ACTS Q 14728 21 Rev.00 Seismic Reflection Report Rev00
ACTS Q 14728 21 Rev.00 Seismic Reflection Report Rev00
ACTS Q 14728 21 Rev.00 Seismic Reflection Report Rev00
Submitted to
Saudi Arabia
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Geophysical Survey Report
Diagram 1. Execution Plan Reflection Seismic Survey......................................................................... 14
Table 1. Work Area Limits ...................................................................................................................... 7
Table 2. Period of work .......................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3. Geodetic parameters................................................................................................................ 8
Table 4. Data Acquisition Parameters .................................................................................................. 17
Table 5. Data Processing Parameters ................................................................................................. 23
Figure 1. Overview of Work Area – Jeddah (KSA) ................................................................................. 6
Figure 2. Survey vessel – MILTIADES IV............................................................................................... 9
Figure 3. Seismic Reflection Geometry ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 4. Boomer Configuration ........................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5. Boomer Geometry................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 6. Survey Plan .......................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 7. Track plot survey lines executed ........................................................................................... 19
Figure 8. Example of Online Seismic QC ............................................................................................. 20
Figure 9. Example of Seismic Profile (Line P10) and related track plot ................................................ 26
Figure 10. Seismic Profile L01 and related track plot ........................................................................... 27
Figure 11. Seismic Profile L02 and related track plot ........................................................................... 28
Figure 12. Seismic Profile L03 and related track plot ........................................................................... 29
Figure 13. Borehole MBH-08 on Seismic Profile L02 ........................................................................... 30
Figure 14. Borehole MBH-09 on Seismic Profile P07 ........................................................................... 31
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ACD Admiralty Chart Datum
ALARP As Low Risk As Reasonably Practical
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
CAD Computer Aided Design
CD Chart Datum
CTD Conductivity, Temperature, Depth
DGPS Differential GPS
DTM Digital Terrain Model
EN European Norms
GDOP Geometric Dilution of Precision
GIS Geographic Information System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
IMCA International Marine Contractor’s Association
IMO International Maritime Organization
IMS Integrated Management System
ITRF International Terrestrial Reference Frame
KP Kilometre Post
L.A.T. Lowest Astronomical Tide
MLLW Mean Lower Low Water
MSL Mean Sea Level
NtM Notice to Mariners
OPS Operations
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPS Pulse Per Second
PTW Permit To Work
QA Quality Assessment
QC Quality Control
RA Risk Assessment
RPL Route Position List
RTK (D)GPS Real Time Kinematic Differential GPS
SOW Scope of Work
TBT Tool Box Talk
TP Turning Point
TPI Third Party Inspector
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
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WD Water Depth
WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984
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This document describes the results and the methodology of a Geophysical Survey carried out on
November 2021 at Jeddah Islamic Port for the South Container Terminal Upgrade project.
Geophysical Survey by boomer to define the thickness of the marine sediment and to confirm
seabed and rock elevations along some sections provided by Client.
WGS85 – UTM 37
Easting Northing
A 516198.48 2373449.68
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B 516251.90 2373170.32
C 516318.13 2373483.87
Table 1. Work Area Limits
Pre-mobilisation (Work Permits, Work
Procedure, Planning & Preparation of from 01/07/2021 to 08/11/2021 130
Survey, etc.)
Mobilisation on site (Installation and
from 09/11/2021 to 10/11/2021 2
test on site, etc.)
Marine Geophysical Survey
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Survey was executed using tug boat Miltiades IV provided by Client.
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In the following paragraphs described the operation work methods.
TRIMBLE SPS855 GPS receiver, which computed the absolute position of the antenna on the
boat with an updating frequency of 2 Hz. This data was sent to RESON PDS2000 navigation
software using NET interface, that computed the positions of all sensors installed basing on
their “offsets”.
OmniSTAR HP is a decimetre level, phase based service using satellite ‘orbit and clock’ data valid
worldwide, based upon GPS L1 and L2 frequencies. The OmniSTAR GPS Service provides a high
performance global solution to a horizontal accuracy of 10 cm (95%) and vertical accuracy of 15 cm
This way, all out of range position data was not stored, so no further processing was required.
