Kelompok 18 - TGB2019 - Tugas#1 PDF
Kelompok 18 - TGB2019 - Tugas#1 PDF
Kelompok 18 - TGB2019 - Tugas#1 PDF
The task given is to do an interpretation of log data provide. The interpretation includes:
1. Data Quality
2. Identification of Formation and Reservoir
3. Calculation and Determination of Vshale
4. Determination of Petrophysical Parameters
5. Calculation and Determination of Log Porosity
6. Calculation and Determination of Water Saturation
7. Petrophysical Parameters for Water Saturation Calculation
8. Fluid Contact Calculation
9. Calculation of Pay Zone
10. Pay Summary
Based on the table above, it can be said that the data are pretty good, thus the next step of
interpretation could be done.
With an assumption that reservoir porosity is 100% filled by the hydrocarbon gas (𝜌! =
0.685, 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐷𝑆𝑇 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑀𝑇 − 1), Table 2.2 shows the result.
From the table above, it can be concluded that bulk density which calculated with matrix
density of limestone are quite more alike with the measured bulk density than the bulk
density which calculated with matrix density of dolomite. Then the validation using RCAL
data is done to validate the argument.
Beside of that, the quick up lithology evaluation is done using this parameter from Baker
Hughes. The reservoir has low GR and approximately 2.71 g/cc density.
Hence, it is validated that the reservoir is a limestone reservoir. For identifying the
sedimentation environment, based on the data provided, it can be concluded that the reservoir
is deposited in shallow sea. In assumption that the limestone is biogenic type, so it is corral
deposited then its possible sedimentation environment is in sea within less than 50 meters
depth (shallow sea).
In order to find layer which filled by hydrocarbon, it needed to fulfill this requirements:
1. Read by low GR Log (High GR Log represents shale, something that needs to be
avoiding to)
2. Read by high Neutron Log (High Neutron Log represents high porosity)
3. Read by high Resistivity Log (Hydrocarbon has high resistivity, gas > oil > water)
4. Deep resistivity is higher than low resistivity log reading (represents permeable layer)
5. Found with “crossover” in them (represents pore which are fulfilled by other than
Requirement number 5 is the most important one. Crossover is phenomenon from Neutron-
Density Log reading where Density Log is decreasing (to the left) and Neutron Log is
decreasing too (to the right). Decreasement of Density Log represents higher porosity. While
porosity increases, if the assumption of those porosity is filled with water, Neutron Log must
be increasing, but the fact is not. It represents that the porosity is fulfilled by another fluid.
Based on those requirements, zone 2 is the one which fulfilled those all 5 requirements. It
indicates that zone 2 is filled by gas (high resistivity), has relatively high porosity, has
relatively high permeability and there is crossover there in zone 2. It can be concluded that
zone 2 is the zone of interest in TM-1. TM-3 have same trend data with TM-1. The zone
interest in all wells named zone 2.
Something anomaly is found in TM-2. It can be said that zone 2 (depth m – depth m) is one
of the interest zones in TM-2. But there is something anomaly in zone 2. There has come a
hypothesis that a layer between the reservoir in zone 2 is layer that impermeable, but because
A lack of further information, the decision of what kind of layer it is could not be done. It can
only be said that its layer is impermeable. The assumption that its impermeable zone is kind
of dolomite that has much radioactive elements. Because its GR Log reading relatively higher
than two layers of the reservoir in zone 2.
Another abnormal thing that found in TM-2 is, there is a layer that potentially filled by
hydrocarbon (the presence of crossover) on the top of log reading data. Because there were
no further information of it, it cannot be decided whether it can be the interest zone or not.
Table 2.4 shows the depth summary of reservoir.
For TM-2 and TM-3, Because there were SP Log Data, the SP Log can be used to calculate
shale volume of the reservoir. Because SP Log is sensitive enough to be used in shale volume
calculation in, especially, carbonate reservoir.
