway instrument.
To remove the front tower:
See Opening the incubator door (page 109) for more information.
3. Completely loosen the saw-tooth hold-down wheel securing the tower to the carousel by
turning the wheel to the left.
If all the towers are not routinely used to process panels, you can permanently remove one
tower to facilitate cleaning the shields and reference disk.
After maintenance access is granted, press the Tower Rotation Forward or Tower Rotation
Reverse button on the front control panel to position the empty carousel slot behind the
panel access door.
5. Open the incubator door, and then remove the front tower.
This section describes how to replace a tower spring. There is a left and right tower spring.
Verify that you are replacing the correct one.
See the following figure and table. Contact Customer Technical Support for part numbers for the
left and right tower springs.
Each spring has an open loop and a closed loop. See the following figure and table.
Before replacing a tower spring, make sure you are wearing PPE according to your laboratory
See Opening the incubator door (page 109) for more information.
3. Completely loosen the saw-tooth hold-down wheel securing the tower to the carousel.
See Removing the front tower (page 132) for more information.
5. Note the orientation and placement of the tower spring before you replace it.
6. Use needle nose pliers to grip the open loop in the old spring and pull the spring away from
the side of the tower.
7. To install the new tower spring, first verify that you are using the correct left or right tower
8. Use needle nose pliers to grip the middle of the new spring. Insert the closed loop end of the
tower spring in place and then insert the open circular loop in place.
9. Ensure that the tower spring is flat against the side of the tower.
Cleaning the reference disk between readings can affect results. If possible, clean the
reference disk after the panels are completed or before the initial read.
To clean the reference disk:
1. After removing the front tower, make sure all instrument doors are closed.
2. On the WalkAway Monitor Maintenance tab, click Position Instrument for Reference
Cleaning. The doors lock and the instrument positions the read head and grabber plate for
easy access to the reference disk.
3. When the doors unlock, open the incubator door and locate the reference disk.
The reference disk is a glass disk recessed into the grabber plate, toward the rear on the left
If the open tower position is not correct when you open the panel access door, close the door
and press a tower rotation button to position the open tower. The doors temporarily lock as
the carousel rotates into a new position.
4. Clean only the top of the disk using a lint-free applicator wrapped in lens paper and dipped
in lens cleaner.
Only a small amount of cleaner is required. Lightly rub the surface of the disk in a circular
5. Immediately dry the disk surface using a dry cotton-tipped applicator wrapped in lens paper.
Do not use alcohol to clean the reference disk. Do not allow lens cleaner to dry
on the disk. Always wipe the disk surface dry.
6. Close the panel access door. Continue to the next procedure to clean the fluorometer shield.
If you are finished with maintenance, replace the front tower, close the incubator door, and
lock the doors to terminate access.
7. Wait 30 minutes for the instrument chamber temperature to stabilize before you print the QC
Diagnostics Report. If the incubator door was used to access the instrument chamber, wait 60
minutes before you print the QC Diagnostics Report.
Printing the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report (page 105)
To clean the fluorometer shield:
1. With the front tower removed, make sure all instrument doors are closed.
2. On the WalkAway Monitor Maintenance tab, click Position Instrument for Shield
Cleaning. The doors lock and the instrument positions the read head for easy access to the
3. When the doors unlock, open the incubator door and locate the fluorometer shield on the
4. Grasp the right bottom tab on the fluorometer shield and then pull gently until it fully
withdraws. Note that the end of the shield curves upward—remember this position when you
are ready to reinstall the shield.
5. Clean both sides of the shield using lens cleaner and lens paper only.
Do not use alcohol to clean the fluorometer shield. Do not allow lens cleaner to
dry on the shield. Always wipe the shield surface dry. Reinstall the fluorometer
shield correctly to prevent the instrument from misreading fluorescent panels.
7. Replace the fluorometer shield in its original position and make sure it clicks into place so the
shield does not fall out during instrument operation.
8. Keep the incubator door open and then continue to the next procedure to check and clean
the photodiode shield.
If you are finished with maintenance, replace the front tower, close the incubator door, and
lock the doors to terminate access.
This topic describes how to check and clean the photodiode shield in the WalkAway instrument.
If you have just cleaned the fluorometer shield, go directly to step 4 to check and clean the
photodiode shield. You do not have to request separate maintenance access.
Cleaning the photodiode shield between readings can affect results. If possible, clean
the photodiode shield after the panels are completed or before the initial read.
Handle the shield only by the edges.
Required materials
• Dry lens paper or lint-free tissue
1. With the front tower removed, make sure all instrument doors are closed.
2. On the WalkAway Monitor Maintenance tab, click Position Instrument for Shield
4. Locate the photodiode shield. This acrylic plate is located beneath the photodiodes.
• If you are performing a daily check, visually inspect the shield without removing it.
Wipe the lower surface using dry lens paper or a lint-free cloth to remove any dust.
• If you are performing a weekly check, remove it for cleaning.
1. Rotate the right side of the shield forward and slide the shield to the right to remove it.
Note that minor scratches on the shield surface do not affect instrument performance.
If you observe large scratches or other damage, you must replace the photodiode shield.
3. Completely dry the shield and then place it back into the instrument.
4. Keep the panel access door open and then continue to the next procedure to check and
clean the diffuser plate. See Checking and cleaning the diffuser plate (page 144) for more
If you are finished with maintenance, replace the front tower, close the incubator door, and
lock the doors to terminate access.
This topic describes how to check and clean the diffuser plate in the WalkAway instrument.
If you have cleaned the photodiode shield, go directly to step 4 to clean the diffuser plate.
You do not have to request separate maintenance access.
1. With the front tower removed, make sure all instrument doors are closed.
2. On the WalkAway Monitor Maintenance tab, click Position Instrument for Shield
(2) Label
• If you are performing a daily check, visually inspect the shield without removing it.
Wipe the upper surface using dry lens paper or lint-free tissue to remove any dust.
• If you are performing a weekly check, remove the plate for cleaning.
2. Clean the plate using lens paper and lens cleaner or 70% isopropyl alcohol.
3. Completely dry the shield and place it back into the instrument.
4. With the frosted side down, the label inscription facing up, and the notch on the left, place
the diffuser plate back into the instrument.
Make sure the diffuser plate is resting flat and is not lifted at its right edge. Incorrect
positioning of the diffuser plate might cause incorrect panel readings.
If you are finished with maintenance, replace the front tower, close the incubator door, and
lock the doors to terminate access.