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2.2.1 Methodology
The principle of the method consists of recording the acoustic waves generated at the surface, which
are reflected back by sub-surface structures or interfaces. A reflection will occur when the acoustic
impedance changes at the boundary between two materials. The strength of the reflected signal depends
on the degree of acoustic impedance contrast.
Acoustic impedance is related to the density of the material and the rate at which sound travels through
this material (velocity).
The returning sound waves are recorded by a streamer (see image here below), which is composed
by several hydrophones joined in a single-channel (for each ping the system produce a single seismic
trace). Data are recorded in two-way travel time (TWT), which is the time taken for a seismic wave to
travel from the shot down to a reflector and back to the hydrophones at the surface.
The first useful signal received represents the seabed-water interface and shows the morphology of
the seabed in a manner similar to a single beam echo sounder. The time of arrival and intensity of
subsequent impulses provides information about layers that exist below the seabed.
Several physical parameters of the acoustic signal emitted, such as output power, signal frequency,
and pulse length affect the performance of the instrument and influence its usefulness in various marine
environments. Increased output power allows greater penetration into the substrate. However, in the case
of harder seabeds (e.g. gravels or highly compacted sands) or very shallow water, higher power will result
in multiple reflections and more noise in the data. Higher frequency systems (up to 20 kHz) produce high
definition data of sediment layers immediately below the seabed, and are able to discriminate between
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layers that are close together (e.g. 10's of cms). Lower frequency systems give greater substrate
penetration, but at a lower vertical resolution. Longer pulse length transmissions (or 'pings') yield more
energy and result in greater penetration of substrate. However, they decrease the system resolution. The
depth of penetration also depends on the hardness of the upper layers and is significantly limited by the
presence of gas deposits.
GEO-RESOURCES high resolution system Geo-Boomer 300 with the following main features:
o 1000 Joule solid state power supply;
o 8 elements hi-resolution mono channel streamer;
o Mini-Trace II dual acquisition module with GeoSuite Acquisition software;
o The system produces a very short, stable signature with a centre frequency ranging
from 2000 - 4000 Hz, depending on the energy selected;
o Vertical Resolution: less than 10 cm;
o Repetition Rate: up to 6 shots per second;
o Penetration: up to 100 ms below seabed.
NAVIGATION SYSTEM: the survey is controlled using PDS2000 navigation software, which
computes the positions of the transducers and sends to the seismic acquisition systems the
following data in real time (1 Hz update frequency):
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Navigation System
Mini-Trace II dual
acquisition module with
Trigger Out
Geo Suite sw
Analogic signal
Geo Sense
8 elements streamer
Mini-Spark 1000
portable power supply
Geo-Boomer 300
seismic source
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2.2.3 Execution Plan
This paragraph describes the main phases of the task execution, which are indicated in the Process
Diagram here below.
Equipment Installation
QC Data Data Processing
& Setup
Functional Tests QC Data Passed QC Data
No Yes No
Data Interpretation
Sea Trials Demobilisation
Picking Reflections
Sea Trials
Export XYZ data
Upload Data
Survey Execution Final Grid Model
on Server
QC Data Final Data Isopach Charts
Backup Geologic Profiles
QC Data
Upload Data
on Server
Once the pre–mobilisation operations for the transfer were completed, the mobilisation phase started.
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During this phase, the following operations were performed:
Installation of all the survey equipment, sensors and transducers in the specific racks and fixed
Quayside Checks and Tests of the equipment;
Tests and Sea Trials before to start data acquisition in the work area.
Sea Trials
Before the beginning of the survey activities, some tests were executed, some seismic survey lines
were run using different acquisition parameters and/or different setups of the complete system. At the
end of the tests the final parameters to be used during the survey were defined, which were not changed
during the survey.
Noise Test
Position/geometry of seismic source and mini-streamer (see example Figure 5)
Y Offset Source: -40 m
XCMP: +0
YCMP: -42.5
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Survey Execution
Seismic data were acquired using the parameters in the following table.
Acquisition operations were carried out with the vessel sailing at a speed of about 1.5 knots with
weather-sea conditions suitable to guarantee a good quality of collected data.
No. 4 survey lines were planned (see Fig.6) in order to cover the work area.
