Dixel XLR170C-Prevod
Dixel XLR170C-Prevod
Dixel XLR170C-Prevod
XLR130 – XLR170
dIXEL L Instaliranje i Operativne instrukcije rel.1.0 - cod. 1592017000
dIXEL L Instaliranje i Operativne instrukcije rel.1.0 - cod. 1592017000
• This manual is part of the product and should be kept near the instrument for easy and quick reference.
• The instrument shall not be used for purposes different from those described hereunder. It cannot be used as a safety device.
• Check the application limits before proceeding.
The regulation is performed according to the temperature measured by the thermostat probe with a positive differential from the set point: if the
temperature increases and reaches set point plus differential the compressor is started and then turned off when the temperature reaches the set
point value again.
In case of fault in the thermostat probe the start and stop of the compressor are timed through parameters “COn” and “COF”.
When defrost is not in progress, it can be activated the tasterpad by holding the o taster pressed for about 3 seconds. The compressor operates in
continuous mode for the time set through the “CCt” parameter. The ciklus can be terminated before the end of the set time using the same activation
taster, o for about 3 seconds.
Three defrost modes are available through the “tdF” parameter: defrost with electrical heater (tdF=rE), hot gas (tdF=in), or thermostatic defrost(tdF=rt).
The defrost interval is controlled by means of parameter “EdF”:
- with real time clock present EdF can be set to “rtc”. In this case, the defrost is made in real time depending on the hours set in the parameters
Ld1..Ld8 on radni dani and in Sd1…Sd8 in prazniks;
At the end of defrost the drip time is controlled through the “Fdt” parameter.
The functioning of the auxiliary relay (terminals. 15-16) can be set by the oA1 parameter, according to the kind of application. In the following
paragraph the possible setting:
Parameters involved:
- FnC Fan operating mode; - Fnd Fan delay after a defrost
- FSt Fan stop temperature; - FAP Probe for fan management
With this setting the auxiliary relay works as fan relay. See par. 3.4 “Control of evaporator fans”.
NOTE: if FAP = nP (no probe), the relay will be activated according to the setting of FnC parameter independently from the temperature of
In this case the relay is activated when the controller is turned on and de-activated when the controller is turned off..
Parameters involved:
- dtS end defrost temperature for second defrost relay;
- MdS maximum defrost duration for second defrost relay;
- dSP probe selection for second defrost
With 2 evaporators the regulation restarts when both the defrosts are finished.
Da prikažete i promenite ciljne tačke podešavanja; u programsklom modu odabetite parametar ili potvrdite operaciju.
Pritiskom oko 3s kada se max ili min temperatura prikazana biće, to će biti izbrisano.
Samo za modele sa RTC: pritiskom toga u tekućem vremenu prikazano, to omogućava korisniku da resetuje trenutno vreme i 3 praznika.
Da vidite max. Uskladištenu temperaturu; u programskom modu to pretražuje parametarske kodove ili uvećava prikazanu vrednost. Preko
pritisnutog tastera oko 3s ciklus brzog smrzavanja se startuje.
Da vidite min uskladištenu temperaturu; u programskom modu tu pretrađjete parametarski kod ili smanjujete prikazanu vrednost .
Samo za modele sa RTC: pritiskom oko 3s trenutno vreme je prikazano i tu je dopušteno korisniku da uđe unutar Energy saving moda,
Otapanja i menija podešavanja sata.
Kombinacije tastera
Da zaključate i otključate tastaturu
Led Režim Funkcija
C ON Temperatura u Celzijusima
C BLINKA Programska faza.
F ON Temperatura u Farenhajtima.
ON Kompresori su pokrenuti.
ON Ventilatori su pokrenuti
ON Otapanje je omogućeno.
- Alarmni signal
ON - U „PR2“ se javaljaju parametri koji postoje takđe u „Pr1“
ON Svetlo je uključeno
ON Istrument se isključuje
NAPOMENA: Svaki parametar “Pr2” može biti sklonjen ili stavljen u “Pr1” (korisnički nivo) pritiskom “SET” + ▼. Kada parametar postoji “Pr1”
“decimalna tačka “ je on.
