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EDC Product Quality Project

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Document: PPC-AP-002

Issue: May 2023

Rev 0


Invitation to Bid (ITB)

EPC for ‘EDC Product Quality Improvement”
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

ITB Title

Project title: EDC Product Quality improvement

Project No.: ITB Document No.:

Turnaround Project: Yes ☐ No ☒

Re Prepared Approved
Date Reviewed By
v by by
Projects/ Process Mechanical Elec. Inst. Civil QA/QC Relevant
Relevant GL

Change Record:

Revision History
Rev. No. Date of Revision Description of Revision

Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

1.0 SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 5
Project Summary ............................................................................. 5
Contract Scope Summary ................................................................. 5
2.0 DEINITIONS .................................................................................................... 6
3.0 SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................. 8
PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................ 8
DETAILED ENGINEERING SCOPE OF WORK ............................................. 9
4.0 CODES & STANDARDS..................................................................................... 10
5.0 REQUIREMENTS & GUIDELINES ........................................................................... 11
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................ 11
PROCESS PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE ............................................... 13
CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEW .............................................................. 13
SCHEDULE OF PRICES ..................................................................... 15
6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC) ........................................ 17
7.0 HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) .............................................................. 18
General Safety & Security Rules ........................................................ 18
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES ................................................... 18
HOUSEKEEPING ............................................................................. 18
8.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................. 18
PLANNING & SCHEDULING............................................................... 18
TEMPORARY FACILITIES.................................................................... 20
MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION ..................................................... 20
Others ........................................................................................ 20
9.0 CONTRACTOR DELIVERABLES ........................................................................... 21
GENERAL GUIDELINES ..................................................................... 21
EPCL SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS .................................. 23
CONTRACTOR DELIVERABLE LIST ........................................................ 25
10.0 SCHEDULE .................................................................................................... 26
11.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS........................................................... 27
GENERAL & PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................. 27
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE (Process, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument, Civil

and others) ............................................................................................ 27
12.0 ATTACHMENTS .............................................................................................. 27
BIDDER’S COMPLAINCE/DEVIATION LOG ............................................ 27
RECOMMENDED ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS LIST ............................... 28
OTHERS ....................................................................................... 28
13.0 CONTRACT TERMS & CONDITIONS (BY CPF) ......................................................... 29
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

Project Summary
EPCL currently possesses a VCM production capacity of 245 kT. However, the attainment
of the required production level is hindered by suboptimal EDC quality. The elevated
presence of impurities results in fouling within EDC Cracking furnaces and associated
equipment, leading to load limitations and downtime.
The primary contributors to the compromised product quality are the chlorinator bypass,
operating below its designed capacity, and reliability issues associated with the vacuum
column, crucial for the operation required for the 245 kT production.
To address these challenges and further improve Furnace feed EDC product quality, the
following equipment/system upgrades are proposed:
• Upgrade of the chlorinator with an enhanced capacity of 58 TPH.
• Reliability improvement of the old Vacuum column, essential for the operation of both
Vacuum columns required for heavies' removal in VCM-245 production.

Contract Scope Summary

Contractor’s Major Scope of Work Includes:

• FEED Study verification that includes Process Design, Hydraulics calculation and finalization
of PFD and P&ID. Comment incorporation made by licenser.
• Datasheet of the component will be provided.
• Preliminary hydraulics of all (new/ old) pipelines have been conducted during FEED study.
However, these need to be verified after finalization of routes of the pipelines as per site
conditions during Detailed Engineering.
• Evaluation of adequacy of existing vent system and the overall relief system shall be
checked and verified by Detailed Engineering Contractor.
• EPCL site guidelines regarding Double Block and Bleed for tie-ins shall be implemented by
the Detailed Engineering Contractor.
• Finalization of 3D plan, Plot plan and equipment layout along with piping.
• Preliminary pipe routing was done in the FEED stage, detailed engineering contractor shall
do the pipe routing based on actual site conditions and final location of equipment.
• Regarding main pipe rack of Area 400 (at EDC-VCM Plant), only indicative MTO was
calculated based on assumed piping dead end and live loads, detailed engineering
contractor shall calculate actual pipe loads and will confirm the adequacy of the structure
in case of failure engineering contractor will suggest structure and foundations
reinforcement based on actual calculations and model (if required).
• Civil foundations calculations shall be done by the detailed engineering contractor once all
equipment size, locations and decisions around strengthening of existing foundations or
constructing new foundations are finalized. This includes at and above grade equipment.
• Constructability study shall be done in the detailed engineering phase to reinforce the
recommendations and findings of constructability study in the FEED phase to ensure the
smooth execution of the project.
• Identify the existing equipment and facilities / structures to be relocated or demolished to
free the proposed location for new facilities and prepare demolition drawings wherever
• Prepared the Tie-in index which identify all tie-in points and prepare a complete tie-in
package. Tie-ins to be evaluated from Process (i.e., Hydraulic analysis) and Mechanical
design perspective with their consequent impact on the associated equipment.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