Anyway, during the execution of the survey, several obstacles were in the work area, as barges and
buoys, limiting the maneuverability of the tug boat. In order to improve the coverage of the work area,
some additional lines were executed. Figure 7 is showing the trackplot of the lines executed.
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Table 4. Data Acquisition Parameters
Acquisition period: 11 to 14 November 2021
Line identification
Main Line Name LineXX (where XX: Profile Number; example
Additional Line Name Line_P_YY (where YY: Profile Number;
example Line_P_21)
Main Line Distance NA
Cross Line Distance NA
Reference datum: WGS84
Shooting Configuration
Shot interval at time – 0.25 seconds (4 pings/sec)
Number of traces per shot point: 1
Nominal stacking fold: 1
Energy Source
Source Geo-Boomer 300
Source depth: 0.30 meters
Energy level: 200 J
Receiver spread
Number of Streamers: 1
Near trace offset: 5 meters
Number of hydrophones (group/channel): 8
Streamer Depth: 0.1 meters
Active Group Section: 2.8 meters
Acquisition System
Recording System: Minitrace II
Recording format: Seg-Y
Record length: 125 milliseconds
Sampling Frequency: 30 kHz
Record Filter : High cut : 12000 Hz; - 24 dB/oct
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Online QC Data
Real time quality control of the seismic data was performed observing the data on a shot by shot basis
directly in the acquisition software.
The real time processing flow was the following, that in any case it was not applied to the recorded
raw data:
Noise filtering
TVG Gain
Offline QC Data
On a daily basis, at the end of each working day the data acquired were uploaded on the FTP server
in the office, where the Data Processor started to execute the Offline Quality Control, which is focused to
the following points:
At the end of the survey, the Data Processor confirmed that the whole dataset was in line with the
requirements, and the survey was considered completed.
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Data Interpretation
Import Data Tidal Correction Picking Reflections
In the table below a summary of the main parameters used during the processing.
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Table 5. Data Processing Parameters
Import Data File Type SEG-Y
Processing length: 125 msec
Resampling: none
Navigation Editing Smoothing Filter 1st Pass Filter – Smoothing 3
2nd Pass Filter – None
Remove Outliers Min Velocity: 1
Max Velocity: 4
Max Position Error: 10
Window Size: 15
Value Variation: 10
Correction File NO
Trace Editing Visual Check YES
Deghosting NO
Swell Filter Average Window Number Traces:15
Import Data - Seismic data were stored as SEG-Y format. A project was created in CODA
Survey Engine®, where each line was imported and converted in the internal database. Once
imported, each line was represented in referenced spatial plane as single line obtained from
position data stored into files.
Navigation Editing – navigation information stored during data acquisition was edited or
smoothed. Furthermore, a new navigation processed externally can be reimported in the
system as “Corrected Navigation File”.
Gain application – sonar signal intensity reduces with range (energy loss due to the spherical
divergence of the propagating signal and due to energy dissipation and scattering). Different
types of gain (Digital Base Gain and TVG) were tested and applied to the data to amplify the
signal strength with range to yield an improved image;
Frequency Filter (Band Pass) – this filter was used as seismic traces typically contain some
low frequency noise, including 50Hz noise generated by power line, and/or some high-
frequency ambient noise.
Zero Offset Demultiple – this process was executed in order to remove multiples from single-
channel seismic data. It uses an algorithm based on adaptive subtraction of a model of
multiples from the original wave field;
Tidal Correction – static corrections for tides were not applied to the traces;
Deghosting – this filter was able to suppress ghost waves from the data;
Swell Filter – data may show artefacts and distortions caused by vertical movement of the
sensor during data acquisition. Swell statics were computed from the data and Swell Filter is
applied to correct the vertical motion of the sensor for seismic data;
Data Interpretation (Picking Reflections) – when the final processed seismic sections were
ready, the interpretation phase started. The main reflectors were identified and digitized along
the entire dataset. Based on the correlation with existing data (core logs) the main stratigraphic
units were identified;
Export XYZ data – main interpreted reflectors were exported as ASCII in XYZ data format. For
each reflector the software executed an accurate calculations of depths (from the seabed or
layer above) based on the velocities assigned to each horizon;
Grid Model – the XYZ data was processed in Surfer® to create a DTM for each main reflector,
which represents the thickness variation of a layer respect to the bathymetry or layer above it.
