CrimeSceneBloodTyping Fulldoc Blank 1
CrimeSceneBloodTyping Fulldoc Blank 1
CrimeSceneBloodTyping Fulldoc Blank 1
Murder site 3: A victim with blood type A- was found in his store, which had
been broken into. Blood was found on a jagged piece of glass attached the
window frame, possibly where the killer had been cut while leaving the
scene. Upon testing the blood, you find it to not agglutinate with Antibody
A serum, not agglutinate with Antibody B serum, and not agglutinate with
Antibody Rh serum.
1. What is the blood type of the blood found on the window?
Weapon A Weapon C
Weapon B Weapon D
Suspect 1
Suspect 3
Blood Type:
Blood Type:
Suspect 2
Suspect 4