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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the College of Criminal Justice Education
Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree



Abay-Abay, Fretzel Mae E.

Aguilar, Shaun Cydric Andrew J.
Bingco, Jasper Kent P.
Condez, Frederick Dave B.
Dimasu-ay, Earl Jan B.
Manejar, Cristian S.
Tario, Jan Miles O.
The Problem and Its Setting


According to Vallejo (2023), academic pressure is the tension,

discomfort, and other emotions caused by the pressure from school, family,

and society in the learning process. Academic pressure is a significant

contributor to student stress. A significant portion of college students report

experiencing high levels of stress, often linked to academic demands.

Factors such as living away from home, parental expectations, and heavy

course loads can exacerbate this stress. (Eira, 2024)

From an early age, children are highly encouraged or sometimes even

required by parents, guardians, or educators to think ahead and achieve

academic milestones. This pattern of constantly anticipating the next step

can be stressful for students, thus resulting in tension, discomfort, and other

negative emotions. (Vallejo, 2023).

While it is common for young students to be motivated by mild

academic pressure, many also have negative experiences with such

pressure, especially if it is in excess. Part of a young person’s development

through adolescence is learning how to balance the demands of life, and

academic pressure can end up hindering one’s growth. (Vallejo, 2023)

Academic pressure is a significant concern for students, families, and

educators alike (Ma, 2023). It can have profound impacts on students’

psychological, physiological, and academic well-being. Understanding the

relationship between academic pressure and achievement can inform

strategies to mitigate negative effects and create optimal learning


Education, as a multifaceted process, involves the acquisition of

knowledge, skills, and values. It is a fundamental human right that empowers

individuals to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.

While traditional views of education often focus on the transmission of

information and the development of cognitive abilities, contemporary

perspectives emphasize the importance of critical thinking, creativity, and

social-emotional learning. (Biesta, 2015).

As Biesta (2015) argues, the question of why education matters is

central to educational endeavors. It is a normative question that extends

beyond mere qualification and socialization to encompass the development

of individual subjectivity. Education should not only equip individuals with the

skills and knowledge necessary for employment and social participation but

also foster their capacity for critical reflection, empathy, and ethical action.

In recent years, educational policies and practices have increasingly

focused on standardized testing, accountability measures, and data-driven

decision-making. While these approaches can provide valuable insights, they

can also inadvertently narrow the scope of education, prioritizing quantitative

outcomes over qualitative ones. It is essential to strike a balance between

accountability and autonomy, recognizing the importance of teacher

judgment and professional discretion in shaping meaningful learning

experiences. (Biesta, 2015).

One major issue that many college students deal with is academic

pressure (Pedrelli et at., 2014). Students may struggle with the practical

difficulties of juggling career and family obligations, as well as the emotional

strain of being independent, in addition to the pressures of schoolwork and

tests. Developing successful solutions to promote students’ academic

progress and well-being requires an understanding of the complex nature of

academic pressure.

The impact of academic pressure on criminology students in South

East Asian Institute of Technology Inc. aims to analyze the coping

mechanism of every student under the effects of academic pressure. This will

assist future researchers in recognizing their capacities and resolving their

problems; understanding how to handle and confront a teacher’s competency

is one approach to seize an opportunity to increase one’s capability. This will

also help future researchers on what could be the parent’s steps or own
ways how they could engage in their children’s life most of all college


Statement of the Problem

The study focused on the impact of academic pressure on third year

criminology students in South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc. They

will serve as the respondents of our study and they will represent the whole

Criminology department. They will specifically answer the following


1. What are the causes of academic pressure among third year

criminology students in terms of:

1.1 Financial Problems;

1.2 Family Issues;

1.3 Competitiveness;

1.4 Teacher Competency; and

1.5 Self-Esteem.

2. To what extent is the coping mechanism to the academic pressure

among third year criminology students in terms of:

2.1 Self-Improvements;

2.2 Collaborate purposefully among peers; and

2.3 Parental engagement.


Ho: There is no significant relationship on the academic pressure on

the third-year criminology students of South East Asian Institute of

Technology, Inc.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between the academic pressure

on the third-year criminology students of South East Asian Institute of

Technology, Inc.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on the impact of academic pressure on third year

criminology students in South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc. The

respondents of this study are the 3 rd year criminology who were composed of

272 randomly selected students in the year 2024-2025. The result of this

study is applicable only to the researcher of this study and its respondents.

The researchers considered working on this study to find out if there’s

a significant impact of academic pressure on criminology students in South

East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc. The time period of this study will start

on the first week of November 2024 up until the last week of November 2024.
Theoretical Framework

Academic pressure refers to the tension, discomfort, and other

emotions caused by the pressure from school, family, and society in the

learning process (Luo et al., 2020). Determining the idea of this research we

come up with different theories.

Academic pressure may have an important impact on teenagers’

physical and mental health, family relations, and happiness, which has been

confirmed by many studies (Sun et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2016). Academic

pressure refers to the tension, discomfort, and other emotions caused by the

pressure from school, family, and society in the learning process (Luo et al.,

2020). Studies have shown that teachers and parents have higher learning

expectations of teenagers with good academic performance, resulting in

greater academic pressure. When academic performance does not match

expectations, this can create negative emotions, which will lead to deviant

behaviors (Ma et al., 2018; Ҫelik, 2019).

The parent–child relationship is one of the most influential, important,

and meaningful relationships in an individual’s life. The communication

between parents and children fuels their bond and functions to socialize

children (i.e., gender, career and work, relationship values and skills, and

health behaviors), provide social support, show affection, make sense of their
life experiences, engage in conflict, manage private information, and create a

family communication environment. How parents and children manage these

functions changes over time as their relationship adapts over the

developmental periods of their lives (Horstman, H. K., 2016).