𝑺𝑷 − 𝑺𝑷𝑪𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒏
𝑽𝒄𝒍𝑺𝑷 = (3)
𝑺𝑷𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒚 − 𝑺𝑷𝑪𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒏
Double clay indicator works on principle of defining a clean line and a clay point. Because
Neutron-Density log is chosen as the double clay indicator in TM-1, the calculation of the
clay volume through Neutron-Density crossplot and do the correction on it (RHOZ as the
Density input and TNPH as the Neutron input).
Table 2.5 shows result of clay volume calculation using double clay indicator (ND crossplot):
For TM-2 and TM-3 that use SP clay volume calculation. It still do the correction on this SP
Log data in Histogram.
Vcl Logic
Well Zone SP
Clean Clay
TM-2 2 -30.6 25
TM-3 2 -51.8 25.2
Because the reservoir are limestone reservoir, and the assumption of 100% clean sand is used,
it can be said that almost zero clay volume in the reservoir. So it needed to have correction
and make no distance between dry clay point and wet clay point. From the crossplot, software
will calculate automatically the porosity value.
𝒏 (𝒂×𝑹𝒘)
𝑺𝒘 =
Because there were no further information about geological structure of the reservoir, the
assumption of the reservoir is fulfilled the convention is used (there is only primary porosity).
On Pickett Plot, it is found that the assumption is approved. Data trend of the reservoir Picket
Plot is matched with convention assumption value of cementation factor (m=2) and saturation
exponent (n=2).
The Rw value is obtained from Pickett Plot. Because there were no further information, it is
assumed that data on the very left of the plot are the reference obtained for Rw value.
Meanwhile resistivity and clay volume crossplot, it is assumed that data on the very bottom
of the plot are the reference of clay resistivity. It is assumed that the very bottom of the plot is
the clay. Because clay have clay bound water (water have low resistivity). It is assumed the
bottom data is the clay bound water of clay minerals.
TM-2 have different trend with TM-1. So, the interpretation is done in a different way.
the hydrocarbon density used in TM-2 0.1242 from DST file of TM-2.
The hypothesis found that a layer among the reservoir layer is an aquifer. Because the layer
have slightly same resistivity between LLS (shallow resistivity) and LLD (deep resistivity). It
is assumed that LLS are measuring shallow resistivity that happening in the near borehole.
Because the assumption that mud filtrate was invading the near borehole, it can be concluded
that “fluid” in the deep measurement resistivity is the same fluid with the mud filtrate.
This zone is something that is avoiding to, so it needed to isolate this layer and make sure it
install multilayer completion in this well TM-2. The perforation of the upper layer and lower
layer (middle layer is aquifer) is done.
TM-3 somehow have a same trend with TM-1. From Pickett Plot, it is found that a thin water
layer. Because it is found that its neutron and density plot are slightly coincide. it can be
concluded that it is a layer that have most water in zone 2.
About resistivity plot in TM-3, it can be said that there is no different interpretation with
other wells. So it can be said that bottom of the data is the clay mineral
It can be seen that data trend in TM-3 is alike with TM-1 data trend. So the determination of
interest zone in TM-3 using reference in determination in TM-1 too. The analyzation of the
caliper log data is done from hydrocarbon density in TM-3 (0.1233) from DST file of TM-3.
Sw Logic Water
Well Zone
a m n Rw Rw Temp Salinity
Depth (ft) Remark
3.1 Conclusion
TM-1 and TM-3 have same trend data and almost both interpretation result are alike.
Here are the pay summary result of TM-1, TM-2, TM-3
3.2 Recommendation
1. Because we have different data provided between those 3 wells, the interpretation
needs further evaluation so it can represent the real condition of the reservoir.
2. TM-2 has very different logging data trend compared to other wells (TM-1 and
TM-3), hence we found other hydrocarbon potential along the logging data, because
we have no other data, we decided to make it only as a potential (which needs further
interpretation) and not include it on the zone of interest.
3. TM-2 needs to be reevaluated more, because it has a layer in the middle of the
interest zone. We have to be very careful in make next decision on what to do next in
TM-2 (one of it we suggest to choose commingle completion with isolating the
middle layer)
3.4 Reference