A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the College of Criminal Justice Education
Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato
discomfort, and other emotions caused by the pressure from school, family,
Factors such as living away from home, parental expectations, and heavy
can be stressful for students, thus resulting in tension, discomfort, and other
of individual subjectivity. Education should not only equip individuals with the
skills and knowledge necessary for employment and social participation but
also foster their capacity for critical reflection, empathy, and ethical action.
One major issue that many college students deal with is academic
pressure (Pedrelli et at., 2014). Students may struggle with the practical
academic pressure.
mechanism of every student under the effects of academic pressure. This will
also help future researchers on what could be the parent’s steps or own
ways how they could engage in their children’s life most of all college
will serve as the respondents of our study and they will represent the whole
1.3 Competitiveness;
1.5 Self-Esteem.
2.1 Self-Improvements;
Technology, Inc.
Technology, Inc.
respondents of this study are the 3 rd year criminology who were composed of
272 randomly selected students in the year 2024-2025. The result of this
study is applicable only to the researcher of this study and its respondents.
East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc. The time period of this study will start
on the first week of November 2024 up until the last week of November 2024.
Theoretical Framework
emotions caused by the pressure from school, family, and society in the
learning process (Luo et al., 2020). Determining the idea of this research we
physical and mental health, family relations, and happiness, which has been
confirmed by many studies (Sun et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2016). Academic
pressure refers to the tension, discomfort, and other emotions caused by the
pressure from school, family, and society in the learning process (Luo et al.,
2020). Studies have shown that teachers and parents have higher learning
expectations, this can create negative emotions, which will lead to deviant
between parents and children fuels their bond and functions to socialize
children (i.e., gender, career and work, relationship values and skills, and
health behaviors), provide social support, show affection, make sense of their
life experiences, engage in conflict, manage private information, and create a
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1.
Instructors - can utilize the study's insights to develop more empathetic and
students, educators can tailor their instruction, provide timely guidance, and
Parents - can gain valuable insights into the pressures their children
academic challenges.
Future researchers - can build upon the foundation laid by this study,
student populations. The findings can serve as a reference point for future
The following terms used in the study are defined conceptually and/or
Academic Pressure
sense of inadequacy.
Collaborate Purposely
Coping Mechanism
emotion that helps someone deal with stress or difficult life changes.
Criminology Student
A criminology student studies crime, the factors that contribute to it, and how
to prevent it.
Family Issues
Family issues are those that lead to physical or emotional strain within a
family. Some parents put pressure on their kids to perform well in school, but
when that doesn’t work out, there’s a misunderstanding that makes it hard for
Financial Problem
One who has begotten offspring, or one who occupies the role of mother or
Peer Relationship
The connections and exchanges that teenagers make with their friends and
chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the
present study.
Related Literature
school, family and all walks of life. Academic pressure will have a lot of
impact on students' psychology, physiology and so on, and then affect their
academic achievement can help the society to correctly view the relationship
between stress and achievement, provide the basis for reducing the burden
development but is also not conducive to social harmony and stability. This
time, the compressive ability of boys is stronger than that of girls (Ma Z.,
activities which enrich and nurture their academic life and hereafter prepare
students can arise from the subject or from the environment. These stressors
the subject’s failure to overcome leads to stress. College students often meet
their future partners in college. Along with it, they also require preparation
both the physical, social and mental health of students (Yikealo, al.,
students cope with stress can have a significant impact on their stress levels
Financial Problems
Behavioral economics admitted that individuals are not always rational and
emotions can always affect decision making. Thus, objectives of this paper
are to investigate the financial problems among the students as well as their
et al., 2018).
Family Issues
children, as well as how they handle their children's habits and cognitive
positive views, the relationship between them and their children will be
considerably better than when they have negative attitudes. Parents respond
There are two types of family risk factors, soft and hard. Hard factors
are encountered in families with a weak family building structure, parents are
Several studies have proved that students of hard risk factors are more likely
mothers (at least a college degree or higher degree), are less likely to
confront depression than the university students born in families with little to
mothers who at least have a college degree tend to be less depressive than
aspect of human life (Elliot, 2020; Hayward & Kemmelmeier, 2007) and has
2016; Baumann et al., 2019; Hanushek & Woesmann, 2012). Others have
Hamin, 2011; Baumann & Harvey, 2018). Studies have demonstrated that
play a central role, involving acquiring students' knowledge and skills and
character, values, attitudes, and behaviors. The public recognizes not only
the teachers' responsibilities but also their roles in society (Jan, 2017; Keiler,
2018; Siddiqui & Ahamed, 2020). Their influence extends beyond the
Low Self-Esteem
factor for the healthy growth of adolescents (Ambriz et al., 2012; Li et al.,
(Luciano and Orth, 2016; Sang et al., 2019). There is a significant negative
correlation between self-esteem and negative life events (Jiang et al., 2019).
Individuals with low self-esteem are susceptible to negative life events (Liu
and Liu, 2021). Negative life events negate individuals’ evaluation of their
value and ability, thus forming low self-esteem. Some studies found that self-
cope and solve problems well, and develop well (Baumeister et al., 2003;
Song et al., 2020; Christoph and Lea, 2021), (Quan, X., et al., 2024).
