Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
04 05 06
Priorotization Solution Design GTM strategies and
Plan success Metrics
01 We shall be discussing about
the business context,
strategies, objective and
success criterias
Business Context
PhonePe is a digital payments platform that enables users
to make secure transactions, pay bills, and transfer funds
seamlessly. The app is built on the Unified Payments
Interface (UPI), a real-time payment system developed by
the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
PROBLEM Objective
The number of UPI Revitalize PhonePe's
transactions on the user engagement by
platform have started reversing the decline
seeing a decline in recent in MAUs to increase
months and it’s affecting the number of UPI
monthly active users transactions in the
(MAUs) on the platform. platform.
Success criteriaS
• Achieve a quarter-on-quarter growth of
at least 8-10% in MAUs over the next year.
• Increase the average number of transactions
per user by 15% within the next six months.
• Increase the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to 70
or above, indicating high customer satisfaction
and loyalty within the next year.
• Reduction in the user churn rate to below 5%
over the next year.
The data specified under this section is as
per the Indian context
UPI Payments Process
• VPA – Virtual Payment Address
• PSP – Payment Service Provider (provided by NPCI), Payer PSP are third party apps
such as Phonepe, Gpay, Paytm etc. Payee PSP are merchants.
Market trends
Technical issues
• In recent months there have been reports of UPI payments failing on the platform due to
network errors or technical glitches
User experience
• Some users have said that the app is slow and unresponsive, and that it is difficult to find the
features they need.
03 The data presented in this
section has been meticulously
collected and analyzed through a
combination of surveys and IDP
User personas
Demographics: Aged between 25-35, urban Demographics: Aged between 30-45, possibly
resident, well-acquainted with technology. living in urban or suburban areas, juggling work
and family commitments.
Characteristics: Prefers quick and seamless
transactions, likely to explore and use various Characteristics: Seeks convenience and time-
features of the app saving features, often multitasking.
Pain Points: Concerns about security and privacy, dislikes Pain Points: Lack of time to explore and understand complex
complex user interfaces. features, prefers straightforward processes.
Motivations: Convenience and time-saving, attracted by Motivations: Quick and reliable transactions to manage both
rewards and cashback offers. household and work-related expenses efficiently
Goals: To have a one-stop solution for all payment needs, Goals: To have an app that allows them to make quick
including bill payments, online shopping, and fund transfers. transactions, pay bills, and manage finances effortlessly.
Pain Points: Limited financial resources, keen on finding Pain Points: Limited internet connectivity, lack of awareness
discounts and offers. about digital payments.
Motivations: Convenience, attracted by offers and rewards, peer Motivations: Access to wider marketplaces and services,
influence. encouragement from community leaders or government
Goals: To have a digital payment platform that is trendy, offers Goals: To have a simplified and vernacular language-supported
rewards, and caters to their lifestyle needs. app for making essential transactions.
*End User *End User
User personas
Demographics: Aged above 60, possibly Demographics: Aged between 30-50, owns a
residing in urban or semi-urban areas. small business, possibly in a semi-urban area.
Motivations: To keep up with the digitalization trend, Motivations: Simplifying business operations, having an
encouragement from family members. organized record of transactions..
Goals: To learn and adapt to digital payments for day-to-day Goals: To have a hassle-free payment solution that integrates
transactions, with easy and secure features. easily with their business operations.
How often do you use digital payment platforms? Which digital platform do you primarily use for UPI
(Choose the closest option as per frequency) payments?
Primary research (Survey)
What is your primary purpose of using digital payment What factors majorly influence your choice of a digital
platforms? (Select all that apply) payment platform? (Select only 3)
Primary research (Survey)
If you use other apps over PhonePe, could you
please specify why?
From the overall survey responses, it is apparent that the majority of participants engage in UPI
transactions daily, primarily using GPay as their go-to app. These transactions predominantly involve
sending money to friends, family, and merchants. The choice of app seems to be significantly influenced by
its ease of use, followed by transaction speed and the quality of the user interface.
Primary research (Interviews)
The IDP (In-depth interviews) involved 12 people: 4 students, 4 tech-savvy millennials, 3
working parents (including a business owner), and 1 elderly person. Below is the
Primary research (Interviews)
The IDP provided valuable insights and highlighted some issues. Here are the results:
1. Two out of 12 people mainly use Phonepe; others use it as a backup.
2. Users prefer other apps due to better offers, ease of use and better UI. Loyal Phonepe users find it reliable.
3. Participants do use Phonepe for recharges but prefer Paytm for its versatility.
4. Phonepe was initially chosen for its offers, peer transfers, being Indian-made, and as an alternative to
other apps.
