Zhang 2019
Zhang 2019
Zhang 2019
Abstract—Exploiting machine learning techniques for analyz- the source code) is composed of natural language texts. Even
ing programs has attracted much attention. One key problem though code fragments have something in common with plain
is how to represent code fragments well for follow-up analysis. texts, they should not be simply dealt with text-based or token-
Traditional information retrieval based methods often treat
programs as natural language texts, which could miss important
based methods due to their richer and more explicit structural
semantic information of source code. Recently, state-of-the-art information [2], [18].
studies demonstrate that abstract syntax tree (AST) based neural Recent work [2], [5], [6] provides the strong evidence that
models can better represent source code. However, the sizes of syntactic knowledge contributes more in modeling source code
ASTs are usually large and the existing models are prone to and can obtain better representation than traditional token-
the long-term dependency problem. In this paper, we propose
a novel AST-based Neural Network (ASTNN) for source code
based methods. These approaches combine Abstract Syntax
representation. Unlike existing models that work on entire ASTs, Tree (AST) and Recursive Neural Network (RvNN) [5], Tree-
ASTNN splits each large AST into a sequence of small statement based CNN [2] or Tree-LSTM [6] to capture both the lexical
trees, and encodes the statement trees to vectors by capturing (i.e., the leaf nodes of ASTs such as identifiers) and syntactical
the lexical and syntactical knowledge of statements. Based on the (i.e., the non-leaf nodes of ASTs like the grammar construct
sequence of statement vectors, a bidirectional RNN model is used
to leverage the naturalness of statements and finally produce the
WhileStatement) information. Such AST-based neural models
vector representation of a code fragment. We have applied our are effective, yet they have two major limitations. First, similar
neural network based source code representation method to two to long texts in NLP, these tree-based neural models are
common program comprehension tasks: source code classification also vulnerable to the gradient vanishing problem that the
and code clone detection. Experimental results on the two tasks gradient becomes vanishingly small during training, especially
indicate that our model is superior to state-of-the-art approaches.
when the tree is very large and deep [19], [20], [21]. For
Keywords-Abstract Syntax Tree; source code representation; example, as our experiments show (Section V), the maximal
neural network; code classification; code clone detection node number/depth of ASTs of common code fragments in
C and Java are 7,027/76 and 15,217/192, respectively. As
I. I NTRODUCTION a result, traversing and encoding entire ASTs in a bottom-
Many software engineering methods, such as source code up way [5], [6] or using the sliding window technique [2]
classification [1], [2], code clone detection [3], [4], [5], [6], may lose long-term context information [19], [22]; Second,
defect prediction [7], [8] and code summarization [9], [10] these approaches either transform ASTs to or directly view
have been proposed to improve software development and ASTs as full binary trees for simplification and efficiency,
maintenance. One main challenge that is common across all which destroys the original syntactic structure of source code
these methods is how to represent source code, in order and even make ASTs much deeper. The transformed and
to effectively capture syntactical and semantic information deeper ASTs further weaken the capability of neural models
embedded in the source code. to capture more real and complex semantics [23].
Traditional approaches such as Information Retrieval (IR) In order to overcome the limitations of the above AST-
usually treat code fragments as natural language texts and based neural networks, one solution is to introduce explicit
model them based on tokens. For example, programs are (long-term) control flow and data dependencies graphs and
represented by token sequences or bag of tokens for code clone employ a Graph Embedding technique [24] to represent source
detection [3], [4], bug localization[11], and code authorship code. For instance, one recent study considers the long-
classification [1]. In addition, a number of researchers use range dependencies induced by the same variable or function
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [12] and Latent Dirichlet in distant locations [25]. Another study directly constructs
Allocation (LDA) [13] to analyze source code [14], [15], [16]. control flow graphs (CFGs) of code fragments [26]. However,
However, according to [17], the common problem of these as depicted in the above work, precise and inter-procedural
approaches is that they assume the underlying corpus (i.e., program dependency graphs (PDGs) (i.e. control flow and data
flow dependencies) [27] usually rely on compiled intermediate
∗ Corresponding author: Xu Wang, wangxu@act.buaa.edu.cn. representations or bytecodes [28], [29], and are not applicable
15. }
16. return sb.toString();
17. } ReturnStatement ... ReturnStatement …
(a) Code fragment and statements (b) AST and statement trees (c) Statement naturalness
to uncompilable and incomplete code fragments. Such a lim- vectors, we use bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
itation hinders the applications of the code representations in [34], [35], one type of recurrent neural network, to leverage
many areas that involve arbitrary code fragments. the sequential naturalness of statements and finally obtain the
In this paper, we propose a novel approach for representing vector representation of an entire code fragment.
