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A Level Mapwork 2020 Notes

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1) The paper consists of seven questions.

2) Candidates must answer 3 questions one from each section.
3) The paper will be based on experiments, investigations, observations and calculations.
4) Full instructions will be given where unfamiliar material or techniques are required.
5) Section A will be a compulsory question on statistics.
6) Section B will have three questions on mapping and GIS from which candidate will choose
7) GIS work on computers may be included.
8) Section C will have three questions on research techniques from which candidates will answer
9) Each question will be marked out of 25 to give a total of 75.










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Learners should be able to:
1) Identify landforms and drainage features on a topographical map.
2) Describe the landforms and drainage features.
3) Explain the origin of the landforms and the theories of landform development.
4) Explain the relationship between drainage and relief features.
Learners should master basic skills in drawing simple:

Is a simplified map drawn showing the spatial relationship of mapped features/landforms and
drainage features in an area.
1. Relief region:
Is a large area which covers a large area on a map/an area with similar relief/landforms
- A relief region is a distinct area of relief that stands out from the surrounding areas.
There are basically two types of relief regions:
i. Uplands/Highlands
ii. Plains/lowland.
 When asked to draw relief regions just,demarcate areas of different relief and not to
draw individual landforms.
 When asked to draw relief featuresthen draw individual landforms.
2. Plateaus:- Dissected Plateau 8. Round topped /cone shaped hill.
3. Escarpment 9. Spur
4. Pass 10. Col
5. Ridge shaped hill 11. Lowland
6. Elongated hill 12. Scarp
7. Isolated hill 13. Mountain
Drainage features
A) Drainage Patterns:
 Draw and label at least two drainage patterns on your sketch map;
i. Trellis vi. Centripetal
ii. Dendritic vii. Discordant
iii. Radial viii. Accordant
iv. Rectangular
v. Parallel
B) Drainage features
 Marks are obtained when they are drawn and labelled on the sketch map.
 Indicate Name if indicated on the map, correct direction of flow and correct alignment of
major rivers.
1. Waterfall 3. Floodplain
2. Rapid 4. Gorge
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5. Valley: U and V shaped valleys. 11. Braids
6. Direction of river flow 12. Meanders
7. Major river 13. Cliff
8. Confluence 14. Embayment
9. Drainage basin/catchment area 15. Pass
10. Water shade 16. gap
Identify only prominent/major physical features and draw them before a written description.
Use a single line in drawing the landforms and clearly mark out boundaries of major relief
1. Familiarize yourself with the topographical map by briefly studying the map, pay attention to
i. The key, major /prominent relief and drainage features,
ii. Grid reference,
iii. Map title.
iv. Compass directions.
2. Draw a rectangle proportional to the area you have been asked to draw the map orientation
that is: Landscape/rectangular or Portrait.

3. Divide your map into four equal parts in faint pencil to act as guide lines when drawing your
landforms. These should be erased after the after completion.
4. Draw major rivers and their tributaries in pencil first then shade/colour them blue finally, to
act as guidelines in positioning landforms and other drainage features.
5. Identify and clearly draw major drainage patterns and landforms on the map.
6. Identify and draw the major landforms on the map using a single pencil line.
7. Follow the general shape of the outer contour line of the landforms when drawing their
8. Demarcate boundaries of major relief regions using a single pencil line: Highlands - shade
these and lowlands- leave them plain or blank.
9. Draw or highlight different landforms/features which are found inside the major relief
regions by shading them darker or in different styles.
10. Label/ annotate your landforms in ink on the sketch map.
11. Indicate direction of river flow beside the river and label names of rivers pointing to the
direction they are flowing to.
12. Put key, title, north compass direction, grid reference of the section drawn.
13. Separate landforms and drainage features on the key.
14. Your sketch map and key should be drawn on same or one side of the page.