• Piping stress analysis to be performed for all the piping which comes under the system
irrespective of whether it is old or new. Changes in piping routes due to constructability
constraint would be part of the contractor’s scope of work.
• Re-rating of equipment proposed herein section 3.2.1 to be performed by detailed
engineering contractor. If any equipment is found unsuitable in rating and requires change
in design, DETAILED ENGINEERING CONTRATOR is responsible for provide the suitable solution
keeping in view the associated changes.
• HAZOP for all modifications have been conducted during the FEED study, any modification
/ comments made by licensers/ end user in P&ID’s as in package detailed engineering
contractor is responsible to incorporate all the comments along with addressing the impact
of those comments in all relevant documents and shall necessitate update of the HAZOP as
per existing site HSE guidelines.
• Verification of the existing firefighting system with respect to coverage of the existing
firewater hydrants for upgraded equipment to be confirmed based on the final plot
plan/equipment locations in Detailed Engineering. In case of any modification required
Detailed engineering contractor is required to do with all supporting documents.
• Any document which is deemed necessary for the safe and successful execution/ operation
of this project is entirely part of this scope.
• The details of the above-mentioned scope are given below. Basic design package and
basic P&IDs provided as part of this scope of work to be referred for clarification on the
• It is expected to receive the through bid with all applicable deliverables for all the discipline.


EPCL : Engro Polymers & Chemical Company Ltd.

CPF : Engro’s Central Procurement Function, responsible for providing

procurement services to the project.

BEP : Basic Engineering Package

BOM / BOQ : Bill Of Material / Bill of Quantities

Bulk Material : Material Extracted from Construction Drawings, procured and

supplied by Contractor excluding tagged material.

CC : Construction Completion, a physical stage of erection / installation

completion with QA/QC checks

CONTRACT : An agreement between EPCL and the CONTRACTOR for the WORK as
described in this document including its attachments and relevant
project documents provided by EPCL


the CONTRACT has been awarded (including SUB-CONTRACTOR(s)
under main CONTRACTOR).

CPI : Cost Performance Index

Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

DEP : Detail Engineering Package

EPC : Engineering, Procurement and Construction

EVA : Earned Value Analysis

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

FA : Final Acceptance

FAT : Factory Acceptance Test

FEED : Front End Engineering and Design package

Free Issue Material : Material Supplied by EPCL, to be installed/erected by CONTRACTOR

IFC : Issued For Construction

JMS : Job Method Statement

JSA : Job Safety Analysis

KOM : Kick-Off Meeting

LSTK : Lump Sum Turnkey

MC : Mechanical Completion, a physical stage of construction completion

with all test and checks, ready to commence commissioning activity

Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

NCR : Non-Conformance Report

OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer

PA : Provisional Acceptance

PDP : Process Design Package

PSSR : Pre-Startup Safety Review

Punch List : List showing construction/installation deficiency

RFI : Request for Inspection

RFQ : Request For Quotation

S/D : Shutdown

SAT : Site Acceptance Test

SITE / WORKSITE : The area(s) or place(s) provided or made available by EPCL where
the WORK is to be executed or carried out, or any place(s) as may be
specifically designated by EPCL.

SPI : Schedule Performance Index

SUB-CONTRACTOR : Organization wholly responsible to the CONTRACTOR for performing a

specific part of the WORK/s.

SUPPLIER : The party supplying the Equipment / LLI from the original equipment
Manufacturer / Vendor

T/A : TurnAround

TCCC : Transfer of Care, Custody and Control

Vendor : Equipment/LLI Manufacturer

WBS : Work Breakdown Structure

WORK : All those acts, things and activities to be done or provided by the
CONTRACTOR for the purpose of fulfilling its entire obligation under
CEPT: Chemically Enhanced Pre-treatment


3.1.1 General
The selected modifications consist of:
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

• Upgradation of existing EDC Lights Chlorinator section with OV standard arrangement

and equipment
• Upgradation of Old Vacuum column and associated equipment to enhance overall
reliability of vacuum section.

This document describes the scope of work for the execution of the above modifications.


Process, Mechanical, Piping, Civil, Instrument, Electrical and Constructability Study to be part of
detailed engineering work.

3.2.1 Process Engineering Scope

1. Chlorinator Section Upgrade

It has been determined that the current Chlorinator and its associated equipment are
insufficient to meet the demands of a capacity increase to 245KTPA. In light of this, we
are initiating a design upgrade wherein the existing equipment in the Chlorinator
section shall be increased in capacity. This strategic upgrade aims to enhance the
overall performance and capabilities of the Chlorinator, ensuring optimal functionality
and reliability for the increased production capacity. Following are the list of major

• Chlorinator Reactor (MR-351)

• Chlorinator Mixer (MX-351)
• TT-351 (Lights Chlorinator Interchanger) (Equipment available in yard and design
need to be verified as per new requirement)
• TT-352 (VCM Column bottoms cooler) (Equipment available in yard and design
need to be verified as per new requirement)
• PSV 5101 rating with the vents lined up towards the bullet (MF-608C/D).
• New Chlorinator Tie-In to be ensured with New & Hi Boil Column, piping in both
scenarios to be verified.

Details for the complete system are added in the FEED package. Tie-ins from the existing
Utilities (e.g.: Cooling Water) to new/upgraded equipment are also provided in the
The vendor scope is detailed design for the provided FEED package.