code fragments that do not have to be compilable, called In summary, our proposed neural source code representation
AST-based Neural Network (ASTNN), which splits the large aims to learn more syntactical and semantic information about
AST of one code fragment into a set of small trees at source code than the state-of-the-art AST-based neural models.
the statement level and performs tree-based neural embed- It is general-purpose and can be used in many program
dings on all statement trees. It produces statement vectors comprehension related tasks such as source code classification
which can represent the lexical and statement-level syntactical and code clone detection. We have conducted experiments
knowledge. Here statements refer to the Statement AST on the two tasks on public benchmarks and compared with
nodes defined in program language specification [30]. We state-of-the-art approaches. The experimental results show that
also treat MethodDeclaration as a special statement node. As our model is more effective. For example, for source code
an example, Figure 1 shows a code fragment from an open classification, our approach improves the accuracy from 94%
source project1 . The code snippet between line 7 and line to 98.2%. For clone detection, our approach improves the
15 contains a whole T ry statement and the code snippet results of F1 values from 82% to 93.8% and 59.4% to 95.5%
between line 5 and line 6 includes only the LocalV ariable on two benchmark datasets, respectively.
statement initializing variable sb. For each statement like the Our main contributions are as follows:
T ry statement that includes the header and other statements in • We propose a novel neural source code representation,
the body, we split the header of the statement and all included which can capture the lexical, statement-level syntactical
statements. In this way, the large AST is decomposed to a knowledge, and the naturalness of statements;
short sequence of small statement trees. We use Recurrent • We have applied our representation to two common
Neural Network (RNN) [31] to encode statements and the program comprehension tasks (code classification and
sequential dependency between the statements into a vector. clone detection). The experimental results show that our
Such a vector captures the naturalness of source code [32], approach can improve the state-of-the-art methods.
[33] and can serve as a neural source code representation. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Sec-
More specifically, first, we build an AST from the code tion II introduces the background. Section III presents our
fragment and split the whole AST to small statement trees (one approach. Section IV describes the applications of our neural
tree consisting of AST nodes of one statement and rooted at the source code representation. Section V provides our exper-
Statement node). For example, in Figure 1, the statement trees imental results. Related work and discussion about threats
are denoted by dashed lines and the corresponding statements to validity are presented in Section VI and Section VII,
(or statement headers) in the original code fragment are also respectively. Finally, Section VIII concludes our work.
marked by dashed lines. Second, we design a recursive encoder
on multi-way statement trees to capture the statement-level II. BACKGROUND
lexical and syntactical information and then represent them in A. Abstract Syntax Tree
statement vectors. Third, based on the sequence of statement Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is a kind of tree aimed at
1 https://github.com/apache/ctakes/blob/ representing the abstract syntactic structure of the source code
9c552c5c4f92af00d9d008b8c7f9e9d326a2450a/ctakes-core/src/main/java/org/ [36]. It has been widely used by programming language and
apache/ctakes/core/resource/FileReadWriteUtil.java#L32 software engineering tools. As illustrated in Figure 1(b), nodes
of an AST are corresponding to constructs or symbols of the some global information for improving its localness. Although
source code. On the one hand, compared with plain source nodes in the original AST may have more than two children,
code, ASTs are abstract and do not include all details such as TBCNN treats ASTs as continuous full binary trees because
the punctuation and delimiters. On the other hand, ASTs can of the fixed size of convolution.
be used to describe the lexical information and the syntactic 3) Tree-based Long Short-Term Memory: Tree-LSTM is a
structure of source code, such as the method name readText generalization of LSTMs to model tree-structured topologies.
and the control flow structure WhileStatement in Figure 1(b). Different from standard LSTM, Child-Sum Tree-LSTM [41]
Some studies directly use ASTs in token-based methods recursively combines current input with its children states
for source code search [37], program repair [38] and source for state updating across the tree structure. CDLH [6] uses
code differencing [39]. Due to the limitation of token-based Tree-LSTM to learn representations of code fragments for
approaches [17], these methods can catch little syntactical clone detection where code fragments are parsed to ASTs.
information of source code. To deal with the variable number of children nodes, ASTs
are transformed to full binary trees. After a bottom-up way
B. Tree-based Neural Networks of computation, the root node vectors of ASTs are used to
Recently Tree-based Neural Networks (TNNs) have been represent the code fragments.