This topic describes how to maintain the reagent dispense system. The reagent dispense system
consists of the following components:
• Reagent bottles
• Solenoids
• Waste funnel
• Waste bag
Always wear protective eye wear, gloves, and a laboratory coat when handling
reagents and the reagent dispense system. Clean up any reagent spills in accordance
with the SDS and local/state/federal waste guidelines.
Inspecting reagent bottles (page 158)
Cleaning the reagent adapter (page 161)
Replacing the reagent bottle adapter (page 175)
Maintaining gaskets (page 180)
Cleaning the reagent waste funnel (page 120)
Maintaining the reagent waste bag or waste bottle (page 123)
Replacing reagents (page 186)
Updating reagent lot numbers (page 189)
This topic describes reagent bottles and how to use reagents with the WalkAway instruments.
In WalkAway Plus instruments, it is recommended to keep the bottles that are provided with
the instrument to use as replacements. Some pre-filled bottles have a limitation of inadequate
sealing when installed on the instrument.
The following table describes what to do if you are only using a reagent occasionally or are not
using one or more reagents in a WalkAway instrument.
If Then
You are using a reagent on an Fill an empty reagent bottle with water and then insert it in place
occasional basis only of the infrequently used reagent.
This ensures that the level sensing circuit is not giving a false low
on an infrequently used reagent.
Note that leaving water in the instrument for long periods of time
can cause unwanted growth of bacteria, fungi, and mold.
You are not using one or more The reagent bottles should remain empty. Contact your service
reagents personnel to disable the level sensing circuit for these unused
reagent positions.
DxM WalkAway instruments are shipped with blank cap adapters, which are attached to empty
bottles when a reagent is not used. See DxM WalkAway magnetic sensors (page 57) for more
information about blank cap adapters.
Before you install a pre-filled 30 mL reagent bottle, inspect reagent bottles for damage or size
differences before filling and reinstalling them into the WalkAway instrument. This helps to
prevent potential pressure leaks. See Inspecting reagent bottles (page 158) for more information.
Make sure the reagent dispense pressure is 0.0 PSI. If the dispense system is
pressurized, on the WalkAway Monitor Maintenance tab, click the De-pressurize
dispense system button. If this button is not available, the system is not pressurized.
Always wear protective eyewear (face shield recommended), gloves, and a laboratory
coat when handling reagents and the reagent dispense system.
Required materials
Lint-free cloths soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
2. Open the reagent drawer, lift the reagent drawer lid, and then locate the reagent bottles.
The LEDs on bottle adapters illuminate if less than approximately 25% of the reagent is
remaining. If a reagent level LED is illuminated, refill or replace the reagent bottle.
To check reagent levels in the DxM WalkAway, first view the exterior LED fluid status display panel
on the outside of the reagent drawer. See Exterior LED fluid status display panel (page 33) for
more information. If a reagent is at 5% capacity or less or if it is depleted, an audible alarm
If a reagent is low, check the interior LED reagent status indicator for that reagent.
2. Open the reagent drawer, lift the reagent drawer lid, and then locate the reagent bottles.
When a bottle adapter lever illuminates yellow, you must check the reagent.
If a bottle adapter lever flashes yellow/red, there is 5% or less of the reagent remaining.
If an adapter lever illuminates red, the reagent is depleted. If there is 5% or less of the reagent
left or the reagent is depleted, you must refill or replace the reagent bottle immediately.
See Interior LED reagent status indicators (page 36) for more information
1. Open the reagent drawer and then lift the reagent drawer lid.
2. Lift the reagent adapter lever to its full vertical position to release the reagent bottle and
adapter. Wait a few seconds before removing the adapter from the bottle to prevent reagent
spills on the reagent drawer surface.
3. While lifting the adapter straight up from the bottle, place two fingers on the bottle to
ensure the bottle remains in the base holder.
To avoid a reagent splash, hold the reagent bottle and pull the adapter assembly
upward until the tubing is out of the bottle. When removing the adapter from
the bottle, use a lint-free cloth to prevent any reagent remaining in the draw
straw from dripping on the analyzer.
6. Clean the reagent adapter, if necessary. See Cleaning the reagent adapter (page 161) for
more information.
1. Open the reagent drawer and then lift the reagent drawer lid.
2. Lift the reagent adapter lever to its full vertical position to release the reagent adapter and
bottle. Make sure the dispense head is properly seated in the waste funnel to drain any
remaining reagent in the tube to the waste funnel. Wait a few seconds before removing the
adapter from the bottle to prevent reagent spills on the manifold.
3. Pull out the reagent assembly attached to the lever and the reagent bottle. Note that there
are no tubes connected to the reagent assembly.
5. Hold the bottle and unscrew the reagent bottle from the reagent adapter. Place the reagent
bottle and reagent adapter on a lint-free cloth. Do not use the lever to unscrew the bottle as
it might break the lever.
The DxM WalkAway reagent bottle adapter has a draw straw assembly that might be
equipped with a filter or a T-connector at the end of the draw straw.
The following illustration shows an example of a draw straw assembly with a filter at its end.
6. Clean the reagent adapter, if necessary. See Cleaning the reagent adapter (page 161) for
more information.
7. Refill the reagent if necessary. See Replacing reagents (page 186) for more information.
Screw the bottle back into the adapter and then place the adapter and bottle back into the
reagent station.
8. Place two fingers on the reagent adapter and lower the reagent adapter lever to its full
horizontal position to lock the reagent adapter to the manifold.
The system automatically purges the next time it is pressurized. See Purge the reagent
dispense lines (page 190) for more information.
This topic describes how to inspect reagent bottles for damage or size differences before filling
and reinstalling them into the WalkAway instrument. This helps to prevent potential pressure
1. Inspect the bottle rim for damage prior to placing the bottle on the instrument.
Check for imperfections (i.e., chips, cracks, or other irregularities) that can cause air leaks and
impact performance.
A. For an empty bottle, place the bottle rim-down on a flat surface. The bottle should sit
squarely without any tilt and should not wobble when lightly touched.
B. For a pre-filled bottle, use a tray lid to check for rim flatness. Verify that the lid sits flush
across the top of the bottle. With a gloved finger, press down on the tray lid directly over
the bottle opening to verify flatness.
2. Place the tray lid across both bottles and, using a gloved finger, gently press directly over the
opening of each bottle.
If one bottle is shorter than the other, the tray lid tilts. If this occurs, place the taller bottle on
the instrument.
The process for cleaning the WalkAway Plus is different than the cleaning process for the DxM
WalkAway. Both cleaning processes are included in this section.
Required materials
Lint-free wipes soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol and lint-free towels.
