Reet 2024 Level 2nd
Reet 2024 Level 2nd
Reet 2024 Level 2nd
dqy ç'u % 30
dqy vad % 30
cky fodkl : o`f) ,oa fodkl dh ladYiuk] fodkl ds fofHkUu vk;ke ,oa fl)kUr] fodkl dks çHkkfor
djus okys dkjd ¼fo'ks"k :i ls ifjokj ,oa fo|ky; ds lanHkZ es½a ,oa vf/kxe ls mudk lac/a k A
oa'kkuqØe ,oa okrkoj.k dh Hkwfedk
O;fäxr fofHkUurk,¡ : vFkZ] çdkj ,oa O;fäxr fofHkUurkvksa dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
O;fäRo : ladYiuk] çdkj o O;fäRo dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA O;fDrRo dk ekiuA
cqf) : ladYiuk] fl)kUr ,oa bldk ekiu] cgqcqf) fl)kUr ,oa blds fufgrkFkZA
fofo/k vf/kxedrkZvksa dh le> % fiNMs] foeafnr] çfrHkk'kkyh] l`tu'khy] vykHkkfUor& oafpr] fo'ks"k
vko';drk okys cPps ,oa vf/kxe v{kerk ;qDr cPpsA
vf/kxe esa vkus okyh dfBukb;‚
lek;kstu dh ladYiuk ,oa rjhds] lek;kstu esa v/;kid dh Hkwfedk
vf/kxe dk vFkZ ,oa ladYiukA vf/kxe dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
vf/kxe ds fl)kUr ¼O;ogkjokn] xSLVkYVokn]laKkuokn] fufeZfrokn½ ,oa buds fufgrkFkZA
cPps lh[krs dSls gSA vf/kxe dh çfØ;k,¡A fpUru] dYiuk ,oa rdZ ¼fufeZfroknh mikxe]
vkuqHkfod vf/kxe] ladYiuk&ekufp=.k] vUos"k.k ,oa leL;k lek/kku½]
vfHkçsj.kk ,oa blds vf/kxe ds fy, fufgrkFkZA
f'k{k.k vf/kxe dh çfØ;k;s]a jk"Vªh; ikBîp;kZ :ijs[kk&2005 ds lanHkZ esa f'k{k.k vf/kxe dh O;wg
jpuk ,oa fof/k;k¡A
vkdyu] ekiu ,oa ewY;kadu dk vFkZ ,oa mís';] lexz ,oa lrr~ ewY;kadu] miyfC/k ijh{k.k dk
fuekZ.kA lh[kus ds izfrQy
fØ;kRed vuqlU/kku
f'k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e&2009 v/;kidksa dh Hkwfedk ,oa nkf;RoA
Syllabus - Level – II
( For a person who intends to be a teacher for Class VI to VIII)
Paper-II, Section-I, Paper- Child Development and Pedagogy
Total Question : 30
Total Marks : 30
Child Development : Concept of growth and development, Dimensions and Principles
of development. Factors affecting development (especially in the context of family and
school) and their relationship with learning.
Role of Heredity and environment.
Individual Differences :- Meaning, types and Factors Affecting Individual differences
Personality : Concept and types of personality, Factors responsible for shaping it. Its
Intelligence : Concept, Theories and its measurement. Multiple Intelligence. Its
Understanding diverse learners: Backward, Mentally retarded, gifted, creative,
disadvantaged-deprived, CWSN, children with learning disabilities.
Learning Difficulties.
Adjustment : Concept and ways of adjustment. Role of teacher in the adjustment.
Meaning and Concept of learning and its processes. Factors Affecting learning
Theories of learning (Behaviourism, Gestalt, Cognitivism, Constructivism) and their
How Children learn. Learning processes, Reflection, Imagination and Argument constructivism,
experiencial learning, concept mapping, investigatory, approach, problem solving.
Motivation and Implications for Learning
Teaching learning processes, Teaching learning strategies and methods in the context of
National Curriculum Framework 2005.
Meaning and purposes of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation. Comprehensive
and Continuous Evaluation. Construction of Achievement Test, Learning Outcomes.
Action Research.