proposed to accept ASTs as the input. Given a tree, TNNs
learn its vector representation by recursively computing node C. The limitations of the existing work
embeddings in a bottom-up way. The most representative These three tree-based methods have two major limitations.
tree-based models for ASTs are Recursive Neural Network First, during gradient-based training of tree topologies, the gra-
(RvNN), Tree-based CNN (TBCNN) and Tree-based Long dients are calculated via backpropagation over structures [41],
Short-Term Memory (Tree-LSTM). [23]. However, the structures of ASTs are usually large and
1) Recursive Neural Network: RvNN was first proposed for deep due to the complexity of programs, especially the nested
the recursive structure in natural language and image parsing structures. Thus the bottom-up computations from the leaf
[40]. Specifically, given a tree structure, suppose that one nodes to the root nodes may experience the gradient vanishing
parent node y1 has two children nodes (c1 , c2 ), where c1 and problem and are difficult to capture long-range dependencies
c2 are word embeddings or intermediate vector representations [19], [22], which will miss some of the semantics carried by
of nodes. The vector of node y1 is computed by: distant nodes from the root nodes such as identifiers in the leaf
nodes. Second, the existing tree-based methods view ASTs as
p = f (W (1) [c1 ; c2 ] + b(1) ) binary trees by moving three or more children nodes of a
where W (1) is a matrix of parameters, f is an element-wise parent node to new subtrees for simplification, which changes
activation function, and b(1) is a bias term. To assess the the original semantics of source code and makes the long-term
quality of this vector representation, a decoding layer is used dependency problem more serious. For example, CDLH [6]
to reconstruct the children: can only have the F1 value of 57% in one public benchmark
for clone detection, and the studies in NLP [23], [41], [21]
[c1 ; c2 ] = W (2) p + b(2) show that the tree size and depth do matter and have significant
impact on the performance.
Then the training loss is measured by E(θ) = ||c1 − c1 ||22 +
||c2 − c2 ||22 . In this way, RvNN can recursively compute and III. O UR A PPROACH
optimize parameters across the tree, and the final vector of
We introduce our AST-based Neural Network (ASTNN) in
the root node will represent the given tree. Based on RvNN, a
this section. The overall architecture of ASTNN is shown in
recursive autoencoder (RAE) is incorporated for automatically
Figure 2. First, we parse a source code fragment into an AST,
encoding ASTs to detect code clones [5], where ASTs are
and design a preorder traversal algorithm to split each AST
transformed to full binary trees due to the fixed-size inputs
to a sequence of statement trees (ST-trees, which are trees
for simplification.
consisting of statement nodes as roots and corresponding AST
2) Tree-based Convolutional Neural Network: TBCNN
nodes of the statements), as illustrated in Figure 1. All ST-trees
performs convolution computation over tree structures for
are encoded by the Statement Encoder to vectors, denoted as
supervised learning such as source code classification [2].
e1 , · · · , et . We then use Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit
Its core module is an AST-based convolutional layer, which
[35] (Bi-GRU), to model the naturalness of the statements.
applies a set of fixed-depth feature detectors by sliding over
The hidden states of Bi-GRU are sampled into a single vector
entire ASTs. This procedure can be formulated by:
by pooling, which is the representation of the code fragment.
y = tanh( Wconv,i · xi + bconv ) A. Splitting ASTs and Constructing ST-tree Sequences
i=1 At first, source code fragments can be transformed to large
where x1 , · · · , xn are the vectors of nodes within each sliding ASTs by existing syntax analysis tools. For each AST, we split
window, Wconv,i are the parameter matrices and bconv is the it by the granularity of statement and extract the sequence of
bias. TBCNN adopts a bottom-up encoding layer to integrate statement trees with a preorder traversal.
Statement Vector
h1 h2 h3 h4 … hN-2 hN-1 hN
Recurrent Layer
- - - - - - ST-trees
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
Fig. 2. The architecture of AST-based Neural Network as the node level of ASTs, the code blocks within brace
pairs, and the full ASTs. We will discuss these experiments
in Section V. If the size of selected granularity is too large
(e.g., the full AST), similar to the related work [5], [6], we
Formally, given an AST T and a set of Statement AST may also experience the gradient vanishing problem mentioned
nodes S, each statement node s ∈ S in T corresponds one in Section II. But if it is too small (e.g., the node level of
statement of source code. We treat MethodDeclaration as a AST), the model will become a token-based RNN that may
special Statement node, thus S = S∪{M ethodDeclaration}. capture less syntactical knowledge of statements than ours.
