BBA 4 RM Unit 4
BBA 4 RM Unit 4
BBA 4 RM Unit 4
Ordinal Interval
Interval (Scale in SPSS)
Ratio (Scale in SPSS)
Qualitative (Categorical) data types
Nominal Data
Ordinal Data
Quantitative (Numerical) Data Types
Interval Data
Ratio Data
Nominal Data
Nominal data is a type of data that represents discrete
units which is why it cannot be ordered and measured.
They are used to label variables without providing any
quantitative value.
Also, they have no meaningful zero.
Some examples of nominal data include
Gender ( Male, Female)
Hair color ( Black, Brown, Gray, etc)
Nationality (Indian, American, Chinese, etc)
The only logical operation that you can apply to them
is equality or inequality which you can also use to
group them.
The descriptive statistics you can do with nominal data
And, to visualize nominal data, you can use a pie chart
or a bar chart.
Nominal data
Limited possibilities for Nominal categories aren’t
statistical analysis hierarchical, one category
Categories, isn’t “better” or “higher”
classifications, or than another
groupings Assignment of numbers
Merely measures the to the categories has no
presence or absence of mathematical meaning.
something Nominal categories should
Gender: male or female be mutually exclusive.
Zip codes, 90210, 92634,
Nominal data-continued
Nominal data is usually
Graphic representations
include tables, bar
graphs, pie charts.
There are limited statistical
tests that can be performed
on nominal data
Ordinal Data
Ordinal values represent discrete as well as ordered units.
Unlike nominal, here the ordering matters.
However, there is no consistency in the relative distance
between the adjacent categories.
And, similar to nominal data, ordinal data also don't have
a meaningful zero.
Examples of ordinal data
Opinion (agree, mostly agree, neutral, mostly disagree,
Socioeconomic status (low income, middle income, high
The descriptive statistics that you can do with
ordinal data include
Here the visualization methods that can be used
are the same as nominal data
Ordinal data
More sensitive than nominal data, but still lacking in
1st, 2nd, 3rd places finishes in a horse race
Exists in a rank order, hierarchy, or sequence
Top 10 movie box office successes of 2006
Highest to lowest, best to worst, first to last
Bestselling books (#1, #2, #3 bestseller, etc.)
Allows for comparisons along some dimension
Example: Mona is fairer than Fifi, Rex is taller than
…in science…
“The conclusion of the study was not valid”
(Nelson 1997)
Types of Experimental Validity
Constant Sum
Rank Order
Paired-Comparison Scale
In comparative scales it is assumed that respondents
make use of a standard frame of reference before
answering the question,
Example: How do you rate barista in comparison to
cafe coffee Day on Quality of Beverages?
Please rate Domino's in comparison to Pizza Hut on
basis of your satisfaction level on the 11-point scale ,
based on the following parameters: 1-Extremely poor,
6-Average, 11-Extremely Good.
Comparative Scale – Rank Order Scale
In Rank order scaling, Soft Rank
respondents are presented with Drink
several objects simultaneously and
asked to order or rank them Coke
according to some criterion. Pepsi
The rank order scale is a type of
ordinal scale because it orders the
attributes from the most preferred Sprite
to the least preferred but does not Mirinda
have a specific distance between
the attributes. Seven up
Consider, for example the Fanta
following question:
Comparative Scale – Constant Sum
Rating Scale
In this the respondents
School Points
are asked to allocate a
total of 100 points
Kendriya Vidyalaya
between various objects
Mount Litera
and brands.
DAV Public School
The respondents
Sai International
distribute the points to
the various objects in
the order of his
St Xavier
Total 100
Comparative Scale – Q-Sort
Q-Sort scale is a type of measurement scale that uses a rank order
scaling technique to sort similar objects with respect to some
The respondents sort the number of statements or attitudes into piles,
usually of 11.
The Q-Sort Scaling helps in assigning ranks to different objects
within the same group, and the differences among the groups (piles)
are clearly visible
It is a fast way of facilitating discrimination among a relatively large
set of attributes.