Pritisnite ON/OFF taster, istrument pokazuje “OFF” oko 5 sec. i ON/OFF LED i prekidač je ON.
Tokom OFF statusa, svi releji su na prekidaču OFF i regulisanja su zaustavljena ako je monitoring sistem povezan to neće moći
da snima podatke istrumenta i alarme.
N.B. Tokom OFF statusa Svetlo i AUX tasteri su aktivni.
PRATI PREKO 3. Pritiskom na SET taster, LED će početi da svetli i podesite trenutne sate, munute, dane i nedelje-praznike
PRATI PREKO 3. Pritiskom na DEF taster, DEF led dioda će početi da svetli i vreme podešavanj otapanja će biti prikazano.
PRATI PREKO 3. Pritiskom na ES taster, ES led dioda će početi da svetli i podešavanje Energy Saving vremena će biti moguće.
2. LED će početi sporije da blinka tokom vremena programiranja i regulatori će slediti vreme praznika.
Ac1 2nd compressor delay at start up (0÷255s) Time interval between the switching on of the first compressor and
the second one. (0÷225s).
CCt Thermostat override: (0min ÷23h 50min) allows to set the length of the continuous ciklus. Can be used, for
instance, when the room is filled with new products.
Con Compressor ON time with faulty probe: (0÷255 min) time during which the compressor is active in case of faulty
thermostat probe. With COn=0 compressor is always OFF.
COF Compressor OFF time with faulty probe: (0÷255 min) time during which the compressor is off in case of faulty
thermostat probe. With COF=0 compressor is always active.
CH Type of action - Only for XLR130: CL = cooling; Ht = heating..
CF Temperature measurement unit: °C = Celsius; °F = Fahrenheit . When the measurement unit is changed the SET
point and the values of the regulation parameters have to be modified
rES Resolution (for °C): (in = 1°C; de = 0,1°C) allows decimal point display. dE = 0,1°C; in = 1 °C
Lod Local display : select which probe is displayed by the instrument: P1 = Thermostat probe; P2 = Evaporator probe;
P3 = auxiliary probe 1r2 = difference between P1 and P2 (P1-P2)
tdF Defrost type Only for XLR170: rE = electrical heater (Compressor OFF); rT = thermostat defrost. During the defrost
time “MdF”, the heater switches On and OFF depending on the evaporator temperature and “dtE” value; in = hot gas
(Compressor and defrost relays ON)
EdF Defrost mode:
rtc = Real Time Clock mode. Defrost time follows Ld1÷Ld8 parameters on radni dani and Sd1÷Sd8 on prazniks.
Available only if the ’RTC option is present
in = interval mode. The početak otapanjas when the time “Idf” is expired.
Sd = Smartfrost mode. The time IdF (interval between defrosts) is increased only when the compressor is running (even
non consecutively)
and only if the evaporator temperature is less than the value in "SdF” (set point for SMARTFROST).
SdF Set point for SMARTFROST: (-30÷30 °C/ -22÷86 °F) evaporator temperature which allows the IdF counting
(interval between defrosts) in SMARTFROST mode.
dtE Defrost termination temperature Only for XLR170: (-50,0÷110,0°C; -58÷230°F) (Enabled only when the evaporator
probe is present) sets the temperature measured by the evaporator probe which causes the end of defrost.
dtS Defrost termination temperature 2nd evaporator – Only for XLR170 if oA1=dF2 : (-50,0÷110,0°C; -58÷230°F) sets
the temperature measured by the 2nd evaporator probe which causes the end of defrost.
IdF Interval between defrosts: (1÷120h) Determines the time interval between the beginning of two defrost cikluss.
MdF (Maximum) duration of defrost: (0÷255 min) When P2P = n, no evaporator probe, it sets the defrost duration, when
P2P = y, defrost end based on temperature, it sets the maximum length for defrost.