2. Vacuum Column Upgrade

The upgradation and reliability enhancement of vacuum column and associated

equipment was added to cater for additional load. Therefore, the following major
equipment need to be upgraded:

Evaluation of the old vacuum column for continued operation at 11.57 tons/hour (current
capacity is 8.9 t/hour). This includes detailed rating of the following equipment:
• TT-409 (Capacity enhanced and metallurgy upgrade)
• TT-410 (Capacity enhanced and metallurgy upgrade)
• PP-408
• PP-409
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

• PP-410
• PP-422
• AS 404 (Optional cost will be requested in case of any change in the sizes and
piping as the result of study carried by Worley)
• Vacuum Column Bottoms Filter (GF-415A/B)
• Equipment identified for change in design for vacuum column’s bottom control
scheme upgrade as per BEP package.
• Vacuum Column bottom circuit to revamp as such to target that EDC
concentration is less than 10% for benefit in C2/VCM ratio. However current condition
of bottom Pumps where signs of aggressive damage is observed and to be
evaluated. Option of metallurgy upgrade of pumps to be discussed with Comprimo.

Note: Rating of equipment proposed herein this document to be performed by detailed

engineering contractor. Detailed engineering design to be performed as well by detailed
engineering contractor if any equipment is found unsuitable in rating and requires change in

Details for the complete system are added in the FEED package. Tie-ins (with Process &
mechanical design) from the existing utilities (e.g.: Cooling Water) to new/upgraded equipment
are also to be designed by a detailed engineering contractor.


The applicable local, international / national standards and specifications, EPCL rules, regulations,
specifications and standards, etc. for this project shall be applicable. A list of applicable code,
standards and specifications is provided with this document for reference. However, any other
standards and specifications which are cons idered to be relevant and applicable for the subject
work shall be used with the prior consent of EPCL.
The more stringent requirement of the specifications, standard drawings and international codes,
standards and regulation shall always prevail.

Order of Precedence:
1. Equity Engineering
2. API
5. EPCL Piping specifications
6. EPCL Insulation Specifications
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023


5.1.1 The CONTRACTOR shall bring its expertise and experience to EPCL by assigning
exceptionally competent professional personnel to perform the work. Through the
technical excellence and experience of the CONTRACTOR and the professional
expertise of its personnel, EPCL expects CONTRACTOR to complete this PROJECT well
within schedule.
5.1.2 If CONTRACTOR does not have in-house engineering capability approved by EPCL and
intends to hire the services of engineering consulting firm to carry out engineering, this
engineering firm must be from one of EPCL Recommended Engineering Contractors List
attached with this document. This list of Engineering Contractors shall prevail; however,
CONTRACTOR may hire other qualified Engineering Contractor with prior approval of
EPCL. The proposed Engineering Contractors shall be provided in the Bid and approved
by EPCL.
5.1.3 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain and achieve a high level of performance throughout
all stages of the project to be performed. Specific measures shall include suggesting
improvements to maintain the desired quality but reduce the installation cost and time
to complete; timely and effective application of technology in performing optimization
engineering; anticipating problems, including problems during the construction phase,
and recommending innovative and preventive measures to avoid problems.
5.1.4 CONTRACTOR shall accordingly provide a team headed by a well-qualified Project
Manager, together with dedicated well experienced, specialists and task force
members covering all aspects of the services to ensure fulfillment of CONTRACTOR’s
obligations under the purchase order.
5.1.5 If CONTRACTOR feels that it is necessary to visit the site prior to bid submittal, EPCL will
make the necessary arrangements for such visit. CONTRACTOR should request a site
visit as soon as possible to allow EPCL sufficient time to coordinate these activities.
5.1.6 EPCL will extend full support to CONTRACTOR during any site visits for data collection.
However, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for identifying and obtaining data from
Engro/EPCL’s offices and site. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for verifying the
completeness, accuracy and adequacy of data, information, requirements and
documents provided by Engro/EPCL.
5.1.7 CONTRACTOR shall consider attending a bid clarification meeting (if required) with all
technical team and technical equipment representatives within two weeks of bid
submission and/or agreed timeframe at EPCL premises. During this meeting
technicalities will be discussed as part of the technical bid analysis.
5.1.8 EPCL shall provide the data/ information to the extent available and accessible and
shall provide in hard and/or softcopy as available in “as is” condition. CONTRACTOR
shall be responsible for collection of all the additional data CONTRACTOR / information
as required for the fulfillment of design and engineering. Furthermore, all the data
provided by EPCL shall be site verified by CONTRACTOR.
5.1.9 CONTRACTOR shall execute the project in accordance with, project scope of works &
requirements and supplemented with latest applicable industry Standards, Codes and
5.1.10 The more stringent requirement of the project specifications, standard drawings and
international codes, standards and regulation shall always prevail.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

5.1.11 CONTRACTOR to prepare any additional specifications, drawings / documents as

deemed necessary for execution of this PROJECT but not provided by EPCL.
5.1.12 CONTRACTOR to update the existing concerned drawings to accommodate the
project modifications related to existing facilities.
5.1.13 Retrieval of applicable existing drawings from EPCL documentation database.
5.1.14 Should a conflict exist between specifications and other documents, it shall be the
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to bring the same to the attention of EPCL and obtain
approval from EPCL.
5.1.15 It shall be CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to point out and obtain written approval from
the EPCL for any proposed deviations from referred documents. Any requested
deviations that are approved shall be brought into compliance at CONTRACTOR’s
5.1.16 Identify and recommend all safety requirements including fire/gas detection, fire
hydrants, monitors, sprinklers, eyewash, safety shower, etc. for new facilities as required
by EPCL HSE requirements.
5.1.17 EPCL review, comments & approval of documents shall be made primarily to ensure
that the design and details shown are in accordance with requirements of this ITB. Any
approval given shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from his responsibilities for sound
design and correctness of the documents.
5.1.18 If any discrepancies or design mistakes / deficiencies are discovered during the
construction, CONTRACTOR shall resolve all these to EPCL satisfaction at no cost to
5.1.19 Following shall be taken into account while designing and engineering the system:
a. Operability and Reliability.
b. Ease of Operation and Maintenance.
c. Interchangeability of equipment and parts.
d. Protection against environmental conditions such as dust, sandstorms, corrosive gases
and/or vapors, wind, earthquake, mechanical shocks, water etc.
5.1.20 CONTRACTOR shall provide Unit Rates for Labors and Construction Equipment which
shall be the contractual price for extra work, if required to be done during project
execution. These Unit Rates shall be only part of the CONTRACTOR’s Commercial
Proposal and unpriced form shall be submitted in the Technical Proposal which shall be
stating “quoted” in every line item.
5.1.21 CONTRACTOR shall note that Engro Central Procurement Function (CPF) Terms and
Conditions shall apply with regards to Warranty and Guarantee.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023