Teaching is a deeply subjective and relational activity; although often

assumed to rest exclusively on effective instrumental practices, teaching’s

success resides predominantly in the ability of the teacher to foster and

engage reciprocating authentic connections with students (Taylor, E. W.,


Conceptual Framework

This study aims to investigate the impact of academic pressure on

criminology students of South East Asian Institute of Technology Inc.

Academic pressure, as the independent variable, refers to the overwhelming

demands and expectations placed on students, often leading to stress,

anxiety, and burnout. The dependent variable, coping mechanisms towards

academic pressure, encompasses various states, including self-

improvements, collaborate purposefully among peers, parental engagement,

time management and relaxation.

The study hypothesizes that effective coping mechanisms can

mitigate the negative impact of academic pressure on students. These

coping mechanisms include self-improvement strategies, such as time

management and study skills, peer collaboration to share experiences and

support, and parental engagement to provide guidance and encouragement.

By employing these strategies, students can better manage academic

pressure, enhance their resilience, and promote overall mental well-being.

Academic Pressure Coping Mechanisms Towards

Academic Pressure
1. Financial Problems
2. Family Issues 1. Self-Improvements
3. Competitiveness 2. Collaborate
4. Teacher Competency Purposefully Among
5. Low Self-Esteem Peers
3. Parental Engagement

Figure 1.

Shows the impact of academic pressure on criminology students, and

what are the coping mechanism towards academic pressure of Third-Year

students of South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

Significance of the Study

The study focused on explaining and finding the impact of academic

pressure to the third-year students of South East Asian Institute of

Technology, Inc., and will be significant to the following:

Students - can benefit from a deeper understanding of the factors

contributing to academic pressure and the strategies to manage it effectively.

This knowledge empowers them to take proactive steps to alleviate stress

and enhance their academic performance.

Instructors - can utilize the study's insights to develop more empathetic and

supportive teaching approaches. By recognizing the challenges faced by

students, educators can tailor their instruction, provide timely guidance, and

create a conducive learning environment that promotes students' well-being.

Parents - can gain valuable insights into the pressures their children

experience, fostering greater empathy and understanding. Armed with this

knowledge, parents can offer emotional support, encourage healthy habits,

and establish open communication channels to help their children navigate

academic challenges.

Future researchers - can build upon the foundation laid by this study,

exploring the nuances of academic pressure and its impact on different

student populations. The findings can serve as a reference point for future

investigations, guiding the development of innovative interventions and

strategies to address academic pressure and promote student success.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study are defined conceptually and/or

operationally to ensure clarity and better understanding.

Academic Pressure

State of psychological stress experienced by students due to excessive

academic demands, time constraints, and performance expectations. This

pressure can manifest in various forms, such as anxiety, frustration, and a

sense of inadequacy.

Collaborate Purposely

Putting students in small groups to work on projects, answer questions, and

share knowledge is known as collaborative learning, and it has grown to be

one of the most powerful educational systems in use today.

Coping Mechanism

A coping mechanism is a conscious or unconscious behavior, thought, or

emotion that helps someone deal with stress or difficult life changes.

Criminology Student

A criminology student studies crime, the factors that contribute to it, and how

to prevent it.
Family Issues

Family issues are those that lead to physical or emotional strain within a

family. Some parents put pressure on their kids to perform well in school, but

when that doesn’t work out, there’s a misunderstanding that makes it hard for

the child to communicate academic difficulties, which can lead to emotional

distress and make it hard to balance schoolwork and family issues.

Financial Problem

Students’ financial difficulties are characterized by a lack of funds for their

expenses and necessities, such as group projects, uniforms, paper-based

assignments that must be printed, bills, and transportation.


One who has begotten offspring, or one who occupies the role of mother or

father. A parent gives their child access to activities, support, and

encouragement so they can master important developmental tasks.

Peer Relationship

The connections and exchanges that teenagers make with their friends and

classmates are referred to as peer relationships. Children learn a variety of

important social and emotional abilities, including empathy, cooperation, and

problem-solving techniques, in a special setting that is provided by peer


The practice of enhancing one’s status, knowledge, or character via one’s

own efforts is known as self-improvement. Students who work on themselves

can succeed academically and develop personally.

Reviews of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or

conclusions, methodologies and others. Those that were included in this

chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the

present study.

Related Literature

The academic pressure of students is a hot issue concerned by the

school, family and all walks of life. Academic pressure will have a lot of

impact on students' psychology, physiology and so on, and then affect their

academic performance. The study of the influence of academic pressure on

academic achievement can help the society to correctly view the relationship

between stress and achievement, provide the basis for reducing the burden

and reducing pressure, and create a better learning environment (Ma, Z.


As a negative social issue, teenagers’ problem behavior not only

affects individuals’ physical and mental health and social function

development but is also not conducive to social harmony and stability. This

study mainly discusses the influence of academic pressure on adolescents’

problem behavior, and the potential relationship between these and

academic pressure, examining issues such as self-control, parent–child

conflict, and subjective well-being (Jiang M., 2022).