MdS (Maximum) duration of defrost for 2nd evaporator – Only for XLR170 if oA1=dF2: (0÷255 min) It sets the maximum
duration of the defrost for 2nd evaporator.
dFd Display during defrost: rt = real temperature; it = temperature at the početak otapanja; Set = set point; dEF = “dEF”
label; dEG = “dEG” label;
dAd Defrost display time out: (0÷255 min) Sets the maximum time between the end of defrost and the restarting of the
real room temperature display.
dSd Start defrost delay - Only for XLR170: ( 0÷99min) This is useful when different početak otapanja times are
necessary to avoid overloading the plant.
Fdt Drain down time: (0÷60 min.) time interval between reaching defrost termination temperature and the restoring of
the control’s normal operation. This time allows the evaporator to eliminate water drops that might have formed due to
dPO First defrost after start-up: y = Immediately; n = after the IdF time
dAF Defrost delay after fast freezing: (0min÷23h 50min) after a Fast Freezing ciklus, the first defrost will be delayed for
this time.
dFP End defrost probe for first evaporator selection – Only for XLR170: nP = no probe, defrost by time. Duration set by
MdF parameter; P1 = Probe 1 (thermostat probe); P2 = Probe 2 (evaporator probe); P3 = Probe 3 (display probe).
dSP End defrost probe for second evaporator selection – Only for XLR170: nP = no probe, defrost by time. Duration set
by MdS parameter; P1 = Probe 1 (thermostat probe); P2 = Probe 2 (evaporator probe); P3 = Probe 3 (display probe).
FnC Fan radni mod: C-n = rade sa kompresorima, OFF tokom otapanja;
C-y = rade sa kompresorima, ON tokom otapanja;
O-n = neprekidan mod-rad, OFF tokom otapanja;
O-y = neprekidan mod-rad, ON tokom otapanja;
Fnd Ventilatori jasne posle otapanja: (0÷255 min) Vreme između kraja otapanja i starta ventilatora isparivača.
FSt Zaustavna temepratura ventilatora: (-50÷110°C; -58÷230°F) podešavana temperatura, određena preko isparivačke
sonde, iznad koje su ventilatori uvek OFF.
dSP Odabir sonde ventilatora: nP = no probe, fans act according to the Fnc parameter, without temperature control set
in FSt parameter; P1 = Probe 1 (Thermostat probe); P2 = Probe 2 (evaporator probe); P3 = Probe 3 (display probe).
ALC Temperature alarm configuration: rE = High and Low alarms related to Set Point;
Ab = High and low alarms related to the absolute temperature.
ALU High temperature alarm setting: ( ALC= rE, 0 ÷ 50°C or 90°F; ALC= Ab, ALL ÷ 110°C or 230°F)
when this temperature is reached and after the ALd delay time the HA alarm is enabled.
ALL Low temperature alarm setting: ( ALC = rE , 0 ÷ 50 °C or 90°F; ALC = Ab , - 50°C or -58°F ÷ ALU)
when this temperature is reached and after the ALd delay time, the LA alarm is enabled,.
AFH Temperature alarm and fan differential: (0,1÷25,5°C; 1÷45°F) Intervention differential for temperature alarm set
point and fan regulation set point, always positive.
ALd Temperature alarm delay: (0÷255 min) time interval between the detection of an alarm condition and the
corresponding alarm signalling.
dAO Delay of temperature alarm at start-up: (0min÷23h 50min) time interval between the detection of the temperature
alarm condition after the
instrument power on and the alarm signalling.
EdA Alarm delay at the end of defrost: (0÷255 min) Time interval between the detection of the temperature alarm
condition at the end of defrost and the alarm signalling.
dot Delay of temperature alarm after closing the door : (0÷255 min) Time delay to signal the temperature alarm
condition after closing the door.
doA Open door alarm delay:(0÷254min,nu) delay between the detection of the open door condition and its alarm
signalling: the flashing poruka
“dA” is displayed. If doA=nu the door alarm will be not signalled.
rrd Output restart after door open alarm doA: no = outputs unchanged after doA alarm; yES = outputs restart after doA
tbA Buzzer and alarm relay silencing: by Pritisniteing one of the tasterpad buttons.
n= Only the Buzzer is silenced; y= Buzzer and relay are silenced.
nPS Pressure switch number: (0 ÷15) Number of activation of the pressure switch, during the “did” interval, before
signalling the alarm event (I2F= PAL).