Always use lint-free towels and/or wipes when cleaning the reagent system
components. Using towels or wipes that contain lint can damage solenoid valves and
cause excessive amounts of reagents to be released into the waste bag or bottle.
Always wear protective eyewear (face shield recommended), gloves, and a laboratory coat when
handling reagents and the reagent dispense system.
4. Select the indicated reagent adapter and lift the lever to its full vertical position to release the
reagent bottle and adapter.
5. While lifting the adapter straight up from the bottle, place two fingers on the bottle to
ensure the bottle remains in the base holder.
To avoid a reagent splash, hold the reagent bottle and pull the adapter assembly
upward until the tubing is out of the bottle. When removing the adapter from the
bottle, use a lint-free paper towel to prevent any reagent remaining in the draw
straw from dripping on the analyzer or place the adapter in a spare/extra empty
reagent bottle. Ensure that the adapter assembly is not inverted (turned upside
down), during the cleaning process.
Do not remove or bend the level sense probe when removing and/or cleaning
the reagent bottle and/or adapter. The probe is fragile and can break easily.
6. If cleaning, use a lint-free wipe soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol to wipe off the remaining
reagent on the draw straw, level sense probe, and adapter. Thoroughly clean the adapter
gasket, adapter, and level sense probe with a lint-free wipe soaked with 70% isopropyl
If the adapter contains a draw straw with a filter, DO NOT attempt to clean the
draw straw filter. If the filter mesh is torn, crystallized reagent or contaminants
can enter the solenoid valve and severely damage it. If the draw straw filter
contains excessive residue or build-up and needs to be replaced,
see Replacing the draw straw assembly (page 171) for more information.
If there is significant buildup, remove the gasket from the assembly and verify that the
adapter is completely clean. Buildup of dried reagent negatively affects the ability to properly
sense reagent levels. Clean the adapter using lint-free cloths and 70% isopropyl alcohol, if
Check the adapter gasket. See Maintaining gaskets (page 180) for more information on how
to remove and replace gaskets.
Potassium hydroxide (VP1) can cause crystallization and create a salt bridge from
the bottle, across the adapter gasket and to the level sense probe, which can
cause erroneous level sensing. Check all reagent adapters, gaskets and bottles
weekly and clean as necessary.
8. Set the adapter aside on a lint-free cloth or place the adapter in a spare/extra reagent bottle
while continuing to replace the reagent.
9. Remove the reagent bottle from the system and set it aside.
10. Inspect the rim of the bottle, and remove any dried reagent with a lint free wipe soaked with
70% isopropyl alcohol.
See Inspecting for rim damage and flatness (page 158) for more information.
11. Inspect the reagent bottle for precipitate or particles in the reagent. If you see precipitate or
particles in the reagent bottle, empty and clean the bottle.
12. Refill or replace the reagent, and place the bottle in the correct reagent station in the reagent
drawer. See Refilling and replacing reagent bottles (page 186) for more information.
Always verify the reagent lot number prior to filling a bottle. Avoid mixing reagents of
different lot numbers. If using a new reagent lot, dispose of the remaining reagent in
accordance with local policies. Clean with alcohol and dry the bottle, or rinse the bottle
with the new reagent lot before filling the bottle with the new reagent lot. Update the
reagent lot number in the Maintenance tab.
When refilling a bottle, do not fill above the shoulder of the bottle.
Peptidase must be at room temperature so the crystals go back into the solution.
Alpha Naphthol must be reconstituted per the reagent box label instructions.
Using other types of alcohol can cause erroneous instrument reagent
level-sensing and/or incorrect panel identification results. Alpha Naphthol
must be fully dissolved prior to installation.
13. Reinstall the adapter on top of the bottle, and hold the adapter flat while lowering the lever
to the full horizontal position. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in
the base holder.
Do not force the bottle adapter lever to the down position. Gently push until the
mechanical stop is reached. Attempting to push the lever past the mechanical
stop could potentially damage the reagent adapter.
14. Repeat steps 3 to 13 for all reagent bottles that need to be cleaned.
15. From the WalkAway Monitor Maintenance tab, check the reagent dispense pressure and
purge the reagent dispense lines.
See Purge the reagent dispense lines (page 190) for more information.
16. If a reagent runs empty and a valve runs dry, the solenoid and lines can be purged with
30 mL to 60 mL of 70% isopropyl alcohol and then purged with sterile distilled or sterile
deionized water. This can break up any reagent deposits. If you note that the valve is not
purging normally, contact Customer Technical Support.
If a specific reagent will not be used for more than three days, remove the
reagent from the system and flush the line with alcohol, followed by sterile
distilled or sterile deionized water. This prevents the reagents from remaining
static in the lines and solenoids for extended periods of time.
Always use lint-free towels and/or wipes when cleaning the reagent system
components. Using towels or wipes that contain lint can damage solenoid valves.
Always wear protective eyewear (face shield recommended), gloves, and a laboratory coat when
handling reagents and the reagent dispense system.
See Interior LED reagent status indicators (page 36) for more information.
4. Select a reagent, lift the lever to its full vertical position to release the reagent bottle and
adapter. Wait a few seconds before removing the adapter from the bottle to prevent reagent
spills on the manifold gaskets.
5. Take the bottle and adapter to a location where any accidental spills can be easily managed.
Hold the bottle and unscrew the reagent bottle from the reagent adapter. Do not use the
lever to unscrew the bottle as it might break the lever.
After unscrewing the bottle from the reagent adapter, DO NOT place the bottle
and/or adapter inside the reagent drawer. Reagent spills can damage the
When removing the bottle from the reagent adapter, some reagent might drip
from the draw straw. Use a lint-free towel to collect any reagent that drips from
the draw straw.
The DxM WalkAway reagent bottle adapter has a draw straw assembly that might be
equipped with a filter or a T- joint modified connector at the end of the draw straw.
The following illustration shows an example of a draw straw assembly with a filter at its end.
(1) Compressed air sealing surface (4) Filter (or T- joint modified connector)
• Inspect the areas in the reagent adapter and if necessary, use a lint-free wipe soaked with
70% isopropyl alcohol to carefully clean any component that contains residue or build-up
(except the draw straw filter). DO NOT place anything inside the compressed air hole or
reagent fluid hole when cleaning them.
If the adapter contains a draw straw with a filter, DO NOT attempt to clean
the draw straw filter. If the filter mesh is torn, crystallized reagent or
contaminants can enter the solenoid valve and severely damage it. If the draw
straw filter contains excessive residue or build-up and needs to be replaced,
see Replacing the draw straw assembly (page 171) for more information.