Right to Education Act 2009 (Role and Responsibilities of Teachers)
jktLFkku v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk (REET)&2022
ek/;fed f’k{kk cksMZ] jktLFkku] vtesj
Lrj& f}rh; (Level-2)
¼d{kk 6 ls 8 rd½
'kCn Kku& rRle] rn~Hko] ns'kt] fons'kh 'kCn] i;kZ;okph] foykse] ,dkFkhZ 'kCn] milxZ] çR;;A
laf/k vkSj lekl] laKk] loZuke] fo'ks"k.k] fo'ks";] vO;;] okD;ka'k ds fy, ,d 'kCn] 'kCn 'kqf)A
okD; jpuk] okD; ds vax] okD; ds çdkj] inca/k] eqgkojs vkSj yksdksfä;k¡] fojke fpUgA
Hkk"kk;h dkS'kyksa dk fodkl ¼lquuk] cksyuk] i<+uk] fy[kuk½ fganh Hkk"kk f'k{k.k esa pqukSfr;k¡] f'k{k.k vf/kxe
lkexzh] ikB~; iqLrd] cgq&ek/;e ,oa f'k{k.k ds vU; lalk/kuA
Hkk"kk f'k{k.k esa ewY;kadu] miyfC/k ijh{k.k dk fuekZ.k lexz ,oa lrr~ ewY;kadu] mipkjkRed f'k{k.k A
cgq fodYi iz’uksa dk ekin.M d{kk 6 ls 8 rd ds jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øe l=
2021&22 ikB~; iqLrdksa ,oa ikB~; oLrq ds vk/kkj ij gksxk] ysfdu dfBukbZ dk Lrj lhfu;j
lSd.Mjh ¼d{kk 12½ rd dh ikB~; iqLrdksa dk gksxkA
jktLFkku v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk (REET)&2022
ek/;fed f’k{kk cksMZ] jktLFkku] vtesj
Lrj& 2 (Level-2)
¼d{kk 6 ls 8 rd½
cgq fodYi iz’uksa dk ekin.M d{kk 6 ls 8 rd ds jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øe l=
2021&22 ikB~; iqLrdksa ,oa ikB~; oLrq ds vk/kkj ij gksxk] ysfdu dfBukbZ dk Lrj lhfu;j
lSd.Mjh ¼d{kk 12½ rd dh ikB~; iqLrdksa dk gksxkA
jktLFkku v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk (REET)&2022
ek/;fed f’k{kk cksMZ] jktLFkku] vtesj
& II (Level-II)
d{kk 6 ls 8 rd
iz’u i= & II , [k.M & IV (a) , [k.M dk 'kh"kZd % vkSj foKku
dqy ç'u % 60
dqy vad % 60
a % leku vk/kkj dh ?kkrh; la[;kvksa dk xq.kk rFkk Hkkx] ?kkrkad fu;eA
chth; O;atd : chth; O;atdksa dk ;ksx] O;odyu] xq.kk ,oa Hkkx] loZlfedk,aA
xq.ku[k.M : ljy chth; O;atdksa ds xq.ku[k.MA
lehdj.k : ljy ,d?kkrh; lehdj.kA
oxZ vkSj oxZewy
?ku vkSj ?kuewy
C;kt : ljy C;kt] pØo`f) C;kt] ykHk&gkfu]
vuqikr ,oa lekuqikr % lekuqikrh Hkkxksa esa foHkktu] fHkUuA
çfr'krrk] tUe o e`R;q nj] tula[;k o`f)] âklA
js[kk rFkk dks.k] js[kk [k.M] ljy ,oa oØ js[kk,a] dks.kksa ds çdkj] A
leryh; vk—fr;k¡ % f=Hkqt] f=Hkqtksa dh lokaZxlerk] prqHkqZt rFkk o`Ùk] cgqHkqt
leryh; vk—fr;ksa dk {ks=Qy ,oa ifjeki % f=Hkqt] vk;r] lekUrj prqHkqZt ,oa leyEc prqHkqZtA
i`"Bh; {ks=Qy rFkk vk;ru% ?ku] ?kukHk ,oa yEco`Ùkh; csyuA
lkaf[;dh % vkadM+ksa dk laxzg ,oa oxhZdj.k] ckjEckjrk caVu] feyku fpg~u] LrEHk ¼ckj½ ys[kkfp=
,oa vk;r ys[kkfp=] o`Ùkh; xzkQ ¼ikbZ fp=½ A
ys[kkfp= ¼xzkQ½% fofHkUu çdkj ds ys[kkfp=A
izkf;drk dh ç—fr ,oa rdZ 'kfä
ikB;Øe esa dh egÙkk dh Hkk"kk
mipkjkRed f'k{k.k
f'k{k.k dh leL;k;sa
ltho ,oa futhZo % ifjp;] vUrj ,oa y{k.k
lw{e tho% thok.kq] ok;jl] dod ; ¼ykHkdkjh ,oa vykHkdkjh½
