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User Guide

Controller for appliance control

AK-CC 550A

ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems

Complete refrigeration appliance control with great flexibility to
adapt to all types of refrigeration appliances and cold storage

• Energy optimization of the whole refrigeration appliance
• One controller for several different refrigeration appliances
• Integrated display at the front of the controller
• Quick set-up with predefined settings
• Built-in data communication
• Built-in clock function with power reserve

The temperature in the appliance is registered by one or two
temperature sensors which are located in the air flow before the
evaporator (S3) or after the evaporator (S4) respectively. A setting
for thermostat, alarm thermostat and display reading determines
the influence the two sensor values should have for each indi-
vidual function.
In addition product sensor S6, which can be optionally placed in
the appliance, can be used to register the temperature near the
required product in a certain place within the appliance.
The temperature of the evaporator is registered with the S5 sensor
which can be used as a defrosting sensor.
In addition to the outlet to the electronic injection valve of the
type AKV, the controller has 5 relay outputs which are defined by
the use selected – the individual usage options are described in
detail on page 12.

• Day/night thermostat with ON/OFF or modulating principle
• Product sensor S6 with separate alarm limits
• Switch between thermostat settings via digital input
• Adaptive control of superheat
• Adaptive defrosting based on evaporator performance
• Start of defrost via schedule, digital input or network
• Natural, electric or hot gas defrost
• Stop of defrost on time and/or temperature
• Coordination of defrosting among several controls
• Pulsing of fans when thermostat is satisfied
• Appliance cleaning function for documentation of HACCP proce-
• Rail heat control via day/night load or dew point
• Door function
• Control of two compressors
• Control of night blinds
• Light control
• Heat thermostat
• Factory calibration that will guarantee a better measuring accu-
racy than stated in the standard EN 441-13 without subsequent
calibration (Pt 1000 ohm sensor)
• Integrated MODBUS communication with the option of mount- Appliance examples
ing a LonWorks communication card

Introduction........................................................................................................ 2 Operation...........................................................................................................26
Operation............................................................................................................. 4 Menu survey......................................................................................................28
Applications......................................................................................................12 Connections......................................................................................................32
Survey of functions.........................................................................................15 Data......................................................................................................................34

2 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Here is an overview of the controller’s usage options.
A setting will configure input and outputs so that the controller’s
operation interface is directed at the selected application.
The current settings for the respective uses can be found on page

Application 1-8
These uses are applied to standard appliances or cold storage
rooms with one valve, one evaporator and one refrigeration sec-
The sensors are used according to standard principles.
The output functions change depending on the selected applica-

Application 9
This use is for refrigeration appliances with one valve, two evapo-
rators and two refrigeration sections.
Here the temperature and alarm monitoring are always controlled
using the S4 sensor.
The S3 sensor is used for display readings.
The product sensor is replaced by an extra defrosting sensor S5B
for the second evaporator.

Application 10
This use is for refrigeration appliances with one valve, one evapo-
rator and two refrigeration sections.
Here temperature is always controlled using the S4 temperature.

The two S3 temperatures are used for alarm monitoring and

display readings for each refrigeration section. There are common
alarm limits for the two refrigeration section.

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 3


Liquid injection
Liquid injection in the evaporator is controlled by an electronic
injection valve of the type AKV. The valve functions as both expan-
sion valve and solenoid valve. The valve opens and closes using
signals from the controller.
The function contains an adaptive algorithm which independently
adjusts the valve’s opening so that the evaporator constantly sup-
plies optimum refrigeration.

Superheat can be measured via:

• Pressure sensor P0 and temperature sensor S2
For this use a correct measurement of superheat is achieved
under all conditions which ensures a very robust and precise
The signal from one pressure transmitter can be used by several
controllers, but only if there is no significant pressure difference
between the evaporators in question.

Temperature control
The temperature in the appliance is registered by one or two
temperature sensors which are located in the air flow before the
evaporator (S3) or after the evaporator (S4) respectively. A setting
for the thermostat, alarm thermostat and display reading deter-
mines how much the two sensor values should influence each
individual function, e.g. 50% will produce an equal value from
both sensors.

The actual temperature control can take place in two ways: as an

ordinary ON/OFF regulation with a differential, or as a modulat-
ing control there the temperature variation will not be nearly as
great as in ON/OFF control. There is however a limit to the use of
a modulating control as it can only be used in central plant. In a
decentralised plant the thermostat function with ON/OFF control
should be selected.
In a central plant the thermostat function may either be selected
for ON/OFF control or modulating control.

Temperature monitoring
Just as is possible for the thermostat, the alarm monitoring can be
set with a weighting between S3 and S4 so that you can decide
how much the two sensor values should influence the alarm
monitoring. Minimum and maximum limits can be set for alarm
temperature and time delays. A longer time delay can be set for
high temperature alarm. This time delay is active after defrosting,
appliance cleaning and start-up.

4 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Thermostat bands
Thermostat bands can be used beneficially for appliances where
different product types are stored which require different tem-
perature conditions. It is possible to change between the two
different thermostat bands via a contact signal on a digital input.
Separate thermostat and alarm limits can be set for each thermo-
stat band – also for the product sensor.

Night setback of thermostat value

In refrigeration appliances there may be big load differences
between the shop’s opening and closing hours, especially if night
lids/blinds are used. The thermostat reference may be raised here
without it having any effect on the product temperature.
Change-over between day and night operation can take place, as
• via an external switch signal.
• via a signal from the data communication system.

Product sensor
A separate optional product sensor S6, which may be placed
in the appliance, can also be used and which can register and
monitor the temperature in the warmest part of the appliance.
There are separate alarm limits and time delays for the product

Appliance cleaning
This function makes it easy for the shop’s staff to carry out a
cleaning of the appliance according to a standard procedure.
Appliance cleaning is activated via a signal – as a rule via a key
switch placed on the appliance.
Appliance cleaning is carried out via three phases:
1 - at the first activation the refrigeration is stopped, but the fans
keep on operating in order to defrost the evaporators. ”Fan” is - + + °C
shown on the display. 1 ÷ + Fan
2 - at the second activation the fans are also stopped and the
appliance can now be cleaned. ”OFF” is shown on the display. 2 ÷ ÷ Off
3 - At the third activation refrigeration is recommenced. The 3 + + °C
display will show the actual appliance temperature, (o97

When appliance cleaning is activated a cleaning alarm is trans-

mitted to the normal alarm recipient. A later processing of these
alarms will document that the appliance has been cleaned as
often as planned.

Alarm monitoring
There are no temperature alarms during appliance cleaning.

Appliance shut-down
The function closes the AKV valve and all outputs are switched off.
The cooling appliance is stopped like the “Main switch”, but this
happens without an “A45 standby alarm”.
The function can be enabled by a switch on the DI input or via a
setting through data communication.

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 5

Depending on the application you may choose between the fol-
lowing defrost methods:
Natural: Here the fans are kept operating during the defrost
Electric: The heating element is activated
Hotgas: Here the solenoid valves are controlled so that the
hotgas can flow through the evaporator

Defrost sequence
1) Pump down
2) Defrost
3) Waiting position after defrost
4) Draining (drain delay. Hotgas only)
5) Drip off
6) Delay of fan

Hot gas defrost (application 6 only)

This type of connection can be used on systems with hotgas
defrost, but only in small systems in, say, supermarkets – the
functional content has not been adapted to systems with large
Relay 2 is used for the suction valve
Relay 4’s change-over function is used by the bypass valve and hot
gas valve, respectively.
If the valves PMLX and GPLX are used, the delay time “d23” will
have to be properly set. Hot gas application
During hot gas defrosting, it is not possible to start a manual
defrosting cycle with the “DI” functions or with a touch on the
controller’s lower button.

Drip tray heating element

It is possible to control a heating element in the drip tray for
hot gas defrosting. When defrosting is commenced, the heating
element is activated. The heating element remains activated until
a set time after defrosting has ended by time or temperature.

Start of defrost
A defrost can be started in different ways
Interval: Defrost is started at fixed time intervals, say, every
eighth hour. An interval must ALWAYS be set to
a "higher" value than the period set between two
defrostings when a schedule or network signal is used.
Refrigeration time: Defrost is started at fixed refrigeration time
intervals, in other words, a low need for refrigeration will
”postpone” the defrost
Schedule: Here defrost can be started at fixed times of the Stop of defrost
day and night. However, max. 6 times Defrosting can be stopped by either:
Contact: Defrost is started with a contact signal on a digital input • Time
Network: The signal for defrost is received from a system unit • Temperature (with time as safety).
via the data communication
Adaptive defrost: Here defrosting is started based on intelligent
registering of evaporator performance. Compressor
Manual: An extra defrost can be activated from the controller’s If the defrosting method is set to “Gas,” the compressor will be “On”
lower-most button (though, not with application 6) during the defrost cycle.
or via a parameter setting.
All the mentioned methods can be used at random – if just of
them is activated a defrost will be started.

6 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Coordinated defrost
There are two ways in which coordinated defrost can be arranged. Max. 10
Either with wire connections between the controllers or via data

Wire connections
The digital input DI2 is connected between the current controllers.
When one controller starts a defrost all the other controllers will
follow suit and likewise start a defrost. After the defrost the indi-
vidual controllers will move into waiting position. When all are in System manager
waiting position there will be a change-over to refrigeration.

Coordination via data communication

Here the system unit handles the coordination.
The controllers are gathered in defrosting groups and the system
unit ensures that defrosting is started in the group according to a
weekly schedule.
When a controller has completed defrosting, it sends a message
to the system unit and then goes into a waiting position. When
every controller in the group is in a waiting position, refrigeration
is again permitted in all the individual controllers.

