CHE F212 Assignment
CHE F212 Assignment
CHE F212 Assignment
Form a group of not more than four members. You are free to make your groups.
Choose one of the topics given in the next few slides or any other topic on
Research and development in fluid mechanics. Have group discussions, use the
internet and books to get more information on these topics.
Start making a 10-slide PPT on the topic. Avoid general slides and make very
specific slides about the latest research on your topic. All group members must
equally contribute, and it’s the responsibility of the group coordinator to ensure
• Surface tension, wettability and the reason and mechanism of Super hydrophibicity. Can we
fabricate artificial materials and surfaces that exhibit super hydrophobicity? What can be the
application areas for such surfaces?
Topic 2: Anti-Finger Print Surfaces?
• Most super hydrophobic surfaces rely on trapped air to repel liquids, and are prone fail under
conditions involving high temperature, pressure, humidity, and when exposed to low-surface-tension
Steamlines, pathlines and streaklines are important tools for visualization of fluid flows and
fluid solid interactions, which for example can help in designing the optimum vehicle shapes
or different fluid machinery. You can use tools like MATLAB and write a program which can
plot these curves for any type of flow field input from the user.
MS Excel: 𝑉 = 𝑎𝑦𝑖Ƹ + 𝑏𝑡𝑗Ƹ MATLAB: U=5*exp(-y).*cos(t-10*y) V=1
Ref: The origins and the future of microfluidics by George M. Whitesides
Topic 5: Nano and Microscale Coating Techniques
Dip coating and spin coating
We have discussed in class the concept and mathematics of flow of a thin film over an
inclined plane. We have also discussed briefly how to write equations for a rotating
platform (water sprinkler problem)
Dip coating is a widely used coating technique for uniform
thin film coatings on large surface areas. When a flat plate is
withdrawn from a liquid pool, a liquid film is deposited on
the plate. Gravity competes with the surface tension and
viscous drag, and the balance between those determine the
meniscus shape and hence the film thickness. Dip coater
Can you write the basic form of governing equations for these coating processes and find
out the film thickness as a function coating parameters and coating liquid parameters?7
Topic 6: Applications of Shear Thickening Materials
Topic 8: Medical Science Cardiovascular system:
• Flow of blood through blood
• How heart serves as the pump
• The vessel walls of the heart are
elastic and movable
Respiratory System
Pulmonary System
Programmable structures:
Skylar Tibbits, MIT
Microfluidics, Modelling of Blood Flow
You are also free to choose any other Fluid Mechanics-related topic that interests you.
Some other topics:
Application of pitot tube in detail: How is the speed of a cursing aircraft measured?
The hydrodynamics of shark skin.
Viscous dissipation in oil pipelines
Application of Navier-Stokes equation in astrophysics
Apply fluid mechanics principles to the capture of tidal and wave energy (potential
energy) and the use of new technology turbomachinery to generate electrical energy.
Computational Fluid Mechanics
Drug delivery
Fuel Cell Modelling