5.2.1 Bank guarantee

Upon request from EPCL, CONTRACTOR shall perform formal Constructability Review
adhering to the following requirements:
5.3.1 CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the Constructability Reviews which have been
performed during Project Development (If available).
5.3.2 CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit for EPCL review/approval, detailed
Constructability Review Procedure. This shall set out the framework for
Constructability Reviews during the detailed engineering phase (for EPC/LSTK
CONTRACTOR) and construction phase (for both EPC/LSTK Project and
CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR) and include formal constructability review
workshops. CONTRACTOR shall also adhere to all Constructability Review
comments and recommendations.
5.3.3 As a part of the Constructability Review, the execution strategy should address the
use of skid mounted, vendor package units, prefabricated and pre-assembly of
structural steelwork and the dressing of columns / vessels / exchangers prior to their
erection, and also take account of the method of delivery of materials to the
WORKSITE and the subsequent transport, and the need to ensure that the principle
of constructability is maintained throughout all phases of the project.
5.3.4 The CONTRACTOR shall apply the Constructability Review for the engineering
documents. Standard components, standardized dimensions and regular
configuration should be encouraged in design and all reviews shall take account
of this requirement. A typical list of check points for a plot plan would include as a
a) Facility layout areas. Identify alternative strategies to consider major
equipment late deliveries etc.
b) Overall Plot Plan that indicates laydown area.
c) Project Execution Plan.
d) Long Lead Items List and delivery.
e) List of Special / Heavy Equipment.
f) HSE Risk Assessment Study
g) IFC Package verification.
h) Access for construction activities.
i) Areas for sequential construction maximizing available work areas.
j) Areas for temporary facilities, warehouse equipment, laydown and pre-
dressing areas.
k) Heavy lift involvement including available access space for crane setup and
de-mobilization activities.
l) Heavy transportation activities, including surveys and any temporary ground
preparations and road, street furnishing removal required.
5.3.5 Other major items the CONTRACTOR shall address as a minimum during
Constructability Reviews shall include the followings:
a) Detailed review of all underground works (all disciplines) to establish a
strategy of completing the installation and testing early to minimize disruption
to follow on trades working aboveground.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

c) The scheduling of lifting operations so as to ensure equipment is erected in

the proper sequence to satisfy crane access requirements at the lift site.
d) Constructability Reviews shall be supplemented by a series of planned visits
e) Additional Constructability Reviews shall be carried out by CONTRACTOR as
needed in order to ensure that the principle of constructability is being
maintained throughout all phases of the work.


5.4.1 Bidders shall compile and arrange the Technical Proposal as per the below 13
5.4.2 Minimum requirements (documents & information) in each section shall be as
mentioned below.
Note: Pointers relevant to Detailed engineering design would be applicable in this case:

No. Bid Sections EPCL Requirements in the Section

(1) Technical Proposal Bidder shall prepare and submit a brief scope of work of the
project. The Technical Proposal shall cover the highlights of
the project, major equipment, systems, and services.
(2) Long Lead Items (LLI) & Bidder shall prepare a discipline-wise list of Long Lead Items
Bill of Quantities (BOQ) (including equipment catalogs) along with preliminary BOM.
Bidder to state any free-issue items.

(3) Bidder’s Compliance / EPCL’s Bidders Compliance / Deviation Log, which is attached
Deviation Log with ITB shall be filled, signed & stamped by Bidders then
submitted with Technical Proposal.

(4) Pre-Bid Technical Bidder to attach the Pre-Bid Technical Queries (if any) raised
Queries by Bidder during the pre-bid meeting or site visits. Bidder to
also attach the responses received from EPCL to these

(5) Project Schedule Bidder to prepare and submit Level-I Project Schedule
highlighting key milestones.

(6) SUB- CONTRACTORs / Bidder to attach a list of its SUB-CONTRACTORs and VENDORs
VENDORs List proposed for this project. All SUB-CONTRACTORs / VENDORs
shall be approved by EPCL. SUB-CONTRACTORs include
Engineering, Inspection, Painting, Insulation, Heavy Lifting etc.

(7) Proposed Project The Project Organization Chart shall be prepared by the
Organization Chart Bidder and shall include the name & designations of assigned
personnel. Also, resumes of key personnel assigned for this
project shall be attached.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

(8) Equipment List Bidder to prepare and submit the Equipment List as per the
requirements of the project scope and schedule.
(9) HSE Plan & Policy Bidder to submit HSE Plan and Policy.

(10) QA/QC Plan & Policy Bidder to submit QA/QC Plan and Policy including a plan to
submit the Inspection Test Plan (ITP).