Defrost on demand
1 Based on refrigeration time 4 Full adaptive (can start an extra defrost).
When the aggregate refrigeration time has passed a fixed time, This setting can be used if the appliance has a door or a sliding
a defrost will be started. (The function is not activated if the door, or it is completely uncovered both day and night. The
adaptive defrosting has been set to 2, 3 or 4.) setting is also recommended for rooms.
A value is calculated for the evaporator air flow.
Adaptive defrosting: The evaporator is monitored, and a defrost will be carried out as
This function assesses the need for defrosting on the basis of the required regardless of schedules.
airflow through the appliance. It may even start a defrost and may All scheduled defrosts will also be carried out.
even cancel a scheduled defrost.
The following functions can be selected: Adaptive defrosting requires the following connections:
0 Off - Expansion valve type AKV
1 Monitoring - Temperature signal from both S3 and S4
A value is calculated for the evaporator air flow here. - Temperature signal from the condensing pressure Pc which is
An alarm will be triggered in the case of icing up or flash gas. distributed via the network from a system manager. The value
2 Adaptive day (can replace one defrost per day). should show the pressure in front of AKV valve. On plants where
This setting can be used if the appliance does not have a blind or each part is not representative is the signal from system man-
lid during the day, and blinds or lids are used at night. ager not be used. Here, the controller uses a constant.
A value is calculated for the day evaporator air flow.
The evaporator is monitored during the day only, and the next NOTE. The S3 and S4 sensors must be placed in the air flow/chan-
scheduled defrost is carried out if required. nel immediately before/after the evaporator.
If the function does not require a defrost at the time of the
scheduled defrost during the day, the defrost will not be carried Note
out. The function "Adaptive defrost” should only be activated when the
All scheduled and DI defrosts are carried out during the night. evaporator runs under normal operational conditions.
3 Adaptive day and night (can replace defrosting both day and
night). Min. time between defrosts
This setting can be used if the appliance has a door or a sliding There is a 2 hours minimum time between defrosts.
door, or it is completely uncovered both day and night. This avoids that planned defrosts in accordance with the weekly
The setting is also recommended for rooms. schedule or DI signal are carried out immediately after a defrost
A value is calculated for the evaporator air flow. on demand has been carried out. The time applies from when
The evaporator is monitored, and the next scheduled defrost will a defrost on demand has been completed to when a planned
be carried out as required. defrost is again permitted. The defrost on demand will not start
If the function does not require a defrost at the time of the defrosting with a shorter interval than the 2 hours either.
scheduled defrost, the defrost will not be carried out.

Melting function Real-time clock

This function will stop the air flow in the evaporator from being re- The controller has a built-in real-time clock which can be used to
duced by frost created by uninterrupted operation for a long time. start defrosts. This clock has a power reserve of four hours.
The function is activated if the thermostat temperature has If the controller is equipped with data communication, the clock
remained in the range between -5°C and +10°C for a longer will automatically be updated from the system unit.
period than the set melting interval. The refrigeration will then be
stopped during the set melting period. The frost will be melted
so that the air flow and hence the evaporator’s capacity will be
greatly improved.

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 7

Control of two compressors (application 5)
The two compressors must be of the same size. When the control-
ler demands refrigeration it will first cut in the compressor with
the shortest operating time. After the time delay the second
compressor will be cut in.

When the temperature has dropped to ”the middle of the differen-

tial”, the compressor with the longest operation time will be cut
The running compressor will continue until the temperature has
reached the cutout value. Then it will cut out. When the tempera-
ture again reaches the middle of the differential, a compressor will
again be started.
If one compressor cannot maintain the temperature within the
differential, the second compressor will also be started.
If one of the compressors has run on its own for two hours, the
compressors will be changed over so that operational time is bal-

The two compressors must be of a type that can start up against a

high pressure.
The compressors’s settings for ”Min On time” and ”Min Off time”
will always have top priority during normal regulation. But if one
of the override functions is activated, the ”Min On time” will be

It is possible to pulse-control the power to the rail heat in order to
save energy. Pulse control can either be controlled according to
day/night load or dew point.

Pulse control according to day and night

Various ON periods can be set for day and night operation.
A period time is set as well as the percentage part of the period in
which the rail heat is ON.
Rail heat

Pulse control according to dew point

In order to use this function a system manager of the type AK-SM
is required which can measure dew point and distribute the cur-
rent dew point to the appliance controllers. For this the rail heat’s
ON period is controlled from the current dew point.
Two dew point values are set in the appliance control:
• One where the effect must be max. i.e.100%. (o87)
• One where the effect must be min. (o86).
At a dew point which is equal to or lower than the value in 086,
the effect will be the value indicated in o88.
In the area between the two dew point values the controller will
manage the power to be supplied to the rail heat.
Dew point

During defrosting
During defrosting rail heat will be active, as selected in setting

8 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A


Pulse control
To obtain energy savings it is possible to pulse control the power
supply to the fans at the evaporators.
Pulse control can be accomplished in one of the following ways:
- during the thermostat’s cutout period (cold room)
- during night operation and during the thermostat’s cutout pe-
riod (appliance with night lid)
(The function is not actual when r14=2, i.e. modulating

A period of time is set as well as the percentage of this period of

time where the fans have to be operating.
Period time
Cutout of fans during plant breakdowns
If the refrigeration in a breakdown situation stops, the
temperature in the cold room may rise quickly as a result of the
power supply from large fans. In order to prevent this situation the
controller can stop the fans if the temperature at S5 exceeds a set
limit value.

Light function
The function can be used for controlling the light in a refrigeration
appliance or in a cold room. It can also be used for controlling a
motorised night blind.

The light function can be defined in three ways:

- the light is controlled via a signal from a door contact. Together
with this function a time delay can be set so that the light is kept
on for a period of time after the door has been closed.
- the light is controlled via the day/night function
- the light is controlled via the data communication from a system
Here there are two operational options if data communication
should fail:
- The light can go ON
- The light can stay in its current mode.

The light load must be connected to the NC switch on the relay.

This ensures that the light remains on in the appliance if power to
the controller should fail.
The light is switched off when "r12" (Main switch) is set to off (see
The light is switched off when the appliance cleaning function is

Night blind
Motorised night blind can be controlled automatically from the
controller. The night blinds will follow the status of the light
function. When the light is switched on, the night blinds opens
and when the light is switched off, the night blinds close again.
When the night blinds are closed, it is possible to open them using
a switch signal on the digital input. If this pulse signal is activated,
the night blinds will open and the refrigeration appliance can be
filled with new products. If the pulse signal is activated again, the
blinds close again.
When the night blind function is used, the thermostat function
can control with different weighting between the S3 and S4
sensors. A weighting during day operation and another when the
blind is closed.
A night blind is open when the appliance cleaning function is
A setting can define that the night blind is open when "r12" (Main
switch) is set to off (see o98).
When the night blind rolls down, the fan will be stopped for
2 minutes. The night blind can thereby roll down to the correct

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 9

Digital inputs
There are two digital inputs DI1 and DI2 with contact function and
one digital input DI3 with high voltage signal.
They can be used for the following functions:
- Retransmission of contacts position via data communication
- Door contact function with alarm
- Starting a defrost
- Main switch - start/stop of cooling
- Night setback
- Thermostat bands switch
- General alarm monitoring
- Appliance cleaning
- Case shut down
- Forced cooling
- Override of night blinds
- Coordinated defrost (DI2 only)
- Forced closing of valve (DI 3 only)

Forced closing
The AKV valves can be closed with an external signal ( "Forced
The function must be used in connection with the compressor’s
safety circuit, so that there will be no injection of liquid into the
evaporator when the compressor is stopped by the safety con-
trols. (However not at low pressure – LP).
If a defrost cycle is in progress, the forced closing status will not
be re-established until the defrost is completed. Otherwise, the
defrost cycle is stopped immediately once the signal is received.
The function is defined in o90. The signal can be received from the
DI3-input or via the data communication.
During a forced closing the fans can be defined to be stopped or
in operation.

Door contact
The door contact function can via the digital inputs be defined for
two different applications:
Alarm monitoring
The controller monitors the door contact and delivers an alarm
message if the door has been opened for a longer period than
the set alarm delay.
Alarm monitoring and stop of refrigeration
When the door is opened the refrigeration is stopped, i.e. the
injection, the compressor and the fan are stopped and light
switch on.
If the door remains open for a longer time than the set restart
time, refrigeration will be resumed. This will ensure that
refrigeration is maintained even if the door is left open or if the
door contact should be defective. If the door remains open for
a longer period than the set alarm delay an alarm will also be

Heating function
The heating function is used to prevent the temperature
becoming too low, e.g. in a cutting room, etc. The limit for when Refrigeration
the heating function cuts off is set as an offset value under the
current cutout limit for the refrigeration thermostat. This ensures
that refrigeration and heating do not occur simultaneously. Neutral zone
The difference for the heating thermostat has the same value
as for the refrigeration thermostat. To prevent that the heating Heat
thermostat cuts in during short-term drops in air temperature a
time delay can be set for when to change from refrigeration to

10 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Data communication
The controller has fixed built-in MODBUS data communication.

If there is a requirement for a different form of data

communication, a Lon RS 485 or DANBUSS module can be
inserted in the controller.
The connection must then be to terminal RS 485.

(To use a Lon RS 485 module and gateway type AKA 245 the AKA
245 must be Version 6.20 or higher.)

The controller has one plug for a display. Here display type EKA
163B or EKA 164B (max. length 15m) can be connected.
EKA 163B is a display for readings.
EKA 164B is both for readings and operation.
The connection between display and controller may be with a
cable which has a plug at both ends.

If the distance between display and controller is greater than 15

m, the connection must take another form. ! Address
o03 > 0
An extra module must also be mounted in the controller if data
communication is used.
The built-in MODBUS data communication is used so that the
display connection and the data communication to the other
controllers must take place via a module. The module can be:
When a display is to be connected to the built-in MODBUS, the
display can advantageously be changed to one of the same type,
but with Index A (version with screw terminals).
The controllers address must be set higher than 0 in order for the
display to be able to communicate with the controller.
If connection of two displays is required, one must be connected
to the plug (max. 15 m) and the other must then be connected to
the fixed data communication.

All connections to the data communication MODBUS, DANBUSS
and RS 485 must comply with the requirements for data
communication cables. See literature: RC8AC.

The controller contains a number of functions which can be used together with the override function in the master gateway/system
Function via data communication Function in gateway/system manager Used parameters in AK-CC 550A
Start of defrosting Defrost control / Time schedule / Defrost group --- Def start
Coordinated defrost Defrost control / Defrost group --- HoldAfterDef / - - - DefrostState
Prevent defrost start --- Disable Def
Day/Night schedule Day/Night control / Time schedule / Light zone --- Night setback
Light control Day/Night control / Time schedule O39 light Remote
Forced closing Forced Close / Injection ON / AKC ON --- Forced cl.
Forced cooling --- Forced cool
Railheat link to dew point / Enhanced railheat --- Dew point
P0 optimization P0 Optimization The controller supports P0 optimization
Adaptive defrost / Adaptive defrost. System manager only - - - Tc TempMean, MC Def.start

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 11

Applications S3 and S4 are temperature sensors. The application will determine whether
either one or the other or both sensors are to be used. S3 is placed in the air
Here is a survey of the controller’s field of application. flow before the evaporator. S4 after the evaporator.
A percentage setting will determine how the control is to be based. S5 is a
A setting will define the relay outputs so that the defrost sensor and is placed on/in the fins of the evaporator.
controller’s interface will be targeted to the chosen S6 is a product sensor, but in application 9 and 10 it has a different use.
application. DI1, DI2 and DI3 are contact functions that can be used for one of the fol-
lowing functions: door function, alarm function, defrost start, external main
On page 28 you can see the relevant settings for the switch, night operation, change of thermostat reference, appliance cleaning,
respective wiring diagrams. forced refrigeration or coordinated defrost. DI3 has a 230 V input. See the
functions in settings o02, o37and o84.

