Brain Computer Interface Controlled Wheel Chair

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Brain Computer Interface Controlled Wheel Chair

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IRMAS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1969 (2021) 012065 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1969/1/012065

Brain Computer Interface Controlled Wheel Chair

Himanshu Sharma1, Rahul Mahajan2, Sakthivel G3* , Saravanakumar D4,

Raghukiran N5.
School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
Center for Automation, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India


Abstract. Brain computer interface wheel chair specially designed for paralyzed and disabled
person who are not capable to operate normal wheel chair. This wheel chair is based on (BCI)
Brain computer interface, it can control the wheel chair from brain neurons by the help of BCI.
Brain computer interface (BCI) is a computer-based system that obtain brain signal that can be
controlled by Neurosky Sensor which is an electrophysiological process to archive the
electrical activity of the brain. A BCI system recognize users to grant their determination by
study their brain signals. This technology is very helpful for paralyzed and disabled person
they can easily moves wheel chair in any direction.

1. Introduction
These Brain computer interface wheel chair specially designed for paralyzed and disabled
person who are not capable to operate normal wheel chair. This wheel chair is based on (BCI) Brain
computer interface, it can control the wheel chair from brain neurons by the help of BCI system. BCI
is a computer-based system that obtain brain signal that can be controlled by EEG
“electroencephalography” which is an electrophysiological process to archive the electrical activity of
the brain. A BCI system recognize users to grant their determination by study their brain signals. this
technology is very helpful for paralyzed and disabled person they can easily moves wheel chair in any
direction. The main objective of using this sensor because this sensor is portable and easy to use, old
type EEG sensors are not portable and take more time to start for obtaining the data but Neurosky
sensor more beneficial rather than old type EEG sensor. This prototype project deals the interfacing
between brain and wheelchair with the help of Neurosky sensor or EEG technology.

Figure 1. Brain Computer Interface System.

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
IRMAS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1969 (2021) 012065 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1969/1/012065

2. Brain computer interface

A Brain Computer Interface (BCI) system contain the brain signals, after analyze and translate,
it sends the command to relayed the output devices to carry the desired action. The brain computer
interface (BCI) evaluates the signal which is processed by the (CNS) central nervous system. Brain
produces a signal acquisition system which is digitally connected to the signal processing unit, that
gives the command with the help of Neurosky Sensor.

3. Neurosky sensor
This sensor works on electroencephalography (EEG) system, this sensor calculates the
Electrical activity from brain neurons.

Figure 2. Brain Computer Interface System.

4. EEG Works
The billions of cells in your cerebrum produce little electrical signs that structure non-straight
examples called brainwaves. An EEG machine quantifies the electrical action in the cerebral cortex,
the external layer of the mind, during an EEG test. EEG sensors are put on a member's head, at that
point the cathodes non-obtrusively identify brainwaves from the subject. EEG sensors can record up to
a few great many depictions of the electrical action produced in the cerebrum inside a solitary second.
The recorded brainwaves are shipped off enhancers, at that point to a PC or the cloud to deal with the
information. The intensified signs, which look like wavy lines, can be recorded on a PC, cell phone, or
on a cloud information base.

(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) fluctuated brain wave, (b) constant brain wave.

Distributed computing programming is viewed as a basic advancement in EEG information

preparing, as it takes into consideration continuous examination of chronicles at scale—in the
beginning of EEG estimation, waves were essentially recorded on a diagram paper. This fig shows my
brain waves, In figure 3 (a) the fluctuated graph is shown it mins my Brain has thinks something

IRMAS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1969 (2021) 012065 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1969/1/012065

continuously, In figure 3 (b) graph is constant for some times it mins on that time my brain is in
attention mode.

5. Control system
In this prototype Neurosky sensor is connected to the wheel chair modal with the help of
Bluetooth module which is interface on boadrate signal is 57600. This boadrate signal is generated by
the help of Hyper Terminal. In this system I make microcontroller board which contains the pic
microcontroller which is programmed by Arduino UNO and 5-volt power supply and L293D motor

Figure 4. Control system of Wheelchair.

In Configuration system used several codes for interfacing the Neurosky sensor with Bluetooth.
Wheel chair operate on fixed attention level in this system a LED panel is attach with micron troller
which is programmed according attention label this attention level can be measure by the help of
Arduino Window.

Figure 5. Attention Level Window.

With the help of Visualizer app, we can also check attention level and different wave which is
generated by our Brain these waves we can read by the help of EEG monitoring system.

Figure 6. Visualizer.

IRMAS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1969 (2021) 012065 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1969/1/012065

5.1. Controlling steps

 When we gave the power to wheelchair Bluetooth start pairing with EEG sensor.
 After Pairing we try to attention for control the wheel chair.
 If Attention Level is below 80 then wheel chair is not operated and Led start Glow according
to attention level.
 When Attention level in between 80 to 100 the wheel chair operates in forward direction.
 When attention level is decrees wheelchair in stop mode.
For monitoring purpose, I have used a Camera which is mount on the Prototype wheelchair this came
show the direction on laptop. with the help of this camera we can check, in which direction wheel
chair is going.

Figure 7. Developed Wheelchair Prototype.

Figure 8. Operating Wheelchair.

6. Conclusion
This prototype wheelchair moves with the help of Neurosky sensor which collect the electrical data
from the brain. This sensor is also helping in health monitoring system to record the meditation level
and attention level. This prototype project deals the interfacing between brain and wheelchair with the
help of Neurosky sensor or EEG technology. For future this technology is very helpful in artificial
intelligence and GPS system for finding the maps for road hospitals and buildings.

7. References

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IRMAS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1969 (2021) 012065 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1969/1/012065

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