5. Ads or promotions of the apps on stores and social media don't influence app choice; convenience does.
6. Some left Phonepe due to its cluttered interface and lack of trust. A few switched to it for faster
7. The app's loud color scheme and cluttered homepage were criticized.
8. Phonepe's customer support is weak, but it allows for larger transactions.
9. Phonepe scored an average rating of 7.25/10, higher than GPay and Paytm, due to fewer payment errors
and good transaction speed.
10. Suggested improvements: cancelable payments for processing transactions, personalized rewards, credit
card UPI payments, and expanded ticket booking options.
We shall be analyzing the pain points and
prioritizing the main issues
User flow
1. We need to focus More on UI/UX than Adding More Features to the App
a. Streamlined UI/UX will help in fostering increased engagement and satisfaction.
b. Adding more features without optimizing the UI/UX can lead to a more cluttered
and confusing app environment, which might overwhelm users and deter them
from using the app regularly.
c. Focusing on UI/UX will ensure that the existing features are utilized to their
fullest potential, encouraging users to explore and use the app more frequently.
d. Moreover, an intuitive UI/UX design can potentially reduce the learning curve for
new users, promoting quicker adaptation and fostering a more gratifying user
2. Focus More on Offering Competitive Rewards to the Existing User Base than
Onboarding New Users
a. Retaining existing users will be more cost-effective and beneficial in the long run
compared to constantly acquiring new users.
b. Offering competitive rewards to the existing user base can foster loyalty and
encourage users to transact more frequently on the platform.
c. Satisfied existing users can become advocates for the app, promoting it through
organic channels
d. PhonePe can enhance its reputation as a reliable and rewarding platform, which in
turn, can naturally attract new users over time without substantial investment in
acquisition efforts.
3. Focus on Enhancing Transaction Speed and Reliability Before Introducing New
Payment Methods
a. Prioritizing fast and reliable transactions is crucial for enhancing user trust and
experience on PhonePe
b. While new payment methods may attract users, improving transaction speed and
reliability is key for retaining them and increasing transaction volumes.
Lever 1:
Destination: A seamless, intuitive, and
user-friendly app that offers a A noticeable increase in daily active Collaborate with design teams to
superior user experience. users indicating enhanced user create and test new icon layouts
Why Now: With increasing engagement due to improved UI/UX. based on the insights gathered from
competition, offering a clutter-free user research.
and intuitive UI/UX can be a significant A rise in app store ratings to 4.5 stars
differentiator, encouraging user or above, with specific mentions of Introduce color schemes, fonts, high-
retention and satisfaction. improved user experience in reviews. quality animations and transitions to
elevate the user experience and exude
Feasability and scalability: Given our
A reduction in customer support a premium aura.
strong design team, a UI revamp is a
tickets related to app navigation and
mid-level effort with high impact. A/B
usability by at least 30%. Conduct A/B testing to measure the
testing will help us scale these
effectiveness of the new icon
changes effectively.
placements and premium feel, and
Broad Strategy: Conduct user research make data-driven adjustments as
to identify pain points in the current needed.
UI/UX, and collaborate with design
teams to implement improvements
based on user feedback.
Lever 2:
Destination: A loyal and satisfied user
base that actively engages with the app A increase in monthly transactions Analyze user transaction
due to attractive and competitive reward per existing user, data/preferences to develop
offerings. personalized reward strategies.
Why Now: To foster user loyalty and Gathering user testimonials and
word-of-mouth promotion, which can be case studies that highlight the Introduce a point-based system
more cost-effective and impactful in the positive impact of the new rewards redeemable for various services within
long run. program. the app, which can boost in app
purchases hence increasing revenue.