General: 1
The ten uses are all adapted for commercial
refrigeration systems in the form of either
refrigeration appliances or cold storage rooms.
In general all have outputs for:
• AKV valve
• Fan
• Defrost

In addition they have different uses and thereby

input and outputs.

Application 1-4 2
Standard applications.
This is for standard use where the vital difference
is only different combinations of the following
• Alarm
• Rail heat
• Compressor
• Light

12 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

The following uses have some special functions
which in brief are:

Application 5
”Two-compressor” operation.
The two compressors must be of the same size.
On start-up (after defrosting, operational stop,
etc.) both compressors are started with a set time
shift. One compressor starts at half the differential
so that an optimum adaptation of compressor
capacity takes place for the current load in the
appliance/room. There is automatic runtime 6
equalisation between the compressors.
For a more detailed description please refer to
earlier sections in the manual.

Application 6
Hot gas defrosting.
Hot gas defrosting is adapted to commercial
appliances/rooms with limited system filling.
One relay controls the main valve in the suction
A changeover relay controls both the hot gas 7
valve and the drain valve.
This means that there is no time delay between
stops of hot gas and start of draining.

Application 7
Control of night blinds
Night blinds follow the status of the light function
– when the light is switched on, the night blinds
are up and when the light is switched off, the
night blinds are down. In addition a digital input
provides the option of forced opening of the
blinds so that the appliance can be filled with 8
Application 8
Heat thermostat
The heat thermostat is typically used if the
temperature is to be controlled within narrower
limits, e.g. for cutting rooms, etc. The heating
thermostat can be set as a difference in relation to
the cutout limit for the refrigeration thermostat so
that simultaneous refrigeration and heating are
Application 9
Two refrigeration sections – two defrost outputs
This application is for refrigeration appliances with
one valve, two evaporators and two refrigeration
sections. The temperature is controlled and is
always alarm monitored according to the S4
temperature. For this the product sensor is used as
a defrosting stop sensor for evaporator no. 2.

Application 10
Two refrigeration sections – individual alarm/ 10
display via S3
This application is for refrigeration appliances with

one valve, one evaporator and two refrigeration
sections. The temperature is always controlled
according to the S4 temperature. The product
sensor is used as an extra S3 sensor for section
no. 2. Alarm monitoring and display readings take
place individually via the "S3" sensors in each
refrigeration section.

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 13

Connection signs

The controller is provided with signs from the factory indicating

application 1.
If you employ another use, signs are provided so that you can
mount the relevant one. It is only the lower sign that needs to be

The number is indicated on the left-hand side of the signs. Use the
sign with the current application number. One of the signs applies
to both applications 4 and 10.

14 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Survey of functions
Function Para- Parameter by operation via data
meter communication
Normal display
Normally the temperature value from one of the two thermostat sensors S3 or S4 or a Display air (u56)
mixture of the two measurements is displayed.
In o17 the ratio is determined.
Thermostat Thermostat control
Set point Cutout °C
Regulation is based on the set value plus a displacement, if applicable. The value is set
via a push on the centre button.
The set value can be locked or limited to a range with the settings in r02 and r 03.
The reference at any time can be seen in "u91 Cutout temp".
Differential r01 Differential
When the temperature is higher than the reference + the set differential, the com-
pressor relay will be cut in. It will cut out again when the temperature comes down to
the set reference.

Ref. Dif.
Setpoint limitation
The controller’s setting range for the setpoint may be narrowed down, so that much
too high or much too low values are not set accidentally - with resulting damages.
To avoid a too high setting of the setpoint, the max. allowable reference value may be r02 Max cutout °C
To avoid a too low setting of the setpoint, the min. allowable reference value may be r03 Min cutout °C
Correction of the display’s temperature r04 Disp. Adj. K
If the temperature at the products and the temperature received by the controller are
not identical, an offset adjustment of the display temperature can be carried out.
Temperature unit r05 Temp. unit
Set here if the controller is to show temperature values in °C or in °F. °C=0. / °F=1
(Only °C on AKM, whatever the set-
Correction of signal from S4 r09 Adjust S4
Compensation possibility due to long sensor cable
Correction of signal from S3 r10 Adjust S3
Compensation possibility due to long sensor cable
Start / stop of refrigeration r12 Main Switch
With this setting refrigeration can be started, stopped or a manual override of the
outputs can be allowed. (For manual control the value is set at -1. Then the AKV outlet 1: Start
and the relay outlets can be force-controlled by the respective reading parameters 0: Stop
(u23, u58, etc.). Here the read value can be overwritten.) -1: Manual control of outputs allowed
Start / stop of refrigeration can also be accomplished with the external switch func-
tion connected to a DI input.
Stopped refrigeration will give a ”Standby alarm”.
Night setback value r13 Night offset
The thermostat’s reference will be the setpoint plus this value when the controller
changes over to night operation. (Select a negative value if there is to be cold ac-
Thermostat function r14 Therm. mode
Here it is defined how the thermostat is to operate. Either as an ordinary ON/OFF ther-
mostat or as a modulating thermostat.
1: ON/OFF thermostat
2: Modulating

When operation is ”modulating” the AKV valve will limit the flow of refrigerant so that
the temperature variation will be less than for the ON/OFF thermostat.
The differential (r01) must not be set lower than 2K for "modulating".

In a decentralised plant you must select the ON/OFF thermostat setting.

Selection of thermostat sensor r15 Ther. S4 %
Here you define the sensor the thermostat is to use for its control function. S3, S4, or a
combination of them. With the setting 0%, only S3 is used (Sin). With 100%, only S4.

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Melt function r16 MeltInterval
Only for control of refrigeration (-5 to +10°C). The function ensures that the evapora-
tor will not be blocked by frost. Here you set how often the function is to stop the
refrigeration and hence transform the frost to water (or ice if there is too much frost).

Melt period r17 Melt period

Here you set how long an on-going melt function is to last.
Set point 2 r21 Cutout2 temp
The thermostat’s cutout value when the thermostat band 2 is activated via a digital
Correction of signal from S6 r59 Adjust S6
Compensation possibility due to long sensor cable
Selection of thermostat sensor S4% during night operation r61 Ther.S4% Ngt
Here you define the sensor the thermostat is to use for its control function. S3, S4, or a
combination of them. With the setting 0%, only S3 is used (Sin). With 100%, only S4.
Heat function r62 Heat NZ
Set the size of the Neutral Zone for changeover from cooling to heating
Time delay on transition from refrigeration phase to heating phase. r63 HeatStartDel
(there is not time delay on transition from heating phase to refrigeration phase).
Night setbck
(start of night signal. 0=Day, 1=Night)
Forced cool.
(start of forced cooling)
Forced close
(Forced stop of cooling)
Alarm Alarm settings
The controller can give alarm in different situations. When there is an alarm all the With data communication the impor-
light-emitting diodes (LED) will flash on the controller front panel, and the alarm relay tance of the individual alarms can be
will cut in. defined. Setting is carried out in the
“Alarm destinations” menu via AKM.
Alarm delay (short alarm delay on air temperature) A03 Alarm delay
If the upper or the lower alarm limit values are exceeded, a timer function will com-
mence. The alarm will not become active until the set time delay has been passed.
The time delay is set in minutes.
Time delay for door alarm A04 DoorOpen del
The time delay is set in minutes.
The function is defined in o02 , o37 or in o84.
Time delay for cooling (long alarm delay) A12 Pulldown del
This time delay is used during start-up, during defrost, and after a Appliance cleaning.
There will be change-over to the normal time delay (A03) when the temperature has
dropped below the set upper alarm limit.
The time delay is set in minutes.
Upper alarm limit A13 HighLim Air
Here you set when the alarm for high temperature is to start. The limit value is set in
°C (absolute value).
The limit value will be raised during night operation. The value is the same as the one
set for night setback, but will only be raised if the value is positive.
Lower alarm limit A14 LowLim Air
Here you set when the alarm for low temperature is to start. The limit value is set in °C
(absolute value).
Upper alarm limit for thermostat 2 (Thermostat band 2) A20 HighLim2 Air
(Same function as for thermostat 1)
Lower alarm limit for thermostat 2 (Thermostat band 2) A21 LowLim2 Air
(Same function as for thermostat 1)
Upper alarm limit for S6 temperature at thermostat 1 A22 HighLim1 S6
Lower alarm limit for S6 temperature at thermostat 1 A23 LowLim1 S6
Upper alarm limit for S6 temperature at thermostat 2 (Thermostat band 2) A24 HighLim2 S6
Lower alarm limit for S6 temperature at thermostat 2 (Thermostat band 2) A25 LowLim2 S6
S6 temperature alarm delay A26 Al. Delay S6
The alarm is activated if one of the relevant alarm limits A22, A23, A24 or A25 is
exceeded. The time delay is set in minutes.
(Alarms will not activate when the setting is set to the maximum value.)
Delay of a DI1 alarm A27 AI.Delay DI1
A cut-out/cut-in input will result in alarm when the time delay has been passed. The
function is defined in o02.
Delay of a DI2 alarm A28 AI.Delay DI2
A cut-out/cut-in input will result in alarm when the time delay has been passed. The
function is defined in o37