• If the gasket is damaged, see Maintaining gaskets (page 180) for more information on
replacing a gasket.
7. Inspect the rim of the bottle and remove any dried reagent with a lint-free wipe soaked with
70% isopropyl alcohol.
See Inspecting for rim damage and flatness (page 158) for more information.
8. Inspect the reagent bottle for precipitate or particles in the reagent. If you see precipitate or
particles in the reagent bottle, empty and clean the bottle.
Always verify the reagent lot number prior to filling a bottle. It is recommended that you
avoid mixing reagents of different lot numbers. If using a new reagent lot, dispose of the
remaining reagent in accordance with local policies. Clean with alcohol and dry the bottle,
or rinse the bottle with the new reagent lot before filling the bottle with the new reagent
lot. Update the reagent lot number in the Maintenance tab.
When refilling a bottle, do not fill above the shoulder of the bottle.
Peptidase must be at room temperature so the crystals go back into the solution.
Alpha Naphthol must be reconstituted per the reagent box label instructions.
Using other types of alcohol can cause erroneous instrument reagent level-
sensing and/or incorrect panel identification results. Alpha Naphthol must be
fully dissolved prior to installation.
10. Hold the bottle and screw the bottle into the reagent adapter. Do not use the adapter lever
to loosen or tighten the bottle from the adapter. This might break the lever.
11. In the reagent drawer, inspect the manifold gaskets for residue build-up or damage.
If necessary, use a lint-free wipe soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol to clean the compressed
air hole and/or reagent fluid hole on the manifold.
You can also remove the gaskets and clean them more thoroughly, if necessary. If the
manifold gasket is deteriorated and must be replaced or you must thoroughly clean the
gasket, follow the steps in Replacing or cleaning a DxM WalkAway manifold gasket
(page 184).
If a reagent has spilled into the reagent bottle base, you must clean the reagent bottles and
the lower area of the reagent bottle base with a lint-free wipe. The previous illustration shows
the location of the manifold gaskets and the reagent bottle base.
12. Make sure the adapter lever is in the full vertical position, and place the reagent adapter and
bottle back into the correct reagent station in the reagent drawer.
13. Lower the reagent adapter lever to its full horizontal position to lock the reagent adapter to
the manifold. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in the base holder.
14. Repeat steps 4 to 13 for all reagent bottles that you need to refill or clean.
15. Close the reagent drawer.
16. The system automatically purges the reagent stations that were refilled or cleaned the next
time it is pressurized. See Purge the reagent dispense lines (page 190) for more information.
If a specific reagent will not be used for more than three days, remove the
reagent from the system and flush the line with alcohol, followed by sterile
distilled or sterile deionized water. This prevents the reagents from remaining
static in the lines and valves for extended periods of time.
• Purge the reagent dispense lines (page 190) • Replacing reagents (page 186)
This section describes how to replace the draw straw assembly (for systems that include a filter at
the end) in WalkAway instruments. Replace the draw straw assembly if the draw straw filter is
damaged or clogged. Sometimes, the adapter fitting in the draw straw assembly might not come
out of the bottle adapter along with the draw straw. In such cases, you can replace only the draw
straw and the filter.
In WalkAway Plus instruments, the length of the draw straw is the same for both the 30 mL and
the 60 mL bottles. In DxM WalkAway instruments, the draw straw for a 60 mL bottle measures
longer than that for a 30 mL bottle.
The draw straw assembly consists of an adapter fitting, the draw straw, and a filter.
(3) Filter
Always wear protective eyewear (face shield recommended), gloves, and a laboratory coat when
handling reagents and the reagent dispense system.
1. Request maintenance access. See Requesting maintenance access (page 107) for more
2. Lift the reagent adapter lever to the full vertical position and then raise the adapter from the
bottle. Keep the adapter directly above the bottle so the filter is inside the bottle. Place two
fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in the base holder.
Do not remove or bend the level sense probe when replacing the draw straw
assembly. It is fragile and can break easily.
3. Carefully remove the draw straw and filter from the adapter by gently pulling the draw straw
down. Any excess fluid drains into the bottle. If the adapter fitting stays inside the adapter
when you remove the draw straw and filter, do not try to remove the adapter fitting.
Adapter fittings extend above the gaskets in 60 mL bottle adapters and they are flush with
the gaskets in 30 mL bottle adapters.
Do not place any object inside the draw straw filter to try to clean it. If the
filter mesh is torn, crystallized reagent or contaminants can enter the solenoid
valve and damage it.
4. Place the new draw straw and filter into the bottle adapter.
• If the adapter fitting was removed from the bottle adapter when you removed the draw
straw, place the new draw straw assembly into the bottle adapter.
• If the adapter fitting was NOT removed from the bottle adapter, remove the new adapter
fitting from the new draw straw assembly and then install the new draw straw and filter
onto the existing adapter fitting in the bottle adapter.
5. Place the bottle adapter back onto the bottle in the reagent station, and press the lever down
to the full horizontal position. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains
firm in the base holder.
1. Make sure that you are wearing PPE per your lab policy.
When removing the bottle from the reagent adapter, some reagent can drip from
the draw straw. Use a lint-free towel to collect any reagent that drips from the
draw straw.
6. Carefully remove the draw straw and filter from the adapter by gently pulling the draw straw
away from the adapter fitting in the adapter.
(2) Filter
Do not place any object inside the draw straw filter to try to clean it. If the filter
mesh is torn, crystallized reagent or contaminants can enter the solenoid valve
and severely damage it.
7. Remove the new adapter fitting from the new draw straw assembly.
8. Install the new draw straw and filter onto the existing adapter fitting in the bottle adapter.
Make sure to install the correct draw straw since the draw straw lengths are different for the
30mL and the 60mL reagent bottles.
9. Hold the bottle adapter and screw the bottle into the bottle adapter.
10. Place the bottle and bottle adapter back into the reagent station and then press the lever
down to the full horizontal position. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle
remains in the base holder.
The system automatically purges the next time it is pressurized. See Purge the reagent
dispense lines (page 190) for more information.
While the reagent adapter assemblies are designed to perform to specifications for the life of
your instrument, under certain circumstances, it might become necessary to replace the
assembly. Beckman Coulter recommends changing only one adapter at a time.
Consult with your local field service engineer prior to incorporating this practice into
your normal maintenance.
The following illustration shows the components of the reagent bottle adapter assembly.
