Final Detailed Lesson Plan

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School Northern Bukidnon State Grade Level 9

Teacher Tonjie Tiffanie C. Bocon Learning Area English
Time & November 28 2024 Quarter 1st
Dates 2:05 pm - 2:18 pm

I. Objectives
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American
Standard literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the
self; also how to use processing, assessing, summarizing
information, word derivation and formation strategies,
appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to
enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.

B. Performance The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using

Standard effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body
Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
C. Learning Domain: Writing Composition (EN9WC-Ig-9.1)
Competencies/ A. Identify the different features of poetry and explain
Objectives write how these features work together to make
the LC code for the poem meaningful."
B. Appreciate the relevance and use of the various
features in the poem.
C. Compose a poem adhering to the various features of
II. Content Features of Poetry
III. Learning
1.Teachers Guide N/A
2. Learners N/A
Materials Page
3. Textbook N/A
4. Additional Visual aid, Printed materials
Materials from
Resource (LR)
IV. Teachers activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary  Classroom management
a) Prayer
b) Greetings
c) Checking of attendance
B. Reviewing In this part the teacher will do some The students will
previous lesson recapitulation to let the students recall their share their
or presenting the previous topic. previous learning
new lesson from the topic that
was previously
C. Establishing a Mind game The students will
purpose for the arrange the
lesson - The Teacher will present a jumbled letter jumbled letters to
form it into a
for the students to assemble complete word.

- The teacher will present the objectives of

the lesson and allows the learners to read the
D. Presenting The teacher will start the discussion The students will
examples/ starting first in introducing the topic and listen and
instances of the asking the students about their prior participate to the
new lesson knowledge about the topic. class whenever
ask a question.
Poetry- Poetry is a type of literature that
aims to evoke an emotional response in the
reader through language chosen and
arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.

The teacher will further discuss, and

introduced the various features of poetry
while thoroughly explaining to the class.

1. Sensory Images
These are images that we perceive through
our senses. Poets use descriptive words to
achieve this.
2. Theme - the underlying idea of the
3. Form-The overall structure of a poem
is known as its form.
- Structured- has a pattern
either syllables, line and
rhyme and rhythm
- Free-verse- does not have a
pattern either syllables,
line and rhyme and
The Sea
by Natividad Marquez
Why does the sea laugh, Mother?
As it glints beneath the sun?

It is thinking of the joy, my child

That it wishes everyone.

Why does the sea sob so, Mother?

As it breaks on the rocky shore?

It recalls the sorrows of the world,

And weeps forevermore.

Why is the sea so peaceful, Mother?

As if it was fast asleep?

It would give our tired heart, dearest child

The comfort of the deep

E. Discussing (ENGAGE) The students will

new concepts and share their
practicing new Following the question and answer time, insights regarding
skills #1 the topic
the learners will be introduced to the topic:
introduced to
Features of Poetry
Guide Question:
1. Based on the poem describe the use of
sensory imagery?
2. What do you think is the theme of the

F. Discussing (ENGAGE) The learners

new concepts should provide
and practicing The teacher will the introduce the different examples
new skills #2 features of Poetry to the students whenever asked
by the question.
Guide Question:

Why is it important in poetry to have a

theme? What are its purpose?
G. Developing (EXERCISE) 1. Poetry
mastery (Leads to 2. Structured form
Formative The teacher will give a short quiz to the class 3. Theme
Assessment 3) to assess if they were able to cope with the 4. Free verse form
discussion. 5. Poetry
6. Sensory images
Identification: Give the correct answer for 7. Descriptive
its statements. words
1. It is a composition in verse that often has 8. Theme
9. Sensory images
rhyme and rhythm.
10. Form
2. Has a pattern either in the number of
lines, syllables, or Rhymes
3. It is the main idea of the poem.
4. Does not have any pattern either in the
number of lines, syllables, or rhymes.
5. It is a type of literature that aims to
evoke an emotional response in the reader
through language chosen.
6. It depicts clear image of what is being
conveyed in the poetry.
7. What are the common words used in
sensory image?
8-10. What are the basic features of poetry?

H. Finding The teacher will divide the class into a by The learners will
practical pair activity to allow the learners to work do as told
applications of collaboratively and share each others
concepts and insights.
By pair Activity:

Identify the form present in the poem

written by Natividad Marquez, and explain
further your idea.
The Little Sampaguita
by Natividad Marquez

Little sampaguita
With the wondering eye
Did a tiny fairy
Drop you where you lie?

In the witching hour

Of the tropic night
Did the careless moonbeam
Leave you in its fight?
I. Making In this part the teacher will ask the students
generalizations questions and allows the students share The students
and abstractions takeaways. should participate
about the lesson Guide Questions: and provide
answers whenever
1. What is Poetry? being asked.

2. What are those features of poetry?

3. Why is the theme important as a key

feature of poetry?

J. Evaluating Create a 2-3 stanza of structured poem and

learning explain the story behind your crafted poem.

Rubric for Poem Composition

K. Additional Create a 4 stanza of structured poem using

activities for your Birthday as a theme.
application or

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