Measurement PDF
Measurement PDF
Measurement PDF
Components of measurement
Ideally speaking, there should be only one component of a measurement
and this component should be a direct reflection of the characteristic
being measured. Unfortunately, such a situation seldom exists. Very often,
a measurement consists of not one but two components-one
representing the influence of the characteristic being measured and the
other representing the influence of those characteristics which the
researcher is not interested in measuring but which still creep in against
his wishes. These other characteristics are as follows:
Accuracy of measurement
Nominal scale
In nominal scale, numbers are used to identify or categories objects or
events. For example, the population of a town may be classified according
to sex into “male” and Female or accordingto religion into “Hindus”,
“Muslims”, Christians”. In marketing research nominal scales are needed
to measure brands, store types, sales territories, geographical locations,
heavy versus light users, working versus non-working women and brand
awareness versus non-awareness. The following table gives an idea
regarding the use of nominal scale.
As it could be seen from the illustration, males are concerned with speed
and females are concerned with weight. Nominal scales cab be developed
from a response to a question Does your car have chakra tyres? The
responses may be yes, No and don’t know. For nominally scaled data,
statistical analysis such as mode, percentages, the binomial test and chi-
squared test can be use. A mean or median cannot be calculated.
The ordinal scale indicates the relative position of two or more obects
or some characteristics. The consumers are asked to rank preference for
several brands, flavors or package designs. The measures of such
preference ]are ordinal in nature. One may rank two or more households
according to their annual income. Suppose we have five households with
annual incomes as shown below:
The marketing data involves ordinal measurement. Most data collected by
the process of interrogation have ordinal properties. For example, the
measurement of attitude, opinion preference and perception involves’
greater than’ or “less than’ Judgments.
The interval scale has all characteristics of the ordinal scale and in
addition, the units of measure or intervals between successive positions
are equal. For example, a research scaled brands A, B and C on an interval
scale regarding the buyers’ degree of liking of the brands. Brand a receives
the highest liking score of 6 B receives 3 and C receives 2. First the linking
for brand A is more favorable than that for brand B. Second the degree of
liking between A and B is three times greater than the liking between B
and C.
The statistical tools used to analyzer the interval data are range, mean,
standard deviation and the like. Interval scales are frequently used in
commercial marketing research studies, especially in collecting attitudinal
and overall brand rating information.
Ratio Scales
The ratio scales have all the properties of nominal scale, ordinal scale
and intervals scale. They have order, distance and unique origin. Once a
ration scale has been established, its value can be transformed only by
multiplying each value by a constant. Thus, on a ratio scale, a score of 90
is twice that of 45.
Respondent error
The first and foremost step is that of concept development which means
that the analysis should clarified and an understanding of the major
concepts needed to his study. This study concentrate to develop the
concept and making the analysis should be most suitable apparent in
theoretical studies than in the more pragmatic research, where the
fundamental concepts are often already established.
Concepts of Dimensions