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Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia ISSN 2085-2916 | e-ISSN 2337-3652

August 2024, 52(2), 176-186

(Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24831/jai.v52i2.54078

Res ea rc h Art i cl e

Optimizing cultivation system and pest management

in different types of rice varieties
Ricky Andryan 1, Ahmad Junaedi 2,*, Purwono 2, Lilik Budi Prasetyo 3,
and Arinal Haq Izzawati Nurrahma 4

1 Agronomy and Horticulture Study Program, Graduate School of IPB University,

Jl Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, INDONESIA
2 Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University,

Jl Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, INDONESIA

3 Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry

and Environment, IPB University, Jl Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680,
4 Research Center for Food Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),

Jl Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong, Bogor 16911, INDONESIA

* Corresponding author ( junaedi_agr@apps.ipb.ac.id)

Improving rice productivity and efficiency is the main goal of cultivation techniques to meet
the demand for rice production. The aim of this research was to evaluate the suitability of
rice varieties in cultivation systems, namely: organic cultivation + biological pest
management (BPM), inorganic cultivation + BPM, and conventional cultivation. Different
types of rice varieties, namely New Superior Varieties (NSV: INPARI-30, INPARI-32), New
Plant Type (NPT: IPB-3S), and Superior Varieties from West Sumatra (Batang Piaman, Anak
Daro), may exhibit differences in agronomic performance across various cultivation systems.
This research was conducted at the Sawah Baru Babakan Experimental Farm, IPB
Edited by: University, Dramaga Bogor, using a factorial nested design with 4 replications. The results
Maryati Sari
based on yield per hill and plot showed that Batang Piaman and INPARI-30 varieties were
IPB University
suitable for all organic + BPM, inorganic + BPM, and conventional cultivational systems. The
Received: INPARI-32 and IPB-3S varieties were more suitable for conventional cultivation and
25 February 2024 inorganic + BPM; while the Anak Daro variety was better in organic cultivation + BPM.
Accepted: Utilizing varieties with different characteristics for better yield performance could be
19 August 2024 considered with obtaining the suitability of the cultivation system, whether organic + BPM,
Published online: inorganic + BPM, or conventional.
13 September 2024

Citation: Keywords: Chemical pest control; conventional cultivation; organic cultivation;

Andryan, R., Junaedi, A., integrated pest management
Purwono, Prasetyo, L. B.,
& Nurrahma, A. H. I. INTRODUCTION
(2024). Optimizing
Rice is considered one of the crop commodities serving as a priority and strategic
cultivation system and
food source, as it constitutes a staple in the Indonesian diet. Rice cultivation holds the
pest management in
highest rank among other food crops, such as corn and soybeans. Rice not only serves as
different rice type
varieties. Jurnal
the staple food for Indonesians but also acts as a source of employment and income for
Agronomi Indonesia farmers, contributing significantly to the nation's economy (Abidin et al., 2019). Rice is
(Indonesian Journal of consumed as a source of energy and nutrition, accounting for up to 95%, and contributes
Agronomy), 52(2), 176- 32% to caloric needs. Therefore, the availability of rice must be continuously maintained
186 and enhanced in tandem with the increasing population.
In 2020, Indonesia harvested rice from an area of 10.66 million hectares, but in 2021,
there was a 2.30% decline, with the harvested area decreasing to 10.41 million hectares

August 2024 176

Andryan et al. / Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 52(2), 176-186 177