1. Turn OFF power to the instrument and remove the power cord from the instrument.
See Shutting down the WalkAway instrument (page 77) for the complete shutdown
2. After system power is off, open the reagent drawer.
3. Lift the reagent drawer lid to access the reagent adapter that you want to replace.
4. Disconnect the LED power cable from the reagent adapter by pressing the button on the top
of the connector and pulling the cable from the adapter.
5. Disconnect the reagent line from the reagent adapter by turning the nut counterclockwise.
6. Disconnect the air tubing by pulling it straight away from the adapter.
8. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in the base holder, and then
remove the reagent bottle adapter from the bottle.
When removing the adapter from the bottle, use a lint-free towel to prevent any
reagent drip from the draw straw.
9. Connect the LED power cable to the new reagent bottle adapter.
10. Install the reagent tubing and fully tighten the nut in the reagent bottle adapter.
11. Install the air tubing by pushing the tubing onto the air port.
12. Place the adapter cap with the position label from the old adapter on the new adapter.
13. Ensure that the bottle contains an appropriate amount of reagent. If the reagent level is low,
see Replacing reagents (page 186) for more information.
14. Re-seat the reagent adapter onto the bottle, lower the lever to its full horizontal position and
then close the reagent drawer.
15. Plug the instrument back in and then turn ON the power.
After replacing a reagent adapter, always check for leaks at the reagent adapter nut
when the system is pressurized. If a leak is not detected, it can lead to a very
significant reagent drawer leak and adversely affect the reagent dispense system.
See Dispense pressure out of range for the WalkAway Plus in WalkAway instrument
display issues (page 203) for more information about troubleshooting air leaks.
You do not need to turn off power to the instrument for this procedure.
3. Lift the reagent drawer lid to access the reagent adapter that you want to replace.
4. Lift the reagent adapter lever to its full vertical position to release the reagent adapter and
bottle. Wait a few seconds before removing the adapter from the bottle to prevent reagent
spills on the manifold gaskets.
5. Hold the reagent bottle and pull out the reagent adapter and the bottle.
6. Hold the bottle and unscrew the bottle from the reagent adapter. Do not use only the lever to
unscrew the bottle as it might break the lever.
When removing the adapter from the bottle, use a lint-free towel to prevent any
reagent drip from the draw straw.
7. Ensure that the bottle contains an appropriate amount of reagent. If the reagent level is low,
see Replacing reagents (page 186) for more information.
8. Holding the adapter, screw the bottle onto the new reagent adapter.
9. Insert the reagent adapter and bottle back into the reagent station in the reagent drawer and
then close the reagent drawer. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in
the base holder.
12. Check the reagent dispense pressure. The system automatically purges the next time it is
pressurized. See Purge the reagent dispense lines (page 190) for more information.
Maintaining gaskets
This topic describes how to remove, replace and clean a reagent adapter gasket and how to
replace a manifold gasket.
When to replace
Reagent adapter gaskets are replaced during the normal preventive maintenance cycle by your
field service engineer. While the gaskets are expected to perform to specifications for this period
of operation, replacement might be necessary under certain circumstances.
Replace the manifold gaskets each month or if they are damaged or deteriorated so the reagent
dispense system seals properly.
Required materials
Lint-free wipes soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
1. Remove the draw straw by gently pulling the tube away from the adapter. If the adapter
fitting stays inside the adapter when you remove the draw straw, do not try to remove the
adapter fitting.
2. Using a pair of hemostats, grab the gasket and gently remove it from the adapter.
Do not remove or bend the level sense probe when replacing or cleaning the
gasket. The probe is fragile and can break easily.
3. If necessary, thoroughly clean the inner portion of the adapter using hemostats and a
lint-free wipe soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Clean the gasket with a lint-free wipe
soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol, if necessary.
4. To replace the gasket, slide the new gasket over the level-sense probe.
5. Position the new (or existing) gasket so the draw straw can be inserted.
6. Firmly press the gasket into position to ensure a good seal against the adapter assembly.
7. Reinsert the draw straw fitting (if it was removed) and then reinsert draw straw.
8. Replace the adapter on the top of the bottle and then hold the adapter flat while pressing
the lever down to the full horizontal position. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the
bottle remains in the base holder.
9. Ensure that all bottles are securely in place. Check the reagent dispense pressure and
manually purge the dispense lines, if necessary.
Clean the reagent adapter gasket every time you add or replace a reagent. Replace the gasket if it
is damaged or deteriorated so the reagent dispense system seals properly.
The DxM WalkAway reagent bottle adapter has a draw straw assembly that might be equipped
with a filter or a T- joint modified connector at the end of the draw straw.
If the draw straw assembly in the adapter gasket is equipped with a filter at its end, you must
remove the draw straw assembly from the reagent adapter to clean the adapter gasket. If the
draw straw assembly is equipped with a T-joint modified connector at its end, you can clean the
adapter gasket without removing the draw straw assembly.
The illustrations in the following procedure show an example of the draw straw assembly with a
filter at its end.
1. If the draw straw assembly is equipped with a T- joint modified connector at its end, skip to
step 2.
If the draw straw assembly is equipped with a filter at its end, remove the draw straw by
gently pulling it away from the draw straw fitting. Do not remove the draw straw fitting that
attaches the draw straw to the adapter.
2. Insert hemostats into the two holes in the gasket, and gently remove the gasket from the
3. If necessary, thoroughly clean the inner portion of the adapter and/or gasket using
hemostats and a lint-free wipe soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
4. Position the new (or existing) gasket so you can insert the draw straw.
Position the new (or existing) gasket properly in the reagent adapter.
5. Firmly press the gasket into position to ensure a good seal against the adapter assembly.
6. If the draw straw assembly is equipped with a T-joint modified connector, continue with
step 7.
If the draw straw assembly is equipped with a filter, reinsert the draw straw.
7. Holding the adapter, screw the bottle into the reagent adapter. Do not use only the lever to
screw the bottle as this might break the lever.
8. Place the reagent adapter and bottle back into the reagent station, and press the lever down
to the full horizontal position. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in
the base holder.
11. Check the reagent dispense pressure. In DxM WalkAway instruments, the system
automatically purges the next time it is pressurized. See Purge the reagent dispense lines
(page 190) for more information.
Always use lint-free towels and/or wipes when cleaning the reagent system
components. Using towels or wipes that contain lint can damage solenoid valves and
cause excessive amounts of reagents to be released into the waste bag or bottle.
Always wear protective eyewear (face shield recommended), gloves, and a laboratory coat when
handling reagents and the reagent dispense system.