Based on the data of Chinese education tracking survey, this paper

discusses the relationship between academic achievement and academic

pressure, and analyzes the heterogeneity of different student groups. The

study found that there is a “inverted U-shaped” relationship between

academic performance and academic stress, appropriate academic stress

can promote academic performance, when the stress exceeds a certain

critical value, it has a negative impact on academic performance; at the same

time, the compressive ability of boys is stronger than that of girls (Ma Z.,


College life is one of the most sparkling and unforgettable experiences

in an adolescent’s life. In colleges, adolescents enjoy a vivacious

environment, a company of friends and various academic and co-curricular

activities which enrich and nurture their academic life and hereafter prepare

the adolescent for adulthood. College students are vulnerable to various

stress inflicting situations which in turn tends them to be continually creative

in managing stress feelings. The stress producing factors among college

students can arise from the subject or from the environment. These stressors

are related to academic, socio-economic and personal successes in which

the subject’s failure to overcome leads to stress. College students often meet
their future partners in college. Along with it, they also require preparation

and focus to perform well in academic works of various subjects and

disciplines. However, college students very often experience inconsistent

outcomes. Therefore, ineffective coping can lead to anxiety, drinking

problems, depression and a multitude of other mental health problems

amongst college students. Moreover, elevated stress levels amongst college

students can result in a decline in the academic accomplishments, and affect

both the physical, social and mental health of students (Yikealo, al.,


Coping is defined as the thoughts and the thoughts and behaviors

mobilized to manage internal and external stressful situations. It is a term

used distinctively for conscious and voluntary mobilization of acts, different

from ‘defense mechanisms’ that are subconscious or unconscious adaptive

responses, both of which aim to reduce or tolerate stress. Coping is an

important predictor of stress among college students. Individual used coping

mechanisms to manage their stress and negative emotions. The way

students cope with stress can have a significant impact on their stress levels

and overall well-being (Sailo, H., & Varghese, D., 2024).

Financial Problems

Financial play an important role in students’ academic performance.

Financial problems are a serious issue that needs to be addressed as it

leads to multiple stages of problems such as health issues and academic

performance. Dang and Bulus (2015) education are a high-cost social

service therefore insufficient financial support will be a problem for students

to enhance themselves in academics thus leading to poor academic

performance (Norazlan, N. et al., 2020).

Financially educated society tend to make better financial decisions.

Nevertheless, individuals are seldom having a perfect financial knowledge.

Behavioral economics admitted that individuals are not always rational and

emotions can always affect decision making. Thus, objectives of this paper

are to investigate the financial problems among the students as well as their

financial management practices. This is because the ability to manage

personal finances has become increasingly important in both university and

college in preparing their students with good financial management (Azer, I.

et al., 2018).

Family Issues

Parental participation and learning effect how parents treat their

children, as well as how they handle their children's habits and cognitive

processes. This, in turn, shapes their children's performance and behaviors

toward them. As a result, the parent-child relationship is dependent on the

parents' attitudes, understanding, and perspectives. When parents have

positive views, the relationship between them and their children will be
considerably better than when they have negative attitudes. Parents respond

to unpleasant emotions in a variety of ways, which can be classified as

supportive or non-supportive. Parents' supportive reactions encourage

children to explore their emotions by encouraging them to express them or

by assisting them in understanding and coping with an emotion-eliciting

scenario (Deng, Y. et al., 2022).

Non-supportive behaviors, such as downplaying the kid's emotional

experience, disciplining the child, or getting concerned by the child's display,

transmit the child the message that expressing unpleasant emotions is

inappropriate and unacceptable. Supportive parental reactions to unpleasant

emotions in children have been linked to dimensions of emotional and social

competence, such as emotion comprehension and friendship quality. Non-

supportive or repressive parental reactions, on the other hand, have been

connected to a child's stored negative affect and disordered behaviors during

emotion-evoking events, probably due to an inability or unwillingness to

communicate unpleasant sentiments (Deng, Y. et al., 2022).

There are two types of family risk factors, soft and hard. Hard factors

are encountered in families with a weak family building structure, parents are

little to no educated at all, and of course, the family status (economically).

Several studies have proved that students of hard risk factors are more likely

to encounter depression. Firstly, students from broken families have low

confidence in every aspect of life, and they are weak at handling emotional

breakdowns compared to students from complete and happy families.

Secondly, the university students born in educated families, especially

mothers (at least a college degree or higher degree), are less likely to

confront depression than the university students born in families with little to

no educated families. Secondly, children born with educated mothers or

mothers who at least have a college degree tend to be less depressive than

the children of less-educated mothers (Deng, Y. et al., 2022).


According to Park, S. (2024) competition is a ubiquitous and pervasive

aspect of human life (Elliot, 2020; Hayward & Kemmelmeier, 2007) and has

been extensively examined in educational research (Abril & Trinidad, 2022).

Several studies have shown that student achievement is linked to a country's

competitiveness and, in turn, its economic performance (Baumann & Winzar,

2016; Baumann et al., 2019; Hanushek & Woesmann, 2012). Others have

shown competition can be a motivating factor in education and can have

significant consequences for student behavior and achievement (Baumann &

Hamin, 2011; Baumann & Harvey, 2018). Studies have demonstrated that

student achievement can be impacted by the degree of student

competitiveness and the level of competitiveness in a school (Korn & Elliot,

2016; Nebel et al., 2016).

Teacher Competency

Education greatly impacts nationwide development where teachers

play a central role, involving acquiring students' knowledge and skills and

securing the nation's future. The role of teachers is paramount, serving as

the cornerstone of educational and societal development. Beyond the

transmission of knowledge, teachers play a pivotal role in shaping students'

character, values, attitudes, and behaviors. The public recognizes not only

the teachers' responsibilities but also their roles in society (Jan, 2017; Keiler,

2018; Siddiqui & Ahamed, 2020). Their influence extends beyond the

classroom, contributing to forming responsible, informed, and morally

grounded members of society (Canuto, P. P., et al., 2024).

Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem includes positive and negative evaluations of the

individual (Baumeister et al., 1996). As a positive psychological resource

(Zhang et al., 2015; An et al., 2022), self-esteem is an essential protective

factor for the healthy growth of adolescents (Ambriz et al., 2012; Li et al.,

2019). Negative life events particularly impact adolescent self-esteem

(Luciano and Orth, 2016; Sang et al., 2019). There is a significant negative

correlation between self-esteem and negative life events (Jiang et al., 2019).

Individuals with low self-esteem are susceptible to negative life events (Liu

and Liu, 2021). Negative life events negate individuals’ evaluation of their
value and ability, thus forming low self-esteem. Some studies found that self-

esteem is an important factor affecting individual adaptive behavior (Pan,

2015). Self-esteem is closely related to college students’ adjustment, and

individuals with high self-esteem analyze and view themselves positively,

cope and solve problems well, and develop well (Baumeister et al., 2003;

Song et al., 2020; Christoph and Lea, 2021), (Quan, X., et al., 2024).


The period of college students is a critical stage full of challenges and

growth. As college students transition from adolescence to adulthood, they

grapple with a multitude of pressures from various aspects, such as

academics, careers, and interpersonal relationships. At this stage, the

Personal Growth Initiative (PGI) plays an important role. Personal growth

initiative is seen as a valuable resource that empowers college students to

enact positive change and foster personal growth. Comprising components

Readiness for Change, Planfulness, Using Resources, and Intentional

Behavior, personal growth initiative is not only a kind of will, but also a kind of

action, embodies a proactively pursue to self-improvement and self-


In accordance with Erikson's eight-stage theory of individual

personality development, college students are in early adulthood stage, this

is an important period of transition, with a variety of changes and

developmental tasks to be addressed. Failure to address these tasks

adequately can result in negative emotional, behavioral, and cognitive

consequences [20]. Numerous scholars have contended that good personal

growth initiatives are necessary to respond positively to life's challenges and

adapt positively to change. Therefore, personal growth initiatives are

important for college students facing the challenges of transitioning from

adolescence to independent adulthood (Jiao, Z., et al., 2024)

Collaborate Purposefully Among Peers

Cooperation often takes place in the context of social interaction. It

refers to a kind of joint action or way between individuals or groups to

achieve a common purpose and cooperate with each other (Nowak, 2006).

Therefore, it is difficult to talk about cooperative behavior without considering

social relationship, which shows its importance in cooperation. Peer

relationships are interpersonal relationships established and developed

during social interactions among peers or individuals with similar levels of

psychological development (La Greca and Harrison, 2005), and are a form of

social support.

As cooperation is a prosocial behavior, peer relationships may have

an important influence on college students’ cooperative behaviors. Having

good social support facilitates better cooperation between individuals; the

stronger the peer relationship, the higher the quality of cooperation in pursuit
of goals shared with cooperative peers (Blair and Perry, 2019). Similarly,

individuals are more likely to engage in cooperative behavior among those

they consider friends (Chen et al., 2016). Consider that motivational

tendency is often highly consistent with behavior (Heckhausen and

Heckhausen, 2018), (Wang, G., et al., 2021)

Parental Engagement

Parent–child relationship is a two-way interaction between parents

and their children (Robinson, 2015). It is an important environmental factor

influencing an individual’s adaptation and development (Miller et al., 2000;

Slinner and Steinhauer, 2000; Bronfenbrenner, 2005; Popov and Ilesanmi,

2015; Yang, 2018; Steele and Cliff, 2019). Recent studies have shown that

the parent-child relationship has been involved in the learning process of

students (Tus, 2021; Zhu et al., 2021), which has emerged as a major factor

affecting their academic performance and daily life (Carmona-Halty et al.,

2020; Liu et al., 2021).

Previous studies have stated that the parent–child relationship is a

significant predictor of students’ academic performance (Carmona-Halty et

al., 2020). Moreover, a good parent-child relationship promotes academic

self-efficacy, thereby reducing academic stress, which is vital for successful

academic performance (Mulyadi et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2016), (Li, J., et al.,



This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study,

locale of the study, respondents, population and sampling size, data

gathering procedure, data gathering instruments, and statistical tools utilized

in treating the data.

Research Design

This study will utilize a quantitative research design using descriptive

technique which will be composed of questions. Quantitative research design

is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to

obtain information about the variables.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be composed of 272 randomly

selected 3rd year criminology students enrolled at South East Asian Institute

of Technology, Inc. in the year 2024-2025.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at South East Asian Institute of

Technology, Inc. This school is located in the Province of South Cotabato,

specifically in the Municipality of Tupi.

Figure 2. Map of Locality

Statistical Treatment of Data

In this research study, descriptive statistics were employed to evaluate

the responses concerning the impact of academic pressure on 3 rd year

criminology students, namely Tabular and Weighted Mean. Additionally, the

field of descriptive statistics gathers, arranges, and presents data in a way

that highlights and describes its key characteristics. It offers a method for

reducing complex data sets into manageable and comprehendible forms.

Furthermore, assessing the correlations between variables using Spearman

correlation is a useful tool that makes data analysis and comprehension

easier. Afterward, we then calculated value in order to test the hypothesis.

Research Instrument

The study utilized a researchers-made survey form that serves as the

source for the needed data and will be distributed to research respondents.

This study will also utilize a rating scale to easily interpret and record data.