(11) Attachments a) Documents, Drawings, Datasheets, Manuals, Catalogs, etc.

which are specifically requested by EPCL to submit in Bid
Proposal in ITB.
b) Details of LLI within Bidder’s scope.
c) Reference list of execution of similar projects in EPCL, Pakistan
& abroad.
d) Execution plans required space/ location of laydown area
and a list of required site facilities.
e) Documents which Bidder wants to submit in Bid Proposal but
are not covered in above sections.

Contractor shall provide Contract Price breakup as per the table below in his Commercial
Proposal. The same shall be provided in the Unpriced Commercial Proposal without
mentioning any prices/costs. Price breakup is just for evaluation purposes, and it is
CONTRACTOR's responsibility to include all prices for the completion of WORK as described
in ITB and its related documents. Any additional cost required to complete the WORK but
not included in the proposal, CONTRACTOR shall be liable to complete the WORK without
claiming to EPCL.

Item Description Unit Amount

All costs related to Project Management including
administration and planning required to complete the scope of L/S
work described in ITB and its related documents.
All costs for Pre-Engineering Surveys (All disciplines) & document
retrieval including generation of survey reports in accordance
with the scope of work described in ITB and its related
All costs to carry out Detail Engineering as described in scope of
work in ITB and its related documents.

C Constructability Study
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

Item Description Unit Amount

All cost for constructability study (as per clauses in section 5.3)
including boarding/lodging costs to site visits


Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

6.0 Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC)

Note: Pointers relevant to Detailed engineering design would be applicable in this case:

6.1.1 For engineering design/rating/constructability reviews, a minimum of at least two

review cycles shall be appliable with each review time of 10 working days.
6.1.2 This section shall be read in conjunction with EPCL Projects Quality Assurance and
Quality Control Procedure.
6.1.3 Except as otherwise provided herein, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all
inspection and testing specified in the QA/QC Procedure, Scope of Work, DEP/IFC
drawings or required by law/regulations, or sound construction practice.
6.1.4 CONTRACTOR shall provide safe and convenient facilities and equipment at the
WorkSite for inspection and testing by EPCL and shall furnish all necessary samples,
drawings, lists and documents. If EPCL finds that conditions are unsafe for inspection
or testing at a particular location, it may, upon notice to CONTRACTOR, refuse to
inspect at that location until such conditions are corrected. CONTRACTOR shall
bear any portion of the Works covered or completed at that location before
correction of the conditions, whether or not such portion of the Works is found to
meet Contract requirements. If CONTRACTOR covers all or any portion of the Works
prior to any inspection or tests by EPCL, the cost of any necessary uncovering and
replacing shall be borne by CONTRACTOR.
6.1.5 Inspection and testing of materials and equipment to be incorporated into the
Works may also be made by EPCL at the plant of production, manufacture or
shipment, including the facilities of CONTRACTOR’s vendors and sub-
CONTRACTORs, CONTRACTOR shall provide and arrange free access thereto upon
reasonable advance notice in writing. If such inspection or testing is to be
performed, no such materials or equipment shall be shipped from the place of
inspection or incorporated into the Works prior to such inspection or testing.
6.1.6 CONTRACTOR shall bear any additional costs resulting from re-inspection or re-
testing by EPCL of any previously rejected portion of the Work or the Works.
6.1.7 Neither the failure by EPCL to conduct inspection or testing, nor the failure to
discover defective engineering, workmanship, materials or equipment, nor
payment to CONTRACTOR shall prejudice the rights of EPCL to thereafter require
and obtain from CONTRACTOR the satisfactory performance of the Work
hereunder. No acceptance of any part of the Work or the Works shall be implied or
construed to result from such inspection or testing by EPCL.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

7.0 Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)

General Safety & Security Rules
7.1.1 This section shall be read in conjunction with the relevant EPCL Health, Safety &
Environment (HSE) Standards.
7.1.2 After receiving RFQ, Bidder is responsible to ensure compliance to EPCL HSE
7.1.3 The CONTRACTOR Supervisors and the whole staff working inside the Plant premises
shall be familiar with and adhere to EPCL HSE Rules, Regulations, Procedures and


Special precautions shall be taken as the WORK is within and adjacent to the
existing facilities. The CONTRACTOR shall carefully carry out the WORK not to
cause any damage to the existing facilities. If any damage is done to the existing
facilities, the CONTRACTOR shall at once report to the EPCL and repair it to its
original condition at his own cost to the extent of the EPCL’s satisfaction.

7.3.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a good standard of
housekeeping and cleanliness at the worksite and their temporary facilities.
7.3.2 This shall also include the ultimate disposal of generated waste on regular basis and
in accordance with the EPCL waste disposal guidelines/procedures.
7.3.3 Disposal of any unauthorized, uninformed or unapproved waste within the EPCL
premises including drain channels, trenches etc. is strictly prohibited.