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 Describing and explaining features requires sound knowledge of Hydrology and
Geomorphology Confine descriptions to physical features only, focus should be on
drainage, relief /landforms and their changes.
 Locating Landforms, Relief and Drainage features.
Locating Landforms, Relief and Drainage features
a) Compass directions/points/range:
- Compass, a hill/ridge stretching from NW to SE,
- To the south of the map or area is a lowland /plain
(b) 13 Figure Grid reference
- There is a water fall in grid square 348000 E 7712000 N
(c) Relative Location
- To the SW of the mountain range is dendritic drainage pattern
(d) Place Names
- Between Nyanga Mountains and Filabusi Hills is a lowland area.
Use these to identify landforms on a topographical map.
 These are orange/brown lines drawn on a map joining palaces of equal height or
elevations above the sea level.
 A contour line is drawn to show places of equal heights.
 Are line drawn joining points of the same height.
 Are used to show or represent relief or types of slopes on topographical maps.
 Used to describe the shape or nature of relief or landforms.
Contour line Features
 Closely spaced contours represent steep slopes.
 Widely spaced contours represent gentle slope.
 Evenly spaced contours represent a uniform slope and that steepness of the slope is the
same. -Contour lines and their shapes represent the height and slope or gradient of the
 When two or more contour lines merge with each other, they represent features of
vertical slopes such as cliffs or waterfalls.
 Two contours of different elevation usually do not cross each other.
 Contours are drawn at different vertical intervals (VI), like 20, 50, 100 meters above the
mean sea level.
 It is known as contour interval, it is usually constant on a given map.
 Contour line interval is the distance between two successive contour lines.
 Is a term used to describe high ground.
 The highest point/elevation on a hill/mountain is called a summit.
Conical Hill
 It rises almost uniformly from the surrounding land.
 A conical hill with uniform slope and narrow top is represented by concentric contours
spaced almost at regular intervals.

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 Contour lines are closed spaced together at the top/center.
An Outlier

 Is an area of high ground detached or found far away from the hill mass of an
 Contour lines closed spaced together on the plain.
 Smooth rock gently rising from the ground shown in grey color on the map.
 Is a small and isolated residual hill rising above a near level plain.
 Is a reminant of earlier and higher surface reduced by active periods of erosion.
 Literally an 'island mountain', an inselberg is an isolated residual hill standing
above an extensive plain of EROSION (seePEDIPLAIN).
 Most inselbergs are steep-sided,and many are dome-like (e.g. the
BORNHARDTS resulting from large-scale EXFOLIATION ingranitic rocks).
 At the base of an inselberg there is frequently an abrupt change of slope, beyond
which a gentle concave slope (PEDIMENT) leads down to the plain.
 Inselbergs are characteristic of late-stage SAVANNA landscapes, but are also
found in humid tropical regions, DESERTS and even in temperate
Is a long and narrow stretch/strip of high land with steep very sides.
The top of a ridge is called a crest/summit.
(i)A Knife edged ridge has contour lines which are closed spaced together at the center
(ii)An elongated ridge has contour lines which are widely spaced apart and has an oval
 Is a high ground which is flat/gentle at the top with very steep sides.
 ls a very broad/large area of highland/elevated lands Contour lines are closed spaced
together on the sides but widely spaced apart at the centre.
 When river cut/flow across the sides of the plateau it is described as:
A flat topped and heavily' dissected on the sides.
An Escarpment /Scarp slope
 Is a steep or precipitous rocky slope of an upland i.e. mountains, rift valleys, ridges and
plateaux sides.
 A steep slope at the margins of upland. (For example, a plateau edge or a cuesta). The
term is often abbreviated to scarp (hence scarp face or scarp slope).
 Contour lines are close together at center widely spaced apart towards the plain.
 An asymmetrical upland feature usually associated with gently dipping sedimentary
rocks, for example chalk, and comprising a steep scarp slope and a longer, gentler dip
 The steepest side of an escarpment is called a scarp slope while the gentle side is called a
dip slope.

