Wealth Creation Project 09 2016
Wealth Creation Project 09 2016
Wealth Creation Project 09 2016
1.0 Introduction
money and other valuable assets. Make money, and then invest it to grow
your net worth - a common formula. Those who look a little deeper see
that assets alone don't necessarily pay the bills, stressing making your
money and assets work for you to produce streams of income. In any case
matter of accumulation.
If you make a bet with a friend on a football game and win, no new value
moved from the hands of your friend to yours. The same is true on a
larger scale when, for example, credit default swaps are used by financial
instruments like these, large banks and funds became gamblers in the
years leading up to the real estate slump that started in 2006. Many of
them were no longer creating any real value, instead just moving wealth
If you buy a couch there is real value created and exchanged. The
sit or lay on. To do so they buy materials ranging from wood to cloth and
nails. These things are real values created by others. Meanwhile you have
to create and trade something of value (your labor and skills if you're an
employee) to get the money needed to buy the couch. There is wealth
Even speculation can create value in the right context. For example,
those who trade futures contracts create a way for farmers to guarantee a
price for their crops months in advance so they don't go bankrupt if the
market price is down at harvest time. On the other end, a tortilla chip
maker can know ahead of time what his corn will cost, and so plan
trick a man out of money is to profit in a financial sense, but not to create.
For example, when most people think of how to make money they think
they think of the steps to go through to have money handed over to them.
Go to work, do as you're told and collect a paycheck. Start a business,
uncreative and limited approach. Someone else has to create the job to be
done or the business model to be followed. This also is not likely to lead
to much wealth creation on the part of the person who thinks this way.
The alternative ? Look at what value you actually can create and add to
the world. Starting at the simplest level, forget about the paycheck for a
moment and ask if you are providing much value to your employer, and
customers want and need and if there are better ways to provide that. See
if there are other needs not being met. The true wealth creators are not
just following what others do. They are looking for new ways to create
look for the quickest way to move dollars from other pockets to yours. Of
course you want to "get paid," and there are always ways to do that. But
wealth creation comes first. Only then is there something to pay the
The purpose of life is essentially to create and experience more life, and
to enable the true expression of life. Wealth creation in its fullest and
In the article “Creating Wealth” by Jim Pinto writes: There are only three
sources of wealth; natural resources, labor, and knowledge. Natural
resources (oil, minerals and the like) are tied to geography. However, the
century, and it comes from the countries that generate wealth through
knowledge and labor, and creating higher value. Mining and farming
create wealth for the same reasons. Labor is a commodity; the value of
innovation are the key ingredients for productivity and wealth generation.
regions and nations for the single reason that it is the source of wealth;
and the key to improvements in living standards. Those who can produce
by the natural resources at their disposal, but by their human capital; the
knowledge and skill of human beings and their ability to learn and apply
rank as the major wealth creators in modern societies… Next come
The menace of unemployment, the lack of models for wealth creation and
individuals, organizations and a nation are the issues that warrants this
in Jos north local government of plateau state and the entire nation.
5. To investigate the importance of wealth creation in the global
degree programme.
wealth creation.
in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down
on the time devoted for the research work.
This study covers the period of 3 months which starts from the 5th of
(Bashar O. 2005)
Wealth: - Wealth measures the value of all the assets of worth owned by
taking the total market value of all physical and intangible assets owned,
goods. (www.Investopedia.com/terms/w/wealth.asp)
Creation: - The act of creating; especially: the act of bringing the world
Wealth Creation: - 1.Accumulation of assets (especially those that
2.1 Introduction
from one society to another. Therefore the word wealth means different
Wealth measures the value of all the assets of worth owned by a person,
market value of all physical and intangible assets owned, then subtracting
people, organizations and nations are said to be wealthy when they are
abundance of such possessions or resources to the benefit of the common
captures both the subjective nature of the idea and the idea that it is not a
which includes the sum of natural, human and physical assets. Natural
capital includes land, forests, fossil fuels, and minerals. Human capital is
water, property, certain skills etc.) and the state of having
which can be exchanged for money or barter. Just as the word wealth is
Adam Smith, wealth creation is the combination of materials, labour
From the journal of the 14th Annual wealth creation study (2004-
create wealth, not control costs. But that obvious fact is not reflected in
the balance sheet portrays the liquidation value of the enterprise and
provides creditors with worst case information. But enterprises are not
concerns, that is, for wealth creation. To do that requires information that
resources. Together, they constitute the executive's tool kit for managing
From the book A Blue Print Of Wealth Creation by Msi Taylor. Wealth
grow the value of an asset or assets over an extended period of time.
Many people use wealth creation during their working years to fund an
health and loss of income. Slow and Steady Wins the Race
human capital.
economic growth and wealth creation, and is crucial for improving the
to start creating wealth than now. You don’t need a large lump sum to be
wealth creation equals, consistency all over time in mathematical form.
I draw attention to one idea manifest in Kao’s definition. The idea that i
definition and implementing it merely required a mindset change. Any
(The Straits Times, 1994). Procedural entrepreneurship saw its way into
1988) Communities and non profits have also joined the
on 48 countries in 2008 [Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 2008].
Countries that are able to replenish the stock of businesses and jobs
Entrepreneurs therefore play a key role in addressing poverty
and Latin America, demonstrated that untitled assets that could not
be used as capital was a primary barrier to the kind of
strong saving culture and already have the assets needed to launch
imaginatively in creating new uses for the assets they already have.
of measures that will ensure that the legal framework provides the
This is equally an indication that in many instances, the removal of
particularly apt for the situation in Nigeria. He notes that the main
on the other hand, is more likely to consume and utilize economic
enterprise through the creativity of people into new resources and wealth.
Theft, exploitation and greed, among others, may make money for
extend entrepreneurship into new spheres at times calling upon the
conditions in Africa are such that the continent has continued to exhibit
1960, the African countries share declined from 4% to less than 2 percent
coupled with the structure of its production, trade and finance as well as
the employment and a large share of the region’s Gross Domestic Product
(GDP). Other causes include high illiteracy and population growth rates,
challenges that Africa needs to address with adequate capacity include the
Development indicators, 2002 has reported: “Sub-Saharan Africa has
been nearly stagnant, with less than 0.2 percent annual growth over the
past 40years and declining growth rates. Fourteen major African countries
poorest continent despite being one of the most richly endowed regions
iii. Reversing the poor social and economic conditions under which 340
million people, or half of the population of Africa live on less then US$
1.0 a day
countries grew at over 7 percent per annum within the last four decades,
the same period.
process. A process that requires planning, strategy and effort. The 21"1
be creators of
wealth and job, in this era of unemployment in most parts of the world. In
other words, honest wealth creation serves the needs of people, The true
wealth creators are not just following what others do. They are looking