DTMs were used to produce charts with Depths of Reflectors and Isopachs.
Geologic Profiles were produced in Strater® along the main interpreted seismic profiles.
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In the next paragraphs the results of the geophysical survey are reported.
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Figure 9. Example of Seismic Profile (Line P10) and related track plot
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4.3.1 Equipment Specifications
Measurements 440-channel L1C/A, L1/L2/L2C GPS and QZSS. Upgradable to L5 and GLONASS
L1/L2C/A, L1/L2P Full Cycle Carrier
Trimble EVEREST™ multipath signal rejection
Lemo (Serial) 7-pin 0S Lemo, Serial 1, 3-wire RS-232
Modem 1 (Serial) 26-pin D-sub, Serial 2, Full 9-wire RS232, using adaptor cable
Modem 2 (Serial) 26-pin D-sub, Serial 3, 3 wire RS-232, using adaptor cable
1PPS (1 Pulse-per-second) Available on Marine versions
Ethernet Through a multi-port adaptor
Bluetooth wireless technology Fully-integrated, fully-sealed 2.4 GHz Bluetooth module
Integrated radios (optional) Fully-integrated, fully-sealed internal 450 MHz (UHF) Tx/Rx; Internal 900 MHz Tx/Rx
External GSM/GPRS, cell phone support For Internet-based correction streams
Receiver position update rate 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz, and 20 Hz positioning
Correction data input/output CMR™, CMR+™, CMRx™, RTCM v 2.x & 3.x
Data outputs NMEA, GSOF, 1PPS Time Tags (Marine version)
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GEO-BOOMER 300-500
Operational Features
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The Mini-Trace II recording system features a dual instrument interface, that allows to maximize the results of
survey investigations keeping them cost-effective.
Thanks to the advanced programmable triggers, it is possible to record seismic data using two independent
sources at the same time without any interference.
Moreover, the dual channel unit can be used with two single channel streamer cables, to increase signal to noise
ratio or the horizontal resolution.
Acquisition System
A/D converter: 24 bits, sigma-delta A/D converter
Dynamic range: 112 dB
Trigger input/output: TTL via BNC connector
Trigger pulse: from 4 V to 12 V, 10 mA, 1 ms pulse length
Programmable trigger: yes
Recording file format: SEG-Y, XTF
Notes: dedicated serial port for navigation input
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GeoSuite Acquisition is a GIS-based survey planning and recording solution specially designed to drive the Mini-
Trace II dual recording system.
The GeoSuite Acquisition software and the Mini-Trace II hardware have been developed in order to fulfill our
own demand for ultra-hi-res data acquisition and online processing.
Standalone navigation
The survey map window features a built-in worldwide coastlines database and it can be extended with third party
cultural data (google earth files, surfaces, bathymetry, etc).
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Powerful processing tools
GeoSuite Acquisition records every data input in RAW mode. This means that the recorded data are stored in
the exact way they were received: no one of the online processing tools will affect the recorded seismic data, and
the positioning information will be stored also in separated log ASCII-based format files in order to perform any
required post-acquisition processing elaboration.
Furthermore, a dedicated log file stores detailed information regarding the overall acquisition process including
commands, alarms, notifications and every relevant event.
GeoSuite Acquisition records seismic data in standard SEG-Y format. This makes it possible to use whatever
processing and interpretation software after the acquisition.
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Typical Applications Specially designed for use with HF acoustic sources like Sparkers, Boomers or
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Navigation only
Vessel tracking
Seismic Surveys
Magnetometer surveys
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Validation module
Processing, editing and validation of measurements. All time related measurements are
processed into position related measurements and can be viewed in plan- and profile panels,
imported from raw data or databases and exported to databases or ASCII files.
Plotting Module
Plotting and 3D modelling of validated data. 3D models use TIN (Triangular Irregular Network)
techniques, data can be imported from databases or ASCII files.
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Survey Engine® Seismic+ is a ‘next generation’ 2D seismic data processing, interpretation and reporting
application for the marine survey industry.