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Col or Saddle
 Is a depression between two hill summits.
 Is a well-defined depression (otherwise known as a pass, saddle or wind-gap) in a
mountain range, hill ridge or CUESTA.
 Cols are often interpreted as marking former stream courses.
 Contour lines are close together on hill summits and are far apart between the summits.
 A depression between two summits of generally low elevation and provides a route way
through arrange of hills or mountains.
 Is a narrow and steep sided corridor through a range of hills or mountains.
 Commonly followed by lines of communication, road, rail, path, tarred/gravel road.
 Is a narrow, deep and steep sided valley.
 They are deep and narrow river valleys with very steep sides.
 A gorge is represented by very closely-spaced contour lines on a map with the innermost
contour showing small gap between its two sides.
 In high altitudes, gorges form in the areas where the vertical erosion by river is more
prominent than the lateral erosion.
 Is a strip of lowland bordered by highland.
 There are dry and wet valleys.
 A geomorphic feature lying between two hills or ridges and formed as a result of the
lateral erosion by a river or a glacier is called a valley.
A 'V'-shaped Valley
 Valley resembles the letter v.
 A v-shaped valley occurs in mountainous areas.
 Represented on the map by contour lines pointing up stream towards the heads of the
 The arms of the V point of the contour lines point towards lower ground while the Apex
point towards higher ground.
 The contour value increases with uniform intervals for all other contour lines outward.
A 'U'- shaped Valley
 A U-shaped valley is formed by strong lateral erosion of glaciers at high altitudes.
 The flat wide bottom and steep sides makes it resemble the Letter 'U'.

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 The lowermost part of the U-shaped valley is shown by the innermost contour line with a
wide gap between its two sides.
 The contour value increases with uniform intervals for all other contour lines outward.
 A tongue of land, projecting from higher ground into the lower is called a spur.
 It is represented by v shaped contours lines pointing to the lower ground.
 The arms of the V point to the higher ground and the apex of 'V” to the lower ground.
 It is a very steep or almost perpendicular face of landform.
 On a map, a cliff may be identified by the way the contours run very close to one another,
ultimately merging into one.
Waterfall and Rapids
 A vertical or near-vertical fall of water or a series of step-like falls, developed where a
river course is interrupted by a marked break of gradient.
i. as at the edge of a PLATEAU,
ii. along a FAULT SCARP,
iii. at the junction of a HANGING VALLEY with a major glacial trough,
iv. On a sea-CLIFF.
- A sudden and more or less perpendicular descent of water from a considerable height in
the bed of a river is called a waterfall.
 Some waterfalls are the product of differential EROSION - for example, along a FAULT
line, soft rocks may be brought against hard rocks, and will be rapidly eroded by fluvial
activity, leading to the {formation of a waterfall at the fault.
 However, even where initiated by structures such as faults, waterfalls may become
dissociated from them by the process of HEADWARD EROSION. Sometimes, a
waterfall succeeds or precedes with a cascading stream forming rapids upstream or
downstream of a waterfall.
 The contours representing a waterfall merge into one another while crossing a river
stream and the rapids are shown by relatively distant contour lines on a map.
On average most topographical maps have at least three to four relief regions.
Relief region: is a large area which covers a large area on a map/an area with similar
relief/landforms throughout.
There are basically two types of relief regions:
 Uplands/Highlands and Plains/lowland.
 Describing Relief
 When describing relief discuss the changes in gradient and not landforms.
 Study the contour lines on the map and identify where they are close together indicating
steep slopes and where they are widely spaced apart indicating gently sloping ground.
 Most maps may show considerable variety of relief of UPLANDS AND
PLAINS/LOWLANDS. Different relief regions can be recognized on the map from the
changes in contour lines patterns and by differences in elevation.
 Divisions between them occurs where changes in contour spacing indicate changes or
break of slope.