16 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Signal to the alarm thermostat A36 Alarm S4%
Here you have to define the ratio between the sensors which the alarm thermostat
has to use. S3, S4 or a combination of the two.
With setting 0% only S3 is used. With 100% only S4 is used
Time delay on S6 (product sensor) for pull-down (long alarm delay) A52 PullD del.S6
This time delay is used for start-up, during defrosting, immediately after a defrost and
after an appliance clean.
A change is carried out to standard time delay (A26) when the temperature has
reached below the set upper alarm limit.
The time delay is set in minutes.
Reset alarm
Ctrl. Error (EKC error)
Compressor Compressor control
The compressor relay works in conjunction with the thermostat. When the thermo-
stat calls for refrigeration the compressor relay be operated.
Running times
To prevent irregular operation, values can be set for the time the compressor is to run
once it has been started. And for how long it at least has to be stopped.
The running times are not observed when defrosts start.
Min. ON-time (in minutes) c01 Min. On time
Min. OFF-time (in minutes) c02 Min. Off time
Time delay for couplings of two compressors c05 Step delay
Settings indicate the time that has to elapse from the first relay cuts in and until the
next relay has to cut in.
The LED on the controller’s front will show whether refrigeration is in progress. u58 comp7/LLSV
Here you can read the status of the
compressor relay.
Defrost Defrost control
The controller contains a timer function that is zeroset after each defrost start.
The timer function will start a defrost if/when the interval time is passed.
The timer function starts when voltage is connected to the controller, but it is dis-
placed the first time by the setting in d05.
If there is power failure the timer value will be saved and continue from here when
the power returns.
This timer function can be used as a simple way of starting defrosts, but it will always
act as safety defrost if one of the subsequent defrost starts is not received.
The controller also contains a real-time clock. By means of settings of this clock and
times for the required defrost times, defrost can be started at fixed times of the day.
Defrost start can also be accomplished via data communication, via contact signals or
manual start-up.
All starting methods will function in the controller. The different functions have to be
set, so that multiple defrosts are avoided..
Defrost can be accomplished with electricity, hotgas or brine.
The actual defrost will be stopped based on time or temperature with a signal from a
temperature sensor.
Defrost method d01 Def. method
Here you set whether defrost is to be accomplished with electricity, gas, or (none). 0 = off
During defrost the defrost relay will be cut in. 1 = El
2 = Gas
Defrost stop temperature d02 Def. Stop Temp
The defrost is stopped at a given temperature which is measured with a sensor (the
sensor is defined in d10).
The temperature value is set.

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 17

Interval between defrost starts d03 Def Interval
The function is zeroset and will start the timer function at each defrost start. When (0=off )
the time has expired the function will start a defrost.
The function is used as a simple defrost start, or it may be used as a safeguard if the
normal signal fails to appear.
If master/slave defrost without clock function or without data communication is used,
the interval time will be used as max. time between defrosts.
If a defrost start via data communication does not take place, the interval time will be
used as max. time between defrosts.
When there is defrost with clock function or data communication, the interval time
must be set for a somewhat longer period of time than the planned one, as the
interval time will otherwise start a defrost which a little later will be followed by the
planned one.
In connection with power failure the interval time will be maintained, and when the
power returns the interval time will continue from the maintained value.
The interval time is not active when set to 0.
Max. defrost duration d04 Max Def. time
This setting is a safety time so that the defrost will be stopped if there has not already
been a stop based on temperature or via coordinated defrost.
(The setting is the defrost time if d10 is set to 0.)
Time staggering for defrost cut ins during start-up d05 Time Stagg.
The function is only relevant if you have several refrigeration appliances or groups
where you want the defrost to be staggered in relation to one another. The function is
furthermore only relevant if you have chosen defrost with interval start (d03).
The function delays the interval time d03 by the set number of minutes, but it only
does it once, and this at the very first defrost taking place when voltage is connected
to the controller.
The function will be active after each and every power failure.
Drip-off time d06 DripOff time
Here you set the time that is to elapse from a defrost and until the compressor is to
start again. (The time when water drips off the evaporator).
Delay of fan start after defrost d07 FanStartDel
Here you set the time that is to elapse from compressor start after a defrost and until
the fan may start again. (The time when water is “tied” to the evaporator).
Fan start temperature d08 FanStartTemp
The fan may also be started a little earlier than mentioned under “Delay of fan start
after defrost”, if the defrost sensor S5 registers a lower value than the one set here.
Fan cut in during defrost d09 FanDuringDef
Here you can set whether fan is to operate during defrost.
0: Stopped (Runs during pump down)
1: Running (stopped during "fan delay")
2: Running during pump down and defrost. After that stopped
Defrost sensor d10 DefStopSens.
Here you define the defrost sensor.
0: None, defrost is based on time
1: S5
2: S4
3: Sx. For application 1 to 8 and 10 defrosting is stopped when both S5 and S6 have
reached the set temperature (Both sensors must be located on the evaporator).
For application 9 defrosting is stopped individually on the two sections of S5 /
Pumpdown delay d16 Pump dwn del.
Set the time where the evaporator is emptied of refrigerant prior to the defrost.
Drain delay (only in connection with hotgas) d17 Drain del
Set the time where the evaporator is emptied of condensed refrigerant after the
Defrost on demand – aggregate refrigeration time d18 MaxTherRunT
Set here is the refrigeration time allowed without defrosts. If the time is passed, a
defrost will be started.
With setting = 0 the function is cut out.
Delay on stop of heating in the drip tray d20 Drip Tray del
The time applies from the time the defrost stops by time or temperature to the time
the heating element in the drip tray needs to be disconnected.
Adaptive defrosting d21 AD mode
An adaptive defrosting is an extra defrost in addition to the scheduled defrosts or a
cancellation of a scheduled defrost.
Here the adaptive defrost is set for when it can come into operation if the need arises:
0: Never,
1: Never, but triggers an alarm in the case of icing up
2: Cancellation of day schedule is permitted. Night schedule is carried out
3: Cancellation of day schedule is permitted. Cancellation of night schedule is permit-
4: All schedules are carried out + extra if it is registered that it is required.
(Reset: Temporary setting to 0 will reset the recorded values and start a new calcula-
tion of the evaporator air flow.)
18 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A
Time delay before opening of hot gas valve, so a PMLX valve can close. d23 HotGasInjDel
Rail heat during defrost d27 Railh. at def.
0=off. 1=on. 2=Pulsating

Max. duration of -d- in the display d40 Disp. d del.

Controls the readout of "-d-" after defrost, thus "-d-" is shown until the temperature is
ok, set delay has expired, or a temperature alarm will occur.
If you wish to see the temperature at the defrost sensor, push the controller’s lower- Defrost temp.
most button. (May be changed to another function in o92.)
If you wish to start an extra defrost, push the controller’s lowermost button for four Def Start
seconds. Here you can start a manual defrost
You can stop an ongoing defrost in the same way
Hold After Def
Shows ON when the controller is
operating with coordinated defrost.
Disable def.
Defrost in progress can be stopped

Defrost State
Status on defrost
1= pump down / defrost
Parameter for cooling function
Max. value for the superheat reference n09 Max SH
Min. value for the superheat reference n10 Min SH
MOP temperature n11 MOP temp
If no MOP function is required, select pos. OFF (A value of 15 corresponds to OFF)
AKV valve’s time period in seconds n13 AKV Period
Should only be set to a lower value if it is a decentralised plant and the suction
pressure fluctuates a lot and in line with the opening of the AKV valve.
Fan Fan control
Fan stop temperature F04 FanStopTemp.
The function stops the fans in an error situation, so that they will not provide power
to the appliance. If the defrost sensor registers a higher temperature than the one set
here, the fans will be stopped. There will be re-start at 2 K below the setting.
The function is not active during a defrost or start-up after a defrost.
With setting +50°C the function is interrupted.
Pulse operation of fan F05 FanPulseMode
0: No pulse operation
1: Pulse operation when the thermostat does not call for refrigeration
2: Pulse operation when the thermostat does not call for refrigeration, but only dur-
ing night operation
Pulse operation period for fan F06 Fan cycle
Here the overall pulse time is set. The sum of ON-to and OFF time.
ON time for fan F07 Fan ON %
Here the % part of the period the fans are to be in operation is set.
The LED on the controller’s front will indicate whether a defrost is going on. u59 Fan Relay
Here you can read the fan relay status,
or force-control the relay in “Manual
control” mode.
Internal defrosting schedule/clock function
(Not used if an external defrosting schedule is used via data communication.)
Up to six individual times can be set for the defrost start throughout the day.
Defrost start, hour setting t01-t06
Defrost start, minute setting (1 and 11 belong together, etc.) t11-t16
When all t01 to t16 equal 0 the clock will not start defrosts.
Real-time clock::
Setting the clock is only necessary when there is no data communication.
In the event of a power failure of less than four hours, the clock function will be saved.
Clock: Hour setting t07
Clock: Minute setting t08
Clock: Date setting t45

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Clock: Month setting t46
Clock: Year setting t47
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Delay of output signal after start-up o01 DelayOfOutp.
After start-up or a power failure the controller’s functions can be delayed so that over-
loading of the electricity supply network is avoided.
Here you can set the time delay.
Digital input signal - DI1 o02 DI 1 Config.
The controller has a digital input 1 which can be used for one of the following func- Definition takes place with the nu-
tions: merical value shown to the left.
Off: The input is not used
1) Status display of a contact function (0 = off )
2) Door function. When the input is open it signals that the door is open. The refrig-
eration and the fans are stopped and light switched on. When the time setting in
“A04” is passed, an alarm will be given and refrigeration will be resumed (o89).
3) Door alarm. When the input is open it signals that the door is open. When the time
setting in “A04” is passed, there will be alarm. DI state
4) Defrost. The function is started with a pulse signal. The controller will register when (Measurement)
the DI input is activated. The controller will then start a defrost cycle. The DI input’s present status is shown
5) Main switch. Regulation is carried out when the input is short-circuited, and regula- here. ON or OFF.
tion is stopped when the input is put in pos. OFF.
6) Night operation. When the input is short-circuited, there will be regulation for
night operation.
7) Thermostat band changeover. Switch to thermostat 2 (r21).
8) Separate alarm function. Alarm will be given when the input is short-circuited.
9) Separate alarm function. Alarm will be given when the input is opened. (For 8 and
9 the time delay is set in A27)
10) Appliance cleaning. The function is started with a pulse signal. See also descrip-
tion on page 5.
11) Forced refrigeration at hotgas defrost when the input is short-circuited.
12) Night cover
13,14) Not used
15) Case shut down when the input is closed.
If the controller is built into a network with data communication, it must have an
address, and the master gateway of the data communication must then know this

