AP-I End Term Papers
AP-I End Term Papers
AP-I End Term Papers
(Please write your ~am Roll No.) Exam Roll No ...................... .
Q2. (a) State and Explain the Second law of thermodynamic s. Also give the
limitations of first law of thermodynamic s. [6+2=8]
(b) Explain Adiabatic process by using first law of thermodynamic s. [4]
(c) What is thermal Equilibrium? Explain with example. (3)
Q3. (a) Define thermodynamic variables and its types. Also give examples of
each. [5]
(b)Define Entropy .Explain entropy in a Reversible and irreversible
process. (10]
Q4. (a) State and derive Maxwell 3 rd Equ?-tion in differential and integral-
form. Also write its significance. [8+2=10]
' (b) Derive Energy in SHM . Also give graphical representation of it.
(b)Deduce the equation for propagation of electromagnetic wave in free
space and obtain an expression for the velocity. Show that electric
and magnetic field vectors are normal to each other and to the
direction of propagation of waves. [10]
Q6. (a) Define and derive the resolving power and dispersive power of a
~~~ ~
rings, the diameter of 4 th and 12 th dark
(b) In an experiment of Newton's
rings are 0.400cm and 0.700cm respectively. Calculate the diameter
of 20 th dark ring. [5]
(c)Describe Fresnel's Biprism. [4]
Q7. (a) Explain the phenomenon of Double refraction . Compare the properties
of ordinary and extraordinary rays. [6]
(b)Describe Nicol prism with neat dia~am. [51
(c) In a ~ating spectrum, which spectral line in 4 th order will overlap
· with 3rd order line of 5461 A ? [41 ·
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Q8. (a)What do you understand by the "Time dilation"? Discuss its
Experimental proof. [5]
(b) State fundamental Postulates of special theory of relativity. [5]
(c) A rocketship is 50m long,when it is on flight its length appears to be
· 49.Sm t'.o an observer on the ground. Find the speed of the rocket. [5]
Q9. (a) What are Einstein's A and B co-efficients? Describe relation between
them. [5]
(b) Draw the energy level diagram of He-Ne laser. How is it superior to a
ruby laser? [5]
(c)Define coherence. Distinguish between spatial and temporal
coherence. · [5]
.[Plea.s• write 11our Exam Rolr No.} Exam Roll No . ................... .. .
Q2 . a) Prove that the entropy of an ideal gas remains constant in a
reversible process. But it is increases in an irreversible process. (6]
b) State first law of thermodyn amics and show that heat and work Q
are pat.'1. functions but their difference is a point function. (4]
c) Discuss continuum model of thermodyn amics . (2]
Q4 a) Prove that the speed of plane electromag netic wave in isotropic
dielectric is less · than the speed of electromag netic wave in free
space. Also prove the orthogonal ity of E, H and k. (6]
b) Set up continuity equation and discuss its physical significanc e.[4)
c) Calculate the magnitude of pointing vector a t the surface of the
sun. Given that power irradiated by the sun = 3 .8 x 10 watt and
radius of sun"' 7 x 10 m.8 (2)
. P.T.O.
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QB a). Describe Michelson Morley experiment. Explain its mo.in
conclusions. . . ·(6)
b) Using Loren.t z transformation equations, prove that "Moving clock.ii
appear to go slow''. [4]
c) Deduce the expression E=mc • 2 (2)
Q9 a} Discuss Einstein's transition probabilities and derive the relatlof'\
betwe~n Einstein's': and B coefficients. _ [6)
b) Describe the working of He-Ne LASER, explain its enerl{Y level
diagra_m. . . (4-)
c) What 1s optical pumping? How does it help in ac hieving popultitlon
inversion in a LASER. (21