For nested statements, as shown in Figure 1, we define the Our experimental results show that proposed statement-level
set of separate nodes P = {block, body} where block is granularity is better since it has a good trade-off between the
for splitting the header and body of nested statements such size of ST-tree and the richness of syntactical information.
as T ry and W hile statements, and body for the method
declaration. All of the descendants of statement node s ∈ S B. Encoding Statements on Multi-way ST-trees
is denoted by D(s). For any d ∈ D(s), if there exists 1) Statement Vectors: Given the ST-trees, we design a
one path from s to d through one node p ∈ P , it means RvNN based statement encoder, which is used for learning
that the node d is included by one statement in the body vector representations of statements.
of statement s. We call node d one substatement node of Since there are a variety of special syntactic symbols in
s. Then a statement tree (ST-tree) rooted by the statement ASTs, we obtain all the symbols by preorder traversal of
node s ∈ S is the tree consisting of node s and all of ASTs as the corpus for training. The word2vec [42] is used
its descendants excluding its substatement nodes in T . For to learn unsupervised vectors of the symbols, and the trained
example, the first ST-tree rooted by M ethodDeclaration is embeddings of symbols are served as initial parameters in
surrounded by dashed lines in Figure 1(b), which includes the statement encoder. Because all the leaf nodes of ASTs
the header part such as “static”, “public” and “readText” and representing the lexical information such as identifiers are
excludes the nodes of the two LocalV ariable, one T ry and also incorporated in the leaf nodes of ST-trees, our symbol
one Return statement in the body. Since nodes of one ST- embeddings can capture the lexical knowledge well.
tree may have three or more children nodes, we also call it Taking the first ST-tree rooted by the node of MethodDec-
multi-way ST-tree for distinguishing it from a binary tree. In laration in Figure 1 as an example, the encoder traverses the
this way, one large AST can be decomposed to a sequence of ST-tree and recursively takes the symbol of current node as
non-overlapping and multi-way ST-trees. new input to compute, together with the hidden states of its
The splitting of ASTs and the construction of ST-tree children nodes. This is illustrated in Figure 3. We only show
sequences are straightforward by a traverser and a constructor. the first two levels here. In the ST-tree, the two children nodes
The traverser visits each node through the ASTs in a depth- readText (i.e., the method name) and FormalParameter (i.e.,
first walk in preorder and the constructor recursively creates the grammar structure defining parameters of the method) as
a ST-tree to sequentially add to the ST-tree sequences. Such a well as other siblings enrich the meaning of MethodDeclara-
practice guarantees that one new ST-tree are appended by the tion. If we transform the ST-tree to one binary tree as described
order in the source code. In this way, we get the sequence of in [5], [6], for example, moving the node of readText to one
ST-trees as the raw input of ASTNN. child node or descendant of the FormalParameter node, the
Note that the selection of splitting granularity of ASTs original semantics may be destroyed. Instead, we take original
is not trivial. We choose the statement trees in this work multi-way ST-trees as input.
since statements are essential units for carrying source code Specifically, given a ST-tree t, let n denote a non-leaf
semantics. We also experimented with other granularities such node and C denote the number of its children nodes. At
the beginning, with the pre-trained embedding parameters Algorithm 1 Dynamic batching algorithm of ST-trees
We ∈ R|V |×d where V is the vocabulary size and d is the Input: The array of root nodes in batched ST-trees, B;
embedding dimension of symbols, the lexical vector of node Output: The vectors of batched ST-trees, BV ;
n can be obtained by: 1: L ← len(B);
vn = We xn (1) 2: BI ← [1, · · · , L]; // ST-tree indexes in the batch
3: S ∈ RN ×L×k ← φ; // record all node vectors
where xn is the one-hot representation of symbol n and vn is 4: Call DynamicBatch(B,BI);
the embedding. Next, the vector representation of node n is 5: Perform pooling on S by Eq. 3 to get BV ∈ RL×k ;
computed by the following equation: 6: return BV ;
7: function DYNAMIC BATCH (ns, ids) The batched
h = σ(Wn vn + h i + bn ) (2) current nodes ns and their indexes ids
8: l ← len(ns);
where Wn ∈ R d×k
is the weight matrix with encoding 9: BC ∈ Rl×d ← 0; // initialize the matrix