Following is a summarized guideline for Project Planning, Scheduling, Progress
Control and Reporting requirements to be considered by Bidders and followed
throughout the project until closeout.
8.1.1 General Requirements
a) The contractor shall appoint as a minimum a dedicated Planning Engineer
acceptable to EPCL to perform this service and to satisfy monitoring and reporting
requirements as required.
b) Contractors shall utilize the latest scheduling software (e.g., Primavera Project
Planner P6, MS Project, or any other EPCL approved software) for project
scheduling. The contractor is liable to provide native files of all such schedules and
8.1.2 Planning & Scheduling
a) Contractor shall prepare and submit for review and approval by EPCL a
comprehensive planning package including at least below documents:
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023


develop and submit with Technical Proposal a Preliminary Project Schedule based
upon its assessment of the work content with consideration given to the project
timeline as specified by EPCL.
summary time schedule (bar chart) covering the scope of work, including all
project completion milestone dates and other key dates in compliance with the
project timeline provided by EPCL. This schedule shall be developed in Primavera
P6/ MS Project or any other EPCL approved software and shall be submitted
before project KOM.
time schedule (bar chart) covering the scope of work aggregated into work
packages or Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), further detailed to measurable
work activities. This schedule shall be cost & resource-loaded to reflect the
resources (manpower, materials and equipment) which Contractor planned to
use in completing the project and shall form the basis in generating the resource
curves and Manpower Histogram. This shall also be assigned or loaded with
approved weightages so as to obtain the overall S-Curve plan vs actual.
e) This detailed schedule shall be developed in Primavera Project Planner/ MS Project
(as advised by EPCL during KOM) and shall contain at least but not limited to the
information below.

(i) Project Title and Project Number

(ii) Detailed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
(iii) Activity & Milestone
(iv) Activity Duration
(v) Early Start and Finish Dates
(vi) Late Start and Finish Dates
(vii) Activity Percentage Progress
(viii) Predecessors and Successors
(ix) Total Float & Free Float

f) Progress S-Curve: The S-Curve shall indicate both the biweekly cumulative planned
percentage progress spread over the duration of the project and the biweekly
actual cumulative percentage progress. The cumulative Planned S-Curve, when
approved by EPCL, shall not change throughout the project duration and shall
become the baseline from which progress shall be measured against each
update period. Daily S-Curve must be provided during Shut down projects.
g) Manpower Histograms: The Manpower Histogram shall indicate the weekly
manning levels of Contractor plans to deploy over the duration of the project &
daily manning level for shutdown projects, including sub-contractor personnel, if
appropriate, and the weekly/monthly actual deployment as the project
progresses into completion. Planned manpower loading shall be based on the
manpower resources/man-hours estimate allocated to each activity in the Project
Detailed Schedule. Separate histograms shall be developed and maintained for
Direct and Indirect Manpower.
8.1.3 Progress Reporting
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

CONTRACTOR, during project KOM, shall submit draft Daily, Weekly & Monthly
Report formats for EPCL approval. Once approved, the format shall not be altered
in any way, except in agreement with EPCL. Reports shall be issued observing the
following timing:
a) Daily Report (during construction phase at specified cut-off time).
b) Biweekly Report (during entire duration of project at specified day).
c) Special and Exception Reports (as and when required by EPCL).
d) The progress shall be based on EVA to reflect (Schedule performance
index & Cost performance index, SPI & CPI).
e) The report should reflect Plan vs. Actual for Engineering, Procurement
and Construction activities.
f) Weekly procurement report to ensure availability of material at site on
g) Highlight of two weeks look ahead.
h) Highlights, concerns, and issues to be reported in early stage.

All the provisions contained in this document shall be extended to cover sub-
contractors, vendors and suppliers employed or retained by contractor.
Contractor shall be responsible for informing its subcontractors and vendors of the
above Planning & Scheduling requirements.

8.2.1 Describe details of Temporary Facilities (If required)


8.3.1 CONTRACTOR mobilization shall include but not be limited to all transport,
equipment, machinery, tools, personnel, supply, installation and erection of
temporary offices, work sheds, storage sheds, laydown areas, site perimeter
marking, and any other support facilities required for the performance of the work.
8.3.2 The CONTRACTOR shall pay particular attention to and allow sufficient time to
obtain from EPCL, all identity cards and permits for his personnel and equipment.
8.3.3 Prior to taking possession of worksite, laydown area and other facilities from EPCL
for execution of the project, CONTRACTOR shall carry out a visit to identify & verify
any loss, damage or otherwise found unsuitable to use. CONTRACTOR to report the
findings to EPCL in writing.
8.3.4 CONTRACTOR demobilization shall include removal from the site of all waste, and
the site shall be left finished in accordance with the drawings.

8.4.1 Describe any other requirements.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023


9.1.1 Document / Drawing/ Numbering, Drafting and As-Built Requirement:
The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and assigned drawings / documents using EPCL
Drafting Procedure and EPCL Numbering System requirements as stated in the below
reference documents.

Document & Drawing

To be mentioned as per requirement.
Numbering Procedure

Drafting Standard To be mentioned as per requirement.

9.1.2 These documents will be provided after contract award; however, it can also be
provided during bid clarification if requested.
9.1.3 Drawing Revision Guidelines:
9.1.4 Following guidelines shall be followed by the contractor during preparation of new
drawings and/or updating existing drawings:
a) All new changes shall be marked with clouds on the existing drawing.
b) The new revision shall be indicated inside the clouded area/s using triangular
symbol ∆.
c) Any existing clouds shown in the drawing shall be removed to avoid any
conflicting with new revision cloud.
d) The clouded area/s shall be maintained until next revision.
e) Revision description in drawing title block shall read "Revised as per (project
#)" if change is due to new project/s. The As-Built revision shall read "As-Built as
per (Project #)”.
f) The next revision for existing drawings shall be maintained as is until the final
"As-Built". For example: If the last revision is found “2” on existing drawing, the
next revision shall be “3”. If drawings are in the initial stages “Issued for review
& comments”; “Approval”; “IFC” just put the rubber stamp on the drawings
and the final "As-Built" revision will also be "3".
g) The drawing revision for both cases shall be carried out as described in the
following table.
9.1.5 As-Built Drawings:
a) The CONTRACTOR shall maintain one complete set of Issued for Construction
drawings at the Worksite. As the WORK progress, the CONTRACTOR shall
record the following information, but not limited to, relative to WORK included
in this Contract.
(i) Changes in size, depth or position of foundations.
(ii) Changes made in the structural phases of the WORK above and below
ground required because of modifications or Change Orders.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