The address is set between 0 and 240, depending on the system unit and the selected o03
data communication. If the system unit is gateway type AKA 245, the version must be
6.20 or higher.
The address is sent to the gateway when the menu is set in pos. ON o04
IMPORTANT: Before you set o04, you MUST set o61. Otherwise you will be transmit-
ting incorrect data.
(The function is not used when the data communication is MODBUS)
Access code 1 (Access to all settings) o05 Acc. code
If the settings in the controller are to be protected with an access code you can set a
numerical value between 0 and 100. If not, you can cancel the function with setting 0.
(99 will always give you access).
Sensor type for S3, S4, S5 o06 SensorConfig
Normally a Pt 1000 sensor with great signal accuracy is used. But you can also use a Pt = 0
PTC 1000 sensor with another signal accuracy. PTC = 1
All the mounted sensors S3-S5 must be of the same type.
Local readout of software version o08 SW version
Max. standby time after coordinated defrost o16 Max HoldTime
When a controller has completed a defrost it will wait for a signal which tells that the
refrigeration may be resumed. If this signal fails to appear for one reason or another,
the controller will itself start the refrigeration when this standby time has elapsed.
Select signal for the display S4% o17 Disp. S4%
Here you define the signal to be shown by the display.
S3, S4, or a combination of the two.
With setting 0% only S3 is used. With 100% only S4.
Pe. Working range for pressure transmitter - min. value o20 MinTransPres
Pe. Working range for pressure transmitter - max. value o21 MaxTransPres

20 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Refrigerant setting (only if "r12" = 0) o30 Refrigerant
Before refrigeration is started, the refrigerant must be defined. You may choose be-
tween the following refrigerants
1=R12. 2=R22. 3=R134a. 4=R502. 5=R717. 6=R13. 7=R13b1. 8=R23. 9=R500.
10=R503. 11=R114. 12=R142b. 13=Userdefined. 14=R32. 15=R227. 16=R401A.
17=R507. 18=R402A. 19=R404A. 20=R407C. 21=R407A. 22=R407B. 23=R410A.
24=R170. 25=R290. 26=R600. 27=R600a. 28=R744. 29=R1270. 30=R417A.
31=R422A. 32=R413A. 33=R422D. 34=R427A. 35=R438A. 36=XP10. 37=R407F.
38=R1234ze. 39=R1234yf. 40=R448A. 41=R449A. 42=R452A.
Warning: Wrong selection of refrigerant may cause damage to the compressor.
Other refrigerants: Here Setting 13 is selected and then three factors -Ref.Fac a1, a2
and a3 - via AKM must be set.
Digital input signal - D2 o37 DI2 config.
The controller has a digital input 2 which can be used for one of the following func-
Off: The input is not used.
1) Status display of a contact function
2) Door function. When the input is open it signals that the door is open. The refrig-
eration and the fans are stopped. When the time setting in “A04” is passed, an alarm
will be given and refrigeration resumed. (o89).
3) Door alarm. When the input is open it signals that the door is open. When the time
setting in “A04” is passed an alarm will be given.
4) Defrost. The function is started with a pulse signal. The controller will register when
the DI input is activated. The controller will then start a defrost cycle. If the signal
is to be received by several controllers it is important that ALL connections are
mounted the same way (DI to DI and GND to GND).
5) Main switch. Regulation is carried out when the input is short-circuited, and regula-
tion is stopped when the input is put in pos. OFF.
6) Night operation. When the input is short-circuited, there will be regulation for
night operation.
7) Thermostat band changeover. Switch to thermostat 2 (r21)
8) Separate alarm function. Alarm will be given when the input is short-circuited.
9) Separate alarm function. Alarm will be given when the input is opened.
10) Appliance cleaning. The function is started with a pulse signal. See also descrip-
tion on page 5.
11) Forced refrigeration at hotgas defrost when the input is short-circuited.
12) Night blinds. When the input is short-circuited the night blinds will be activated.
13) The input is used for coordinated defrost in conjunction with other controllers of
the same type
14) Not used.
15) Case shut down when input is closed.
Configuration of light function o38 Light config
(If night blind is selected, it will be synchronised with the light function)
1) Light is controlled via day/night status
2) Light is controlled via data communication and "Light remote o39"
3) Light is controlled by door contact, defined in either o02, o37 or o84 where the set-
ting is selected to either 2 or 3. When the door is opened the relay will cut in. When
the door is closed again there will be a time delay of two minutes before the light is
switched off.
4) As "2" but if there are any 15-minute network errors, the light will switch on and the
night blind will open.
Activation of light relay o39 Light remote
The light relay can be activated here, but only if defined in o38 with setting 2.
Rail heat during day operation o41 Railh.ON day%
The ON period is set as a percentage of the time
Rail heat during night operation o42 Railh.ON ngt%
The ON period is set as a percentage of the time
Rail heat cycle o43 Railh. cycle
The period of time for the aggregate ON time + OFF time is set in minutes
Appliance cleaning o46 Case clean
The status of the function can be followed here or the function can be started manu-
0 = Normal operation (no cleaning)
1 = Cleaning with fans operating. All other outputs are Off.
2 = Cleaning with stopped fans. All outputs are Off.
If the function is controlled by a signal at the DI1, DI2 or DI3 input, the relevant status
can be seen here in the menu.
Selection of application o61 Appl. Mode
The controller can be defined in various ways. Here you set which of the 10 applica-
tions is required. On page 12 you can see a survey of applications.
This menu can only be set when regulation is stopped, i.e. “r12” is set to 0.

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 21

Transfer a set of pre-settings to the controller o62 -
An option exists to select quick settings for a number of parameters. This is based on
whether an appliance or a room needs to be controlled or whether the defrosting
must be stopped by time or by temperature. The overview can be seen on page 27.
This menu can only be set when the control is stopped, i.e. When "r12" is set at 0.

On setting the value will fall back to 0. A subsequent adjustment/setting of param-

eters can be carried out as required.
Access code 2 (Access to adjustments) o64 Acc. code 2
There is access to adjustments of values, but not to configuration settings. If the set-
tings in the controller are to be protected with an access code you can set a numeri-
cal value between 0 and 100. If not, you can cancel the function with setting 0. If the
function is used, access code 1 (o05) must also be used.
Save as factory setting o67 -
With this setting you save the controller’s actual settings as a new basic setting (the
earlier factory settings are overwritten).

Digital input signal - DI3 (high voltage input) o84 DI3 config.
The controller has a digital input 3 which can be used for one of the following func-
Off: The input is not used.
1) Status display of 230 V signal
2) Door function. When the input is 0 V it signals that the door is open. The refrigera-
tion and the fans are stopped. When the time setting in “A04” is passed, an alarm
will be given and refrigeration resumed. (o89)
3) Door alarm. When the input is 0 V it signals that the door is open. When the time
setting in “A04” is passed an alarm will be given.
4) Defrost. The function is started with a pulse signal. (puls on 230 V)
5) Main switch. Regulation is carried out when the input is 230 V, and regulation is
stopped when the input is 0 V.
6) Night operation. When the input is 230 V, there will be regulation for night opera-
7) Thermostat band changeover. Switch to thermostat 2 (r21)
8) Not used.
9) Not used.
10) Appliance cleaning. The function is started with a pulse signal (pulse on 230 V).
See also description on page 5.
11) Forced refrigeration at hotgas defrost when the input is 230 V.
12) Night cover
13) Not used
14) Cooling stopped with the function "Forced closing"
15) Case shut down when the input is closed. Receiver 230V
Rail heat control o85 Railh. mode
The rail heat can be controlled in several ways:
0: The function is not used
1: Pulse control is used with a timer function following the day/night operation (o41
and o42)
2: Pulse control is used with a dew point function. This function requires that a signal
is received about the dew point value. The value is measured by a system manager
and sent to the controller via the data communication.
Dew point value where the rail heat is minimum o86 DewP Min lim
This function is discussed earlier in the manual.
Dew point value where the rail heat is maximum o87 DewP Max lim
This function is discussed earlier in the manual.
Lowest permitted rail heat effect o88 Rail Min ON%
Here the % part of the effect to be achieved when the dew point value is minimum.
Start of refrigeration when door is open o89 DoorInjStart
If the door has been left open, refrigeration must be started after a set time. That time
can be set here.
Defrosting and fan operation during forced closing o90 Mode ForcedCl
You can set whether fans should be operational or stopped if the function “Forced
closing” is activated here.
0: The fans will be stopped and defrosting will be permitted.
1: The fans will run and defrosting will be permitted.
2: The fans will be stopped and defrosting will not be permitted during a forced closing.
3: The fans will run and defrosting will not be permitted during a forced closing.
Alternative display o92 Displ menu 2
A reading can be displayed by pressing the lower button on the controller. This read-
ing is set from the factory so that the defrosting stop temperature is displayed.
A different setting will give the following reading:
1: (Defrost stop temperature = factory setting)
2: S6 temperature
3: S5B temperature (Application 9 only)
4: S3B temperature (Application 10 only)

22 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Display of temperature during normal operation o97 Disp. Ctrl.
1: Air temperature. Weighted S3 + S4
2: Product temperature S6 (not application 9 and 10)
Light and night blinds definition o98 Light MS = Off
0: Light is switched off and night blinds are open when the main switch is off
1: Light and night blinds are independent of main switch.
Configuration of alarm relay P41 Al.Rel. Conf.
The alarm relay will be activated upon an alarm signal from the following groups:
1 - High temperature alarms
2 - Low temperature alarms
4 - Sensor error
8 - Digital input enabled for alarm
16 - Defrosting alarms
32 - Miscellaneous
64 - Injection alarms
The groups that are to activate the alarm relay must be set by using a numerical value
which is the sum of the groups that must be activated.
(E.g.: a value of 5 will activate all high temperature alarms and all sensor error and 0
will cancel relay function
Case shut down
Service Service
Temperature measured with S5 sensor u09 S5 temp.
Status on DI1 input. on/1=closed u10 DI1 status
Read the duration of the ongoing defrost or the duration of the last completed u11 Defrost time
Temperature measured with S3 sensor u12 S3 air temp
Status at the day-/night operation (night operation: on/off ) u13 Night Cond.
Temperature measured with S4 sensor u16 S4 air temp
Thermostat temperature u17 Ther. air
Read the ongoing cutin time for the thermostat or the duration of the last com- u18 Ther runtime
pleted cutin
Read the temperature at the S2 sensor u20 S2 temp.
Read superheat u21 Superheat
Read the control’s actual superheat reference u22 SH ref.
Read the valve’s actual opening degree u23 AKV OD %
Read the evaporating pressure u25 Evap.press Pe
Read the evaporating temperature u26 Evap.temp Te
Read the temperature at the S6 sensor u36 S6 temp
Status on DI2 output. on/1=closed u37 DI2 status
Air temperature. Weighted S3 + S4 u56 Display air
Measured temperature for alarm thermostat u57 Alarm air
* Status on relay for cooling u58 Comp1/LLSV
* Status on relay for fan u59 Fan relay
* Status on relay for defrost u60 Def. relay
* Status on relay for railheat u61 Railh. relay
* Status on relay for alarm u62 Alarm relay
* Status on relay for light u63 Light relay
* Status on relay for valve in suction line u64 SuctionValve
* Status on relay for compressor 2 u67 Comp2 relay
* Temperature measured with S5B sensor u75 S5 temp. B
* Temperature measured with S3B sensor u76 S3 temp. B
* Status on relay for hot gas u80 Hotgas valve
* Status on relay for heating element in drip tray u81 Drip tray
* Status on relay for night blinds u82 Blinds relay
* Status on relay for defrost B u83 Def. relay B
* Status on relay for heat function u84 Heat relay
* Readout of the actual rail heat effect in % u85 Rail DutyC %
Readout of which thermostat used for regulation: 1= Thermostat 1, u86 Ther. band
2= Thermostat 2
Status on input DI3 (on/1 = 230 V) u87 DI3 status
Readout of the actual cutin value for the thermostat u90 Cutin temp.