The study questionnaire will be conducted personally, separated into five (5)

sections. The researcher will use 4-point Likert scale to determine the result

of the analysis based on the answers of the respondents.

Table 1. Interpretation Table for Effectiveness

Rating Range Response Interpretation

4 4.00 – 3.00 Strongly Agree Very High Level of Effectiveness

3 2.99 – 2.00 Agree High Level of Effectiveness

2 1.99 – 1.00 Disagree Low Level of Effectiveness

1 1.00 – 0.01 Strongly Disagree Very Low Level of Effectiveness

Table 2. Four-Likert Scale of the Study

Scale Mean Average Interpretation Description

This indicates that the response of

the Third year Criminology Students

4 4.00 – 3.00 Strongly Agree
is Very High based on the

questionnaires provided.

This suggests that the response of

the third year Criminology Students

3 2.99 – 2.00 Agree
is only at High Level slightly lower

than the above number.

This is the response where they are

2 1.99 – 1.00 Disagree not satisfies or they do not agree

with the questions asked.

Strongly This is the indicator wherein the

Disagree response is not very satisfied or they

1 1.00 – 0.01
do not strongly agree about the

questions being asked.

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather data for this study, the researchers followed a systematic

approach. First, a formal letter of request was sent to the Head of Registrar’s

office. After that another formal letter was sent to the Dean of the College of

Criminal Justice Education at Southeast Asian Institute of Technology

seeking permission to conduct surveys. Upon approval, the researchers

informed the program head. Next, they prepared sufficient copies of the

questionnaire and distributed them to the respondents. After the designated

time, the questionnaires were collected. The collected data was then

tabulated, encoded, and processed. The researchers analyzed the

processed data to extract findings and draw conclusions. Finally, based on

the findings, recommendations were formulated.

Ethical Consideration

The purpose of this study is to examine and assess the connection

between the academic pressure to the 3rd year criminology student in South

East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc. Strict adherence to ethical guidelines

and data protection protocols is necessary. The participants may contact the

researchers to know the guidelines of the study. This research may not harm

any participants in conducting the study and the researchers will take any



This chapter provided the presentation of statistical data relative to the

problems posted. The corresponding analysis and interpretation of data were

incorporated in this part of the study, which was guided by the problems

stated in chapter 1.


Table 1. The Impact of Academic Pressure on Third Year

Criminology Students in terms of Financial Problems

Financial Problems Means Interpretation

1. Financial constraints significantly impact my
ability to focus on my studies. (Malaki ang Very High Level
epekto ng kahirapang pinansiyal sa pag-aaral 3.31
of Effectiveness
2. I have had to work part-time jobs to support
my studies, which has negatively affected my
academic performance. (Dahil sa High Level of
pangangailangang kumita, nahirapan akong Effectiveness
mapagtuunan ng pansin ang aking pag-aaral.)
3. I have experienced anxiety and depression
due to financial problem. (Nakaranas ako ng High Level of
pagkabalisa at depresyon dahil sa mga 2.83
pinansiyal na problema.)

4. I had to skip meals due to financial 2.83 High Level of

constraints. (Napilitan akong hindi kumain
dahil sa kakapusan sa pera.) Effectiveness

5. I think my academic performance would

significantly improve if I were financially stable.
(Sa aking palagay, mas mapapahusay ang Very High Level
aking akademikong pagganap kung maayos of Effectiveness
ang aking kalagayang pinansiyal.)

Very High
Overall Mean 3.01 Level of
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

In Table 1, question no. 1 to 5 the weighted mean is 3.01 which

means that financial problem poses a very significant impact or a very high

level of effectiveness towards their studies. The highest recorded mean in

this part of the impact of Academic Pressure among the third year

Criminology Students is 3.31 for Financial Constraints and the lowest

recorded mean is 2.67 which interpreted as High level of effectiveness for

working part-time jobs to support their studies. This implies that majority of

the respondents strongly agree that Financial Constraints gives a very

significant impact on their ability to focus on their studies. According to Dang

and Bulus (2015) education are a high-cost social service therefore

insufficient financial support will be a problem for students to enhance

themselves in academics thus leading to poor academic performance

(Norazlan, N. et al., 2020)

Table 1.1 The Impact of Academic Pressure on Third Year

Criminology Students in terms of Family Issues

Family Issues Means Interpretation

1. High family expectations increase my
academic stress. (Mataas na inaasahan ng High Level of
pamilya ang nagdaragdag sa aking stress sa 2.81
2. I have difficulty communicating academic
challenges to my family. (Nahihirapan akong High Level of
makipag-usap sa pamilya ko tungkol sa mga 2.94
hamon sa aking pag-aaral.)
3. Family problems distract me from my
studies. (Distraktado ako sa pag-aaral dahil sa High Level of
mga problema sa pamilya.) Effectiveness

4. I struggle to balance academics and family

obligations. (Nahihirapan akong balansehin High Level of
ang aking pag-aaral at mga obligasyon sa Effectiveness
5. Family problems cause me emotional
distress. (Nagdudulot ng emosyonal na High Level of
paghihirap sa akin ang mga problema sa 2.76

High Level of
Overall Mean 2.75
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

In Table 1.1, question no. 1 to 5 the weighted mean is 2.75 which

means that family issues pose a significant impact or only a high level of

effectiveness towards their studies. The highest recorded mean for Family
Issues is 2.94 for having difficulty communicating academic challenges to

their family while 2.55 as the lowest recorded mean for struggling to balance

academics and family obligations. This implies that majority of the

respondents is really having a very strong difficulty towards communicating

academic challenges to their family. Parents respond to unpleasant emotions

in a variety of ways, which can be classified as supportive or non-supportive.