1. Get Maintenance Access. See Requesting maintenance access (page 107) for more
2. Identify the reagent manifold gasket that must be cleaned or replaced. Lift the bottle lever to
its full vertical position. Hold the reagent adapter and the bottle and lift the bottle from the
base. Do not use only the lever to lift the bottle.
If there is excessive residue build up on the manifold gasket, clean it. See step 4.
3. To replace the manifold gasket, identify the gasket to be replaced. Gently lift the gasket away
from the manifold.
4. Wipe away any residue build-up around the compressed air hole and/or reagent fluid hole
on the gasket manifold with a lint-free wipe soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
The reagent fluid hole gasket can stretch or shrink over time depending on the reagents
used, such as alcohol based reagents. If this gasket is not replaced frequently, the reagent
adapter might fail to seal properly. Replace the reagent fluid hole gasket on the manifold
each month to ensure a proper seal and appropriate WalkAway instrument functionality.
Note that It is not required to replace the reagent fluid hole gasket on the manifold for
blank caps.
6. Place the reagent adapter and bottle back into the reagent station.
7. Lower the reagent adapter lever to its full horizontal position to lock the reagent adapter to
the manifold. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in the base holder.
The system automatically purges the next time it is pressurized. See Purge the reagent
dispense lines (page 190) for more information.
Replacing reagents
Use of other types of reagents can adversely affect the performance of your
instrument and panels.
4. Clean the reagent adapter, if necessary. See Cleaning the reagent adapter (page 161) for
more information.
When refilling a bottle, do not fill above the shoulder of the bottle.
Peptidase must be at room temperature so the crystals go back into the solution.
Alpha Naphthol must be reconstituted per the reagent box label instructions.
Using other types of alcohol can cause erroneous instrument reagent level-
sensing and/or incorrect panel identification results. Alpha Naphthol must be
fully dissolved prior to installation.
5. Always verify the reagent lot number prior to filling a bottle. If using a new reagent lot,
update the reagent lot number. See Updating reagent lot numbers (page 189) for more
6. Place the reagent adapter and bottle back into the reagent station.
• On the WalkAway Plus, place the reagent bottle back in the reagent station. Place the
reagent adapter on the bottle and secure the fit by pressing the adapter lever down to
the full horizontal position. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in
the base holder.
The following illustration shows the WalkAway Plus reagent adapter lever being pressed
• For the DxM WalkAway instrument, holding the adapter, screw the bottle into the
reagent adapter and then place the reagent adapter and bottle back into the reagent
station. Place two fingers on the bottle to ensure the bottle remains in the base holder.
Press the adapter lever down to the full horizontal position. Do not use only the lever to
screw the bottle as it might break the lever.
The following illustration shows the DxM WalkAway adapter lever being pressed down.
Do not force the bottle adapter lever to the full horizontal position. Gently push
the lever down until the mechanical stop is reached. Attempting to push the
lever past the mechanical stop could potentially damage the reagent adapter.
7. For the WalkAway Plus instrument, check the reagent dispense pressure and then
manually purge the dispense lines, if necessary.
For the DxM WalkAway instrument, close the reagent drawer. The system automatically
purges the next time it is pressurized. See Purge the reagent dispense lines (page 190) for
more information.
If the dispense pressure is not within the normal range, see the “Dispense pressure out of
range” topic in WalkAway instrument display issues (page 203) for troubleshooting steps.
If a reagent runs empty and a valve runs dry, you can purge the solenoid and lines with 30 mL
to 60 mL of 70% isopropyl alcohol. This can break up any reagent deposits. If you note that
the valve is not purging normally, contact Customer Technical Support.
If a specific reagent is not used for more than three days, remove the reagent
from the system and flush the line with sterile distilled or sterile deionized water.
This prevents the reagents from remaining static in the lines and solenoids for
extended periods of time.
This topic describes how to update reagent lot numbers whenever you introduce a new reagent
lot into the WalkAway instrument. Reagent lot numbers appear on the QC Panel Report.
If you replace or refill a reagent bottle with a reagent from a new lot number, you must update
the lot number records.
To update reagent lot numbers:
1. On the WalkAway Monitor Maintenance tab, in the Reagents area, type the new lot
number in the Lot Number box to the right of the reagent name.
This topic describes how to purge the reagent dispense lines. Purge the reagent dispense lines in
the WalkAway Plus instruments only if the reagent bottles have run dry and/or there are air
bubbles in the dispense lines.
In DxM WalkAway instruments, the system automatically purges the next time it is pressurized,
whenever the system senses a status change in the reagent bottle station. However, if the
instrument is powered off and you lift the reagent bottle adapter lever, then turn on the power,
the instrument does not automatically purge. In such cases, you must manually purge the
reagent dispense lines.
To purge the reagent dispense lines:
For DxM WalkAway instruments, close the reagent drawer to pressurize the dispense system.
For WalkAway Plus instruments, select the appropriate reagents to purge and verify the
reagent dispense system is pressurized.
If the system is not pressurized, on the Maintenance tab, click Pressurize dispense system.
Confirm that the pressure range is between 2.7 and 3.8 PSI.
If the PSI is outside this range, see WalkAway instrument display issues (page 203) for more
3. When the purge process is complete, click Depressurize dispense system.
4. Verify that the reagent is dispensing properly. See Checking the reagent dispense lines and
cleaning dispense tips (page 191) for more information.
5. Continue to the next reagent dispense maintenance task, if necessary. If you are finished with
maintenance, lock the doors to terminate access.
This topic describes how to check the reagent dispense lines for leaks and how to clean dispense
Required materials
• Squirt bottle with 70% isopropyl alcohol
• Lint-free cloths
2. Ensure that the system is not pressurized; verify in the LabPro Maintenance screen that the
system pressure is 0.0 psi.
For the WalkAway Plus, check the dispense lines and the base of the solenoids for leaks.
The following figure shows the proper layout of the tubing in the WalkAway instrument.
For the DxM WalkAway, lift the reagent drawer lid and check the tubing are filled with
reagents and there are no air bubbles.
If the tubing has air bubbles, do the following to access the reagent dispense lines and check
for leaks:
• Check the dispense lines and the base of the solenoids for leaks.
1. Lift the dispense head from the waste funnel and examine the dispense head for
2. Floss a lint-free cloth soaked with 70% isopropyl alcohol between the dispense tips on the
dispense head.
3. When the dispense head is clean, inspect it to ensure that the reagent dispense tips extend
approximately 1/8 inch beyond the dispense head. If necessary, gently push the lines
through the dispense head to extend the dispense tips.