Key features
Very intuitive software utilising the latest in user interface design for a more productive, enjoyable
Support for widest range of data formats, including CODA, XTF, JSF, SES, SEG-Y
Integrated GIS functionality with GeoTIFF, ECW, DXF and SHP support
Powerful processing functions, including TVG, TVF, Stacking, Swell Filter, Rectification, Envelope etc
Easy, clear, intuitive user interface with multi level undo manager
No data subsampling compromises - access every sample of acquired sonar and navigation data
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RadExPro is fully capable for both single–channel and multi–channel HR/UHR marine seismic data processing,
either 2D or 3D. It is compatible with any type of marine sources: airgun, sparker, boomer, etc.
Advanced denoising, high–resolution offshore statics, designature (automatic wavelet estimation, deghosting,
debubbling, deconvolutions), efficient demultiple algorythms for multi–channel (SRME) and even single–channel
data (Zero–Offset Multiple Attenuation), 3D regularization, pre–stack and post–stack migrations—all these
algorithms are available in RadExPro and are capable of improving the quality of the processing result significantly.
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Near–Surface Data Processing
RadExPro is perfectly capable for in–depth processing of on–land near–surface reflection data.
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An extensive suite of gridding methods is available in Surfer. The variety of available methods
provides different interpretations of your
data, and allows you to choose the most
appropriate method for your needs. In
addition, data metrics allow you to map
statistical information about your
gridded data. Surface area, projected
planar area, and volumetric calculations
can be performed quickly in Surfer.
Cross-sectional profiles can also be
computed and exported.
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Visualize Data
Eliminate subsurface uncertainty.
Achieve insight and clarity by
transforming raw, subsurface data
into understandable well logs,
borehole models, and cross
Easily create professional
geotechnical reports that clearly
communicate important
information with Strater.
Evaluate and display all aspects of
geological data. Easily create
cross sections from lithology/zone bar logs, line/symbol logs, or raster logs to better understand the
details of your depth data. Maximize your understanding so you can make the best decisions, every time.
Analyze Data
Get answers to all your subsurface questions. When displayed in Strater, subterranean data becomes
clear and easy to understand. Strater’s extensive features allow you to quickly view and analyze areas
otherwise unseen and make decisions with confidence.
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Fledermaus is the central visualization application which provides a visual, interactive 4D data
exploration and analysis environment. Fledermaus has many different features and functions,
some of which include:
the 4D data exploration system;
simultaneous representation of multiple data objects;
data management of a hierarchy of visualized objects;
robust geo-referencing system;
data analysis, quality control, editing;
and movie making
Fledermaus is an interactive 4D geo-spatial analysis software. With movie-making tools and
integrated video playback, it is the gold standard for presentation and communication.
Stereo-capable 4D visualization
Functionality integrated to time series data components.
3D fly-throughs
Create and record fly-throughs in 3D space.
Video integration
Synchronized data-integrated video playback in the scene.
Navigation support
Support for navigation peripherals (e.g. bat, mouse, and space navigator).
Time/space notes
Set for movie-making with easy text/image insertion.
Grid functionality
Create, interpolate, mask, crop, and resample grids for the best possible interpretation of the
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Image draping
Drape imagery (e.g. side scan or backscatter mosaics, charts, class, textures, etc.) atop 3D
Object and surface analysis
Show object and surface change over time and perform slope and surface difference
Object tracking
Real-time tracking of objects (vessels, animals, etc.) via serial cable, UDP packet, or logged
Point, line, and polygon creation
Generate and export points, lines, polygons, contours, and grids in industry-standard formats.
Image export
Produce high-resolution graphics for reports, posters, and publications.
FM Geocoder Toolbox
Backscatter processing and multi-frequency mosaicking, intra-vessel normalization, and
seafloor characterization.
FM Midwater
Processing and analysis of multibeam and singlebeam water-column data and seismic data.
ESRI integration
Seamless workflow with direct 2-way link to ArcGIS software.
Pipeline tools
Pipeline analysis (eventing), route planning, pipeline length calculations, and data exports.
Generate and export long- and cross- profiles for use in engineering analysis.
Charting support
Sounding, feature, and contact selection and export to database.
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