Parent’s supportive reactions encourage children to explore their emotions

by encouraging them to express them or by assisting them in understanding

and coping with an emotion-eliciting scenario (Deng, Y. et al., 2022).

Table 1.2 The Impact of Academic Pressure on Third Year

Criminology Students in terms of Competitiveness

Competitiveness Means Interpretation

1. Excessive academic pressure leads to
burnout. (Ang labis na pressure sa pag-aaral ay Very High Level
nagdudulot ng matinding pagod.) of Effectiveness

2. I find myself turning a friendly game or activity

into a serious contest. (Madalas kong High Level of
ginagawang kompetisyon ang mga simpleng 2.60
laro o aktibidad.)
3. I really feel down when I lose in class for a
game activity. (Naaapakan ang aking dignidad High Level of
kapag natatalo ako sa mga laro sa klase.) Effectiveness

4. Competition inspires me to excel in class.

(Ang kompetisyon ay nag-uudyok sa akin na High Level of
pagbutihin ang aking pag-aaral.) Effectiveness

5. I enjoy competition because it gives me a 3.04 Very High Level

chance to discover my abilities. (Nasisiyahan
ako sa kompetisyon dahil nagbibigay ito ng
of Effectiveness
pagkakataon upang matuklasan ko ang aking
mga kakayahan.)
High Level of
Overall Mean 2.82
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

In Table 1.2, question no. 1 to 5 the weighted mean is 2.82 which

means that competitiveness or competition among peers are only at high

level of effectiveness towards their studies. The highest recorded mean for

Competitiveness among the third year Criminology Students is 3.13 for

Excessive academic pressure leads to burnout and interpreted as very high

level or a very significant impact on their studies while 2.39 for losing in class

for a game activity. This implies that majority of the respondents is prone or

having a very high response for excessive academic pressure leads to

burnout and should be given the necessary help for them to cope with their

problem. Studies have demonstrated that student achievement can be

impacted by the degree of student competitiveness and the level of

competitiveness in a school (Korn & Elliot, 2016; Nebel et al., 2016.

Table 1.3 The Impact of Academic Pressure on Third Year

Criminology Students in terms of Teacher Competency

Teacher Competency Means Interpretation

1. Our instructors provide us with scientific
information that allows us to gain a better and
deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Very High Level
(Nagbibigay sa amin ang aming mga guro ng 3.31
of Effectiveness
mga impormasyong siyentipiko na nagbibigay-
daan sa amin upang mas maunawaan at
mapag-aralan ang mga asignatura.)
2. I have felt that my questions and concerns
were addressed by my professors.
(Naramdaman ko na naisagot at naintindihan Very High Level
ng aking mga propesor ang aking mga of Effectiveness
katanungan at alalahanin.)
3. Our instructors encourage student interest
and the motivation to learn. (Pinupukaw ng Very High Level
aming mga guro ang interes at motibasyon ng 3.35
of Effectiveness
mga estudyante sa pag-aaral.)
4. Our instructors are supportive to our
academic goals. (Nagbibigay ng suporta ang Very High Level
aming mga guro sa aming mga pang- 3.28
of Effectiveness
akademikong mithiin.)

5. I feel disengaged and unmotivated in class.

High Level of
(Naramdaman kong nawawalan na ako ng 2.47
interes at motibasyon sa klase.)
Very High
Overall Mean 3.11 Level of
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)
In Table 1.3, question 1 to 5 the weighted mean is 3.11 which means

that Teacher Competency is of very high level of effectiveness or they are

confident enough of their teacher. The highest recorded mean for Teacher

Competency is their instructors encourage their interest and motivation to

learn that have a mean 3.35 which interpreted as Very High Level of

Effectiveness while 2.47 for feeling disengaged and unmotivated in class and

interpreted as only High Level of Effectiveness. This implies that their

instructors are doing really good with the education and giving the necessary

lessons to their students. Education greatly impacts nationwide development

where teachers play a central role, involving acquiring students’ knowledge

and skills and securing the nation’s future. The role of teachers is paramount,

serving as the cornerstone of educational and societal development (Jan,

2017; Keiler, 2018; Siddiqui & Ahamed, 2020).

Table 1.4 The Impact of Academic Pressure on Third Year

Criminology Students in terms of Self-Esteem

Self-Esteem Means Interpretation

1. I was able to do things as well as most

Very High Level
other people. (Kaya kong gawin ang mga 3.13
of Effectiveness
bagay gaya ng karamihan sa ibang tao.)
2. I take a positive attitude toward myself. Very High Level
(May positibo akong pananaw sa sarili.) of Effectiveness
3. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. 3.26 Very High Level
(Sa kabuuan, kuntento ako sa aking sarili.) of Effectiveness
4. I certainly feel useless at times. (Minsan, High Level of
nadarama kong hindi ako sapat.) 2.83
5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
High Level of
(Hindi ako nakakaramdam ng pagmamalaki 2.77
sa sarili.)
Very High
Overall Mean 3.06 Level of
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

In Table 1.4, question 1 to 5 the weighted mean is 3.06 which means

that their self-esteem is of very high level of effectiveness or their confident

enough of their own abilities. The highest recorded mean for measuring their

Self-Esteem is 3.31 for taking a positive attitude towards myself while 2.77

for feeling do not have much to be proud of. This implies that majority of the

respondents is having a positive outlook towards life and towards their

studies. Self-esteem is closely related to college students’ adjustment, and

individuals with high self-esteem analyze and view themselves positively,

cope and solve problems well, and develop well (Baumeister et al., 2003;