(BPS, 2022). As a result, there was a slight decline of 0.45% in total rice production from
31.50 million tons in 2020 to 31.36 million tons in 2021 (BPS, 2022). To enhance rice
yields, the use of new plant type varieties (NPT) and high-performing Superior Varieties
from West Sumatra is encouraged. New rice varieties are genetically improved, and
superior local varieties are known for their aromatic qualities, high economic value, and
adaptability to various conditions (Wahyuti et al., 2013).
Crop management is the most crucial stage in rice cultivation, including activities
such as fertilization and plant protection. In Indonesia, the majority of farmers practice
conventional agriculture by using inorganic fertilizers and pesticides (chemical pest
control). This is indicated by the relatively low total area of organic farming in Indonesia,
amounting to only 0.6 percent (208,042 ha) in 2017 (FiBL & IFOAM, 2019). The use of
chemicals in this system is intensive, involving the application of chemical fertilizers,
pesticides, and herbicides to enhance rice production (Maulana & Ariningsih, 2018). This
stands in contrast to the changing lifestyle of the population, which is increasingly inclined
towards consuming healthy rice, driven by growing awareness of health, environmental,
safety, and food quality issues (Estuningtyas et al., 2014). One of the cultivation systems
that produce healthy rice is organic cultivation. This highlights the need for compatibility
between organic and conventional cultivation systems of rice varieties. The objective of
this study was to evaluate the suitability of various rice varieties in different cultivation
systems, namely: organic cultivation, conventional cultivation with chemical pest control,
and inorganic cultivation with integrated pest management.


Research location
This research was conducted at the Sawah Baru Babakan Experimental Farm,
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. The
study was carried out from July to December 2022.
Research design
The experimental design used a factorial nested design. The main plot consisted of
three cultivation systems, namely organic cultivation + Biological Pest Management
(BPM), inorganic cultivation + BPM, and conventional cultivation (inorganic + chemical
pest control). The subplots consisted of rice varieties, including New Superior Varieties
(NSV: INPARI-30, INPARI-32), New Plant Type (NPT: IPB-3S), and Superior Varieties from
West Sumatra (Batang Piaman, Anak Daro). The experimental units measured 10.5 m × 7
m. Replications in this experiment were nested within the main plot. The treatments were
replicated four times, resulting in a total of 60 experimental units. The organic cultivation
system + BPM and the inorganic cultivation system + BPM both use biological pesticides,
while the difference between the two is the use of organic fertilizer for the organic
cultivation system and inorganic fertilizer for the inorganic cultivation system.
Conventional cultivation systems include the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides.
The soil preparation used a hand tractor for plowing, leveling, and furrowing. Basic
fertilizer applications included cow manure at a dosage of 5 tons ha-1 and dolomite at a
dosage of 500 kg ha-1. The application of cow manure and dolomite was carried out
simultaneously for all experimental units 7-14 days before planting (soil preparation).
Seeds were soaked in water for 12 hours, and any floating seeds were discarded.
Subsequently, the seeds undergo immersion in a mixture of plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPR, Rhizobium sp., Bacilllus polymixa, Pseudomonas flouurescens) at a
dosage of 10 g L-1 for 12 hours. The soaked seeds were then incubated for 1×24 hours until
germination occurred (radicula emerged). The germinated seeds were planted in
prepared seedbeds and covered with a net.
The planting distance of 30 cm × 15 cm was marked using caplak, a traditional tool
for marking straight rows in rice planting (Sugandi et al., 2018) with a 6:1 “legowo row”
planting system. In a planting hole, two seedlings were planted (per hill). Maintenance
Andryan et al. / Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 52(2), 176-186 178

included: (1) Fertilizer application was conducted in two stages, at 1 and 5 weeks after
transplanting (WAT). Stage 1 fertilization involved cow manure at a dosage of 5 tons ha-1
for organic cultivation + BPM, and inorganic fertilizer (N 150 kg ha-1, P2O5 150 kg ha-1, and
K2O 100 kg ha-1) for inorganic + BPM, and conventional cultivations. Stage 2 fertilization
included additional cow manure at a dosage of 5 tons ha-1 for organic cultivation + BPM
and N fertilizer at a rate of 150 kg for inorganic + BPM and conventional cultivations; (2)
Replanting for dead or less vigorous plants around 7-14 days after transplanting (DAT);
(3) Weed control was carried out manually before second fertilizer application; (4) Pest
and disease prevention involved the use of biological pesticides (macro and
microelements, antagonistic bacteria and actinomycetes, dose 5 g L-1, spray volume 200 L
ha-1, 3 sprayings) for organic and inorganic + BPM cultivation, while chemical pest control
(deltamethrin, dose 2 mL L-1, spray volume 200 L ha-1, 3 sprayings) for conventional
cultivation. Bird protection was implemented through transparent net installation.
Harvesting was done when the plants had shown mature harvest criteria, characterized
by 90% of the grains turning yellow, and the optimal age of the panicle was around 30
days from the day after flowering (DAF).
Observation variables included morphological characteristics such as plant height
and the number of tillers. Physiological traits consisted of Photosynthetic rate was
observed at 9 WAT, leaf greenness (measured using SPAD) was at 7 WAT, and Relative
Growth Rate (g per week) with the formula:
ln(𝑊𝑊2 ) − ln(𝑊𝑊1)
(𝐿𝐿2 – 𝐿𝐿1 )
Note: ln W1 = lan from dry weight 7 WAT, ln W2 = lan of dry weight 9 WAT, T1 =
observation time 7 WAT, T2 = observation time 9 WAT.