dimension k, bn is a bias term, hi is the hidden state for each 10: Calculate Eq. 1 in batch for ns and fill into BC
children i, h is the updated hidden state, and σ is the activation according to ids;
function such as tanh or the identity function. We use the 11: Initialize two array list C, CI ← φ to record children
identity function in this paper. Similarly, we can recursively nodes and their batch indexes;
compute and optimize the vectors of all nodes in the ST-tree t. 12: for each node ∈ ns do
In addition, in order to determine the most important features 13: for each children node child of node do
of the node vectors, all nodes are pushed into a stack and 14: group child by its position, and record child
then sampled by the max pooling. That is, we get the final to C and its batch index to CI ;
representation of the ST-tree and corresponding statement by 15: end for
Equation 3, where N is the number of nodes in the ST-tree. 16: end for
17: for i = 0 → len(C) − 1 do
et = [max(hi1 ), · · · , max(hik )], i = 1, · · · , N (3) 18: h̃ ∈ Rl×k ← 0;
19: η ← DynamicBatch(C[i], CI[i]);
These statement vectors can capture both lexical and 20: h̃ ← h̃ + η;
statement-level syntactical information of statements. 21: end for
2) Batch Processing: For improving the training efficiency 22: Calculate h by Eq. 2 in batch;
on large datasets, it is necessary to design the batch processing 23: BZ ∈ RL×k ← 0; // for calculating BV
algorithm to encode multiple samples (i.e., code fragments) 24: Fill h into BZ according to ids and add BZ to S;
simultaneously. However, generally batch processing on multi- 25: return h;
way ST-trees makes it difficult since the number of children 26: end function
nodes varies for the parent nodes in the same position of one
batch [2], [6]. For example, given two parent nodes ns1 with
3 children nodes and ns2 with 2 children nodes in Figure
4, directly calculating Equation 2 for the two parents in one
batch is impossible due to different C values. To tackle this
problem, we design an algorithm that dynamically processes
batch samples in Algorithm 1.
Intuitively, although parent nodes have different number of 1, 2 1, 2 1
children nodes, the algorithm can dynamically detect and put
all possible children nodes with the same positions to groups, Fig. 4. An example of dynamically batching children nodes
and then speed up the calculations of Equations 2 of each
group in a batch way by leveraging matrix operations. In
algorithm 1, we batch L samples of ST-trees and then breadth- batched ST-trees to the stack S (line 24). Finally we can obtain
first traverse them starting from the root nodes (line 4). For the vectors of ST-tree samples and corresponding statements
the current nodes ns in the same position of the batch, we by pooling described in Equation 3 (line 5).
firstly calculate Equation 1 in batch (line 10), then detect and C. Representing the Sequence of Statements
group all their children nodes by the node positions (line 12-
Based on the sequences of ST-tree vectors, we exploit GRU
16). As shown in Figure 4, we separate the children nodes to
[34] to track the naturalness of statements. We also considered
three groups by their positions and record the groups in the
the choice of using LSTM and the comparison between LSTM
array lists C and CI. Based on these groups, we recursively
and GRU will be discussed in our experiment.
perform batch processing on all children nodes (line 17-21).
Given one code fragment, suppose there are T ST-
After getting the results of all children nodes, we compute
tree extracted from its AST and let Q ∈ RT ×k =
Equation 2 in batch (line 22), and push all node vectors of
[e1 , · · · , et , · · · , eT ], t ∈ [1, T ] denote the vectors of encoded
ST-trees in the sequence. At time t, the transition equations which is to detect whether two code fragments implement the
are as follows: same functionality. Suppose there are code fragment vectors
rt = σ(Wr et + Ur ht−1 + br ) r1 and r2 , and their distance is measured by r = |r1 − r2 | for
semantic relatedness [41]. Then we can treat the output ŷ =
zt = σ(Wz et + Uz ht−1 + bz )
(4) sigmoid(x̂) ∈ [0, 1] as their similarity where x̂ = Wo r + bo .
h˜t = tanh(Wh et + rt (Uh ht−1 ) + bh ) The loss function is defined as binary cross-entropy:
ht = (1 − zt ) ht−1 + zt h˜t
J(Θ, ŷ, y) = (−(y · log(ŷ) + (1 − y) · log(1 − ŷ))) (7)
where rt is the reset gate to control the influence of previous
state, zt is the update gate to combine past and new infor- To train ASTNN models for the two tasks, the goal is to
mation, h˜t is the candidate state and used to make a linear minimize the loss. We use AdaMax [46] in this paper because
interpolation together with previous state ht−1 to determine it is computationally efficient.
