Forensic Science: The Case

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Forensic Science

Crime Scene Chemistry: The Case of Wilma Flintsbone and Devious Dog Knapper

The Case:
Wilma Flintsbone came home from visiting her brother last night, and she knew
immediately that something wasn’t right. Her house was much too silent. Her precious dog, Rufus,
always greeted her at the door, but last night, he was nowhere to be found. She searched the house
high and low and found no trace of Rufus, however, she did find something alarming – a ransom
note was left under a magnet on the refrigerator. The ransom note stated that if Wilma wanted her
“prized pooch back”, to “bring $20,000 to the corner of 5th Street and Bakers Avenue in two days”.
Wilma called the police right away, and the forensic science team rushed over and began their
The first thing that Wilma noticed was that one of the window panes on her back door was
broken. She led investigators here first. Investigators found a small fiber stuck to a piece of the
broken glass. They also found a small drop of blood on the glass, and some blood spatter on the
wall. The forensics team dusted for fingerprints, and found a nearly full print on the refrigerator.
On the floor, some white powder, a clear liquid, and plastics were found. Wilma said that any of
these could have been something from the kitchen, but she didn’t remember anything on the floor
before she left. So investigators took samples of the white powders that they found in 2 different
locations, the liquid from the floor, as well as plastic from 2 different locations. At the lab, the team
created a mass spectrum of the liquid. Finally, forensics took the ransom note back to the lab so that
they could run chromatography on the ink sample from the note.
Upon examination, forensics experts identified the blood as type B+. Wilma’s blood type is
A-. They also found the Rf values of the pigments from the ink to be 0.54 and 0.94.
Investigators identified 4 suspects: Brad Sitt, Britney Ears, Jude Paw, and Sarah Jessica
Barker, all of whom knew the victim.

The Suspects:

1. Brad Sitt:
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 180lbs
Pets: cat
Occupation: Chef

Suspect Interview:
I can’t believe that poor Wilma’s dog was stolen! Wilma is a great woman. She comes into my
restaurant all of the time. She has tried to bring that dog a couple times, and every time I have to
tell her that the dog can’t come in. I’m sure he’s a great dog, but that is restaurant policy. Last night
I was at work. We had a huge dinner rush. I couldn’t have had anything to do with this!

Evidence collected from the suspect: white powder, plastic, fingerprint, fiber from clothing, pen
in pocket, blood sample
2. Britney Ears:
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 135lbs
Pets: none
Occupation: Personal Trainer

Suspect Interview:
I know Wilma! I am her personal trainer and work with her once a week; I have for the past 3
months. Wilma talks about her dog all of the time. I’ve never seen her dog before though. I am
really not a dog person. They always seem to rub me the wrong way. I was bit by a dog when I was
a kid – maybe that has something to do with it. So I certainly would not steal her dog! Anyway, last
night I was out with a friend who was in town. We weren’t anywhere near Wilma’s house.

Evidence collected from the suspect: white powder, plastic, fingerprint, hair found on clothing,
pen in office, blood sample

3. Jude Paw:
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 190 lbs
Pets: dog
Occupation: Veterinarian

Suspect Interview:
I know Wilma and her dog Rufus. I am their veterinarian. Rufus is a great dog. Wilma isn’t the
most pleasant woman I’ve ever met, but she does seem to care about her dog a lot. I definitely feel
terrible for the dog, and hope that Rufus is found quickly. I would never steal a dog. I am an animal
lover and have a dog myself. Even though I don’t really get along with Wilma, I wouldn’t want to
put her through something like this.

Evidence collected from suspect: white powder, fingerprint, hair found on bottom of shoes, fiber
from clothing, pen in car, blood sample

4. Sarah Jessica Barker:

Height: 5’2”
Weight: 120 lbs
Pets: none
Occupation: Administrative Assistant

Suspect Interview:
Wilma is the office manager at my office. I’m sure if you talked to other employees at the office, you
would know that Wilma and I don’t get along. However, you would also find out that almost all of
the office employees don’t really care for her. She is not the best boss ever. Just because I don’t
agree with all of her decisions though, doesn’t mean that I would take her dog. I don’t even know
where Wilma lives or what her dog looks like. How could I have taken it?

Evidence collected from suspect: white powder, plastic, fingerprint, fiber from clothing, blood
sample, hair found on clothing
Evidence Key:
A= white powder from crime scene
B= white powder from crime scene
C= white powder from Brad Sitt
D= white powder from Britney Ears
E=white powder from Jude Paw
F= white powder from Sarah Jessica Barker
G= plastic from crime scene
H= plastic from crime scene
I= plastic from Brad Sitt
J= plastic from Britney Ears
K= plastic from Sarah Jessica Barker
L= fiber from crime scene
M=fiber from Brad Sitt
N= fiber from Jude Paw
O= fiber from Sarah Jessica Barker
P= hair on Britney Ears’ clothing
Q = hair on Jude Paw’s shoe
R= hair on Sarah Jessica Barker’s clothing

Your task is to analyze the evidence and determine which of the suspects committed the dog-
knapping. Good luck detectives!

Qualitative Analysis

1. Identify each of the white powders A-F using chemical analysis.

White Powder Identity




1. Identify each of the plastics G-K based on the density test and flame tests provided below.

Sample Floats on 46% Floats on Water Glycerin

Isopropyl Vegetable Oil
G Yes No Yes Yes
H No No Yes Yes
I No No No No
J Yes No Yes Yes
K No No Yes Yes

Sample Flame Test Results

I Orange; drips; burns slowly; light smoke
J Blue flame, burns slowly, smells like candle wax; white smoke when extinguished
K Blue flame, burns slowly, smells like candle wax; white smoke when extinguished

Plastic Identity




1. Identify fibers L-O using microscopes and/or burn tests using the tea light candles provided.

Fiber Type of Fiber



1. Identify the source of hairs P-R.

Hair Identity



Paper chromatography was used to separate components of each of the suspects’ pens. The results
are shown below. The short lines indicate the distance each pigment traveled.

Solvent Front


Brad Britney Jude Sarah

1. Calculate the Rf value of each of the pigments and write your answer in the table below.

Pen Rf Value of Rf Value Pigment

Pigment 1 2





1. Determine which, if any, of the fingerprints from the suspects matches the fingerprint found at the crime scene.
Circle the fingerprint that matches, then circle and label 5 matching minutiae on the crime scene print and the
matching print. (5 points)
2. Determine the type of fingerprint from each of the suspects and the crime scene print. (Be specific as to the
type- assume all are from the right hand) (5 points)
Crime Scene Brad Sitt

Type: Type:

Britney Ears Jude Paw Sarah Jessica Barker

Type: Type: Type:

Blood Typing

1. Determine the blood type of each of the suspects. (8 points)

Suspect Blood Type

Britney Brad



Analysis of the Crime:

Who do you think committed the dog-knapping? Be specific as to which pieces of evidence implicate
the suspect or suspects and why other suspects should be exonerated.

Teacher Notes:
A= sodium bicarbonate
B= calcium carbonate
D= ammonium chloride
E= cornstarch
F= calcium carbonate
L= cotton
N= linen
O= cotton
P= human hair
Q= horse hair
R= dog hair

Supplies Needed:

 5 different types of white powders (these could be different than the ones I used)
 3 different types of fibers (these could be different than the ones I used)
 3 different types of hairs (these could be different than the ones I used)
 Rulers

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