CrimeSceneBloodTyping Fulldoc Blank 1

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Forensic Scientist Assigned to Case: Partner:

CriMe SCene BlooD TyPing

Crime Scenario: You are a forensic scientist working for the Department of Justice crime lab in your
county. There have been four recent murders in town and four murder weapons have been found at
various locations throughout town. It is unknown if the murders are related. At each murder site, a
significant amount of blood was left. Part of it is being sent through the National DNA Database for DNA
testing. However, this is a long process which sometimes renders no results so you have been given the
task of blood typing.

Crime Scene Description Portfolio

Murder site 1: A victim with blood type B+ was found at an abandoned
construction site. A few feet away blood was found on a nail sticking out
of a board. It is believed the killer might have injured him/herself on it
while leaving the scene. Upon testing the blood on the nail, you find it to
agglutinate with Antibody A serum, agglutinate with Antibody B serum, and
not agglutinate with Antibody Rh serum.
1. What is the blood type of the blood found on the nail?

2. Which weapon was used for this crime?

3. Which suspects are not associated with this crime?

4. Which suspect could be associated with this crime?

Murder site 2: A victim with blood type O+ was found at a park. Not too far
away from the scene, there is blood found on a barbed wire fence where it
is believed the killer fled the scene. Upon testing the blood on the fence,
you find it to agglutinate with Antibody A serum, not agglutinate with
Antibody B serum, and Agglutinate with Antibody Rh serum.
1. What is the blood type of the blood found on the fence?

2. Which weapon was used for this crime?

3. Which suspects are not associated with this crime?

4. Which suspect could be associated with this crime?

Murder site 3: A victim with blood type A- was found in his store, which had
been broken into. Blood was found on a jagged piece of glass attached the
window frame, possibly where the killer had been cut while leaving the
scene. Upon testing the blood, you find it to not agglutinate with Antibody
A serum, not agglutinate with Antibody B serum, and not agglutinate with
Antibody Rh serum.
1. What is the blood type of the blood found on the window?

2. Which weapon was used for this crime?

3. Which suspects are not associated with this crime?

4. Which suspect could be associated with this crime?

Murder site 4: A victim with blood type AB+ was found in her home. Little drops
of blood were found on the floor throughout the house as well as a bloody
sock. Upon testing both the blood on the floor and the blood on the sock,
you find it to agglutinate with Antibody A serum, agglutinate with Antibody
B serum, and not agglutinate with Antibody Rh serum.
1. What is the blood type of the blood found on floor and sock?

2. Which weapon was used for this crime?

3. Which suspects are not associated with this crime?

4. Which suspect could be associated with this crime?

Weapons and Suspects Portfolio
Four weapons were found in dumpsters throughout town. Blood samples from
each have been sent to you. Determine the blood type of each and label it
on the space provided. (Hint: Blood on weapon should match the victim’s blood

Weapon A Weapon C

Blood Type: Blood Type:

Weapon B Weapon D

Blood Type: Blood Type:

Four suspects with injuries that could link them to the murder cases have
been brought in for interrogation. Determine the blood type of each and
label it on the space provided.

Suspect 1
Suspect 3

Blood Type:
Blood Type:
Suspect 2
Suspect 4

Blood Type: Blood Type:

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