For example, a new restaurant that is just preparing its menu may
want to collect some information about what potential customers
The document provided contains a list of 50 meals. Please choose 10
meals you like, 30 meals you are neutral about (neither like nor dislike)
Non Comparative Scales
In this the respondents Non Comparative Scales
do not make use of any Graphic Rating Scales Itemised Rating Scale
frame of reference
Likert Rating
before answering the Scale
The resulting data is Semantic differential
Rating Scale
generally assumed to
be interval or ratio
Stapel Rating
scale. Scale
Graphic Rating Scale
This continuous scale, also called graphic rating Scale. In
the graphic rating scale the respondent is asked to tick
mark on the following question:
Least Most
Proffered Preferred
Itemized Rating Scale
The itemized rating scale is a type of ordinal scale that
assigns numbers each attribute.
Respondents are usually asked to select an attribute that
best describes their feelings regarding a predefined
Likert Scale-
A Likert scale is an ordinal scale with 3/5/7 response
categories, which is used to order a list of attributes from
the best to the least.
This scale uses adverbs of degree like very strongly,
highly, etc. to indicate the different levels.
Stapel Scale-
This a scale with 10 categories, usually ranging from -5 to
5 with no zero point.
It is a vertical scale with 3 columns, where the attributes
are placed in the middle and the least (-5) and highest (5)
is in the 1st and 3rd columns respectively.
Semantic Differential Scale
This is a five/seven-point rating scale with endpoints
associated with bipolar labels (e.g. good or bad, happy,
It can be used for marketing, advertising and in different
stages of product development.
Questionnaire Design
A questionnaire is a list of questions or items used to gather
data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or
Questionnaires can be used to
collect quantitative and/or qualitative information.
Questionnaires are commonly used in scientific research as
well as in the social and health sciences.
For example,
A company may ask for feedback about a recent customer
service experience, or
Psychology researchers may investigate health risk
perceptions using questionnaires.
Questionnaire methods
Questionnaires can be self-
administered or researcher-administered.
Self-administered questionnaires are more common
because they are easy to implement and inexpensive,
but researcher-administered questionnaires allow
deeper insights.
Self-administered questionnaires
Self-administered questionnaires can be delivered online
or in paper-and-pen formats, in person or through mail.
All questions are standardized so that all respondents
receive the same questions with identical wording.
Self-administered questionnaires can be:
easy to administer for small and large groups
anonymous and suitable for sensitive topics
But they may also be:
unsuitable for people with limited literacy or verbal skills
susceptible to a nonresponse bias (most people invited
may not complete the questionnaire)
biased towards people who volunteer because impersonal
survey requests often go ignored.
Researcher-administered questionnaires
Researcher-administered questionnaires are interviews
that take place by phone, in-person, or online between
researchers and respondents.
Researcher-administered questionnaires can:
help you ensure the respondents are representative of
your target audience
allow clarifications of ambiguous or unclear questions
and answers
have high response rates because it’s harder to refuse an
interview when personal attention is given to respondents
But researcher-administered questionnaires can be
limiting in terms of resources. They are:
costly and time-consuming to perform
more difficult to analyze if you have qualitative
likely to contain experimenter bias or demand
Open-ended Vs. Closed-ended Questions
Your questionnaire can include open-ended or closed-
ended questions or a combination of both.
Using closed-ended questions limits your responses,
while open-ended questions enable a broad range of
You’ll need to balance these considerations with your
available time and resources.
Closed-ended questions
Closed-ended, or restricted-choice, questions offer
respondents a fixed set of choices to select from.
Closed-ended questions are best for collecting both
categorical and quantitative variable data.
Categorical variables can be nominal or ordinal.
Quantitative variables can be interval or ratio.
Understanding the type of variable and level of
measurement means you can perform
appropriate statistical analyses for generalizable
Which type of data?
What is your race?
African American
Are you satisfied with the current work-from-home
Which type of data?
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your online
shopping experience today?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Pros and cons of closed-ended questions
Well-designed closed-ended questions are easy to understand
and can be answered quickly.
However, you might still miss important answers that are
relevant to respondents.
An incomplete set of response items may force some
respondents to pick the closest alternative to their true answer.
These types of questions may also miss out on valuable detail.