14. EJCHEM_Volume 58_Issue 6_Pages 609-624
14. EJCHEM_Volume 58_Issue 6_Pages 609-624
14. EJCHEM_Volume 58_Issue 6_Pages 609-624
Wastewater originating from Oil Refinery Processes Mill (ORPM) was highly
contaminated with hydrocarbons which represented the main source of pollution
in this industry. ORPM is discharging to the sea large quantities of partially
treated wastewater that characterized by high values of pH, Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Oil and Grease (O & G),
respectively(1). Also, Coates(2) and Syllos et al.(3) reported that the generated
wastewater in oil industry contained several organic compounds, such as
Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX), its disposal to the sea has
been regulated by National Law 4/1994. ORPM wastewater is considered as
dangerous compounds to the environment because of their migration abilities,
both in aquatic and land environments, and their acute and chronic toxicities. The
significant amount of refinery wastewater has to be treated and processed before
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Corresponding author : iabdelhafiz@yahoo.com,
Tel: 0020-12-74999938, Fax 0020-2-374840077
610 M.H. El-Awady et al.
their discharge into water streams. The refinery wastewater treatment plants
employ physicochemical processes including American Petroleum Institute (API)
separator as a primary treatment and dissolved air flotation technique as a
secondary treatment, to achieve effluents of satisfactory oil content. Flotation is
investigated as a post-treatment process for the removal of emulsified hydrocarbons
and satisfactory results were obtained(4). On the other hand, Tony et al.(5) showed
that conventional treatment processes have difficulty in fully removing
emulsified oil or small oil droplets. Diffused Air Flotation (DAF) process
exhibited remarkable results in removing floatable and suspended materials and it
was an effective method to separate oil from aqueous dispersion, chemically
treated wastewater, and refinery wastewater(6 ,7). According to Metcalf & Eddy,
Inc.(8), the air to solids ratio (A/S) was considered one of the most important
parameter in the design of air flotation system. However, different types of
influent characteristics generated different ranges of A/S ratios. The optimal A/S
range for a particular feed must be determined experimentally. The
corresponding equation (1) for a system with only pressurized recycle is:
where A/S is the air to solids ratio in ml air to mg solids; : the air solubility
(ml/L); f: the fraction air dissolved at pressure P, usually 0.5; P: pressure, atm. =
water. After an extensive study, El-Awady et al., concluded that the addition of
H2O2 in photocatalytic reaction achieved detectable degradation of dissolved
organic pollutants in wastewater (12). It fulfilled efficient removal of contaminants
that persisted and were hard to remove using conventional methods.
Freshly prepared 1.0 N heptahydrated ferrous sulphate (FeSO4·7H2O),
hydrogen peroxide 30% (H2O2), dodecahydrated potassium aluminum sulfate
KAl(SO4)2.12H2O utilized in the DAF process for enhancement of oil separation
and removal, 50% sodium hydroxide and 30% sulphuric acid were prepared daily
for pH adjustment and naphtha wastewater outlet and API-oil separation unit
To determine the optimal Fe2+, H2O2 dosages, the optimal pH and reaction
time, in addition to achieve maximal removal of chemical oxygen demand
(COD) and phenol; Fenton reaction has been carried out and performed
according to Jar Test (Fig. 2). Hydrated ferrous sulphate (FeSO4·7H2O) as well as
30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were used as components of Fenton reaction.
Six Jars of naphtha wastewater and Fenton reagents were carefully mixed at
50 rpm for 10 min.
FeSO4 & H2O2 doses, reaction time, and other optimal operating conditions
were calculated. Because Fenton reaction is exothermic; the reactors were cooled
during chemical addition. Freshly prepared sodium hydroxide (50%) and (30%)
sulphuric acid were added to adjust the pH-value of the treated effluent.
Operational principals
Coagulants were mixed with wastewater, pressurized air was introduced,
released as micro-bubbles (30- 100) microns, Oil droplets were rapidly migrated
to the top, sludge as floated blanket was skimmed and clean treated wastewater
was collected from outlet.
