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Unit Test 2

Question Bank (EST-22447)

1)In Bhopal Gas tragedy which toxic gas get released--------

a) Methane gas b) butane gas c) methyl isocyanate gas d)Propane gas

2)Natural mechanism to control air pollution includes---------

a)centrifugal separation b)Absorption
c)wet scrubber bag filter d) Gravitational setting chamber

3) Mercury, lead Tin are the examples of --------

a) natural pollutant b) artificial pollutant
c) persistence pollutant d) Non-degradable pollutant

4) Rise in ozone causes ----

a) Necrosis b)Abscission c) Destroying Chlorophyll d) chlorosis

5) ----------------- plants are natural purifier of water

a)Rose b) Neem c)Aqua d) Living

6)How many bio-geographical regions are present in India?

a)3 b)4 c)7 d)10

7)Lime is added to the soil which is too

a) Sandy b) Salty c)Alkaline d) Acidic

8) Which one of the following is an example ex-situ conservation?

a) National park b) Wildlife sanctuary c)Seed bank d) Sacred groves

9) Which one of the following is not observed in biodiversity hotspots?

a) Species richness b) Endemism c) Accelerated species loss d) Lesser inter-specific competition

10) The term Alpha diversity refers to

a)Genetic diversity b)Community and ecosystem diversity c) Species diversity d)Diversity among the plants

11)The percentage of forest cover recommended by the National Forest policy (1988) is
a) 33% for plains and 67% for hills b)37% for plains and 63% for hills
C) 20% for plains and 70% for hills d) 23% for plains and 77% for hills

12 Select the correct statement about biodiversity

a) The desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat have a very high level of desert animal species as well as numerous
rare animals
b)Large scale planting of BT cotton has no adverse effect on biodiversity
c) Western Ghats have a very high degree of species richness and endemism
d) Conservation of biodiversity in just a fad pursued by the developed countries
13) Biodiversity of a geographical region represents
a)Genetic diversity present in the dominant species of the region
b) Species endemic to the region
c) Endangered species found in the region
d) The diversity in the organisms living in the region

14) In the process of disinfection of water-----------is used.

a) phosphate b) Nitrate C) chlorine d)fluoride

15) Mina Mata disease Caused by--------------

a) Lead poisoning b)Mercury poisoning c)phosphate poisoning d)nitrate poisoning

16)While Shouting sound intensity reaches------------

a)below 40 dB b) above 40dB c) below 30dB d) above 60dB

17) Smog Created by reaction of sunlight with-------------------

a)Sox b)NOx c)CO d)Lead

18) Which of the following is an Indian Biodiversity Hotspots?

a)The western ghat b)National park c) Botanical gardens d)None

19)) Which of the following animal come under category of threatened species
a) Leopard b)Mouse c)Dog d) None

20)The Montreal Protocol bans the production of which of the following chemicalsubstances?
a)Chlorine, bromine, CFCs, freons
b) Carbon tetrachloride, halons, trichloroethane, CFCs
c) CFCs, bromine, halons, freons
d) CFCs, halons, freons

21) Global warming can be controlled by

A) Reducing deforestation, cutting down use of fossil fuel
B )Reducing reforestation, increasing the use of fossil fuel
C) Increasing deforestation, slowing down the growth of human population
D )Increasing deforestation, reducing efficiency of energy usage

22). Which one of the following is not used for ex situ plant conservation?
a) Field gene banks b) Seed banks c) Shifting cultivation d)Botanical Gardens

23). Which of the following represent maximum number of species among global biodiversity?
a) Algae b) Lichens c) Fungi d) Mosses and Ferns

24)What is the indicator of pollution in water?

a) Amount of oxygen b) Amount of hydrogen
c) Amount of BOD d) Amount of nitrogen

25) Which of the following element make e-waste hazardous in nature?

a) Lead b) Glass c) Plastic d) Iron
26). What is called for the collection of rainwater for use?
a) Rain collection b) Rainwater harvesting c) Rain digging d) Rain water pumping

27) Which one of the following values of diversity we can classified for ‘The beauty of water fall in the Western
a) Ethical values b) Social values c) Option values d) Aesthetic values

28) The greatest problem of water conservation is to reduce the amount of

a) Precipitation b) Runoff water c) Groundwater d) Evaporation

29)Maximum nutritional diversity is found in the group:

a) Monera b) Plantae c) Fungi d) Animalia

30) Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation?
a) National park b)Wild life sanctuary c) Zoological garden d) Biosphere reserve

32)The prime objective of water shed management focus on--------------

a) Utilization b) conservation c) Analysis d) none

33)Article -----of Indian constitution deal with fundamental duties

a) 51-A(g) b) 48-A c ) 21-B d)19-D

34)First antipollution act restrict people for using ------------

a) fuel b) coal c)both (a)and(b) d) petrol

35) Waste mainly originated from hospitals and clinic is --------

a)Biomedical waste b)biological Waste c)Biochemical Waste d) None of these

36)Wild life conservation aims at :

(a) Maintaining the ecological process
(b) To enrich the wildlife diversity with exotic species
(c) Preventing migration of species
(d) Maintaining the diversity of life

37) Which scientist has classified species diversity ?

(a) Thoeprestus (b) Lineus (c) Whittaker (d) Treshaw

39) Term used for species which is in danger of being extinct in near future is
a.degradability b. extinct c. endangered d. global biodiversity

40).Term used for species which is in danger of being extinct in near future is
a).degradability b. extinct c. endangered d. global biodiversity

41) Smog is a-----------

a) Natural phenomenon b)colourless gas c) smoke + fog d) None

42)the world first 100% solar power Airport located at -----------------

a) cochin, Kerala b) Bengaluru Karnataka c) Chennai Tamilnadu d) Mumbai Maharastra
43) When was ozone hole discovered?
a)1974 b)1964 c)1984 d)1994

44) Where is the WWF international located ?

a) Poland b)United state c) Swizerland d) England

45) When was First earth day celebrated

a) December 23,1956 b)May 21,1965 c)April 22,1970 d)July 24 1976

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