(iii) Exact location and elevation of underground piping and conduits and
position of fittings.
(iv) Changes made on electro-mechanical work either in location or detail
of work whether above or below ground level.
(v) Changes due to unexpected finding of existing U/G or A/G facilities.
b) Upon completion of the construction and pre-commissioning activities,
CONTRACTOR shall deliver one print of such corrected project drawings (hard
copies) to EPCL. The CONTRACTOR shall make additional corrections as EPCL
may require and shall then revise the electronic copy to mark the As-Built
c) The CONTRACTOR is cautioned that the contract will not be considered
complete until the final As-Built information is incorporated in all applicable
drawings and is handed over to EPCL for record.
d) The As-builting of documents / drawings shall be extended to cover
subcontractors, vendors and suppliers employed or retained by
CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for As-builting of
subcontractors, vendors & suppliers’ documents / drawings, and submission to
9.1.6 Drawings / Documents Revisions of Stage-wise Submittals:

Existing Drawings
Revision Description (Assume existing Remarks
revision is X)

First Issue (for review) A XA

1- Review revisions for new drawings /
documents depends on the review
Second Issue (for review cycle required till drawing is approved. It
after incorporating B XB can be limited to "A" or can go to "C" or "
comments) D".

2- Review revisions for existing drawings /

Third Issue (for final documents shall be as per items 9.1.3.e
C XC & 9.1.3.f above
review / Approval)

1- IFC for new drawings will be issued

after drawing is approved.
Final issue (IFC) 0 X+1
2- IFC for existing drawings shall be as
per items 9.1.3.e & 9.1.3.f above

As-Built for existing drawings shall be as

As-Built 1 X+1
per items 9.1.3.e & 9.1.3.f above
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023


Applicable requirement(s) to be mentioned.
At the end of the detailed engineering study, vendor is responsible for submitting a complete PSI
package (IFC) that should include but not limited to the following:

MSDS for all Chemicals used at the Unit.

• All MSDS with latest Information from Reliable Source
• Information about Inadvertent Mixing of Unit Chemicals
Matrix covering consequence of inadvertent mixing of chemicals.
• Inadvertent mixing among waste streams & utility with process fluid
Process Flow Diagrams with Heat and Material Balance.
• Simplified Process Flow Diagrams for easy process understanding.
• Process Flow Diagrams with H&MB information incorporated.
Process Description of the operating Unit
• Clear description along with main, side and runaway reactions
Critical Operating Parameters with safe operating limits
• Table with Critical operating parameters for the unit along with safe limits
• Upper and/or Lower Alarm values for Critical Operating Parameters
• Consequences of deviation from limits of Critical Operating Parameters and actions
• Table covering consequences of deviation from limits for critical operating parameters
and actions required to bring the values within the safe limits.
Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs)
Updated P&IDs developed on specified Legend.
• As Built P&IDs meeting Standard Requirements
• Setpoints of PSVs and PSDs mentioned, and Spec breaks identified.
• CSO and CSC Valves mentioned, Fail Safe Positions of CVs mentioned.
• P&IDs with SC Equipment and Piping highlighted.
• Hazard Area Classification Drawings for the Unit
• Design Basis and Study conducted to generate the drawings.
PSVs and RDs Data Sheets
• Updated data sheets of PSVs and RDs based on Vendor Data with compiled list.
• Setpoints, relieving capacity and contingency basis to be provided.
Fire water system design and layout
Fire water system design basis
Firewater network drawings with UG/AG piping and sectionalizing valves
Site Plans, Layouts & drawings
Plot plans and Elevation drawings
Underground services drawing
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

Pipeline route layout (pipe rack)

Isometric Drawings of Piping within the Unit including Interconnecting piping
• Establishment of criteria for requirement of stress analysis based on RAGAGEP & Stress
analysis of piping based on criteria.
• Isometric drawings of all piping based on P&ID line numbers.
• Isometric drawings containing all standard information.
• Applicable standards and design practices
Applicable equipment and system design standards (API, TEMA, BP/DP, NFPA etc.)
• Piping standards of applicable technology
• Material Selection Standards e.g. NACE standard
• Colour coding standard of site
• Insulation Standard
• Other applicable standards for PSI (for example P&ID, HAC, Utility connections etc.)
At the end of procurement, vendor is responsible for submitting a complete vendor packages that
should include but not limited to the following:
Data and Drawings of Major Stationary Equipment Including Vessels, Columns, Furnaces, Reactors,
Heat Exchangers etc.
• OEM Data Sheets of all Major Stationary Equipment in individual folders and compiled list
• Detailed Drawings of Process Equipment, preferably of HHP and SC Equipment
• OEM Data sheets of Package Unit Stationary Equipment (HHP and SC)
• Data and Drawings of Major Rotary Equipment Including Pumps, Compressors, Turbines
OEM Data Sheets of all Major Rotary Equipment in individual folders and compiled list
• OEM Performance Curves and Drawings of Rotary Equipment
• OEM Manuals of Package Unit Rotary Equipment
ESD design basis, logic drawings and loop diagrams on standard format
Design basis for ESD system
ESD Loop drawings for each ESD logic to be located / developed.
Shutdown securities and SC instruments' details for package units
Hard wired Emergency Shutdown switches information and location
Instrument & Electrical Drawings and Data Sheets
Compiled list of all instruments (TTs, PTs, LTs, FTs, Analyzers etc.) and OEM information
Instrument Loop Diagrams of critical controls (IF ANY)
OEM Data Sheets for all Motors and drawings for large/critical motors
Electrical Single Line Diagrams
DCS System and Alarms Information
OEM data sheets of all control valves especially on SC and HHP circuits along with compiled list
OEM data sheets of all remote isolation valves (ESD and RBVs) along with compiled list
Design basis for battery bank and details of critical loads (IF APPLICABLE)
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

