Hill Top
Hill Top
Hill Top
SUBJECT: Geography
DATE: September 26- 30, 2022.
THEME: Spatial Thinking and Analysis: Maps, Photographs and Statistical Diagrams.
UNIT TOPIC: Interpreting Maps and Photographs
TOPIC: Relief Features and Contour Patterns
What is Relief?
In Geography, relief describes elevation, how high or how low to the land is a well as it
speaks to the shape of the land.
Contours are often used to depict relief features on maps
1. Ridge: A long and narrow part of a high area, indicated by a long/elongated central
2. Escarpment: a slope that is gentle on one side but steep on the other
3. A Plateau: a flat top hill or mountain. The center of the contour map is big and wide,
resembling a ‘table top,’ and the surrounding land steep, depicted by closely spaced
4. Saddle or Col: a high pass between two hills or mountains. Notice in the diagram that
there is not a complete passage between the two hills; the land between is still elevated,
hence the description “high” pass; also described as a horse-shoe.
7. Valley: a low-lying area between two highlands through which a river flows. On a map,
9. Plain: a large low-lying or level area. It is on a map by contours that are far and wide
10. Hills:
i. Conical Hills: a slope that rises gradually towards a central point or peak. The
innermost contour is small. They are so called because they are shaped like a cone.
ii. Round-top Hill: a slope that rises gradually towards the center. The innermost
contour is comparatively large. This larger central contour tells that the top of the hill
is not pointy.
iii. Isolated Hill: a hill that stands alone or out in an isolated area
2. A vast, flat or level area shown by widely spaced contour lines ______________
8. Has a circular contour pattern which shows the land gradually rising towards a central
point or peak ____________________