Feasibility and scalability: With existing
Increase in the number of rewards
partnerships, curating rewards is
claimed per user. Work with the engineering tam to
manageable. Personalized rewards will
create a personalized reward engine.
also optimize our budget allocation. This
Higher retention rates of existing
ensures that every rupee spent on
users. Collaborate with marketing teams to
rewards drives maximum ROI.
design and implement reward
Broad Strategy: Develop personalized programs.
reward programs based on user spending
patterns and preferences, and implement
them to encourage increased usage and
Lever 3:
Destination: A robust and reliable
platform known for its fast and fail- A decrease in transaction failure rates Collaborate with technical teams
proof transaction processes. to below 1%, indicating improved identify and rectify bottlenecks and in
Why Now: To enhance user trust and reliability. the transaction process and architect
establish PhonePe as a reliable choice our backend for redundancy and fault
for financial transactions amidst Gathering user feedback, through tolerance.
increasing competition. surveys or forums, where at least 80%
of respondents affirm the improved Implement machine learning
Feasibility and scalability: It's a high-
transaction speed and reliability. algorithms to optimize transaction
cost, high-impact initiative requiring
tech investment. A robust backend
Increased transaction volumes due to
would allow us to scale effortlessly as
enhanced reliability.
user numbers grow.
Broad Strategy: Invest in technology
and infrastructure to enhance the
transaction speed and reliability, and
conduct regular testing and
improvements based on user
feedback and technological
Lever 4:
Destination: A well-informed user base
that actively engages with and utilizes Increased usage of previously Develop in-app guides and videos
the diverse features offered by underutilized features. highlighting the features and
PhonePe. benefits of PhonePe.
Why Now: To encourage higher Positive feedback from at least 70% of
engagement levels and prevent users participating in feedback Create a user forum for shared
underutilization of features, paving the surveys post-education campaigns, learning and support.
way for organic growth. indicating that the initiatives are well-
received. Collaborate with engineering and
Feasibility and scalability: With a small
marketing teams to effectively
content team, this is a
Atleast 20% increase in organic user disseminate educational content.
low-cost, high-impact initiative and
growth, indicating the success of
educational material can be modular
education and awareness campaigns Conduct regular feedback sessions to
and easily updated.
in fostering a well-informed and understand user needs and adjust
Broad Strategy: Develop and engaged user base. strategies accordingly.
implement user education campaigns to
raise awareness about the various
features and benefits of using PhonePe,
and encourage users to explore and
utilize these features effectively.
Why Enhance UI/UX ?
Here are a few points to explain why prioritizing Lever 1 (Enhancing UI/UX) should take
precedence in our strategic roadmap:
1. Tapping into the GenZ Market
The recent Rakuten survey indicates that we're underperforming with the 16-24 age group,
who prioritize premium feel and ease of use. Only 58% of this demographic prefers PhonePe,
compared to 84% for Paytm and 65% for GPay. By improving our UI/UX to cater to this
demographic's preferences, we stand to significantly improve our market share among this
crucial user base.
2. Immediate User Experience Lift
Improving UI/UX has an immediate and broad impact on user satisfaction and engagement,
which can directly affect MAUs and transaction volume.
Why Enhance UI/UX ?
3. Quick Feasibility
Unlike more complex backend modifications or new reward program structures, UI/UX
improvements can be rolled out more swiftly and with fewer developmental resources. This
allows us to achieve quick wins and momentum.
4. Competitive Advantage
As the market is crowded, delivering a superior and premium user experience could be our
distinguishing factor, potentially attracting users from competitors like GPay and Paytm.
5. Scalable Impact
Any UI/UX enhancements can be initially A/B tested on a segmented user base, allowing us
to tweak and perfect the changes before a broader release. This minimizes risk and ensures
Why Enhance UI/UX?
6. Minimal Technical Barriers
UI/UX improvements usually entail fewer technical complexities compared to other options
like enhancing transaction speeds or creating new reward mechanisms, making it easier to
7. Meeting Market Demand
There's a burgeoning market need for intuitive and smooth user experiences. By investing in
UI/UX, we directly address this need, offering a compelling argument for user acquisition and
8. Synergistic Base
Once we've optimized the UI/UX, it provides a solid foundation for future enhancements—
whether they be in transaction speed or reward systems. A better user experience will make
these additional features more effective and easier to adopt.
05 We have specifically focused
on the prioritized pain point
(UI/UX) and worked on it’s
UI/UX problems
Address Feature Adds No immediate Value:
The address feature on our home screen is redundant and
detracts user from the core function of UPI payments.
Removing the address option will streamline the user
interface and help focus on primary actions.