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 You can demarcate/draw these relief regions with a bold pencil line before copying them
on to your sketch map.
1. Uplands
-Name and Location
-average height, check contours, spot heights
-Hill summits, negative hill summits -degree of dissection
-relative relief which the difference in height between hill summits and bottom of valleys.
The greater the relative relief the steeper the landscape the more heavily dissected the land is.
If RL is above (600m an arbitrary figure) the landscape may be describe as hilly or
- Hill summits can be described as remnants or residuals of former highland areas, or
- Alternating uplands and lowlands can be described as scarp and vale landscape as a result
of alternating hard and soft rock.
- Ridges can be described as lineated if they occur in line.
- Ridges and hills that occur outside the main relief regions are described as peripheral ridges
or hills.
- Can be described as, Flat highlands, lightly or heavily dissected by streams, highland with
negative hill summits; waterless highland.
- Flat topped plateau, ridges, steep scarps, conical hills and residual hills.
- Highest and lowest altitudes.
- Relief Trends and Directions state the alignment followed by hills and valleys.
- Give the trends in terms of compass directions i.e. the slopes of the highland areas dips or
is tilted to the south, north.
- Waterless or dry feature - General length, width and area of different relief regions.
- Valleys steep sided, flat floored, broad - Slopes gentle, steep, concave, convex.
- Escarpments with a straight base may be described as fault guided or scarp slopes.
2. Plain/Lowland
- Are less spectacular scenically.
- Examine contour line spacing to see if the land is gently flat or undulating. -Undulating
plain -average elevation estimate relative relief.
- Lowest height, ground normally found on swamps, marshes, ditches and these indicate
gentle gradient.
- Can be described as pediplains, etchplains or peneplains.


- Is the outflow of water in the drainage basin through the system of natural rivers.
- Identify and locate the drainage features using compass points and grid reference.
Describe the following as seen on the map:
1. Types of drainage patterns: i.e.
- Radial: - develops on domical rises like dome shaped hills.
- Dendritic: - develops on rocks of uniform geology or heterogeneous lithology/gently
dipping rocks of uniform lithology.
- Parallel: -develops on faulted rocks along line of weaknesses.

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- Sub-parallel:- develops on very steep slopes with uniform rocks.
- Centripetal: - develops on depressions or basins.
- Trellis:-develops on alternating hard and soft rocks.
2. Direction of river flow.
- Rivers flow in a certain direction due to the natural dip of the land.
- Water flows from highland areas to lowland areas.
- Contour lines bend uphill or towards the highland area when crossing rivers and river
always flow in the opposite direction of contour lines pointing uphill.
3. Drainage density
- High drainage density is where there are many streams/river is due to steep slopes or
impermeable rock surfaces.
- Low drainage density is where there are few streams due to the presence of porous and
permeable rocks is sand and loam.
- Compare drainage densities of various parts highlands and Plains /Lowlands.
4. River Valley forms
- V-shaped due to dormant vertical erosion in the upper course of a river
- U-shaped valley due to active lateral erosion in the middle course of the river channel.
- Flat valleys due to increased deposition, decrease in gradient and erosion.
5.Fast /slow flowing rivers due to steep gradients.
6. Degree of river or stream dissection.
7. Main river follow the natural down slope or the natural dip of the land.
8. River landforms i.e. waterfalls formed due to sudden change in gradient, rapids, braiding,
meandering, disappearing streams, cliff; gorges, dry surfaces, wet surfaces, channel straightness,
 Embayment: - is where streams/rivers eat up into the upland or highland area through
head ward erosion, they do this by extending their sources into the uplands.
• Marshes indicate discontinuous drainage.

9. Braiding is due to localized deposition caused by gentle gradients.

10. Angular bends as a result of structural control.

11. Direction of flow due to a river following the natural dip of the land.

12. Disappearing streams due to the presence of porous rock or regolith.

13 Discordant drainage, streams and rivers cut across geological structure of the area.

15. Accordant drainage where streams and rivers are concordant to geological structure that is
aligned to along the dips/strikes of the land.
16. Straight channels due to structural control i.e. flowing along a fault line or major rock joint.
17. Water shade due to a high land peak, streams draining to both sides of the high land.