Ot Thermostat probe calibration: (-12.0÷12.0°C/ -21÷21°F) allows to adjust possible offset of the thermostat probe.
OE Evaporator probe calibration – Only for XLR170: (-12.0÷12.0°C/ -21÷21°F) allows to adjust possible offsets of the
evaporator probe.
O3 Auxiliary probe calibration: (-12.0÷12.0°C/ -21÷21°F) allows to adjust possible offsets of the evaporator probe.
P2P Evaporator probe presence - Only for XLR170:
n= not present: the defrost stops only by time; y= present: the defrost stops by temperature and time.
P3P Auxiliary probe presence (display): n= not present; y= present.
Pbr Thermostat probe selection P1 = Probe 1 (Thermostat probe); P2 = Probe 2 (evaporator probe); P3 = Probe 3
(display probe); 1r2 = P1-P2.
HES Temperature increase during the Energy Saving ciklus : (-30÷30°C / -54÷54°F) sets the increasing value of the set
point during the Energy Saving ciklus.
odc Compressor and fan status when open door:
no = normal; Fan = Fan OFF; CPr = Compressor OFF; F_C = Compressor and fan OFF.
I1P Door switch input polarity: CL : the digital input is activated by closing the contact;OP : the digital input is activated
by opening the contact.
I2P Configurable digital input polarity: CL : the digital input is activated by closing the contact;
OP : the digital input is activated by opening the contact
I2F Digital input operating mode: configure the digital input function: EAL = generic alarm; bAL = serious alarm mode;
PAL = Pressure switch;
dFr = Start defrost; AUS = Relay AUX actuation; Es = Energy Saving; onF = remote On/OFF; HdF = Praznik function.
did Time interval/delay for digital input alarm:(0÷255 min.) Time interval to calculate the number of the pressure switch
activation when
I2F=PAL. If I2F=EAL or bAL (external alarms), “did” parameter defines the time delay between the detection and the
successive signalling of thr alarm.
ILE Energy Saving ciklus start during radni dani: (0 ÷ 23h 50 min.) During the Energy Saving ciklus the set point is
increased by the value in HES so that the operation set point is SET + HES.
dLE Energy Saving ciklus length during radni dani: (0 ÷ 24h 00 min.) Sets the duration of the Energy Saving ciklus on
radni dani.
ISE Energy Saving ciklus start on prazniks. (0 ÷ 23h 50 min.)
dSE Energy Saving ciklus length on prazniks (0 ÷ 24h 00 min.)
HES Temperature increase during the Energy Saving ciklus (-30÷30°C / -54÷54°F) sets the increasing value of the set
point during the Energy Saving ciklus.
Rel Release software: (read only) Software version of the microprocessor.
Ptb Parameter table: (read only) it shows the original code of the dIXEL parameter map.
dP1 Probe 1 temperature (thermostat): it displays the temperature detected by the thermostat probe.
dP2 Probe 2 temperature (evaporator): it displays the temperature detected by the evaporator probe.
dP3 Probe 3 temperature (display): it displays the temperature detected by the display probe.
Pr2 Access to the protected parameter list (read only).
The Wing series can support up to 2 free contact digital inputs. One is always configured as door switch, the second is
programmable in seven different configurations by the “I2F” parameter.
The temperature range allowed for correct operation is 0 - 60 °C. Avoid places subject to strong vibrations, corrosive
gases, excessive dirt or humidity. The same recommendations apply to probes. Let the air circulate by the cooling
Thanks to the case, XLR130 and XLR170 models can be panel or wall mounted. See the following instructions for
1. Unscrew the 4 frontal screws (Fig. 1, A, B, F, G) and remove the cover (Fig. 1, C).
2. Unscrew the 2 screws (Fig. 1, D, E) that keep connected the frontal and lower parts of Cool Mate and separate the 2
3. Make the proper holes for cablepresses or pipepresses using the centres signed in the bottom cover of the Cool
Mate, (Fig. 3, H, I, ). Then make 3 holes in the wall, as indicated in (Fig. 3, L, M, N), to fix the Cool Mate
4. Fix the cablepresses and the pipepresses..
5. Insert the wall-nugs, contained in the kit, into the holes made in the wall. Then use the o-rings and fix the back part of
the Cool Mate (Fig. 3, L, M, N) by means of the 3 screws to the wall itself.
