Emcee English
Emcee English
Emcee English
yet: Please take your seats. At this moment ladies and gentlemen, let us all lend our
ears to our _____________________as she gives us her welcome address. A warm round
ofapplause please.
. cel: Thank you ma’am. Now, let us lend our ears to our Teachers club president
she gives us her inspirational message.
Yet:Thank u so much maam marie for that meaningful message.
Cel:At this juncture may I call in Mrs rhealyne mateo.master teacher 1 and
our school English coordinator, our chairman for this event for the
orientation and reading of mechanics /criteria of the contest.
Yet:thank u so much mam rhealyne,,at this juncture to introduce to us the
members of our prestigious board of judges allow me to call here in stage a
woman of passion Maam Monaliza a. tugare.a round of applauseplease.
And now we are bound to begin our main purpose of this program.Are you