ltho& ikS/ks ds izdkj ,oa fofHkUu Hkkx] ikniksa esa iks"k.k] 'olu ,oa mRltZu] ikni vkSj tarq dksf'kdkvksa dh
lajpuk vkSj dk;Z] dksf'kdk foHkktu
ekuo 'kjhj ,oa LokLF;& lw{e thoksa ls QSyus okys jksx ¼{k; jksx] [kljk] fMIFkhfj;k] gStk] VkbQkbM½] jksxksa ls
cpko ds mik;; ekuo 'kjhj ds fofHkUu ra=; laØked jksx ¼QSyus ds dkj.k vkSj cpko½; Hkkstu ds L=ksr] Hkkstu
ds çeq[k vo;o vkSj budh deh ls gksus okys jksx] larqfyr HkkstuA
tUrq çtuu ,oa fd'kksjkoLFkk % tuu dh fof/k;k¡ : yaSfxd ,oa vyaSfxd] fd'kksjkoLFkk ,oa ;kSoukjEHk : 'kkjhfjd
ifjorZu] tuu esa gkeksZUl dh Hkwfedk] tuukRed LokLF;
;kaf=dh& cy ,oa xfr] cyksa ds çdkj ¼is'kh; cy] ?k"kZ.k cy] xq:Ro cy] pqEcdh; cy] fLFkj oS|qr cy] vkfn½,
xfr ds çdkj ¼js[kh;] o`Ùkkdkj] dEiu] vkorZ ,oa ?kw.kZu xfr½] nkc] ok;qe.Myh; nkc] mRIykou cy] dk;Z ,oa
ÅtkZ] ÅtkZ ds ijEijkxr rFkk oSdfYid lzksr] ÅtkZ laj{k.k A
rki ,oa Å"ek& rki ,oa Å"ek dk vfHkizk;] rkiekih] Å"ek lapj.kA
çdk'k ,oa /ofu &çdk'k ds lzksr] çdk'k dk ijkorZu] xksyh; niZ.k] lery niZ.k o xksyh; niZ.k ls çfrfcEc
cuuk] izdk'k dk viorZu] ySal ,oa ySal ls izfrfcEc dk fuekZ.k] /ofu] /ofu ds vfHky{k.k] /ofu lapj.k] /ofu
izn"w k.k
fo|qr ,oa pqacdRo& fo|qr /kkjk] fo|qr ifjiFk] fo|qr /kkjk ds Å"eh;] pqacdh; ,oa jklk;fud izHkko] pqacd ,oa
foKku ,oa çkS|ksfxdh &nSfud thou esa foKku dk egRo] la'ysf"kd js'ks rFkk IykfLVd & la'ysf"kd js'kksa ds
xq.k?keZ ,oa çdkj] IykfLVd ,oa blds xq.k/keZ] IykfLVd ,oa i;kZoj.k] fMVtsZaV] lhesaV vkfn] fpfdRlk ds {ks= esa
foKku ,oa çkS|ksfxdh ¼,Dl fdj.k] lh-Vh- LdSu] 'kY; fpfdRlk] vYVªklkm.M rFkk ystj fdj.ks½a ] nwjlapkj ds
{ks= esa QSDl e'khu] dEI;wVj] bUVjusV] bZ&esy rFkk osclkbV dh lkekU; tkudkjhA
lkSj e.My& pUæek ,oa rkjs] lkSj ifjokj&lw;Z ,oa xzg] /kwedsrq] rkjke.My A
inkFkZ dh lajpuk& ijek.kq ,oa v.kq] ijek.kq dh lajpuk; rRo] ;kSfxd vkSj feJ.k; feJ.k ds vo;oksa dk
i`FkDdj.k; rRoksa ds çrhd] ;kSfxdksa ds jklk;fud lw= rFkk jklk;fud lehdj.k] HkkSfrd ,oa jklk;fud
jklk;fud inkFkZ & v‚DlkbM~l] gfjr x`g çHkko vkSj oSf'od rkiu] gkbMªkd
s kcZu ¼lkekU; tkudkjh½] vEy] {kkj
vkSj yo.k] v‚Dlhtu xSl] ukbVªkt
s u xSl] ukbVªkt
s u pØ] dks;yk] isVªkfs y;e rFkk çk—frd xSlA
d`f"k izca/ku % d`f"k i)fr;k¡] Qlyksa ds izdkj o mnkgj.k
foKku dh lajpuk ,oa ç—fr
çk—frd foKku : y{; ,oa mís';] izkd`frd lalk/ku]i;kZoj.k] iznw"k.k o fu;U=.k] tSo fofo/krk]vuqdwyu] dpjk
tSo fodkl
foKku dks le>uk
foKku dh f'k{k.k fof/k;k¡
ikB; lkexzh / lgk;d lkexzh ewY;kadu
leL~;k,sa] mipkjkRed f'k{k.k
cgq fodYi iz’uksa dk ekin.M d{kk 6 ls 8 rd ds jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øe dh orZeku esa
izpfyr l= 2021&22 ikB~; iqLrdksa ds vk/kkj ij gksxk] ysfdu dfBukbZ dk Lrj lhfu;j lSd.Mjh ¼d{kk
12½ rd dh ikB~; iqLrdksa dk gksxkA
Syllabus (Level-II)
Total Questions: 60
Total Marks : 60
Indices : Multiplication and division of numbers on equal bases, Laws of Indices.