6. Insert the wiring cables in cablepresses or in the pipepresses.
7. Mount the frontal part using the previous 4 screws Fig. 1, D, E, F, G. (do not press excessively in order to avoid
plastic deformation).
8. After connecting the wires to the terminal blocks close the cover (Fig. 2, c) and fix it by the screws.
1. Make a hole in the panel with dimensions described in Fig. 4 (simplified) or Fig. 5 (completed)
2. Unscrew the 4 frontal screws (Fig. 1, A, B, F, G) and remove the cover (Fig. 1, C).
3. Unscrew the 2 screws (Fig. 1, D, E) that keep connected the frontal and lower parts of Cool Mate and separate the 2
4. Cut from the back part of the Cool Mate the teeth indicated in Fig. 6, A.
5. Make the proper holes for cablepresses or pipepresses using the centres signed in the bottom cover of the Cool
Mate, (Fig. 3, H, I, ).
6. Fix the cablepresses and the pipepresses..
7. Insert the wiring cables in cablepresses or in the pipepresses.
8. Join the back and frontal parts, with the panel in the middle, and fix them screwing the 4 screws taken previously
away (dimensions 4x35 mm), in the holes of Fig. 1, A, B, D, E. Maximum panel thickness: 6mm.
9. After connecting the wires to the terminal blocks close the cover (Fig. 2, c) and fix it by the screws.
The same TTL connector is used to upload and download the parameter list of the “HOT TASTER“. These instruments
can be ordered with direct serial output RS485 (Optional).
NOTE the poruka “Err” is displayed for failed programming. In this case turn the unit off and then on if you want to
restart the download again or remove the “Hot taster” to abort the operation.
If “tbA = y”, once the alarm signal is detected the buzzer and the relay are is silenced Pritiskom any taster.
If “tbA = n”, only the buzzer is silenced while the alarm relay is on until the alarm condition recovers.
13.2 “EE” ALARM
The dIXEL instruments are provided with an internal check for the data integrity. Alarm “EE” flashes when a failure in
the memory data occurs. In such cases the alarm output is enabled.
Probe alarms : “P1” (probe1 faulty), “P2” and “P3”; they automatically stop 10s after the probe restarts normal operation.
Check connections before replacing the probe.
Temperature alarms “HA” and “LA” automatically stop as soon as the thermostat temperature returns to normal values
or when the početak otapanjas.
Door switch alarm “dA” stop as soon as the door is closed.
External alarms “EAL”, “BAL” stop as soon as the external digital input is disabled “PAL” alarm is recovered by switching
OFF the instrument.