Result *
Naphtha Oil Cooling Law 4/
Parameters Unit Final Tank
Dept. Separator water 1994 **
pH -- 13.6 7.5 7.5 6.5 6-9
COD mgO2/L 8200 1384 1326 4360 100
BOD5 mgO2/L 3286 554 523 NI 60
TSS mg/L 438 3314 22 68 60
TDS mg/L 55600 65300 56130 NI ==
H2 S mg/L N.D. ND N.D. N.D. 1
Phosphate mg/L 0.4 0.18 N.D. NI ==
Chlorides mg/L 420 52000 51000 NI ==
Phenol mg/L 160 0.2 2.0 0.12 0.01
TKN mg/L 17 106.5 NI NI 10
O&G mg/L NI 707 12 15 10
Discharging- 3
m/h 12.5 687.5 9000 9700 ==
* Results of three successful replicates. NI: Not identified, ND: Not detected.
** Trigger levels of Law 4/1994; regulating the limits of discharging wastewater to the sea.
Due to the highly organic content of the Naphtha Department outlet (160 mg
phenol/l and 8200 mg O2/L), with about 7.0% from the total discharging
capacity, it was suggested to be segregated and treated separately using Fenton
reaction. Although Fenton reaction was costly, but it saved lots of chemicals and
infrastructures, running costs if compared with an overall treatment system of the
total discharging wastewater.
On the other hand, DAF unit will be effectively for the removal of all floated
as well as oily matters from the final wastewater. After carrying out this
treatment method, the final treated wastewater from all separate sectors will meet
the trigger values of discharging the treated wastewater onto the sea and to fulfill
the requirements of the Environmental Egyptian Law 4 /1994.
Detection of the optimum removal of Oil, TSS & COD from API outlet using DAF
The optimum operating conditions of the treatment was carried out according
to coagulation/ flocculation followed by dissolved floatation process DAF. Alum
was chosen as relevant coagulant because the produced sludge was fluffy to be
floated and skimmed. Its optimum detected dose was of Al 3+ at the original pH
6.5-7.0 of the wastewater was measured. Table 2 reveals the average of three
replicates of raw and treated samples including the mean removal efficiencies.
In the DAF treatment process, a compressed air was injected into a pressure
vessel of diameter 1.0 m and height of 1.2 m for one vessel or 0.8 m diameter and
1.0 m height for two vessels, containing part of the recycled treated wastewater
of a 2000 m3/d at 4 Bars. Sufficient time was being allowed in this vessel for air
saturation for about 3 min. Air compressor was used efficiently to mix air with
the purified recycled wastewater. The recycled flow was released toward the
base of the floatation tank via a pressure release valve (P.R.V), allowing the air to
come out through the wastewater matrix and creating fine homogenous air carpet.
The floatation tank was designed for influent and recycled flow with 30 min
retention time. To fulfill maximum removal efficiency, its design dimensions
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616 M.H. El-Awady et al.
were designed as: 10.0 m width, 20.0 m length and 2 m height. For one floatation
tank or 7.0 m width, 14.0 m length and 2.0 m height for two floatation tanks.
The obtained results revealed that DAF process exhibited good results in
removing floatable materials as well as suspended solids with remarkable
efficiency that exceeded 95%. Obtained results matched with that obtained by El-
Awady (6). Moreover, Abdel Megid et al.(4) concluded that different responses to
the coagulant treatment were observed within the tested samples, Ferrous
sulphate at pH = 10 removed 67% oil, Alum at pH =10 removed 73% oil, Ferric
chloride at pH = 8 removed 74 % oil, other combinations with manufactured
chemicals removed up to 87 % oil while normal DAF operations with no
additives removed only 61 % oil from the oily wastewater.