Process Hazard Analysis Reports

Civil Standards and Drawings
Datum Level for each unit/area


• Introduction and Scope
• Process Descriptions & Operating Manuals
• Process Design Basis
• Incorporate changes in Process Flow Diagrams (if required)
• Incorporate changes in Heat and Mass Balances (if required)
• Equipment List
• Methodology and Data Sources
• Details of Evaluations
• Piping hydraulics for the complete scope
• Heat Exchanger design ERROR Summary sheet generated by Software.
• Native files of Exchangers Simulation (ASPEN EDR, HTRI)
• Equipment Process Datasheets (Vessel, Reactor, Heat Exchanger, Pumps, Blowers, Mixers,
steam traps etc.)
• Process Line List
• Risk Assessment as per RBA format with recommendations incorporated in design.
• Utilities requirements as per detailed engineering evaluation.
• Hydraulics analysis report for process & utilities piping.
• Tie-in point lists with Evaluation of the tie-in’s locations and sizes
• Evaluation of the impact on associated equipment.
• Updated P&ID in Autocad format
• Safety Relief Valve Datasheet
• Relied Device Load Calculations
• Safety Relief System Hydraulics for safe disposal as per site guidelines.
• Cause and Effect Diagram
Note: Overall system verification between the turndown ratio of 50 to 100 & overdesign margins
as per FEED.

• Design in compliance with all the checklist items outlined in the E2G guidelines provided
by EPCL.
• Mechanical Data Sheet (including GA, Construction/Fabrication Drawing & datasheet,
Flanges, Tubes layout & Baffle arrangement)
• MTO for Cost Estimate
• Fabrication Drawings
• Plot Plans
• Constructability Study with gaps addressed in detailed engineering design.
• Proposed modification in Piping (if required as per Stress Analysis Results)
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

• Incorporate changes in piping due to changes in equipment Design/layout/ Elevations

due to constructability.
• Summary of stress Report
• Piping stress analysis applicable to the complete piping
• Proposed modification in Piping (if required as per Stress Analysis Results)

• Foundation Drawings for equipment on grade and platform.

• Re-strengthening drawings (If applicable)
• As-Built Drawings (Heat Exchangers, Reactor and Column)
• 2D-Autocad (Native)
• Staad Model
• Design Report
• Fabrication Drawings
• Bar Bending Schedule
• Instrument Index
• Instrument and Process Control Table
• Instrument Datasheets (Control Valves, Transmitters, Local Gauges etc.)
• Alarm and trip summary
• Control Narratives
• Safeguarding Narrative
• Logic Diagrams
• Electrical Load List for complete scope
• Hazardous Area Classification as per NFPA-497 on EPCL Plot Plan

The period of completion of entire project as per scope of this document shall not
exceed 03 months.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023



Sr. No. Doc. No. Title Rev. No.

1 EDC Product Quality

2 P&ID ENGRO POLYMER 25-7-2023

3 Attachments Annexures (1 to 17)

• Any specific document not mentioned in the list but deemed necessary for the project.

EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE (Process, Mechanical, Electrical,

Instrument, Civil and others)
11.2.1 Documents / Datasheets

Sr. No. Doc. No. Title Rev. No.



Project Title:

Project No.: Date:

Bidder’s Name: ITB Document No.:


• BIDDER shall fill this form, sign & stamp it, and submit to EPCL with Technical Bid. This form
is for deviations purpose only.
• If there is No Deviation, then also the BIDDER must state “BIDDER has NO DEVIATIONS”
sign and submit this form.
• However, if BIDDER has deviation to any of the ITB Section/Clause of part thereof and/or
specifications shall be listing out in below Table of this form clearly stating the deviations
and proposed alternative.
• Deviations are not recommended unless BIDDER has any merits in terms of quality,
schedule, etc.
Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023

• Other Sections of ITB for which the BIDDER has “NO DEVIATIONS” means BIDDER in full
COMPLIANCE to those ITB Sections/Clauses.
• Technical Bid submitted without this form will be considered as Null & Void.

Description of Deviation to
Section Brief Description of ITB
Sr. No. ITB Section/Clause and Remarks
/Clause Section/Clause
Proposed Alternative




Stamp and Authorized Signatory of the BIDDER



Sr. No. Doc. No. Title Rev. No.

1.0 XXXXXX EPCL HSE Manual / Requirements

2.0 XXXXXXX EPCL QA/QC Manual / Requirements



Document: PPC-AP-002
Issue: May 2023


(See Attached)

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