Generative and yield-related traits included the percentage of productive tillers,

flowering time, number of panicles, weight of 1,000 grains, harvest index, number of filled
grains, number of unfilled grains, percentage of filled grains, grain weight per panicle, and
Data analysis
The obtained data were subjected to analysis of variance at a significance level of α
5%. If the analysis of variance showed a significant effect, further testing was conducted
using the honestly significant difference (HSD) test at a significance level of α=5%. Data
was prepared using Microsoft Excel 2013 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA)
and Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR IRRI version 2.0.1 International Rice
Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines).


Morphological characters
Cultivation systems and varieties as a single factor showed a significant influence on
morphological characteristics of plant height and tiller number, whereas the interaction
was not significant on these variables. Among the examined varieties, IPB 3S
demonstrated the tallest stature, while INPARI 30 exhibited the lowest plant height (Table
1). IPB 3S, despite its height advantage, showed a lower tiller number compared to the
other four varieties, with Anak Daro being the variety with the highest tiller number
(Table 1). Each variety generally exhibits distinct growth responses in both plant height
and tiller number due to unique morphological descriptions and characteristics
associated with each variety. Consistent with the findings of Herdiyanti et al. (2015), IPB
3S stands out for its tall stature but produces a lower tiller number. This trait aligns with
the classification of IPB 3S as a New Plant Type (NPT), known for its relatively fewer tillers
compared to NSV and Superior Varieties from West Sumatra.
Andryan et al. / Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 52(2), 176-186 179

Table 1. Plant height and number of tillers at 7 WAT of different rice varieties and cultivation systems.
Treatment Plant height (cm) Number of tillers per hill
Anak Daro 91.29b 22.2a
Batang Piaman 88.11b 21.7a
INPARI 30 81.92c 20.3a
INPARI 32 82.34c 19.6a
IPB 3S 105.36a 13.0b
Cultivation systems
Conventional 93.80a 19.6b
Inorganic + BPM 89.55ab 21.3a
Organic + BPM 86.07b 17.2c
Note: Values followed by different letters within the same column and factor are significantly different based on the honestly
significant difference (HSD) test at α=5%. WAT = weeks after transplanting.