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Use landform development theories i.e. Etchplanation, Pediplanation and Exhumation.
Is the alternate cycles of deep chemical weathering followed by stripping of regolith
resulting in exposure of the basal surface of weathering.
Deep chemical weathering occurred during hot and humid conditions.
Stripping of regolith was caused by changes in base level which initiated rapid erosion by
rivers or a climate change towards aridity reduced vegetation cover and accelerated the
rate of erosion and exposure of unweathered rock.
Is responsible for the formation of near level plains/lowlands in the savanna regions.
Is a twin process which involves scarp retreat and sedimentation.
It begins with tectonic/land uplift which leads to accelerated rate of river erosion.
When the base level of erosion is reached lateral erosion begins to occur.
River valley interfluves and slopes of uplands begins to retreat backwards as of
weathering, erosion and mass wasting.
As the slopes are worn away backwards/retreats a near level erosional surface is left
behind which is known as a pediplain.
the retreat of valley sides occurs until onlyremnant inselbergs are left
Common in semi-arid and savanna areas.
Leads to the formation of a pediplain which is a near level erosional plain.
Is the uncovering of surfacesburied beneath regolith or younger overlying deposits for
example, granite tors arethought to have been exposed when the overlyingregolith was
removed by fluvial actionand mass movement.
Increased removal of regolith occurs so that unweathered rocks beneath the surface are
Theory states that tropical landforms are remnants features of past deep weathering
Masses of rocks that resisted weathering were exhumed or brought up to the surface by
erosional agents which stripped away weathered regolith.
This lead to the exposure of isolated hills, tors, dwalas/whale back dome, bonhardts
and castle kopjes.
A plateau
- Could have been formed due to land uplift followed by stripping of regolith/ volcanic activity
followed by denudation.
Hill summits are due to hard and resistant rock.
- Could have been formed as a result of extension of the basal slopes from the uplands to
the rivers and lateral planation.
- Or are formed due to lateral erosion or parallel slope retreat.
- Due to Pediplanation.
- Etchplanation.
- May be in the late maturity stage of landform development.

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Ridge formed due to intrusion of a more resistant rock.
- Troughs/depressions are formed as result of the stripping away of less resistant rocks.
- Residual/isolated hills are formed due to the stripping away of regolith.
- Range of ridges could be of volcanic origin of material intruded into the country rock
and was later exposed by erosion.
- Alternating uplands and lowlands could be scarp and vale scenery which could be as a
result of alternating hard and soft rocks.
- Isolated hills could be remnants of resistant hills forming part of a basement complex.
- Stripping of regolith.
- Uplands/mountainscould be as a result of intrusive igneous, resistant granite rock
exposed by erosion.
- They could be remnants of cycles of erosion leaving behind resistant rocks as uplands.
- They could be as a result of deep chemical weathering followed by stripping of
weathered rock to expose massive parts of the unweathered rocks.
- A hilly or rugged terrain could be as a result of the area being in the early maturity stage
of Davision’s Cycle of erosion.
- Early maturity stage of land form development.
- Mountain ranges could be due to Pediplanation.
- Due to folding.
l. identify aspects of drainage and suggest/ indicate/state the possible conditions causing the
formation of the features.
2- State the role of the nature of the landscape on formation or occurrence of the drainage
The following descriptions of relationship can be used
l. Sub-parallel pattern as a result of short but steep slopes with uniform rock.
2. Radial drainage pattern suggesting the rivers flowing from domical rises i.e. hill/ mountains.
3. Dendritic drainage suggesting that the rivers are flowing over gently sloping plains of
heterogeneous/uniform rocks.
4. Annular/Circular Drainage pattern indicating that streams are flowing from a rock outcrop.
5. Parallel as result of faulted rocks along line of weaknesses.
6. Sub-parallel due to very steep slopes with uniform rocks.
7. Centripetal indicating the presence of depressions or basins.
8. Trellis suggesting the influence of alternating hard and soft rocks.
9. General or dominant direction or of river flow is the following the natural dip or tilt of the
10. Braiding is due to gentle gradients which cause low velocity leading to deposition and
channel splitting.
11. Floodplain, islands, oxbow lakes suggest gentle gradient or flat ground.
12. Marshes in flat areas indicating back tilting of the land or impeded drainage/ impermeable
underlying rock.
13. Swallow holes and underground streams because of limestone rocks.
14. Waterfalls as result of sudden change in gradient or river flowing over a sill, edge: of a
plateau, or faulted rock.
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15. A lot/numerous streams as a result of steep gradient/ steep slopes.
16. Few streams due to porous or pervious rocks such as sands, sand stone.
 These have transmitted water rapidly and inhibit streams to develop on the surface- a lot
of water is lost to infiltration into the ground.
17. High drainage density due to impermeable rocks or due to very steep gradients which limits
18. Low drainage density suggesting the presence of porous/permeable rocks i.e. limestone,
19. Embayments indicating sapping and slumping as a result of head ward erosion- streams
receding backwards/ upslope.
20. Channel straightness as a result of faulting.
21. Angular bends suggesting structural control.
22. Subparallel drainage pattern due to steep slopes.
23. Disappearing streams due to the presence of regolith or a more porous rock or due to gentle
gradients which allow infiltration.
24. Pans on the plains may be due to impeded drainage on lowland or impermeable rock.
25. Direction of river flow due to natural dip of the land.