Fenton reagent (Fe2+ /H2O2) for phenols and COD destruction from Naphtha
outlet section
The presence of naphtha in the wastewater of this section caused a remarkable
increase in the organic matters. It was a result of the presence of phenols and other
organic pollutants. The segregated wastewater collected from naphtha processing
unit was treated using Fenton reaction, where the optimum operating conditions
were achieved. Optimal conditions for Fenton’s reagent were established and the
pH was adjusted to 3.0. The highest percentage COD removal achieved was 88%,
which occurred with pre-treatment including Fenton treatment(14).
Phenolic content and COD were 160 and 8200 mg/L, respectively. The total
suspended solids exceed 400 mg/ L. On the other hand, results detected that the
iron in the raw sample reached 5 mg/L. The presence of this low concentration
of iron may behave as Fenton like’s reaction on addition of H2O2.
The optimal operating conditions of the Fenton’s reaction were carried out
according to the following variable conditions:
Results showed that, on addition of only the 0.5 g Fe2+/L as a coagulant, the
removal of total COD and phenol was limited to 2.0% and 12%, respectively.
The low efficiencies can be explained due to the removal of existing suspended
solids. These results were in accordance with that obtained by Petri et al.(15).
Moreover, the addition of a series of 30% H2O2 to the previous reaction, a
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Reliable Treatment of Petroleum Processing Wastewater … 617
detectable removal in both COD and phenol was achieved as shown in Fig. 5 &
6. The results revealed that the optimal H2O2 dose for noticed COD and phenol
removal was 20 ml/L. Figure 5 shows that the reaction proceeds first order mode.
From the cost-effective factor, there was a little bit difference between the
highest dose of 40 ml/L and the chosen optimal dose.
Results obtained from these experiments revealed that the Fenton reaction can
be obtained at the pH equal to 10.0 as illustrated in Fig. 9 & 10. When the pH-
value was reduced from 14.0 to 10.0 followed by addition of H 2O2, the pH was
consequently dropped to 3.0, which is the optimum value of Fenton’s reaction. In
this case, no need to reduce the initial pH to 3.0, and this pH- value was chosen
as effective cost value(17).
Results conducted that the optimum reaction time to obtain the required
results was 10 min as declared in Fig. 11 and 12.
These data were in accordance with that obtained by Syllos et al. (3), where
above 90% degradations were reached in all cases after 90 min of reaction.
Results were attaining 100% mineralization in the optimized concentrations of
Fenton reagents, and the process integration was adequate with 100% organic
load removal in 20 min.
Two different types of real wastewater samples were collected from the
petroleum refinery company under investigations, Egypt. The first was one
from the API-oil separation unit outlet. DAF- procedure was carried out unit,
where the unit showed an appropriate treatment method for removing of oil
and grease to 98%, COD to 96% and TSS to 92%.
Wastewater from the API-oil separation unit outlet (I), DAF- unit (Table 1)
showed an appropriate treatment method for removing oil and grease; COD
and TSS were up to 99%, 96% and 98%, respectively.
Wastewater collected from Naphtha department (II) subjected to Fenton
processes, which effectively oxidize and remove phenolic organics more than
99.9% (the initial phenol load =160 mg/L*12.5 m3/h *24 h = 0.048 kg/day;
phenol load after treatment= 0.1 mg/L*12.5 m3/h*24 h = 0.00003 kg/day) and
about 88% removal of COD (8200 mg/L *12.5 m3/h*24 h = 2.46 kg/day, COD
load after treatment = 1000 mg/L*12.5 m3/h * 24 h = 0.30 kg/day ) at optimum
condition, the Fe2+ dose was 0.5 g/L, the (30 %) H2O2 dose was 20 ml/L, the
reaction time is 10 min the starting pH value is 10 because of a cost-effective
factor because the target wastewater had an original pH near to 14.
From this study, it is apparent that the implementation of removal of oil from
wastewater (I) and destruction of phenolic compound via advanced oxidation of
wastewater (II) produces a good quality effluent that complying with the
Egyptian Environmental Regularity Standards for wastewater discharge into the
sea according to discharging levels.
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