Conventional cultivation systems showed the highest values for the plant height
variable and are significantly different from organic cultivation (Table 1). The inorganic
cultivation system had the most significant number of tillers, followed by conventional
and organic cultivation systems (Table 1). Organic fertilizers could not completely replace
the use of chemical fertilizers in both inorganic and conventional cultivation. Arianti et al.
(2022) noted that organic fertilizer alone does not increase plant height and number of
tillers significantly. Allamah et al. (2018) recommended integrating organic and chemical
fertilizers to increase the number of tillers. Moreover, she stated that the increase in the
number of seedlings as a result of this integration is due to the availability of sufficient
nutrients that can be absorbed by plants, apart from that the influence of microelements
from organic fertilizer helps the growth process optimally and effectively.
Physiological characters
The interaction between cultivation systems and varieties had a significant impact
on physiological characteristics, specifically the Relative Growth Rate (RGR) (Table 2). In
the condition of the inorganic cultivation system, there was no significant difference
among varieties at both 7 to 9 WAT and 9 to 14 WAT, except for INPARI 30 which showed
the lowest RGR at 9-14 WAT. In the conventional cultivation system, Batang Piaman
exhibited as the best performance, showing the highest RGR at both 7 to 9 WAT and 9 to
14 WAT compared to other varieties. In the organic cultivation system, Anak Daro is the
best variety at 7 to 9 WAT, while IPB 3S emerges as the best variety at 9 to 14 WAT (Table
2). A high RGR at the early growth stage indicates a relationship between source and sink
related to the increased source capacity that can fulfill the sink's needs, thus influencing
grain yield.
The variety treatment significantly influenced other physiological characteristics,
namely photosynthetic rate and leaf greenness, while the cultivation system did not
exhibit any significant effect on these physiological traits (Table 3). Table 3 shows that IPB
3S demonstrated the highest photosynthetic rate, whereas Anak Daro exhibits the lowest
rate among the compared varieties. This is likely attributed to the upright leaf morphology
of IPB 3S, which facilitates better light penetration and distribution evenly to the lower
parts, supporting an optimized photosynthetic process (Herdiyanti et al., 2015).
The INPARI 32 variety had the highest leaf greenness, but it was not significantly
different from the IPB 3S, INPARI 30 varieties while the Anak Daro variety had the lowest
leaf greenness (Table 3). These differences could be due to variations in leaf
characteristics among varieties, indicating differences in leaf greenness values. SPAD
values are influenced by several factors, including consistent genetic (variety) traits, plant
age, leaf thickness (Yang et al., 2014; Barutcular et al., 2015), and the adequacy of nitrogen
nutrients (Singh et al., 2020). The SPAD meter readings can range from 25 to 44 (Singh et
al., 2020). Imanishi et al. (2010) revealed that SPAD values are associated with the
potential to initiate photosynthetic rates and plant biomass.
Andryan et al. / Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 52(2), 176-186 180

Table 2. Relative Growth Rate (RGR) in the interaction of cultivation systems and rice varieties.
RGR (g per week)
Cultivation systems Variety
7-9 WAT 9-14 WAT
Conventional Anak Daro 0.425ab 1.024b
Batang Piaman 0.555a 1.047a
INPARI 30 0.450 ab 1.023b
INPARI 32 0.383b 1.034ab
IPB 3S 0.375b 1.020b
Inorganic + BPM Anak Daro 0.475a 1.049a
Batang Piaman 0.502a 1.049a
INPARI 30 0.445 ab 1.032b
INPARI 32 0.530a 1.045a
IPB 3S 0.403ab 1.043a
Organic + BPM Anak Daro 0.535a 1.030b
Batang Piaman 0.413ab 1.011c
INPARI 30 0.495ab 1.017bc
INPARI 32 0.418ab 1.020bc
IPB 3S 0.365b 1.039a
Note: Values with different letters in the same column are significantly different based on the honestly significant difference
(HSD) test at α=5%. WAT = weeks after transplanting.

Table 3. Photosynthetic rate and leaf greenness of each rice variety.

Photosynthetic rate at 9 WAT Leaf greenness at 7 WAT
(µmol CO2m-2s-1 ) (SPAD value)
Anak Daro 28.92c 35.12c
Batang Piaman 33.73ab 37.82b
INPARI 30 30.34bc 38.69ab
INPARI 32 31.46abc 40.11a
IPB 3S 34.30a 39.50ab
Note: Values with different letters in the same column are significantly different based on the honestly significant difference
(HSD) test at α=5%. WAT = weeks after transplanting, SPAD = Soil Plant Analyses Development.