the current state ht . Wr , Wz , Wh , Ur , Uz , Uh ∈ Rk×m are After all the parameters are optimized, the trained models
weight matrices and br , bz , bh are bias terms. After iteratively are stored. For new code fragments, they should be pre-
computing hidden states of all time steps, the sequential processed into sequences of ST-trees and then fed into the
naturalness of these statements can be obtained. reloaded models for prediction. The output are probabilities
In order to further enhance the capability of the recurrent p for different labels. For code classification, since there are
layer for capturing the dependency information, we adopt multiple categories, the inferred value can be obtained by:
a bidirectional GRU [34], where the hidden states of both
prediction = arg max(pi ), i = 1, · · · , M (8)
directions are concatenated to form the new states as follows: i
− −−−→
ht = GRU (et ), t ∈ [1, T ] While for clone detection, p is a single value in the range
− ←−−− [0,1], thus we get the prediction by:
ht = GRU (et ), t ∈ [T, 1] (5)
→ ←
− − T rue, p > δ
ht = [ ht , ht ], t ∈ [1, T ] prediction = (9)
F alse, p ≤ δ
Similar to the statement encoder, the most important fea-
tures of these states are then sampled by the max pooling where δ is the threshold.
or average pooling. Considering the importance of different V. E XPERIMENTS
statements are intuitively not equal, for example, API calls in
the MethodInvocation statements may contain more functional In this section, we evaluate the proposed source code
information [43], thus we use max pooling for capturing representation on two tasks of code classification (Task 1) and
the most important semantics by default. The model finally clone detection (Task 2), and compare it with several state-of-
produces a vector r ∈ R2m , which is treated as the vector the-art approaches.
representation of the code fragment. A. Dataset Description
IV. A PPLICATIONS OF THE P ROPOSED M ODEL There are two public dataset benchmarks for code classifica-
The proposed ASTNN model is general-purpose. It can be tion and clone detection. One dataset consists of simple C pro-
trained for task-specific vector representations of source code grams collected from the Online Judge (OJ) system and made
fragments to characterize different source code semantics for public by Mou et al. [2]2 . The programs in OJ benchmark are
many program comprehension tasks. In this work, we take two for 104 different programming problems. Programs have the
common tasks including source code classification and code same functionality if they aim to solve the same problem.
clone detection as examples to show the applications of the The other dataset BigCloneBench (BCB) was provided by
proposed model. Svajlenko et al. [47] for evaluating code clone detection tools.
Source code classification. This task aims to classify code BCB consists of known true and false positive clones from
fragments by their functionalities, which is useful for program a big data inter-project Java repository. As benchmarks, the
understanding and maintenance [2], [44], [45]. Given the code two datasets have been used by many researchers concerning
fragment vector r and the number of categories M , we obtain on code similarity [48], [49] and clone detection [5], [6]. The
the logits by x̂ = Wo r+bo , where Wo ∈ R2m×M is the weight basic statistics corresponding to our two tasks are summarized
matrix and bo is the bias term. We define the loss function as in Table I.
the widely used cross-entropy loss:
B. Experiment Settings
exp(x̂y )
J(Θ, x̂, y) = −log (6) We used the pycparser3 and javalang tools4 to obtain ASTs
j exp(x̂j ) for C and Java code, respectively. For both tasks, we trained
where Θ denotes parameters of all the weight matrices in our embeddings of symbols using word2vec [42] with Skip-gram
model and y is the true label. 2 https://sites.google.com/site/treebasedcnn/
Code clone detection. Detecting code clones is widely 3 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycparser
studied in software engineering research [3], [4], [5], [6], [26], 4 https://github.com/c2nes/javalang
TABLE I tool Frama-C5 to get their PDGs. Based on the PDGs,
we represents nodes of PDGs by the numerical ID of
Code Classification Clone Detection
statements in HOPE [26], and average the embeddings
of all tokens in each PDG node as its initial embedding
Dataset OJ Dataset OJ BCB
#Programs 52,000 #Code fragments 7,500 59,688 [25] in GGNN6 . After graph embedding, we add a max
#Classes 104 %True clone pairs 6.6% 95.7% pooling layer on all nodes of PDGs to obtain the final
Max tokens 8,737 Max tokens 2,271 16,253 code representation.
Avg. tokens 245 Avg. tokens 244 227
Max AST depth 76 Max AST depth 60 192 To evaluate the effectiveness of source code classification, we
Avg. AST depth 13.3 Avg. AST depth 13.2 9.9 use the test accuracy metric, which computes the percentage
Max AST nodes 7,027 Max AST nodes 1,624 15,217
Avg. AST nodes 190 Avg. AST nodes 192 206
of correct classifications for the test set.