4. Keep the reagent drawer open and the dispense head removed from the waste funnel and
then clean the reagent waste funnel.
See Cleaning the reagent waste funnel (page 120) for detailed instructions on how to clean
the waste funnel.
This topic describes how to maintain the oil dispense system. The oil dispense system consists of
the following components:
• Oil bottle
• Oil line
When to maintain
The WalkAway Plus low-oil light illuminates when the bottle is at or below 35% capacity. The DxM
WalkAway oil light is green when oil levels are sufficient and yellow when you must check the oil
You can perform maintenance tasks for the oil dispense system at the same time you check and
clean the reagent dispense system. You do not have to request separate maintenance access.
To check for leaks or air bubbles in the oil dispense line and oil syringe:
See Requesting access to the WalkAway instrument (page 87) for more information.
2. Open the reagent drawer and then lift the reagent drawer lid.
3. Ensure that the tubing is below the surface of the oil in the container.
4. Make sure that the float and the tubing in the oil container are not tangled.
6. If you observe any air bubbles, purge the oil line three times.
7. After you check the oil line, examine the oil bottle level indicator LED.
1. If the fluid indicator LED (on the front of the instrument) is illuminated, request maintenance
See Requesting access to the WalkAway instrument (page 87) for more information.
2. Open the reagent drawer and then lift the reagent drawer lid.
3. If the oil level LED is illuminated, replace the oil bottle or refill it with MicroScan oil and then
purge the oil line three times to remove air from the system.
1. If the oil level indicator LED (on the front of the instrument) is yellow, request maintenance
See Requesting access to the WalkAway instrument (page 87) for more information.
2. Open the reagent drawer and then lift the reagent drawer lid.
3. Replace the oil bottle or refill it with MicroScan oil and then purge the oil line three times to
remove air from the system. The following illustration shows the DxM WalkAway oil dispense
Use MicroScan mineral oil (B1010-40A). Use of other types of mineral oil can
adversely affect the performance of your instrument and panels.
Clean up any oil spills with absorbent material and dispose of in accordance with the
SDS and local/state/federal waste guidelines.
1. With the reagent drawer open, lift the oil bottle out of its holding location in the reagent
4. Refill the existing bottle, or replace the bottle with a new one.
• To refill the bottle: pour MicroScan oil into the bottle and reinstall the existing bottle cap
assembly onto the bottle. Fill only to the bottle shoulder.
• To replace the bottle: install the bottle, then replace the cap of the new MicroScan oil
bottle with the bottle cap assembly from the old bottle.
5. Reinstall the oil bottle in the dispense drawer location. Carefully organize the oil tubing and
sensor wires so that they are not pinched or bunched in the reagent drawer.
6. Purge the oil line until there are no more air bubbles. See the “Purging the oil line” topic in
the next section.
Anytime the bottle cap is removed from the bottle, regardless of whether or not the bottle is
replaced, the oil system must be purged three times to remove air from the system.
Purge the oil line after adding oil or if air bubbles appear in the oil line or oil syringe assembly.
If your WalkAway instrument has been idle for an extended period (for example, no
panels were processed over the weekend) purge the oil line three times to remove air
from the system and to ensure that oil is properly dispensed into the panels.
See Requesting access to the WalkAway instrument (page 87) for more information.
2. On the WalkAway Monitor Maintenance tab, click Purge oil. Purge the oil line three times
to remove air from the system. While the instrument is purging the oil line (approximately
1½ minutes), LabPro software displays the hourglass symbol.
See the LabPro Operator’s Guide for the following additional troubleshooting information related to LabPro
software and WalkAway instrument interaction.
Calibration values are • Something is blocking the 1. Clean the photodiode shield and diffuser plate.
underlined under light pathway. 2. To force calibration, shut down the WalkAway instrument,
Colorimetric Calibration, • The light source failed. wait at least 15 seconds, and then start up the instrument.
Color Lamp Voltage, and/or
A/D System Calibration • The photosensor A/D board 3. Print the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report and then confirm
failed. that the problem is resolved.
• Diffuser was not replaced If the problem persists, contact Customer Technical Support.
after cleaning.
Dispenser failed The instrument is unable to build 1. Tighten any loose reagent bottles.
up sufficient pressure to dispense 2. Close the reagent drawer.
the reagents due to the following:
3. Pressurize the instrument using the Maintenance tab on the
• Loose reagent bottles WalkAway Monitor and then check the dispense pressure.
• Fitting failure in air lines If there is a fitting failure in the air lines or if the problem
persists, contact Customer Technical Support.
Fluorometric System failed • The light source might be 1. Verify the following:
burned out. • If the instrument has been shut down for more than 2
• The shield or reference disk is hours, allow the instrument to warm up at least 60
Fluorometric Calibration
dirty. minutes.
values are underlined
• The instrument temperature • If the incubator door has been open for an extended
is too low. period, allow 60 minutes for the instrument to
2. Clean the reference disk and fluorometer shield.
3. To force calibration, shut down the WalkAway instrument,
wait at least 15 seconds, and then start up the instrument.
4. Print the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report and confirm that
the problem is resolved.
If the problem persists, contact Customer Technical Support.
Internal temperature is The card cage is overheated. Turn off WalkAway instrument and then contact Customer
underlined under Technical Support immediately.
Environmental Status
Light Source failed The colorimetric system failed 1. Clean the photodiode shield and diffuser plate.
because: See Checking and cleaning the photodiode shield
(page 141) and Checking and cleaning the diffuser plate
• The lamp failed.
A/D Photo Board failed (page 144) for more information.
• Something is blocking the
light pathway.
2. To force calibration, shut down the WalkAway instrument,
wait at least 15 seconds, and then start up the instrument.
3. Print the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report and then confirm
the problem is resolved.
TIP: If all colorimetric calibration values are underlined, a lamp
failure has likely occurred.
If the problem persists, contact Customer Technical Support for
help in replacing the lamp.
Panel Detect System disabled A self-diagnostic test indicates Contact Customer Technical Support.
the sensor is out of alignment.
This can happen while
performing shield maintenance if
you accidentally hit the sensor.
Processor Check failed or Failures on the main CPU have Shut down the WalkAway instrument, wait at least 15 seconds,
PROM Checksum failed or occurred during the and then start up.
RAM Memory Check failed WalkAway instrument start up.
If the problem persists, contact Customer Technical Support.
Temperature failed The internal temperature was out Ensure that the ambient temperature is less than 81° F (27° C).
of range for 10 minutes after the
If the problem persists, contact Customer Technical Support
WalkAway clock started.