Generative and yield traits

The interaction between cultivation systems and varieties influenced generative
traits, specifically the percentage of productive tillers and flowering time (data not
shown). In the condition of the inorganic cultivation system, Batang Piaman and IPB 3S
stood out as the best varieties, exhibiting the highest percentage of productive tillers
(Table 4). In the conventional cultivation system, Anak Daro had the lowest percentage of
productive tillers compared to the other four varieties, although the difference was not
different statistically. In the organic cultivation system, Batang Piaman emerged as the
best variety, demonstrating the highest percentage of productive tillers, surpassing
INPARI 32 (Table 4).
Anak Daro exhibited the longest flowering time compared to other varieties across
all three cultivation system conditions (Table 4). This suggests that the Anak Daro variety
undergoes a more extended vegetative stage. Conversely, the IPB 3S consistently had the
shortest flowering time across all three cultivation system conditions compared to other
varieties. This indicates that, under all cultivation systems, IPB 3S was characterized by
early flowering (Table 4). In the field, varieties with longer time to flower produce more
tillers, but the most late tillering failed to produce seed. According to Wangiyana et al.
(2009), rice tillers that produce late panicles potentially will not produce fully filled grains,
meaning that they are potentially to produce unfilled grains. In addition, this phenomenon
is related to the length of time for grain filling.
Andryan et al. / Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 52(2), 176-186 181

Table 4. Percentage of productive tillers and day of flowering in the interaction of cultivation system an rice
Productive tillers Days to flowering
Cultivation system Variety
(%) (days)
Conventional Anak Daro 78.87b 79.0a
Batang Piaman 95.16a 71.5b
INPARI 30 91.14a 72.3b
INPARI 32 92.55a 67.0c
IPB 3S 90.39a 65.8d
Inorganic + BPM Anak Daro 84.81b 77.8a
Batang Piaman 92.53a 71.5b
INPARI 30 86.21ab 71.3b
INPARI 32 88.64ab 68.3c
IPB 3S 91.63a 65.8d
Organic + BPM Anak Daro 87.63ab 77.3a
Batang Piaman 93.76a 69.8c
INPARI 30 88.71ab 72.3b
INPARI 32 83.45b 63.5d
IPB 3S 89.83ab 62.8d
Note: Different letters in the same column indicate a significant difference based on the honestly significant difference (HSD) test
at α=5%.

Varietal treatments significantly influence yield-related traits, including the number

of panicles and the weight of 1,000 grains (Data not shown), but the cultivation system did
not significantly affect these variables. Among the varieties, Batang Piaman had the
highest number of panicles (22.77), while the IPB 3S (11.48) had fewer panicles compared
to other varieties. Batang Piaman also had the highest weight of 1,000 grains 28.75 g),
while Anak Daro (22.83 g) had the lowest weight of 1,000 grains compared to other
varieties. The weight of 1,000 grains was influenced not only by genetic factors and the
description of each variety but also by other variables, including grain weight per panicle
and the percentage of productive tillers. Consistent with previous research (Satria et al.,
2017; Marliani et al., 2019) it is stated that the weight of 1,000 grains of a variety is
significantly influenced by the percentage of productive tillers, grain weight per panicle,
and plant height.
The interaction between the cultivation system and varieties significantly influences
yield characteristics, including the number of filled grains, the number of unfilled grains,
and the harvest index (Table 5). However, this interaction did not have a significant impact
on the percentage of filled grains. Across the three cultivation system conditions, the
variety Anak Daro consistently exhibited the highest average number of filled grains,
while the variety IPB 3S consistently had the lowest, compared to other varieties (Table
5). This indicates that the increase in the number of filled grains is due to the formation of
the number of tillers and a high percentage of productive tillers. The number of grains per
panicle is a variable with moderate heritability, indicating that genetic influence is
moderately significant compared to environmental factors (Pasaribu et al., 2013).
In the conventional cultivation system, the Anak Daro and INPARI 30 varieties had
the highest number of unfilled grains (Table 5). Anak Daro, IPB 3S, and INPARI 32 varieties
had the highest number of unfilled grains in the inorganic cultivation system. In the
organic cultivation system, the Anak Daro variety had the highest number of unfilled
grains. It is probable that Anak Daro had a limited nutrient supply, which resulted in high
unfilled grains in the organic cultivation system. Grain filling is determined by the balance
between source and sink in rice plants (Okamura et al., 2018). Consistent with the results
of the study by Maisura et al. (2015), it was revealed that several limiting factors, such as
narrow, thin, flat, fast-aging leaves, and short-lived, cause low assimilate production,
resulting in a high potential for unfilled grains.
Andryan et al. / Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 52(2), 176-186 182

