Dr. Lee Cohnstaedt - USDA - General Overview

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Filling the methods toolbox in preparation for

mosquito season

Lee Cohnstaedt
Advancing the effectiveness
of dengue control

Kathmandu, Nepal
April 2024
Mosquito situation

2023 cases
 Local transmission of Malaria for first time in 20 Dengue
 Local transmission of dengue in California

2017 VBD
assessment by
the Council for
State and
The problem and the plan

Embassy Science Fellows: US experts to

exchange ideas with countries in South Asia
-Seth Gibson (USDA), Michael Johansson (CDC),
and Lee Cohnstaedt (USDA)

 Additional resources are not available, so Patrick Gan

we work together to have an impact Regional
Science, Technology,
 Identify small neglected/overlooked and Health Officer
solutions that may have large impacts for South Asia
U.S. Embassy
 Identify synergies and inefficiencies

 Develop tools that are customizable to

specific local conditions
The program

Partnered with the Center for Molecular Dynamics

– Nepal (Dibesh Karmacharya and team)

 Six virtual seminars

Patrick Gan
 Small scale pilot interventions in Nepal Regional
(Shakti/DNCC) and Bangladesh (Lalitpur Environment,
Science, Technology,
Municipality) and Health Officer
for South Asia
 Site visits to Bangladesh and Nepal U.S. Embassy

 One Health workshop in Chitwan, Nepal

 Dengue workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal

Dengue workshop

Share ideas between countries, regions, and


Harmonize responses and communication

between levels of government
Workshop objectives

Objective 1.
Symposium article

Objective 2. Found
Symposium article

 The first workshop objective is to produce a review article that

captures the workshop ideas.

 Ideas will be written up as applicable tools to reduce dengue


 Tools can be used by government, non-government

organizations, academics, and the public.

 Tools can be for the national, regional, local, or individual


 Tools should address one of the three parts of the workshop:

• (1) Policy, (2) Data/research, and (3) Program implementation
Symposium article

 Every person at this meeting is invited to submit an article.

This includes all speakers and attendees.

 Everybody who submits to the article will be an author.

 What to submit:
• 2-3 pages (500-750 words)
• Describe the tool.
• How will it be used.
• Who are the users.
• What key aspect must be considered/customized to maximize

 Target audience:
• For end users to customize the tool to their cultural, economical,
and environmental situation.
Symposium article
 The tool may be published or unpublished previously.
• If published, please cite the publication and this article will focus on
novel application of the tool.
• If unpublished, explain how the tool is being developed and how it can
be used.

 Your section in the publication will draw attention to the tool and how to
use it.
• Example 1:
Bti for mosquito control. Methods for treating plants, small
containers, or storm drains.

• Example 2:
Case detection using a phone app. How to recruit and maintain

 Establish authors expertise so users learn about a tool and can

communicate with the author regarding questions.
Vector control association

The second objective is forming an association and/or

establishing an annual meeting.

American Mosquito Control Association
Meet annually (~360 participants), 20 symposium, 100+

Organized exchange of ideas and meetings between

municipalities to ensure best practices and use of the
latest technology.

Participants are from government, academia, and private

Fans – Public
How the game is Players – Municipalities
played Coaches – Ministries
Owners – Procurement magic
Fans – Public
How the game is Players – Municipalities
played Coaches – Ministries
Owners – Procurement magic
Why participate?


Movement of
goods and
Work as a team

If you want to go fast, go alone.

But if you want to go far, go together.

Please submit your idea to the
workshop review article and together
we can make it a success!

Community engagement through school lessons: The Invasive

Mosquito Project.

 Describe the tool, how to use it, and who are the users.
• Mosquito lesson plan for schoolteachers about mosquito transmitted
pathogens. Students will collect mosquito eggs and larvae.
Municipalities support teachers and get mosquito surveillance data
at an individual home level (Cohnstaedt et al. 2016). (On the flash
drive in your bag.)

• What key aspect must be considered/customized to maximize

Teachers need support from municipal mosquito control. Teachers
do not have the confidence to teach this plan alone as the subject
matter is very new and different. This reduces uptake in schools
and educational effectiveness.

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