QR Code Placement:
The scanner's current position is inconsistent with
industry standards, causing unnecessary friction for users
who are accustomed to other payment apps.
the competitors placement of the scanner is
Scanning page Enter amount page Select transaction UPI Pin page Transaction
QR placement account success page
UI design description
Isometric Icons
Visual Appeal: The isometric design adds a modern, 3D touch to the
icons, making them aesthetically pleasing without overwhelming the
user. Accompanying text adds a layer of clarity for those unfamiliar
Scan QR
with the QR symbol, making the app more accessible.
Minimalistic Design
Focus: The minimalistic approach with fewer elements on the screen
draws attention to what’s important, reducing distractions and
improving usability.
RGB (103,57,183)
Color Scheme
Psychology: The light purple and white color scheme is not just
visually appealing, but also has a calming effect, which can positively
RGB (103,57,183)
impact user experience. This color scheme will be adjusted accordingly
for dark mode/light mode.
Upcoming enhancements
Some thoughtful adjustments we propose for the next phase:
Streamlining Bank Account Selection: Currently, our process involves two separate
steps for choosing a bank account and confirming the payment. We can consolidate
these into a single step, allowing users to select their bank account and confirm the
payment on the same page. This reduces the need for multiple taps, accelerating the
transaction process and providing value to the user more swiftly.
Improving the Mobile Payment Flow: At present, when paying to a mobile number,
users are presented with a single text field to enter the payment amount. This can be
confusing. To enhance clarity and user experience, we propose adding a dedicated 'Pay'
button. Users can click 'Pay,' which will then prompt them to enter the amount, making
the payment process more intuitive.
GTM Strategy &
We have examined the strategies for
introducing the finalized solution to
the market and the metrics to
measure its success.
Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)
Objective 1: Enhance user engagement and transaction volume through UI/UX
improvements (quick access to frequent contact & premium design).
Objective 2: Optimize QR code scanner placement to boost its usage and retention.
• KR1: Achieve a minimum of 20% increase in QR code transactions with the new
placement within 6 weeks.
• KR2: Maintain or improve the usage rate of other transaction methods within 6
Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)
Objective 3: Implement Effective and Responsive Feedback Mechanisms
• KR1: Roll out user satisfaction surveys to at least 40% of the active user base in
the first month.
• KR2: Analyze and action user feedback for continual improvement within two
weeks of receiving it..
• KR1: Reduce the user churn rate to below 5% within three months of the update.
• KR2: Secure at least 80% positive feedback on the new UI/UX changes within the
first month.
A/B testing
Phase 1: After completion of internal testing the improvements need to be A/B tested.
The primary objective of this A/B testing is to empirically evaluate the impact of
various new features and design changes on user behavior. The aim is to understand:
• The influence of QR (1&2) on the frequency of QR transactions.
• The effect of introducing a 'Frequent Contacts' feature on the home screen to ease
P2P transactions.
• The user sentiment and engagement related to the revamped, premium UI design.
A/B testing
• Speed: You can test multiple changes simultaneously, which can be quicker than
testing them sequentially.
• Attribution Difficulty: It might become challenging to attribute changes in metrics
to a specific feature. If the QR code scanner's placement, frequent contacts, and UI
changes are all tested together, it's difficult to pinpoint which change led to any
observed differences.
We will conduct A/B tests targeting users aged 16-35 (GenZ and millennials) who lie
between power users and casual users. Each test will run for 6 weeks with a sample
size of at least 1000 users for each group (control and test).
Hypothesis: We believe that the users are not using the app for merchant payments often
because of the QR placement
Prioritization: Prioritization:
• Effort: Medium-High • Effort: Medium-High
• Probability: High • Probability: Medium
• Upside: High • Upside: Medium
Phase 3: Post-Launch
• User Education: Create and disseminate tutorial videos or guides that walk users
through the new interface.
• Feedback Loop: Establish a system for collecting and analyzing user feedback
through surveys and app reviews.
Ongoing Monitoring and Iteration
1. Weekly Reviews: Conduct weekly internal
reviews to assess the real-time performance
of the new features against the KPIs.
2. User Surveys: Roll out monthly user surveys
to gauge satisfaction levels and areas for
3. Market Dynamics: Keep an eye on competitor
moves and industry trends to make necessary
adjustments to our features or strategy.
4. Quarterly Updates: Based on the analysis,
plan for quarterly updates to the app to
introduce further refinements or new features