- Drainage density
- River width, narrow channels indicate vertical erosion and youthful stage of erosion,
wide channels indicate strong lateral erosion in the middle course of a river.
- Existence of channel features/landforms.
- Direction of river flow
- Drainage patterns.
- Existence of uplands.
- Height of mountains, ridges and hills.
- Existence of lowlands.
Reasons for differences in landforms and drainage
Rock type
Time/stage of landform development
- Upland area, rugged terrain or hilly area indicate early maturity stage of landform
- Near level surface plains/lowland.
- Rock permeability.

 A relief section can be likened to a cutting through the relief to reveal a side or horizontal
view as opposed to the usual vertical perspective.

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 Relief sections should be used wherever possible to show variations in relief along
representative areas of the map.
 Construction is made easier if graph paper is used. Fig 1.15
Construction procedure:
1) Draw a straight, light pencil line on the map along the line of the chosen section.
2) Lay the straight edge of the [graph/plain] paper along this line and fix it into position with
pins or tape.
3) Choose e a vertical scale which will show the variations in relief but will not exaggerate
them too much. An exaggeration of three (3) to five (5) times the horizontal scale is
usually suitable on l: 50 000 scale topographical maps.
How to calculate Vertical Exaggeration (VE)
I. Choose a suitable vertical scale and convert it to a representative fraction or ratio
i.e. 10mm to 100m = 1:10 000 is the same as
1cm to 100m = 1: 10 000
II. Divide the Horizontal scale (HS) by the Vertical scale (VS).
III. VE= HS = 1:50 000
VS 1:10 000
= 1 x 10 000
50 000 1
= 5
IV. Vertical exaggeration and its calculations must always be shown at the bottom of
your sketch section drawing.
4) Draw a baseline equal to the line of the relief section on a plain /graph paper.
5) From the crossing points of contours along the straight edge of the paper, draw vertical
lines with a pencil to the appropriate altitude positions on the scale and label contour line
6) Plot the points on the straight edge of paper to the corresponding vertical height on the
graph/plain paper.
7) Link the dots with a continuous smooth pencil line.
8) Write or label the important relief features above the corresponding features on the
9) Insert the horizontal scale, vertical scale, vertical exaggeration and length of the section.
10) Indicate alignment of relief and title.
11) See page 2 for construction procedure diagrams fig 1.15

Fig 1.15

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 Is a useful way of illustrating a written account of relief when time is limited in an
 On the vertical scale only the major points are indicated and the surface/horizontal
line is drawn in relation to these key heights (fig 29) and (fig1.16).
 It is not always necessary to draw sections as accurately as shown on relief sections.
Method of construction
1) First plot the major hill summits/ highland / high elevations and valleys.
2) Join them together through visual interpretation of contour lines.
3) With practice this can be done in a fraction of time devoted to relief section drawing.

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