Song et al., 2020; Christoph and Lea, 2021), (Quan, X. et al., 2024).
Table 1.5 The Impact of Academic Pressure on Third Year
Criminology Students

Indicators Means Interpretation

Very High Level

Financial Problems 3.01
of Effectiveness

High Level of
Family Issues 2.75
Competitiveness High Level of
Teacher Competency Very High Level
of Effectiveness
Very High Level
Self-Esteem 3.06
of Effectiveness
High Level of
Grand Mean 2.95
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

Table 1.5. The indicators 1 to 5 implies that the grand mean is at a

total of 2.95 or at a High Level of Effectiveness, which means that the

academic pressure affect the students’ learnings. The highest recorded

mean for academic pressure is 3.08, the Teacher Competency which means

that the teachers are confident in teaching the students, encourage their

interest and motivation while the lowest recorded mean is 2.75 for academic

pressure is the Family Issues which means they are struggling to balance the

academics and family obligations. The academic pressure of students is a

hot issue concerned by the school, family and all walks of life. Academic
pressure will have a lot of impact on students' psychology, physiology and so

on, and then affect their academic performance (Ma, Z. 2023).


Table 2 The Coping Mechanisms to the Academic Pressure Among

Third Year Criminology Students in terms of Self-


Self-Improvements Means Interpretation

1. I believe in my capacity to learn, grow, and

Very High Level
adapt. (Naniniwala ako sa aking kapasidad na 3.30
of Effectiveness
matuto, lumago, at umangkop.)
2. I'm replacing negative thoughts with positive
affirmations. (Pinapalitan ko ang mga Very High Level
negatibong kaisipan ng mga positibong of Effectiveness
3. I acknowledge my strengths and
weaknesses, and I accept myself
unconditionally. (Kinikilala ko ang aking mga Very High Level
lakas at kahinaan, at tinatanggap ko ang of Effectiveness
aking sarili nang walang kondisyon.)
4. I'm prioritizing my needs and well-being.
(Ginagawa kong prayoridad ang aking mga Very High Level
pangangailangan at kagalingan.) of Effectiveness

5. I'm embracing a growth mindset and a

willingness to learn from mistakes. (Pinipili
Very High Level
kong yakapin ang pag-iisip na nakatuon sa 3.30
of Effectiveness
pag-unlad at ang kahandaang matuto mula sa
mga pagkakamali.)

Overall Mean 3.26 Very High

Level of
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

In Table 2, question no. 1 to 5 the weighted mean is 3.26 which

means that self-improvements are of very high level of effectiveness or they

are willing to adapt for a change that they may face in the future or will be

flexible enough to improve their ways towards their studies. The highest

recorded mean for Self-Improvements is 3.40 for replacing negative thoughts

with positive affirmations while the lowest recorded mean is 3.10 for

prioritizing my needs and well-being. This implies that they are open for a

change that they are going to face in the near future and that is good attitude

especially when you are only starting your journey towards life. Numerous

scholars have contended that good personal growth initiatives are necessary

to respond positively to life’s challenges and adapt positively to change.

Therefore, personal growth initiatives are important to college students facing

the challenges of transitioning from adolescence to independent adulthood

(Jiao, Z. et al., 2024).

Table 2.1 The Coping Mechanisms to the Academic Pressure Among

Third Year Criminology Students in terms of Collaborating

Purposely among Peers

Collaborate purposely among peers Means Interpretation

1. I'm fostering a positive and collaborative
learning environment. (Pinangangalagaan ko Very High Level
ang isang positibo at kooperatibong of Effectiveness
kalagayan ng pagkatuto.)
2. I shared my knowledge and insights with
Very High Level
others. (Ibinabahagi ko ang aking kaalaman at 3.39
of Effectiveness
mga pananaw sa iba.)
3. I gain different insights and interpretations
through peer discussions. (Nakakakuha ako
ng iba't ibang pananaw at interpretasyon sa Very High Level
pamamagitan ng mga talakayan kasama ang of Effectiveness
aking mga kapantay.)
4. My friends help me manage my time
effectively and prioritize my studies.
(Tinutulungan ako ng aking mga kaibigan na Very High Level
mamahala nang epektibo ng aking oras at of Effectiveness
unahin ang aking pag-aaral.)
5. My friends set high standards for
themselves and inspire me to do the same.
Very High Level
(Ang aking mga kaibigan ay nagtatakda ng 3.30
of Effectiveness
mataas na pamantayan para sa kanilang sarili
at ginanyak ako na gawin din ang pareho.)
Very High
Overall Mean 3.26 Level of
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

In Table 2.1, question 1 to 5 the weighted mean is 3.26 which means

that collaborating purposely among peers is of very high level of

effectiveness or they find teamwork as the key to success. The highest

recorded mean for Collaborate Purposely Among Peers is 3.39 for shared

my knowledge and insights with others while the lowest recorded mean is

3.10 for getting help from their friends to manage their time effectively and

manage their studies. This implies that teamwork plays a key role among the

respondents of this study which is a manifestation of a healthy relationship

among peers. Cooperation often takes place in the context of social

interaction. It refers to a kind of joint action or way between individuals or

groups to achieve a common purpose and cooperate with each other

(Nowak, 2006).

