A Level Mapwork 2020 Notes
A Level Mapwork 2020 Notes
A Level Mapwork 2020 Notes
Is a simplified map drawn showing the spatial relationship of mapped features/landforms and
drainage features in an area.
1. Relief region:
Is a large area which covers a large area on a map/an area with similar relief/landforms
- A relief region is a distinct area of relief that stands out from the surrounding areas.
There are basically two types of relief regions:
i. Uplands/Highlands
ii. Plains/lowland.
When asked to draw relief regions just,demarcate areas of different relief and not to
draw individual landforms.
When asked to draw relief featuresthen draw individual landforms.
2. Plateaus:- Dissected Plateau 8. Round topped /cone shaped hill.
3. Escarpment 9. Spur
4. Pass 10. Col
5. Ridge shaped hill 11. Lowland
6. Elongated hill 12. Scarp
7. Isolated hill 13. Mountain
Drainage features
A) Drainage Patterns:
Draw and label at least two drainage patterns on your sketch map;
i. Trellis vi. Centripetal
ii. Dendritic vii. Discordant
iii. Radial viii. Accordant
iv. Rectangular
v. Parallel
B) Drainage features
Marks are obtained when they are drawn and labelled on the sketch map.
Indicate Name if indicated on the map, correct direction of flow and correct alignment of
major rivers.
1. Waterfall 3. Floodplain
2. Rapid 4. Gorge
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5. Valley: U and V shaped valleys. 11. Braids
6. Direction of river flow 12. Meanders
7. Major river 13. Cliff
8. Confluence 14. Embayment
9. Drainage basin/catchment area 15. Pass
10. Water shade 16. gap
Identify only prominent/major physical features and draw them before a written description.
Use a single line in drawing the landforms and clearly mark out boundaries of major relief
1. Familiarize yourself with the topographical map by briefly studying the map, pay attention to
i. The key, major /prominent relief and drainage features,
ii. Grid reference,
iii. Map title.
iv. Compass directions.
2. Draw a rectangle proportional to the area you have been asked to draw the map orientation
that is: Landscape/rectangular or Portrait.
3. Divide your map into four equal parts in faint pencil to act as guide lines when drawing your
landforms. These should be erased after the after completion.
4. Draw major rivers and their tributaries in pencil first then shade/colour them blue finally, to
act as guidelines in positioning landforms and other drainage features.
5. Identify and clearly draw major drainage patterns and landforms on the map.
6. Identify and draw the major landforms on the map using a single pencil line.
7. Follow the general shape of the outer contour line of the landforms when drawing their
8. Demarcate boundaries of major relief regions using a single pencil line: Highlands - shade
these and lowlands- leave them plain or blank.
9. Draw or highlight different landforms/features which are found inside the major relief
regions by shading them darker or in different styles.
10. Label/ annotate your landforms in ink on the sketch map.
11. Indicate direction of river flow beside the river and label names of rivers pointing to the
direction they are flowing to.
12. Put key, title, north compass direction, grid reference of the section drawn.
13. Separate landforms and drainage features on the key.
14. Your sketch map and key should be drawn on same or one side of the page.
Is an area of high ground detached or found far away from the hill mass of an
Contour lines closed spaced together on the plain.
Smooth rock gently rising from the ground shown in grey color on the map.
Is a small and isolated residual hill rising above a near level plain.
Is a reminant of earlier and higher surface reduced by active periods of erosion.
Literally an 'island mountain', an inselberg is an isolated residual hill standing
above an extensive plain of EROSION (seePEDIPLAIN).
Most inselbergs are steep-sided,and many are dome-like (e.g. the
BORNHARDTS resulting from large-scale EXFOLIATION ingranitic rocks).
At the base of an inselberg there is frequently an abrupt change of slope, beyond
which a gentle concave slope (PEDIMENT) leads down to the plain.
Inselbergs are characteristic of late-stage SAVANNA landscapes, but are also
found in humid tropical regions, DESERTS and even in temperate
Is a long and narrow stretch/strip of high land with steep very sides.
The top of a ridge is called a crest/summit.
(i)A Knife edged ridge has contour lines which are closed spaced together at the center
(ii)An elongated ridge has contour lines which are widely spaced apart and has an oval
Is a high ground which is flat/gentle at the top with very steep sides.
ls a very broad/large area of highland/elevated lands Contour lines are closed spaced
together on the sides but widely spaced apart at the centre.
When river cut/flow across the sides of the plateau it is described as:
A flat topped and heavily' dissected on the sides.
An Escarpment /Scarp slope
Is a steep or precipitous rocky slope of an upland i.e. mountains, rift valleys, ridges and
plateaux sides.
A steep slope at the margins of upland. (For example, a plateau edge or a cuesta). The
term is often abbreviated to scarp (hence scarp face or scarp slope).
Contour lines are close together at center widely spaced apart towards the plain.
An asymmetrical upland feature usually associated with gently dipping sedimentary
rocks, for example chalk, and comprising a steep scarp slope and a longer, gentler dip
The steepest side of an escarpment is called a scarp slope while the gentle side is called a
dip slope.
11. Direction of flow due to a river following the natural dip of the land.
13 Discordant drainage, streams and rivers cut across geological structure of the area.
15. Accordant drainage where streams and rivers are concordant to geological structure that is
aligned to along the dips/strikes of the land.
16. Straight channels due to structural control i.e. flowing along a fault line or major rock joint.
17. Water shade due to a high land peak, streams draining to both sides of the high land.
A relief section can be likened to a cutting through the relief to reveal a side or horizontal
view as opposed to the usual vertical perspective.
Fig 1.15