Table 5. Number of filled grains, number of unfilled grains, percentage of filled grains, and harvest index in the
interaction of cultivation system and rice varieties.
Number of Number of Filled
Cultivation system Variety filled grains per unfilled grains grains (%)
hill per hill per hill
Conventional Anak Daro 2,164.2a 857.9a 71.39 0.30b
Batang Piaman 1,650.4b 537.4b 75.48 0.49a
INPARI 30 1,561.8b 617.6ab 72.12 0.45ab
INPARI 32 1,300.3bc 414.6b 75.74 0.46ab
IPB 3S 1,131.2c 504.8b 69.81 0.43ab
Inorganic + BPM Anak Daro 2,419.5a 887.4a 73.75 0.25b
Batang Piaman 1,830.6b 544.3b 77.18 0.52a
INPARI 30 1,824.6b 553.2b 76.97 0.50a
INPARI 32 1,891.4b 645.5ab 74.46 0.45ab
IPB 3S 1,531.0b 660.6ab 69.49 0.50a
Organic + BPM Anak Daro 2,778.0a 1,057.4a 72.28 0.49a
B. Piaman 1,838.0b 448.5b 80.39 0.58a
INPARI 30 1,694.4b 484.5b 77.84 0.56a
INPARI 32 1,317.1c 360.1c 78.61 0.49a
IPB 3S 1,322.4c 625.6b 68.07 0.45ab
Note: Numbers followed by different letters in the column are considered significantly different based on the honestly significant
difference (HSD) test at α=5%.

In the present study, Batang Piaman variety under three cultivation system
conditions, is the best variety with the highest average harvest index, while the Anak Daro
variety has the lowest harvest index value, except for IPB 3S which showed the lowest
harvest index in the organic cultivation system (Table 5). The increase in the harvest index
is influenced by the balance of assimilated yield between the weight of the grains
produced and the dry weight of the canopy and roots.
The interaction between cultivation system and variety significantly affected grain
weight per hill (Table 6). Under the conventional cultivation system, Batang Piaman
variety was found to be the best variety with the highest grain weight per hill. In the
condition of the inorganic cultivation system, the best variety was Batang Piaman
although it was not significantly different grain weight per hill to INPARI 32, INPARI 30,
and IPB 3S. While in the condition of organic cultivation system, Batang Piaman variety is
obtained as the best variety with the highest grain weight per hill, but not significantly
different from Anak Daro variety (Table 6).

Table 6. Grain weight (g) per hill in the interaction of cultivation systems and rice varieties.
Grain weight per hill (g)
Conventional Inorganic + BPM Organic + BPM
Anak Daro 43.35c 48.85b 53.20ab
Batang Piaman 57.15a 64.75a 61.00a
INPARI 30 50.65b 54.00ab 50.20b
INPARI 32 45.55b 55.35ab 42.30c
IPB 3S 44.85b 53.30ab 43.50c
Note: Different letters indicate significant differences based on the honestly significant difference (HSD) test at a 5% significance

Based on the yield estimation of grain weight per hill, it shows that under the
conventional cultivation system, the best variety was Batang Piaman variety with the
highest yield of milled grain (Figure 1A). Under the inorganic cultivation system + BPM,
the Batang Piaman was also the best variety with the highest yield of milled grain, but it
was not significantly different from INPARI 30, INPARI 32, and IPB 3S varieties. Under the
organic + BPM cultivation system, the Batang Piaman also as the best variety with the
highest yield of milled grain, but it was not significantly different to Anak Daro.
Andryan et al. / Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 52(2), 176-186 183

Based on the yield estimation results from tile sampling (called ubinan), Batang
Piaman had a similar position among varieties in different cultivation systems (Figure 1B).
It means that Batang Piaman become suitable varieties in different cultivation technology.
14 14
12.3a A B
12 11.7a 12
10.2ab 10.3ab 10.6ab
10 9.3b 9.4b 9.6b 10
Yield tons ha-1


