Deposit Rate of Interest 16102021
Deposit Rate of Interest 16102021
Deposit Rate of Interest 16102021
Circular No. : lDIl/HO/c8/20/202't-2a
, d \.ll \rtrLmbur,:0ll
lllliust rrA
l),l I ID:23.11.21121
\1. rd\is. $d At_( o connnjl.c .l. lhc Buk hds ]lvisoJ rhe irercn tures on d!|osirs .l
\xri,trLs oi&trnics \rirh cfli.r tixm 28 .20::t as 0Ddc.:
t sjny"
lzt - lN0 1.'n"/"
sp""i', rrt r.,.i
For C€nenl Peducts
4 The revised rale ot interesl wiil be tor iresh .leposir and .enewal
ol existing deposit.
b) Addnbnal inreresr Ete ot O.SO% p.a. to senio. cirizen
.h o.alln$'.d and t% p.a. ro staff
I lcar alo.oov!
1 s.rI'll ..r., . .1r.zn \n"I , un ., r.. ro ,,dn dodir onJ rnrrr-5r rr . or .)Oou
p a. across marur les olabove I ycar and abovc. .
*For alecial Ptoducts
al 'hc rcvis.d ratc oi intcrcsr rill tr. applicablc lor arcsh deposir and rcncval
ol.xisri,,B dcposil
b) Addilional nrr.rcsr (lc oi 0.50'/0 ! a. Lo scnio. cilizcn and t% p.a. to srafi
and slall s.nior cilizen shall bc allos,cd across malur rcs undcr Special
Producls "444 Days and 555 Days" and Spccial RD producr aor a pedod ot
c) Prc malurc penalty will be affc.lcd. Pre matu.c closurc rate will be acrual
in r{,..s1 ratc aplli.ablc lor satl period oI holding minus
C) I %.
d) i'lhc Spccial Product lor "555 days' is valid uplo 3l't Decemle.2023
l,.r\. h'r!!i\ ol rhis rnc( Ld () (li. nr1i.. ot trlL!ill nrcnrtr!\ rnd tD ridc D.cossJ\
{.p\ ln, {qr{ssirs } ou .fuI)osir r.rgcrs