Algebraic expressions: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Identities
Factors : factors of simple algebraic expressions
Equations : Simple linear equation.
Square & Square Root
Cube & Cube Root
Interest : Simple interest, Compound interest, Profit - Loss.
Ratio and Proportion : Division into proportional parts, Fraction.
Percentage, Birth and Death rate, Population growth, Depreciation,
Lines and Angles : Line segment, straight and curved lines, types of angles.
Plane figures : Triangles, Congurence of triangles, Quadrilaterals and Circle, Polygon.
Area and perimeter of Plane figures : Triangles, Rectangles, Parallelograms and
Surface Area and Volume : cube, cuboid and right circular cylinder.
Statistics : collection and classification of data, frequency distribution table, Tally
marks, bar graph and histogram, circular graph (pai diagram).
Graph: Various types of graphs.
Probability :
Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking
Place of Mathematics in Curriculum
Language of Mathematics
Community Mathematics
Remedial Teaching
Problems of Teaching
The criteria for multiple choice questions will be based on the syllabus
prescribed by the State Government for classes 6 to 8 and the text books
prevailing in the current academic session 2021-22, but difficulty level of the
questions will be up to the senior secondary (class 12) text books.
Living & Non Living : Introduction, Differences and characteristics
Micro-organisms: Bacteria, virus, fungi (Beneficial & Harmful)
Living Being: different types and parts of plants, nutrition in plants, respiration and excretion, plant
cell and animal cell- their structure and Function, Cell Division
Human body and health: Diseases spread by micro-organisms, (tuberculosis, measles,
diphtheria, cholera, typhoid); prevention from diseases; different systems of human body ; infectious
diseases (reasons of spreading and prevention); sources of food, Major components of food and
diseases developed due to their deficiency; Balanced diet.
Animal Reproduction and Adolescence: Methods of Reproduction; Sexual and asexual.
Adolescence and puberty: Changes in body, role of hormones in reproductions, Reproductive health.
Mechanics- Force and Motion, Types of forces (muscular force, frictional force, gravitational
force, magnetic force, electrostatic force), Types of motion (linear, circular, vibrational, periodic and
rotational motion) Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure Buoyancy force, work and energy, Traditional and
alternative sources of energy; energy conservation.
Heat and Temperature- Heat and Temperature means, thermometers, Heat Transmission (conduction,
convention and radiation).
Light & Sound: sources of light, reflection of light, Spherical mirrors, Image formation by plane
and Spherical mirrors, Refraction of Light, Lenses and Image formation by Lenses, Sound,
Characteristics of sound, Sound propagation, sound pollution.
Electricity and magnetism- Electric Current, Electric Circuit, Heating, magnetic and Chemical effects
of current, magnet and magnetism.
Science and Technology: Importance of science in daily life; Synthetic Fibers & Plastics-Types and
characteristics of synthetic fibers. Plastic and its properties, Plastic and environment, detergents,
cement, etc.; Science and Technology in medical field (X-ray, C.T. Scan, Surgery, Ultrasound and
LASER) ; In the field of Telecommunication - general information about fax machine, computer,
internet, e-mail and website.
Solar System: Moon and stars, Solar family-Sun and Planets, Comets, Constellation
Structure of Matter; Atom and molecule; structure of atom; element, compound and mixture;
separation of impurities of substances; symbols of elements; chemical formulae of compounds and
chemical equations, physical and chemical change.
Chemical Substances: Oxides, green house effect and global warming, Hydrocarbon
(Introductory knowledge), Acide, Alkali and salt, Oxygen gas, Nitrogen gas and nitrogen cycle, Coal,
Petroleum and natural gas
Text Material/Aids
Remedial Teaching
The criteria for multiple choice questions will be based on the syllabus
prescribed by the State Government for classes 6 to 8 and the text books
prevailing in the current academic session 2021-22, but difficulty level of the
questions will be up to the senior secondary (class 12) text books.