Yield tons ha-1

8.5c 8.7bc 8.6c 8.4a 8.3a
8.0c 8.3c 8.2a 7.7ab
7.9ab 7.8ab
8 8 6.8b 7.2b 7.2b 7.2b
6.3bc 5.9c
5.4c 4.5c
6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
Anak Daro Batang INPARI 30 INPARI 32 IPB 3S Anak Daro Batang INPARI 30 INPARI 32 IPB 3S
Piaman Piaman
Conventional Inorganic + BPM Organic+BPM Conventional Inorganic + BPM Organic + BPM

Figure 1. Yield estimation of different rice varieties in different cultivation systems. A) Yield estimation based
on grain weight per hill; B) Yield estimation based on tile sampling (ubinan).
The lower yield of the IPB 3S variety is suspected to be due to the low number of
tillers and panicles (Table 4). Varieties IPB 3S and INPARI 32 belong to the New plant Type
variety and New Superior Variety (NSV), which is highly responsive to fertilization,
resulting in high yields in the inorganic + BPM cultivation system. Local varieties,
including Batang Piaman, Anak Daro, and NSV: INPARI 30, exhibit adaptive characteristics
to various cultivation systems, whether conventional, inorganic + BPM, or organic + BPM.
However, in this study, the Anak Daro variety is more suitable for the organic + BPM
cultivation system. Local varieties are generally not responsive to fertilization application
and already adaptive to local agrosystems. In line with the study by Mulyawati et al.
(2021), local varieties are chosen for their ability to adapt well to various ecosystems and
biotic and abiotic stresses in the local area.
Each variety showed different responses in the three cultivation systems based on
the observed variables. This indicated the importance of genetic factors in rice cultivation.
In rice, environmental conditions also influence plant growth (Efendi et al., 2012). This is
in line with Safrida et al. (2019), who revealed that environmental conditions vary from
one place to another, and plants' need for special environmental conditions can result in
diversity in plant growth. In the present study, different varieties show variations in
response to different cultivation systems. The main characteristics of the influence of
variety, growing location, and season affect growth, yield, and yield components including
plant height, leaf length, number of shoots per plant, number of tubers, average tuber
weight, total yield, and marketable yield per hectares recorded from shallots (Yeshiwas et
al., 2023).
It is important to note that, in terms of rice yield, conventional farming still has a
greater yield than organic farming in most varieties except Anak Daro as presented in
Figure 1. Organic farming is a kind of regenerative farming, that is believed as best model
for climate-smart agriculture. It is interesting to study in the future why Anak Daro
performed better rice yield under organic farming than conventional farming. Organic
matter is a viable long-term option for improving soil quality (Leskovar & Othman 2018).
Furthermore, Reganold and Wachter (2016) revealed that organic farming outperforms
conventional farming in many ecological, social, and economic dimensions, although
according to de Ponti et al. (2012), the harvest yield is lower compared to conventional
farming. In line with the research results of Seufert et al. (2012), organic farming yields
are lower than conventional farming, ranging from 5% to 35%, depending on the crop
type and agroecological conditions. There is a need for the integration of organic and
conventional fertilizers to support plant growth and productivity. Optimal integration of
Andryan et al. / Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 52(2), 176-186 184

organic and inorganic fertilizer levels can enhance sustainable plant growth and
productivity (Mahmood et al., 2017). Sugiyanta et al. (2008), revealed that the use of 7.5
tons of straw fertilizer ha-1 was able to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers by up to 50%
(125 kg urea ha-1, 50 kg SP-36 ha-1, 50 kg KCl ha-1).

Batang Piaman and INPARI-30 varieties were suitable for organic + BPM, inorganic
+ BPM, and conventional cultivational systems. The INPARI-32 and IPB-3S varieties were
more suitable for conventional cultivational and inorganic + BPM; while the Anak Daro
variety was better suited for organic cultivation+ BPM. Utilizing varieties with different
characteristics for better yield performance could be considered by obtaining the
suitability of the cultivation system, whether organic + BPM, inorganic + BPM, or

The authors express gratitude to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
for the LPDP Scholarship for the first author, and “Digital Food Ecosystem” PT Telkomsel
for the research funding support.

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