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Name of University: Jinka University

Name of College/Faculty: College of Business and Economics

Name of Department: Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information
Course AcFn 3044
Course Financial Modeling
Degree BA Degree in Accounting and Finance
Module Finance
Module AcFn-M3040
Contact 2
Hours (per
Course After successfully completing this course, the students
Objectives & should be able to:
Competence • Explain financial modeling; valuation techniques and
s to be basic financial calculations using spread sheet like excel.
Acquired  Perform corporate valuation be applying various
methods to determine business value
 Model pro forma financial statements and determine
business value;

Course The course is designed to enable students understand

Description financial models and develop valuation financial model to
ascertain the values of assets and business.
WEEKS Course Contents Readin
4WEEKs 1. Introduction to Financial Modeling and
{1ST – 4th} Valuation
1.1. Introduction to financial modeling
1.2. Overview of excel functions for modeling
1.3. Basic Financial Calculations using excel
1.4. Present value and Net Present Value
1.5. The IRR and Loan Tables
1.6. Future values and Applications
1.7. Introduction to valuation and valuation
3WEEKs 2. Corporate Valuation
{5th - 7TH} 2.1. Methods to Compute Enterprise Value (EV)
2.2. Using Accounting Book Values to Value a
Company: The Firm’s Accounting Enterprise Value
2.3. Efficient Markets Approach to Corporate
2.4. Enterprise Value (EV) as the Present Value of
the Free Cash Flows: DCF “Top Down” Valuation
2.5. Free Cash Flows Based on Consolidated
Statement of Cash Flows (CSCF)
2.6. Free Cash Flows Based on Pro Forma
Financial Statements

4WEEKs 3. Determining the value of the firm

{8TH - 11TH} 3.1. Computing the Value of the Firm’s Equity, E
3.2. Computing the Value of the Firm’s Debt, D
3.3. Computing the Firm’s Tax Rate, TC
3.4. Computing the Firm’s Cost of Debt, rD
3.5. Two Approaches to Computing the Firm’s
Cost of Equity, rE
3.6. Implementing the Gordon Model for rE
3.7. The CAPM: Computing the Beta, β
3.8. Using the Security Market Line (SML) to
Calculate Merck’s Cost of Equity, rE
3.9. Three Approaches to Computing the
Expected Return on the Market, E(rM)
4WEEKs 4. Pro-Forma Financial Statement Modeling
{12TH - 14TH} 4.1. How Financial Models Work: Theory and an
Initial Example
4.2. Free Cash Flow (FCF): Measuring the Cash
Produced by the Business
4.3. Using the Free Cash Flow (FCF) to Value the
Firm and Its Equity
4.4. Some Notes on the Valuation Procedure
4.5. Alternative Modeling of Fixed Assets
4.6. Sensitivity Analysis
Teaching & The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing,
Learning discussions, problem solving, and analysis. Take-home
Methods/strat assignment will be given at the end of each chapter for
egy submission within a week. Solution to the assignments will
be given once assignments are collected. Cases with local
relevance will also be given for each chapter for group of
students to present in a class room. The full and active
participation of students is highly encouraged.
Assessment/ The evaluation scheme will be as follows:
Evaluation Tes Tes Tes Quiz Assignm Fin Tota
t1 t2 t3 1 ent 1 al l
10 10 15 5% 10% 50 100
% % % % %
Work load in Hours Required
hours Self
tal EC
Lectu La Assess Tuto Stu Assign Advi
res b ments rials dies ment sing
48 20 10 12 45 - - 5 5
Roles of the He/she will come to the class regularly on time and deliver
Instructor the lecture in a well-organized manner. Besides, at the end
of each class he/she gives reading assignment for the next
class. He/she will make sure that proper assessments is
given. He/she is also responsible to give feedback for each
Name of University:

Name of College/Faculty:

Name of Department: Accounting and Finance Program

Department Accounting & Finance

Course AcFn3032

Course Title Cost & management Accounting II


Contact 3
Hours (per

After successfully completing this course, students will be

able to:
Objectives &  Apply managerial accounting and its objectives in a
Competences way that demonstrates a clear understanding of
to be ethical responsibilities.
 Analyze cost-volume-profit techniques to determine
optimal managerial decisions.

 Prepare a master budget and demonstrate an

understanding of the relationship between the

 Perform cost variance analysis and demonstrate the

use of standard costs in flexible budgeting.

 Prepare analyses of various special decisions, using

relevant costing and benefits.

WEEKS Course Contents

1. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis,
Absorption, and Variable Costing
1.1 Absorption versus Direct
{1ST&2ND }

1.2 The concept of profit


1.3 Cost-volume-profit (CVP)

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