Lab 5

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Department of Bio-Medical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences

Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Bio-Medical Engineering Semester: I

Subject Applied Physics Date:

Verify the motion of Free-Falling Objects


(1): To know about the gravitational force and its effect on free fall bodies
(2): Verify the Relation between height and time of free fall objects
(3): To know about the effect of mass on the free fall objects

Student Name: ……………. CMS #.....................

Lab Performance

No. Title Marks Obtained Marks

1 Subject Knowledge & Data Analysis 5
2 Ability to conduct experiment 5
3 Total 10

Lab Reports

No. Title Marks Obtained Marks

1 Report content & Structure 5
2 Calculations & Data presentation 5
3 Total 10

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ………………………………….

Verify the motion of Free-Falling Objects


➢ Free falling motion kit

➢ Magnetic bobs


Galileo and Newton probably began the systematic experimental study of the motion of a body
falling freely under the influence of force of gravity. Now, it is well established that all bodies
(near the surface of the earth) in the absence of air resistance, fall with a uniform acceleration.
The acceleration of all freely falling bodies is the same (which is independent of the mass of
the falling object) at a given point on the surface of the earth. Air resistance distorts the laws
of free fall since it mainly depends on the size and shape of the body.


Motion of every object falling freely under the influence of gravity near the surface of the
earth is accelerated. This acceleration g is a constant and is independent of the mass of the
falling object and is given by the relation

𝑠 = 𝑢 𝑡 + 𝑔𝑡^2

where, u is the initial velocity and t is the time the object takes to fall freely through a
distance s. (We neglect air resistance.)

Description of Experimental Setup: In this experimental problem, we will study the

motion of a freely falling spherical bob and determine the acceleration due to gravity g. We
will use a spherical steel ball (for which we may neglect the air resistance) and let the ball fall
freely under the influence of force of gravity. We will record the time t the ball takes to fall
freely through a measured height h. Thus, for different distances, we need to record the h and
t data. From this data, we will determine the value of acceleration due to gravity g. The
experimental setup to be used in this problem consists of a stand on the top end of which a
small solenoid is clamped to hold an iron ball. Pressing the 'START switch of the intelligent
timer cuts off the power supply to the solenoid and the ball gets released. The solenoid is used
to hold and release the ball from the same position each time. An timer unit, connected to
detectors is provided to measure the time. The position of detectors can be changed using the
boss heads/clamps. The detectors detect the crossing of the ball and the timer displays the time
t. Here to is the time the ball takes to fall through the distance between the initial position to
final position.

1. Clamp a detector below the solenoid. Adjust and level the experimental setup using the given
plumb line by hooking its 'terminal' end to the solenoid. For the alignment of the detectors a
precaution needs to be observed such that, the ball when released (or the plumb line thread) should
not miss the detection line of the detector
2. Hold and release the given ball using the solenoid and the timer.
3. Note the positions of the solenoid and the detectors. Measure the distance between the ball's initial
position and detector.
4. Record the time t on the timer display and note the height from where the ball release
5. Calculate the time and height according to given formulas
6. Verify the time and height measured with calculated
7. Change the mass of ball to analyze the effect on the time of free fall
8. Record all data and make observation tables.

Observation Tables:
1: Relation between time and height of free fall bodies:

S: No Value of Measured Measured Calculated Calculated

g height Time height time
2: Effect of mass on the free fall motion

S: No Mass of Bob Measured Height Measured time Comments

1: What is free fall motion support your answer with practical examples?

2: Mass can effect on the free fall motion. If its true explain reason if its wrong give your
comments behind physics of this phenomenon?

3: Free fall objects has constant velocity. If it’s true explain reason if it’s wrong give your
comments behind physics of this phenomenon?

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