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 23

Readout of the actual cut out value for the thermostat u91 Cutout temp.
Status on function "Adaptive defrost" U01 AD state
0: Off. Function is not activated and is zero set
1: Sensor error S3/S4 are reversed.
2: Tuning is in progress
3: Normal
4: Light build-up of ice
5: Medium build-up of ice
6: Heavy build-up of ice
Number of defrosts carried out since the initial power up or since the resetting of U10 Acc.defrost
the function
Number of defrosts skipped since the initial power up or since the resetting of the U11 Acc.def.skip
*) Not all will be displayed. Only the function belonging to the selection application is displayed.

Operating status (Measurement)

The controller goes through some regulating situations where it is just waiting for the next point Ctrl. state:
of the regulation. To make these “why is nothing happening” situations visible, you can see an (Shown in all menu displays)
operating status on the display. Push briefly (1s) the upper button. If there is a status code, it will
be shown on the display. The individual status codes have the following meanings:

Normal regulation S0 0
Waiting for end of the coordinated defrost S1 1
When the compressor is operating it must run for at least x minutes. S2 2
When the compressor is stopped, it must remain stopped for at least x minutes. S3 3
The evaporator drips off and waits for the time to run out S4 4
Refrigeration stopped by main switch. Either with r12 or a DI-input S10 10
Refrigeration stopped by thermostat S11 11
Defrost sequence. Defrost in progress S14 14
Defrost sequence. Fan delay — water attaches to the evaporator S15 15
Refrigeration stopped due to open ON input or stopped regulation S16 16
Door is open. DI input is open S17 17
Melt function in progress. Refrigeration is interrupted S18 18
Modulating thermostat control S19 19
Emergency cooling due to sensor error S20 20
Regulation problem in the injections function S21 21
Start-up phase 2. Evaporator being charged S22 22
Adaptive control S23 23
Start-up phase 1. Signal reliability from sensors is controlled S24 24
Manual control of outputs S25 25
No refrigerant selected S26 26
Appliance cleaning S29 29
Forced cooling S30 30
Delay on outputs during start-up S32 32
Heat function r36 is active S33 33
Case shut down S45 45
Other displays:
The defrost temperature cannot be displayed. There is stop based on time non
Defrost in progress / First cooling after the defrost where the temperature is still above the -d-
thermostat band.
Password required. Set password PS
Regulation is stopped via main switch OFF

*) Emergency cooling will take effect when there is lack of signal from a defined S3 or S4 sensor or signal from the pressure transmitter is outside signal
range.. The regulation will continue with a registered average cutin frequency. There are two registered values – one for day operation and one for
night operation.

24 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Fault message
In an error situation the LED’s on the front will flash and the alarm relay will be activated. If you push the top button in this situation you can see the
alarm report in the display.
There are two kinds of error reports - it can either be an alarm occurring during the daily operation, or there may be a defect in the installation.
A-alarms will not become visible until the set time delay has expired.
E-alarms, on the other hand, will become visible the moment the error occurs.
(An A alarm will not be visible as long as there is an active E alarm).
Here are the messages that may appear:
Code / Alarm text via data Description Alarm relay groups (P41)
A1/--- High t.alarm High temperature alarm 1
A2/--- Low t. alarm Low temperature alarm 2
A4/--- Door alarm Door alarm 8
A5/--- Max hold time The ”o16” function is activated during a coordinated defrost 16
A10/--- Inject prob. Control problem 64
A11/--- No Rfg. sel. No refrigerant selected 64
A13/--- High temp S6 Temperature alarm. High S6 1
A14/--- Low temp S6 Temperature alarm. Low S6 2
A15/--- DI1 alarm DI1 alarm 8
A16/--- DI2 alarm DI2 alarm 8
A45/--- Standby mode Standby position (stopped refrigeration via r12 or DI input) -
A59/--- Case clean Appliance cleaning. Signal from DI input -
--- AD fault Error in the adaptive defrost function 16
--- AD Iced Evaporator is iced up. Reduction of air flow 16
--- AD not defr. Defrost of evaporator is not satisfactory 16
--- AD flashgas Flash gas is formed at the valve 16
E1/--- Ctrl. error Faults in the controller 32
E6/--- RTC error Check clock 32
E20/--- Pe error Error on pressure transmitter Pe 64
E24/--- S2 error Error on S2 sensor 4
E25/--- S3 error Error on S3 sensor 4
E26/--- S4 error Error on S4 sensor 4
E27/--- S5 error Error on S5 sensor 4
E28/--- S6 error Error on S6 sensor 4
E34/--- S3 error B Error on S3B sensor (appl. 10 only) 4
E37/--- S5 error B Error on S5B sensor 4
---/--- Max Def.Time Defrost stopped based on time instead of, as wanted, on temperature 16
Data communication
The importance of individual alarms can be defined with a setting. The setting must be carried out in the group "Alarm destinations"
Settings from Settings from Log Alarm relay Send via
System manager AKM (AKM destination) Non High Low-High Network
High 1 X X X X
Middle 2 X X X
Low 3 X X X
Log only X

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 25

Display Get a good start
The values will be shown with three digits, and with a setting you
can determine whether the temperature is to be shown in °C or in With the following procedure you can start regulation very quick-
°F. ly:

1 Open parameter r12 and stop the regulation (in a new and not
previously set unit, r12 will already be set to 0 which means
stopped regulation.)

Light-emitting diodes (LED) on front panel 2 Select electrical connection based on the drawings on page 12
The LED’s on the front panel will light up when the relevant relay and 13
is activated.
= Refrigeration 3 Open parameter o61 and set the electric connection number in
= Defrost it
= Fan running
4 Now select one of the preset settings from the table on page 27.
The light-emitting diodes will flash when there is an alarm.
In this situation you can download the error code to the display 5 Open parameter o62 and set the number for the array of preset-
and cancel/sign for the alarm by giving the top button a brief tings. The few selected settings will now be transferred to the
push. menu.

6 Select refrigerant via parameter o30

The buttons 7 Open parameter r12 and start the regulation

When you want to change a setting, the upper and the lower
buttons will give you a higher or lower value depending on the 8 Go through the survey of factory settings. The values in the grey
button you are pushing. But before you change the value, you cells are changed according to your choice of settings. Make any
must have access to the menu. You obtain this by pushing the necessary changes in the respective parameters.
upper button for a couple of seconds - you will then enter the col-
umn with parameter codes. Find the parameter code you want to 9 For network. Set the address in o03
change and push the middle buttons until value for the parameter
is shown. When you have changed the value, save the new value 10 Send address to system unit:
by once more pushing the middle button. • MODBUS: Activate scan function in system unit
• If another data communication card is used in the controller:
- LON RS485: Activate the function o04
Examples - DANBUSS: Activate the function o04

Set menu
1. Push the upper button until a parameter r01 is shown
2. Push the upper or the lower button and find that parameter you
want to change
3. Push the middle button until the parameter value is shown
4. Push the upper or the lower button and select the new value
5. Push the middle button again to freeze the value.

Cutout alarm relay / receipt alarm/see alarm code

• A short press of the upper button
If there are several alarm codes they are found in a rolling stack.
Push the uppermost or lowermost button to scan the rolling

Set temperature
1. Push the middle button until the temperature value is shown
2. Push the upper or the lower button and select the new value
3. Push the middle button again to conclude the setting.

Reading the temperature at defrost sensor (Or product sensor, if

selected in o92.)
• A short press of the lower button

Manuel start or stop of a defrost

• Push the lower button for four seconds.
(not application 6)

26 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Auxiliary schedule for settings (quick-setup)
Case Room
Defrost stop on Defrost stop Defrost stop on Defrost stop
time on S5 time on S5
Preset settings (o62) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Temperature (SP) 2°C -2°C -28°C 4°C 0°C -22°C
Max. temp. setting (r02) 6°C 4°C -22°C 8°C 5°C -20°C
Min. temp. setting (r03) 0°C -4°C -30°C 0°C -2°C -24°C
Sensor signal for thermostat. S4% (r15) 100% 0%
Alarm limit high (A13) 8°C 6°C -15°C 10°C 8°C -15°C
Alarm limit low (A14) -5°C -5°C -30°C 0°C 0°C -30°C
Sensor signal for alarm funct.S4% (A36) 0% 100% 0%
Interval between defrost (d03) 6h 6h 12h 8h 8h 6h
Defrost sensor: 0=time, 1=S5, 2=S4 (d10) 0 1 1 0 1 1
DI1 config. (o02) Appliance cleaning (=10) Door function (=2)
Sensor signal for display view S4% (017) 0%

Note: For applications 9 and 10 the sensor weighting for the S3/S4 sensors is not used for the thermostat, alarm thermostat and display readings as the
sensor uses are predefined.