Table 2.2 The Coping Mechanisms to the Academic Pressure Among

Third Year Criminology Students in terms of Parental

Parental engagement Means Interpretation

1. My parents instill confidence in me and

believe in my abilities. (Pinapalakas ng aking Very High Level
mga magulang ang aking tiwala sa sarili at of Effectiveness
naniniwala sila sa aking mga kakayahan.)
2. My parents provide me with a comfortable
living environment. (Binibigyan ako ng aking Very High Level
mga magulang ng isang komportableng of Effectiveness
3. My parents help me maintain a positive
attitude towards learning. (Tinutulungan ako ng Very High Level
aking mga magulang na mapanatili ang isang 3.19
of Effectiveness
positibong pananaw sa pag-aaral.)

4. My parents push me to reach my full

Very High Level
potential. (Tinutulak ako ng aking mga 3.10
of Effectiveness
magulang na abutin ang aking buong
5. My parents help me develop time
management skills. (Pinauunlad ng aking mga Very High Level
magulang ang aking mga kasanayan sa of Effectiveness
pamamahala ng oras.)
Very High
Overall Mean 3.25 Level of
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

In Table 2.2, question 1 to 5 the weighted mean is 3.25, which means

that parental engagement poses a very high level of effectiveness or poses a

very significant impacts on their studies for their family is the one who is

providing for them. The highest recorded mean is 3.39 for their parents

providing them a comfortable living environment while 3.10 for their parents

is pushing them to reach their full potential both having an interpretation of a

Very High Level of Effectiveness. This implies that the respondents a very

open relationship to their parents and the necessary support that they need

is one of the priorities for their parents. It is an important environmental factor

influencing an individual’s adaptation and development (Miller et al., 2000;

Slinner and Steinhauer, 2000; Bronfenbrenner, 2005; Popov and Ilesanmi,

2015; Yang, 2018; Steele and Cliff, 2009).

Table 2.3 The Coping Mechanisms Among Third Year Criminology

Indicators Means Interpretation

Very High Level

Self-Improvements 3.26
of Effectiveness

Very High Level

Collaborate Purposely Among Peers 3.26
of Effectiveness
Parental Engagement Very High Level
of Effectiveness
Very High
Grand Mean 3.25 Level of
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)

Table 2.3, the indicators 1 to 3 implies that the grand mean is at a total

of 3.25 or at a Very High Level of Effectiveness, which means that the

Coping Mechanisms helps the students cope with the pressures that they are

facing. The highest recorded mean for coping mechanism is 3.26 both the

Self-Improvements and Collaborate Purposely Among Peers, this suggests

that this both have big impact to students, their friends help them strive for

their studies and it help individuals learning and it develop as they go through

the journey of college, while the lowest recorded mean for coping mechanism

is 3.25, the Parental Engagement which means the parents help them to

strive and reach their full potential in learning. Coping is defined as the

thoughts and the thoughts and behaviors mobilized to manage internal and

external stressful situations. It is a term used distinctively for conscious and

voluntary mobilization of acts, different from ‘defense mechanisms’ that are

subconscious or unconscious adaptive responses, both of which aim to

reduce or tolerate stress. Coping is an important predictor of stress among

college students (Sailo, H., & Varghese, D., 2024).


This chapter present the summary, conclusions and recommendations

based on the statistical treatment applied to the data gathered.

1. What are the causes of academic pressure among third year

criminology students in terms of:

1.1 The causes of academic pressure among third year criminology

students in terms of Financial Problems had a section mean rating of 3.01

and was described as very high level of effectiveness.

1.2 The causes of academic pressure among third year criminology

students in terms of Family Issues had a section mean rating of 2.75 and

was described as high level of effectiveness.

1.3 The causes of academic pressure among third year criminology

students in terms of Competitiveness had a section mean rating of 2.82 and

was described as high level of effectiveness.

1.4 The causes of academic pressure among third year criminology

students in terms of Teacher Competency had a section mean rating of 3.10

and was described as very high level of effectiveness.

1.5 The causes of academic pressure among third year criminology

students in terms of Self-Esteem had a section mean rating of 3.06 and was

described as very high level of effectiveness.

2. What extent is the coping mechanisms to the academic pressure

among third year criminology students in terms of:

2.1 The extent of which coping mechanisms to the academic pressure

in terms of Self-Improvements had a section mean of 3.26 and was

described as very high level of effectiveness.

2.2 The extent of which coping mechanisms to the academic pressure

in terms of Collaborate Purposely among Peers had a section of 3.26 and

was described as very high level of effectiveness.

2.3 The extent of which coping mechanisms to the academic pressure

in terms of Parental Engagement had a section of 3.25 and was described as

very high level of effectiveness.


After careful analysis of quantitative instruments, the researchers can

therefore conclude that:

1. The causes of academic pressure among third year criminology

students is at very high level of effectiveness in terms of Financial Problems,

Teacher Competency and Self-Esteem. Meanwhile high level of

effectiveness is observed in the factors of Family Issues and


2. The extent of which coping mechanisms to the academic pressure

is at very high level of effectiveness in all of its factors.

3. The data signified that the factors that causes academic pressure

towards academic pressure is at high level of effectiveness.

4. Therefore, there is sufficient data to support the alternate

hypothesis of this study.


Here are some recommendations made by the researchers for the


1. For the third year Criminology students, that they would strive

harder towards their studies.

2. For the Parents, that they would give the over-all support for the

education of their children.

3. For the Teachers, that they may continue to be an effective teacher

and continue to be an inspiration for their students.

4. For the future Researchers, that they will consider other courses as

the respondent of this study for comparing of results.

5. For the Community, that all students have a struggle that is facing

and should be sensitive enough on the actions to forego.

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