Behavior, personal growth initiative is not only a kind of will, but also a kind of
achieve a common purpose and cooperate with each other (Nowak, 2006).
psychological development (La Greca and Harrison, 2005), and are a form of
social support.
stronger the peer relationship, the higher the quality of cooperation in pursuit
of goals shared with cooperative peers (Blair and Perry, 2019). Similarly,
Parental Engagement
2015; Yang, 2018; Steele and Cliff, 2019). Recent studies have shown that
students (Tus, 2021; Zhu et al., 2021), which has emerged as a major factor
academic performance (Mulyadi et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2016), (Li, J., et al.,
Research Design
selected 3rd year criminology students enrolled at South East Asian Institute
that highlights and describes its key characteristics. It offers a method for
Research Instrument
source for the needed data and will be distributed to research respondents.
This study will also utilize a rating scale to easily interpret and record data.
The study questionnaire will be conducted personally, separated into five (5)
sections. The researcher will use 4-point Likert scale to determine the result
questionnaires provided.
approach. First, a formal letter of request was sent to the Head of Registrar’s
office. After that another formal letter was sent to the Dean of the College of
informed the program head. Next, they prepared sufficient copies of the
time, the questionnaires were collected. The collected data was then
Ethical Consideration
between the academic pressure to the 3rd year criminology student in South
and data protection protocols is necessary. The participants may contact the
researchers to know the guidelines of the study. This research may not harm
any participants in conducting the study and the researchers will take any
incorporated in this part of the study, which was guided by the problems
stated in chapter 1.
Very High
Overall Mean 3.01 Level of
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)
means that financial problem poses a very significant impact or a very high
this part of the impact of Academic Pressure among the third year
working part-time jobs to support their studies. This implies that majority of
High Level of
Overall Mean 2.75
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)
means that family issues pose a significant impact or only a high level of
effectiveness towards their studies. The highest recorded mean for Family
Issues is 2.94 for having difficulty communicating academic challenges to
their family while 2.55 as the lowest recorded mean for struggling to balance
level of effectiveness towards their studies. The highest recorded mean for
level or a very significant impact on their studies while 2.39 for losing in class
for a game activity. This implies that majority of the respondents is prone or
burnout and should be given the necessary help for them to cope with their
confident enough of their teacher. The highest recorded mean for Teacher
learn that have a mean 3.35 which interpreted as Very High Level of
Effectiveness while 2.47 for feeling disengaged and unmotivated in class and
instructors are doing really good with the education and giving the necessary
and skills and securing the nation’s future. The role of teachers is paramount,
enough of their own abilities. The highest recorded mean for measuring their
Self-Esteem is 3.31 for taking a positive attitude towards myself while 2.77
for feeling do not have much to be proud of. This implies that majority of the
cope and solve problems well, and develop well (Baumeister et al., 2003;
Song et al., 2020; Christoph and Lea, 2021), (Quan, X. et al., 2024).
Table 1.5 The Impact of Academic Pressure on Third Year
Criminology Students
High Level of
Family Issues 2.75
Competitiveness High Level of
Teacher Competency Very High Level
of Effectiveness
Very High Level
Self-Esteem 3.06
of Effectiveness
High Level of
Grand Mean 2.95
Legend: 4.00 – 3.00 (Very High Level of Effectiveness), 2.99 – 2.00 (High
Level of Effectiveness), 1.99 – 1.00 (Low Level of Effectiveness), and 1.00 –
0.01 (Very Low Level of Effectiveness)
mean for academic pressure is 3.08, the Teacher Competency which means
that the teachers are confident in teaching the students, encourage their
interest and motivation while the lowest recorded mean is 2.75 for academic
pressure is the Family Issues which means they are struggling to balance the
hot issue concerned by the school, family and all walks of life. Academic
pressure will have a lot of impact on students' psychology, physiology and so
are willing to adapt for a change that they may face in the future or will be
flexible enough to improve their ways towards their studies. The highest
with positive affirmations while the lowest recorded mean is 3.10 for
prioritizing my needs and well-being. This implies that they are open for a
change that they are going to face in the near future and that is good attitude
especially when you are only starting your journey towards life. Numerous
scholars have contended that good personal growth initiatives are necessary
my knowledge and insights with others while the lowest recorded mean is
3.10 for getting help from their friends to manage their time effectively and
manage their studies. This implies that teamwork plays a key role among the
(Nowak, 2006).
very significant impacts on their studies for their family is the one who is
providing for them. The highest recorded mean is 3.39 for their parents
providing them a comfortable living environment while 3.10 for their parents
Very High Level of Effectiveness. This implies that the respondents a very
open relationship to their parents and the necessary support that they need
Indicators Means Interpretation
Table 2.3, the indicators 1 to 3 implies that the grand mean is at a total
Coping Mechanisms helps the students cope with the pressures that they are
facing. The highest recorded mean for coping mechanism is 3.26 both the
that this both have big impact to students, their friends help them strive for
their studies and it help individuals learning and it develop as they go through
the journey of college, while the lowest recorded mean for coping mechanism
is 3.25, the Parental Engagement which means the parents help them to
strive and reach their full potential in learning. Coping is defined as the
thoughts and the thoughts and behaviors mobilized to manage internal and
students in terms of Family Issues had a section mean rating of 2.75 and
students in terms of Self-Esteem had a section mean rating of 3.06 and was
1. For the third year Criminology students, that they would strive
2. For the Parents, that they would give the over-all support for the
4. For the future Researchers, that they will consider other courses as
5. For the Community, that all students have a struggle that is facing