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 27

Menu survey SW = 1.9x
Parameter EL-diagram page 12 or 13
Factory Actual
Function Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Min.-value Max.-value setting setting

Normal operation
Temperature (setpoint) --- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C 2
Differential r01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.1 K 20 K 2
Max. limitation of setpoint setting r02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -49°C 50°C 50
Min. limitation of setpoint setting r03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 49°C -50
Adjustment of temperature indication r04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -10 10 0
Temperature unit (°C/°F) r05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0/°C 1/F 0/°C
Correction of the signal from S4 r09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -10 K 10 K 0
Correction of the signal from S3 r10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -10 K 10 K 0
Manual service, stop regulation, start regulation (-1, 0, 1) r12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 0
Displacement of reference during night operation r13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50 K 50 K 0
Define thermostat function r14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
1=ON/OFF, 2=Modulating
Definition and weighting, if applicable, of thermostat sen- r15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 100 % 100
sors - S4% (100%=S4, 0%=S3)
Time between melt periods r16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 hrs 10 hrs 1
Duration of melt periods r17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 30 min. 5
Temperature setting for thermostat band 2 . As differential r21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C 2
use r01
Correction of the signal from S6 r59 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -10 K 10 K 0
Definition and weighting, if applicable, of thermostat sen- r61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 100 % 100
sors when night cover is on. (100%=S4, 0%=S3)
Heat function r62 1 0K 50 K 2
Neutral zone between refrigeration and heat function
Time delay at switch between refrigeration and heat r63 1 0 min. 240 min. 0
Delay for temperature alarm A03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 30
Delay for door alarm A04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 60
Delay for temperature alarm after defrost A12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 90
High alarm limit for thermostat 1 A13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C 8
Low alarm limit for thermostat 1 A14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C -30
High alarm limit for thermostat 2 A20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C 8
Low alarm limit for thermostat 2 A21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C -30
High alarm limit for sensor S6 at thermostat 1 A22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C 8
Low alarm limit for sensor S6 at thermostat 1 A23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C -30
High alarm limit for sensor S6 at thermostat 2 A24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C 8
Low alarm limit for sensor S6 at thermostat 2 A25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C -30
S6 alarm time delay A26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 240
With setting = 240 the S6 alarm will be omitted
Alarm time delay or signal on the DI1 input A27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 30
Alarm time delay or signal on the DI2 input A28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 30
Signal for alarm thermostat. S4% (100%=S4, 0%=S3) A36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 100 % 100
Delay for S6 (product sensor alarm) after defrost A52 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 90
Min. ON-time c01 1 1 1 1 0 min. 30 min. 0
Min. OFF-time c02 1 1 1 1 0 min. 30 min. 0
Time delay for cutin of comp.2 c05 1 0 sec 999 sec 5
Defrost method: 0=off, 1= EL, 2= gAs d01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0/off 2/gAs 1/EL
Defrost stop temperature d02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0°C 50°C 6
Interval between defrost starts d03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 hrs/Off 240 hrs 8
Max. defrost duration d04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 360 min. 45
Displacement of time on cutin of defrost at start-up d05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 0

Drip off time d06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 60 min. 0

Delay for fan start after defrost d07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 60 min. 0
Fan start temperature d08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50 °C 0 °C -5
Fan cutin during defrost d09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1
0: Stopped
1: Running
2: Running during pump down and defrost

28 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Continued Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Min. Max. Fac. Actual d
Defrost sensor: 0 =Stop on time, 1=S5, 2=S4, 3=Sx d10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 0 (i
(Application 1-8 and 10: both S5 and S6.
Application 9: S5 and S5B)
Pump down delay d16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 60 min. 0
Drain delay (used at hot gas defrost only) d17 1 0 min. 60 min. 0
Max. aggregate refrigeration time between two defrosts d18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 hrs 48 hrs 0/OFF
Heat in drip tray. Time from defrosting stops to heating d20 1 0 min. 240 min. 30
in the drip tray is switched off
Adaptive defrost: d21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 0
0=not active, 1=monitoring only, 2=skip allowed day,
3=skip allowed both day and night, 4=own assessment
+ all schedules
Time delay before opening of hot gas valve d23 1 0 min 60 min 0
Rail heat during defrost d27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2
0=off. 1=on. 2=Pulsating
Max. duration of -d- in display d40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 min. 240 min. 30 min.
Injection control function
Max. value of superheat reference n09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2°C 20°C 12
Min. value of superheat reference n10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2°C 20°C 3
MOP temperature. Off if MOP temp. = 15.0 °C n11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 15°C 15
Period time of AKV pulsation n13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 sec 6 sec 6
Only for trained personnel
Fan stop temperature (S5) F04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -50°C 50°C 50
Pulse operation on fans: 0=No pulse operation, 1=At F05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0
thermostat cuts out only, 2= Only at thermostat cut
outs during night operation
Period time for fan pulsation (on-time + off-time) F06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 min. 30 min. 5
On-time in % of period time F07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 100 % 100
Real time clock
Six start times for defrost. t01 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 hrs 23 hrs 0
Setting of hours. t06
Six start times for defrost. t11 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 59 min. 0
Setting of minutes. t16
Clock - Setting of hours t07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 hrs 23 hrs 0
Clock - Setting of minute t08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 59 min. 0
Clock - Setting of date t45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 day 31 day 1
Clock - Setting of month t46 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mon. 12 mon. 1
Clock - Setting of year t47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 year 99 year 0
Delay of output signals after start-up o01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 sec 600 sec 5
Input signal on DI1. Function: o02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 15 0
0=not used. 1=status on DI1. 2=door function with alarm
when open. 3=door alarm when open. 4=defrost start
(pulse-signal). 5=ext.main switch. 6=night operation
7=thermostat band changeover (activate r21). 8=alarm
function when closed. 9=alarm function when open.
10=Appliance cleaning (pulse signal). 11=forced cooling at
hot gas defrost, 12=night cover. 15=case shut down
Network address o03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 240 0
On/Off switch (Service Pin message) o04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0/Off 1/On 0/Off
IMPORTANT! o61 must be set prior to o04
(used at LON 485 and DANBUSS only)
Access code 1 (all settings) o05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 100 0
Used sensor type : 0=Pt1000, 1=Ptc1000, o06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0/Pt 1/Ptc 0/Pt
Readout of software version o08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max hold time after coordinated defrost o16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 360 min. 20
Select signal for display view. S4% (100%=S4, 0%=S3) o17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 100 % 100
Pressure transmitter working range – min. value o20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 bar 5 bar -1
Pressure transmitter working range – max. value o21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 bar 200 bar 12
Refrigerant setting: o30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 42 0
1=R12. 2=R22. 3=R134a. 4=R502. 5=R717. 6=R13.
7=R13b1. 8=R23. 9=R500. 10=R503. 11=R114.
12=R142b. 13=User defined. 14=R32. 15=R227.
16=R401A. 17=R507. 18=R402A. 19=R404A. 20=R407C.
21=R407A. 22=R407B. 23=R410A. 24=R170. 25=R290.
26=R600. 27=R600a. 28=R744. 29=R1270. 30=R417A.
31=R422A. 32=R413A. 33=R422D. 34=R427A. 35=R438A.
36=R513A. 37=R407F. 38=R1234ze. 39=R1234yf.
40=R448A. 41=R449A. 42=R452A

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 29

Continued Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Min. Max. Fac. Actual
Input signal on DI2. Function: o37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 15 0
(0=not used. 1=status on DI2. 2=door function with alarm
when open. 3=door alarm when open. 4=defrost start
(pulse-signal). 5=ext. main switch 6=night operation
7=thermostat band changeover (activate r21). 8=alarm
function when closed. 9=alarm function when open.
10=Appliance cleaning (pulse signal). 11=forced cooling at
hot gas defrost.). 12=night cover, 13=coordinated defrost).
15=case shut down
Configuration of light function: 1=Light follows day /night o38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1
operation, 2=Light control via data communication
via ‘o39’, 3=Light control with a DI-input, 4=As "2", but
light switch on and night cover will open if the network
cut out for more than 15 minutes.
Activation of light relay (only if o38=2) On=light o39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0/Off 1/On 0/Off
Rail heat On time during day operations o41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 100 % 100
Rail heat On time during night operations o42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 100 % 100
Rail heat period time (On time + Off time) o43 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 min. 60 min. 10
Appliance cleaning. 0=no Appliance cleaning. 1=Fans only. *** o46 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0
2=All output Off.
Selection of EL diagram. See overview page 12 and 13 * o61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1
Download a set of predetermined settings. See overview * o62 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 0
page 27.
Access code 2 (partial access) *** o64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 100 0
Replace the controllers factory settings with the present o67 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0/Off 1/On 0/Off
Input signal on DI3. Function: (high voltage input) o84 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 15 0
(0=not used. 1=status on DI2. 2=door function with alarm
when open. 3=door alarm when open. 4=defrost start
(pulse-signal). 5=ext. main switch 6=night operation,
7=thermostat band changeover (activate r21). 8=Not
used. 9=Not used. 10=Appliance cleaning (pulse signal).
11=forced cooling at hot gas defrost, 12=night cover.
13=Not used. 14=Refrigeration stopped (forced
closing)). 15=case shut down
Rail heat control o85 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0
0=not used, 1=pulse control with timer function (o41
and o42), 2=pulse control with dew point function
Dew point value where the rail heat is minimum o86 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -10°C 50°C 8
Dew point value where the rail heat is 100% on o87 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -9°C 50°C 17
Lowest permitted rail heat effect in % o88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 100 % 30
Time delay from "open door” refrigeration is started o89 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 min. 240 min. 30
Fan operation at stopped cooling (forced closing): o90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 1
0= Stopped (defrost allowed)
1= Running (defrost allowed)
2= Stopped (defrost not allowed)
3= Running (defrost not allowed)
1=defrost stop temperature, 2=S6 temperature, o92 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1
3=S5_B temperature (application 9), 4=S3B (application
Display of temperature o97 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
1= u56 Air temperature
2= u36 product temperature
Light and night blinds defined o98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
0: Light is switch off and night blind is open when the
main switch is off
1: Light and night blind is independent of main switch
Configuration of alarm relay P41 1 1 1 1 1 0 127 111
The alarm relay will be activated upon an alarm signal
from the following groups:
1 - High temperature alarms
2 - Low temperature alarms
4 - Sensor error
8 - Digital input enabled for alarm
16 - Defrosting alarms
32 - Miscellaneous
64 - Injection alarms
The groups that are to activate the alarm relay must be
set by using a numerical value which is the sum of the
groups that must be activated.
(E.g.: a value of 5 will activate all high temperature
alarms and all sensor error and 0 will cancel the relay