2) Code Clone Detection: There are generally four different
types of code clones [54]. Type-1 is identical code fragments
in addition to variations in comments and layout; Apart from
algorithm and set the embedding size to be 128. The hidden Type-1, Type-2 is identical code fragments except for different
dimension of ST-tree encoder and bidirectional GRU is 100. identifier names and literal values; Type-3 is syntactically
We set the mini-batch size to 64 and a maximum of 15 and 5 similar code snippets that differ at the statement level; Type-
epochs for the two tasks, respectively. The threshold is set to 4 is syntactically dissimilar code snippets that implement the
0.5 for clone detection. For each dataset, we randomly divide it same functionality. For BCB, the similarity of clone pairs is
into three parts, of which the proportions are 60%, 20%, 20% defined as the average result of line-based and token-based
for training, validation and testing. We use the optimizer metrics [47]. The similarity of two fragments of Type-1 and
AdaMax [46] with learning rate 0.002 for training. All the Type-2 is 1. Type-3 is further divided into Strongly Type-3
experiments are conducted on a server with 16 cores of and Moderately Type-3, of which the similarities are in range
2.4GHz CPU and a Titan Xp GPU. [0.7, 1) and [0.5, 0.7), respectively. The similarity of Type-4
is in range [0, 0.5) and its clone pairs take up more than 98%
C. Evaluation on Two Tasks
over all clone types. While in OJ, two programs for the same
1) Source Code Classification: We conduct extensive ex- problem form a clone pair of unknown type.
periments on the OJ dataset. Apart from the state-of-the-art As Table I shows, similar to the previous work [6], we
model TBCNN [2], we also take into account of traditional choose 500 programs from each of the first 15 programming
and other neural network based approaches including SVMs problems in OJ, namely OJClone. It will produce more than
with statistical features, TextCNN [50], LSTM [51], LSCNN 28 million clone pairs which is extremely time-consuming for
[52] and PDG-based Graph embedding approaches [25], [26] comparison, thus we randomly select 50 thousand samples
as follows: instead. Likewise, we parsed nearly 6 million true clone pairs
• SVMs. We use the linear SVMs with traditional IR and 260 thousand false clone pairs from BCB. We compare
methods. TF-IDF, N-gram and LDA are used to extract our approach with existing state-of-the-art neural models for
textual features. The corpus are tokens extracted from clone detection including RAE [5] and CDLH [6]. For RAE,
the source code files. For N-gram, we set the number the unsupervised vectors of programs are obtained by the
of grams to 2 and the number of max features to 20 authors’ open-source tool7 and we use them for supervised
thousand. The number of topics for LDA is 300. training, namely RAE+. Its configurations are set according
• TextCNN and LSTM. These two models are widely used to their paper. CDLH is not made public by the authors, so we
for sentence classification in NLP. We adapt them for this directly cite their results from the paper since their experiments
task with token sequences by treating code fragments as share the same datasets with ours. Since other traditional
plain texts. For TextCNN, the kernel size is set to 3 and clone detection methods like DECKARD [55] and common
the number of filters is 100. For LSTM, The dimension neural models such as doc2Vec8 have been compared in RAE
of hidden states is set to 100. and CDLH, we omit them in our experiment. Similar to the
• LSCNN. Originally proposed for bug location [52], experiments on code classification, we also compare with the
LSCNN extracts program features with CNN for state- two PDG-based Graph embedding approaches in OJClone.
ment embedding and uses LSTM for statement sequences. However, BCB mainly contains incomplete and uncompilable
• PDG based Graph Embedding. Most recently some method-level code fragments, we fail to get their PDGs.
studies [25], [26] construct program graphs by consid- Since the code clone detection can be formulated as a
ering control flow and data flow dependencies, and adopt binary classification problem (clone or not), we choose the
graph embedding techniques such as HOPE [24] and commonly-used Precision (P), Recall (R) and F1-measure (F1)
Gated Graph Neural Network (GGNN) [53] for code as evaluation metrics.