15.1 XLR130
15.2 XLR170
AFH Temperature alarm and fan
0,1÷25,5 °C/ 1÷45°F 2.0 Pr2
ALd Kašnjenje tempera. alarma 0÷255 min. 15 Pr2
dAO Kašnjenje temperat.alarm kod
0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 1.3 Pr2
EdA Kašnjenje alarma kod završetka
0÷255 min. 30 Pr2
dot Kašnjenje temperat.alarma posle 0÷255 min. 15 Pr2
zatvaranja vrata
dOA Kašnjenje alarma otvorenih vrata 0÷254 min.,nu 15 Pr2
rrd Reguliše restart posle alarma za
y÷n Y Pr2
tBA Relej alarma kod utišavanja y÷n Y Pr2
nPS Broja aktivacija presostata 0÷15 0 Pr2
Ot Kalibtracija temostatske sonde -12,0÷12,0°C / -21÷21°F 0.0 Pr1
OE Kalibtracija isparivačke sonde -12,0÷12,0°C / -21÷21°F 0.0 Pr2
O3 Kalibtracija pomoćne sonde -12,0÷12,0°C / -21÷21°F 0.0 Pr2
P2P Isparivačka sonda postoji n÷y Y Pr2
P3P Pomoćna sonda postoji n÷y n Pr2
Pbr Izbor regulacije sonde P1, P2, P3, 1r2 P1 Pr2
HES Temper.se uvećava tokom ciklusa
-30÷30°C / -54÷54°F 0 Pr2
energetskog čuvanja ENER.Saving
Odc Kontrola otvarenih vrata no, Fan, CPr, F_C Fan Pr2
I1P Polaritet prekidača vrata CL÷OP cL Pr2
I2P Knfigurisanje polariteta digitalnog
CL÷OP cL Pr2
i2F Konfiguracija digitalnog ulaza EAL, bAL, PAL,
dFr, AUS, ES, OnF
dId Kašnjenje alarma 0÷255 min. 5 Pr2
oA1 Komfiguracija pomoćnog releja dEF / ALr / FAn / LiG / AUS / onF /
dF2 / cP2
ACH Vrsta delovanja kod pomoćnog
CL; Ht cL Pr2
SAA Tačka podešavanja za pomoćni
-50,0÷110°C / -58÷230°F 0.0 Pr2
ArP Izbor sonde za pomoćni relej nP / P1 / P2 / P3 nP Pr2
oAP Polaritet reja alarma oP; cL cL Pr2
Hur Trenutni sat 0 ÷ 23 Pr2 Pr2
Min Trenutni minuti 0 ÷ 59 Pr2 Pr2
dAY Tekući dan Sun ÷ SAt Pr2 Pr2
Hd1 Praznik I nedelja Sun÷ SAt – nu Pr2 Pr2
Hd2 Druga nedelja praznika Sun÷ SAt – nu Pr2 Pr2
Hd3 Treća nedelja praznika Sun÷ SAt – nu Pr2 Pr2
ILE Energy Saving ciklus tokkom
0 ÷ 23h 50 min. Pr2 Pr2
početka radnih dana
dLE Energy Saving ciklus dužina trajanj
0 ÷ 24h 00 min. Pr2 Pr2
radnih dana
ISE Energy Saving ciklus početak
0 ÷ 23h 50 min. Pr2 Pr2
dSE Energy Saving ciklus dužina tokom
0 ÷ 24h 00 min. Pr2 Pr2
HES Uvećanje temperature tokom
-30÷30°C / -54÷54°F Pr2 Pr2
Energy Saving ciklus
Ld1 1st radni dani početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 6.0 Pr1
Ld2 2nd radni dani početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 13.0 Pr1
Ld3 3rd radni dani početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 21.0 Pr1
Ld4 4th radni dani početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Ld5 5th radni dani početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Ld6 6th radni dani početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Ld7 7th radni dani početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Ld8 8th radni dani početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Sd1 1st praznik početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 6.0 Pr1
Sd2 2nd praznik početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 13.0 Pr1
Sd3 3rd praznik početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 21.0 Pr1
Sd4 4th praznik početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Sd5 5th praznik početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Sd6 6th praznik početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Sd7 7th praznik početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Sd8 8th praznik početak otapanja 0 ÷ 23h 50 min. 0.0 Pr1
Adr Serijska adresa 0 ÷ 247 1 Pr2
Pbc Izbor vrste sonde Pbc, ntc ntc Pr2
rEL Verzija softvera - 4.5 Pr1
Ptb Kod šifre - - Pr1
dP1 Prikaz prve sonde - - Pr1
dP2 Prikaz druge sonde - - Pr1
dP3 Prikaz treće sonde - - Pr1
Pr2 Pristup listi parametara - - Pr1
Branislav Krsteski,dipl.ing.maš
Refrigeration Engineer
Eurofrigo d.o.o.
Company for Refrigeration
MIlice Stojadinovic Srpkinje 6a
11351 Vinca-Beograd
Tel: +381 11 8065 295
Fax: +381 11 8065 412
Mob: +381 62 240 620
E-mail: refrigeration@eurofrigo.co.yu
Web: www.eurofrigo.co.yu