The WalkAway clock starts:
• 60 minutes after the
instrument is started up.
• 60 minutes after the incubator
door is closed.
• 15 minutes after other doors
are closed.
Access will be cancelled soon The amount of time requested for Press the Quick Access button on front control panel, or click
access expired and the door has Lock Door on the WalkAway Monitor, to lock the door and
been closed for one minute but terminate access.
not locked.
Check colorimetric system Dirty photodiode shield and/or 1. Clean the photodiode shield and diffuser plate.
diffuser plate or the lamp failed 2. To force calibration, shut down the WalkAway instrument,
during a colorimetric reading. wait at least 15 seconds, and then start up the instrument.
3. Print the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report and then confirm
that the problem is resolved.
If the message continues or underlined values persist on the
WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report, contact Customer Technical
Check fluorometric system Dirty reference disk and/or 1. Verify the following:
fluorometer shield or the • If the instrument has been shut down for more than two
fluorometer lamp failed. hours, allow the instrument to warm up at least 60
• If the incubator door has been open for an extended
period, allow 60 minutes for the instrument to
2. Clean the reference disk and fluorometer shield.
3. To force calibration, shut down the WalkAway instrument,
wait at least 15 seconds, and then start up the instrument.
4. Print the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report and then confirm
that the problem is resolved.
If the message continues or underlined values persist on the
WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report, contact Customer Technical
Color wheel jam The color wheel failed to rotate 1. Follow the jam resolution instructions on the WalkAway
when rotating through the Monitor.
interference filters. 2. If the jam persists, shut down the instrument for at least 15
seconds and then start up the instrument.
3. If the jam still occurs, contact Customer Technical Support.
Do not attempt to fix a color wheel jam. Call Customer Technical
Support for help.
Incubator temperature too The temperature is too high or Take a manual temperature reading. The temperature range
high or too low too low for at least 10 minutes. should be 35° C ±1° C.
If the problem persists, contact Customer Technical Support.
Main carousel jam The carousel that holds the panel 1. Follow the jam resolution instructions on the WalkAway
towers failed to move. A tower Monitor and try to clear the jam.
might be installed backward. 2. Verify that a tower was not installed backward.
If the jam persists, shut down the instrument for at least 15
seconds, verify the movement of the carousel, and then start up
the instrument.
Please close the door The panel access door, incubator Make sure all controlled doors are closed. If the message
door, or reagent dispense drawer persists, contact Customer Technical Support.
was open longer than scheduled
or was open when trying to
advance the carousel.
Unable to pick up dispense Dispense head not seated Panels that require reagents are completed without reagents
head properly in the waste funnel. The and appear on the Exception Status tab on the WalkAway
instrument was unable to pick up Monitor with the message Dispense Failed. The results must
the dispense head when be verified.
attempting to add reagents.
1. Follow the resolution instructions on the WalkAway
2. Verify that the dispense head alignment pin is properly
seated in the alignment hole in the waste funnel. If the
dispense head is loose, reseat it in the waste funnel.
If the problem persists, shut down the instrument for at least 15
seconds and then start up the instrument.
If the problem still occurs, contact Customer Technical Support.
Unable to replace dispense After adding reagents to a panel, 1. Follow the jam resolution instructions on the WalkAway
head the instrument was unable to Monitor.
replace the dispense head in the 2. Verify that the alignment pin for the dispense head is
waste funnel. properly seated in the alignment hole in the waste funnel.
If the dispense head is loose, reseat it in the waste funnel.
If the problem persists, shut down the instrument for at least 15
seconds and then start up the instrument.
If the problem still occurs, contact Customer Technical Support.
Vertical axis jam The read head assembly jammed 1. Follow the jam resolution instructions on the WalkAway
as it traveled up and down in the Monitor and try to clear the jam.
center of the carousel. 2. Verify that nothing impedes the vertical movement (for
example, the fluorometer shield dropped to the bottom of
the instrument).
If the jam persists, shut down the instrument for at least 15
seconds and then start up the instrument.
If the jam still occurs, contact Customer Technical Support.
Water level low The water in the reservoir is too Add sterile deionized or sterile distilled water to the reservoir.
Temperature is underlined The temperature is not 35° C ±1° 1. Verify the following:
under Environmental Status C. • If the WalkAway instrument has been shut down for
more than 2 hours, allow the system to warm up at least
60 minutes.
• If the incubator door has been open for an extended
period, allow 60 minutes for the instrument to
2. To force calibration, shut down the WalkAway instrument,
wait at least 15 seconds, and then start up the instrument.
3. Print the WalkAway QC Diagnostics Report and then confirm
that the problem is resolved.
If the problem persists, contact Customer Technical Support.
Jams Jam messages indicate that a The instrument displays the type of jam (for example, Panel
mechanical failure occurred while grabber jam). See the corrective action for each particular jam in
the instrument was in motion. WalkAway instrument display issues (page 203).
Basic jam resolution includes the following steps:
1. Determine the type of jam. A message appears on the
instrument status display. Follow the jam resolution
instructions on the WalkAway Monitor.
2. Open the incubator door to determine the location of the
read head assembly. You might need to remove the front
3. If the read head assembly is down in the reagent system
area, determine if the reagent dispense head is attached to
the fluorometer.
Panel spill in WalkAway • The panel might not have Decontaminate the instrument as follows:
instrument tower or Rough been seated correctly.
1. Shut down and unplug the instrument, and close LabPro
panel handling • The panel handling assembly software.
is out of alignment.
2. Open the incubator door.
3. Remove any incomplete overnight panels from the
WalkAway and then place them in an incubator.
4. Completely loosen the hold-down wheel of the tower at the
front of the carousel and then lift the tower up and out of
the instrument.
5. Pull any available tower toward you gently to rotate the
carousel. When the next tower has adequate clearance for
safe removal, repeat the tower removal process and then
continue until all towers are removed from the instrument.
6. Autoclave the towers.
7. Wipe surfaces inside the instrument with 70% isopropyl
8. Allow the instrument to air dry with the power off and the
incubator door open.
9. When the instrument is completely dry, replace the towers,
close the incubator door, plug in the instrument, turn on the
power, and then allow the instrument to run for 60 minutes
before proceeding with normal operations.
Hardware failure • Solenoid valve has failed Contact Customer Technical Support
• There is a problem with the
circuitry that controls solenoid
• If the reagent system fan fails,
the LED fluid status display
panel alternately flashes the
hardware failure error
indicator LED pattern and the
normal mode of operation
LED pattern.