representation. Although original code fragments in the 5 https://frama-c.com/
71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2
runs 12+ times faster than PBR and 20+ times faster than TWB network to predict the related questions in StackOverflow. The
when the batch size is 64. This confirms that the proposed neural machine translation is used to automatically generate
batching algorithm makes our ASTNN model more efficient. commit messages [10]. Guo et al. [65] proposes a RNN based
neural network to generate trace links. A joint embedding
VI. R ELATED W ORK model is used in code search to map source code and natural
A. Source Code Representation language descriptions into a unified vector space for evaluating
How to effectively represent source code is a fundamental semantics similarity [66]. The above related work mainly uses
problem for software engineering research. neural network models to understand software-related natural
Traditional IR and machine learning methods have been language texts for various tasks while we focus on the neural
widely used for textual token-based code representation. Pro- representation of source code.
grams are transformed to regularized token sequences for code
clone detection [3]. SourcererCC [4] has an improvement by VII. T HREATS TO VALIDITY
exploiting token ordering along with an optimized inverted- There are three main threats to the validity. First, the OJ
index technique. Besides the lexical information, Deckard [55] dataset is not collected from the real production environment.
enriches programs with some syntax-structured information However, BigCloneBench includes code snippets of real-world
for clone detection as well. Based on the statistical and Java repositories from SourceForge [47], which reduces this
machine learning methods, the n-gram model [1] and SVM threat. The second threat is about the construction of OJClone.
[45] are used for classifying source code authorship and As we described, programs under the same problem belong
domains. Maletic et al. [56] adopts LSI to identify semantic to a clone pair. This leads to the uncertainty about whether
similarities of code fragments, and the cohesion of classes in they are true clone pairs, although similar practice has been
software is evaluated by LDA [15]. done by previous work [6]. Nevertheless, BigCloneBench is
Recently deep learning based approaches have attracted also used for validation where the code clones are inspected
much attention to learn distributed representation of source manually. Therefore, we believe it is of little influence on ex-
code [57]. Raychev et al. [58] adopts RNN and n-gram model perimental results. The last threat is that we cannot reproduce
for code completion. Allamanis et al. [59] uses a neural the approach of CDLH due to some details missed in that
context model to suggest method and class names. For defect paper. Alternatively, we construct the same datasets described
prediction, semantic features are extracted from source code by in their paper to reduce this threat. We will make supplement
a deep belief network [60]. DeepBugs [61] represents code via for comparison when the CDLH tool is available.
word2vec for detecting name-based bugs. In order to capture
the syntactical information of ASTs, White et al. [5] exploits VIII. C ONCLUSION
a recursive auto-encoder over the ASTs with pre-trained token
In this work, we have presented an efficient AST-based Neu-
embeddings. TBCNN [2] uses custom convolutional neural
ral Network (ASTNN) to learn vector representations of source
network on ASTs to learn vector representations of code
code fragments, which can capture the lexical, statement-
snippets. CDLH [6] incorporates Tree-LSTM to represent
level syntactical knowledge and naturalness of statements.
the functionality semantics of code fragments. Furthermore,
The model decomposes large ASTs of code fragments into
Allamanis et al. [25] performs Gated Graph Neural Networks
sequences of small statement trees, obtains statement vectors
on program graphs which track the dependencies of the same
by recursively encoding multi-way statement trees, and finally
variables and functions to predict variable names and detect
learns the vector representations of code fragments by leverag-
variable misuses. DeepSim [62] encodes code control flow
ing the naturalness of statements. We have evaluated ASTNN
and data flow into a semantic matrix for measuring code
on two common program comprehension tasks: source code
functional similarity. Multiple different code representations
classification and code clone detection. The experimental
such as identifiers, CFGs and bytecodes can also be integrated
results show that our model significantly outperforms existing
by the ensemble learning technique [26]. Compared with these
approaches. Our code and experimental data are publicly
neural networks, our model focuses on improving existing
available at https://github.com/zhangj1994/astnn.
AST-based methods and can capture the lexical, statement-
In the future, we will further evaluate the proposed model
level syntactical knowledge and the sequential naturalness of
on larger-scale datatsets in different programming languages
and for a variety of software engineering tasks. We will also
B. Deep Learning in Software Engineering explore other neural models to capture more deep semantics
In recent years, there are many emerging deep learning of source code.
applications in software engineering. DeepAPI [43] uses a
sequence-to-sequence neural network to learn representations
of natural language queries and predict relevant API se- This work was supported partly by National Key Research
quences. Lam et al. [63] combines deep neural network with and Development Program of China (No.2016YFB1000804),
IR technique to recommend potential buggy files. Xu et partly by National Natural Science Foundation of China
al. [64] adopts word embeddings and convolutional neural (No.61702024, 61828201 and 61421003).
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