30 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Continued Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Min. Max. Fac. Actual
Temperature measured with S5 sensor u09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Status on DI1 input. on/1=closed u10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Actual defrost time (minutes) u11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Temperature measured with S3 sensor u12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Status on night operation (on or off ) 1=on u13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Temperature measured with S4 sensor u16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Thermostat temperature u17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Run time of thermostat (cooling time) in minutes u18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Temperature of evaporator outlet temp. u20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Superheat across evaporator u21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Reference of superheat control u22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Opening degree of AKV valve ** u23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Evaporating pressure Po (relative) u25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Evaporator temperature To (Calculated) u26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Temperature measured with S6 sensor u36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(product temperature)
Status on DI2 output. on/1=closed u37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Air temperature . Weighted S3 and S4 u56 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Measured temperature for alarm thermostat u57 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Status on relay for cooling ** u58 1 1 1 1
Status on relay for fan ** u59 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Status on relay for defrost ** u60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Status on relay for railheat ** u61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Status on relay for alarm ** u62 1 1 1 1 1
Status on relay for light ** u63 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Status on relay for valve in suction line ** u64 1
Status on relay for compressor 2 ** u67 1
Temperature measured with S5B sensor u75 1
Temperature measured with S3B sensor u76 1
Status on relay for hot gas- / drain valve ** u80 1
Status on relay for heating element in drip tray ** u81 1
Status on relay for night blinds ** u82 1
Status on relay for defrost B ** u83 1
Status on relay for heat function ** u84 1
Readout of the actual rail heat effect u85 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1: Thermostat 1 operating, 2: Thermostat 2 operating u86 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Status on high voltage input DI3 u87 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Readout of thermostats actual cut in value u90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Readout of thermostats actual cut out value u91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Readout of status on the adaptive defrost U01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0: Off. Function is not activated and are zero set
1: Sensor error or S3/S4 are reversed.
2: Tuning is in progress
3: Normal
4: Light build-up of ice
5: Medium build-up of ice
6: Heavy build-up of ice
Number of defrosts carried out since the initial power U10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
up or since the resetting of the function
Number of defrosts skipped since the initial power up U11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
or since the resetting of the function

*) Can only be set when regulation is stopped (r12=0)

**) Can be controlled manually, but only when r12=-1
***) With access code 2 the access to these menus will be limited

Factory setting
If you need to return to the factory-set values, it can be done in this way:
- Cut out the supply voltage to the controller
- Keep upper and lower button depressed at the same time as you reconnect the supply voltage

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 31


Application DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DI1 DI2 DI3 AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 AI5 AI6
Overview of outputs and
applications. 1 • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

See also electrical diagrams earlier

2 • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

in the manual 3 • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

4 • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

5 • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

6 suction hotgas • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

7 Blinds
• • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

8 heat • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

9 2 1 • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S5B

10 • • • P0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S3B

Digital input signal. EKA Display
The defined function is active when the input is short-circuited/ If there is be external reading/operation of the controller, display
opened. The function is defined in o02. type EKA 163B or EKA 164B can be connected.

DI2 RS485 (terminal 51, 52, 53)

Digital input signal. For data communication, but only if a data communication
The defined function is active when the input is short-circuited/ module is inserted in the controller. The module can be a LON
opened. The function is defined in o37. RS485, DANBUSS or a MODBUS.
Terminal 51 = screen
Pressure transmitter Terminal 52 = A (A+)
AKS 32R Terminal 53 = B (B-)
Connect to terminal 30, 31 and 32. (For LON RS485 and gateway type AKA 245 the gateway must be
(Used cable 060G1034: Black=30, Blue=31, Brown=32) version 6.20 or higher.)
The signal from one pressure transmitter can be received by up
to 10 controllers. But only if there are no significant pressure RJ45
decreases between the evaporators to be controlled. See For data communication, but only if a TCP/IP module is inserted in
drawing on page 34. the controller. (OEM specific)

Pt 1000 ohm sensor For data communication.
S6 / S5B / S3B, product sensor or defrost sensor B or air sensor B. Terminal 56 = screen
The application determines which. Terminal 57 = A+
Terminal 58 = B-
S3, S4, S5 (Alternatively the terminals can be connected to an external
Pt 1000 ohm sensor or PTC 1000 ohm sensor. All have to be of display type EKA 163A or 164A, but then they cannot be used
the same type. for data communication. Any data communication must then be
S3, air sensor, placed in the warm air before the evaporator carried out by one of the other methods.)
S4, air sensor, placed in the cold air after the evaporator
(the need for either S3 or S4 can be deselected in the Supply voltage
configuration) 230 V a.c.
S5, defrost sensor, placed on the evaporator

32 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Connection of expansion valve type AKV or AKVA. The coil must Light relay
be a 230 V a.c. coil. There is connection between terminal 17 and 18 when the
DO2 light must be on.
Alarm Rail heat, Compressor 2
There is a connection between terminal 7 and 8 in alarm There is connection between terminal 17 and 19 when the
situations and when the controller is without power. function must be active.
Rail heat and heating element in drip tray
There is connection between terminal 7 and 9 when heating DI3
takes place. Digital input signal.
Night blind The signal must have a voltage of 0 / 230 V AC.
There is connection between terminal 7 and 9 when the night The function is defined in o84.
blind is up.
Suction line valve Data communication
There is connection between terminal 7 and 9 when the If data communication is used, it is important that the installation
suction line must be open. of the data communication cable is performed correctly.
See separate literature No. RC8AC…
Refrigeration, Rail heat, Heat function, Defrost 2 Electric noise
There is connection between terminal 10 and 11 when the Cables for sensors, DI inputs and data communication must be
function must be active. kept separate from other electric cables:
Heating element in drip tray - Use separate cable trays
There is connection between terminal 10 and 11 when heating - Keep a distance between cables of at least 10 cm
takes place. - Long cables at the DI input should be avoided

DO4 Installation considerations

Defrost Accidental damage, poor installation, or site conditions, can give
There is connection between terminal 12 and 14 when rise to malfunctions of the control system, and ultimately lead to a
defrosting takes place. plant breakdown.
Hot gas / drain valve Every possible safeguard is incorporated into our products to
There is connection between terminal 13 and 14 during normal prevent this. However, a wrong installation, for example, could still
operation. present problems. Electronic controls are no substitute for normal,
There is connection between terminal 12 and 14 when the hot good engineering practice.
gas valves must open. Danfoss will not be responsible for any goods, or plant compo-
nents, damaged as a result of the above defects. It is the installer's
DO5 responsibility to check the installation thoroughly, and to fit the
Fan necessary safety devices.
There is connection between terminal 15 and 16 when the fan Special reference is made to the necessity of signals to the
is on. controller when the compressor is stopped and to the need of
liquid receivers before the compressors.
Your local Danfoss agent will be pleased to assist with further
advice, etc.

Coordinated defrost via Max. 10

cable connections The following controllers can be connected
up in this way:
EKC 204A, AK-CC 210, AK-CC 250,
AK-CC 450, AK-CC 550A,

Refrigeration is resumed when all

controllers have “released” the signal for

Coordinated defrost via

data communication
The setting of controllers to coordinate
their defrosting takes place in the
gateway/system manager.

Refrigeration is resumed when all

controllers have “released” the signal for

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 33

Supply voltage 230 V a.c. +10/-15 %. 5 VA, 50/60 Hz

Sensor S2, S6 Pt 1000

Pt 1000 or
Sensor S3, S4, S5 PTC 1000 ohm
(All 3 must be of the same type)
Measuring range -60 to +120°C
±1 K below -35°C
Controller ±0.5 K between -35 to +25°C
±1 K above +25°C
±0.3 K at 0°C
Pt 1000 sensor
±0.005 K per grad
Measuring of Pe AKS 32R
Display LED, 3-digits
External display EKA 163B or 164B. (any EKA 163A or 164A)
Signal from contact functions
Digital inputs Requirements to contacts: Gold plating
DI1, DI2 Cable length must be max. 15 m
Use auxiliary relays when the cable is longer
Digital input DI3 230 V a.c.
Electrical con-
Max.1.5 mm2 multi-core cable
nection cable AKV info !!
Max. 240 V a.c. , Min. 28 V a.c.
DO1 Max. 0.5 A
Solid state
(for AKV coil) Leak < 1 mA
Max. 1 pcs. AKV (2 pcs. if EEC coils
are used)
(250 V a.c.)

Relays* DO3, DO4 4 (3) A

DO2, DO5, DO6 4 (3) A

0 to +55°C, During operations

230 V a.c. coil
-40 to +70°C, During transport
20 - 80% Rh, not condensed
No shock influence / vibrations
Density IP 20
Mounting DIN-rail or wall
Weight 0.4 Kg
TCP/IP AKS 32R info
Data Extension options
communication MODBUS
The controller cannot be hooked up with a monitor-
ing unit type m2.
Power reserve
4 hours
for the clock
EU Low Voltage Directive and EMC demands re CE-
Approvals marking complied with
LVD tested acc. EN 60730-1 and EN 60730-2-9, A1, A2
EMC tested acc. EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-3
* DO3 and DO4 are 16 A relays. DO2, DO5 and DO6 are 8 A relays. Max. load must be observed.

Capacitive load The signal from one pressure transmitter can

The relays cannot be used for the direct connection of capacitive loads such be received by up to ten controllers.
as LEDs and on/off control of EC motors. There cannot be a significant drop in pressure
All loads with a switch mode power supply must be connected with a suit- between the pressure transmitter’s position in
able contactor or similar. the suction line and the S2 temperature in the
individual evaporators.

34 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

Type Function Code no.

Case controller with MODBUS data communication

AK-CC 550A 084B8030
Sensor connections are with screw terminals

Data communication module

EKA 175 084B8579
LON RS 485

EKA 178B Data communication module MODBUS 084B8571

EKA 176 Data communication module DANBUSS for Gateway 084B8583

EKA 176A Data communication module DANBUSS for AK-PI 200 084B8591

EKA 163B External display with plug for direct connection 084B8574

External display with operation buttons and plug for direct

EKA 164B 084B8575

EKA 163A External display with screw terminals 084B8562

EKA 164A External display with operation buttons and screw terminals 084B8563

Order examples:
Installation Data communication Connection Code no.

MODBUS 084B8030 (AK-CC 550A)

LON 084B8030

DANBUSS 084B8030

MODBUS 084B8030
084B8574 (Display)
084B7299 (Cable, 6 m)

LON / DANBUSS 084B8030

084B8574 (Display)
084B7299 (Cable, 6 m)
084Bxxxx (Data module)

L < 15 m
084B8562 (Display)
L 084Bxxxx (Data moduld)

L > 15 m

AK-CC 550A Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 35


Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products
already on order provided that such alternations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respecitve companies. Danfoss and Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.

36 Manual RS8FS502 © Danfoss 2016-09 AK-CC 550A

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