Ecosystem: An ecosystem can be defined as a functional unit of nature, where living organisms interact among
themselves and also with the surrounding environment.
- The process of breakdown of complex organic matter into inorganic substances like carbon dioxide, water and
nutrients by decomposers is called decomposition.
- Detritus: Dead plants remains such as leaves, barks, flowers and dead remains of animals, including fecal matters
constitute detritus, which is the raw material for decomposition.
Steps in the process off decomposition:
1. Fragmentation: Breakdown of detritus into smaller particles by detritivores (Eg: earthworm) is called fragmentation.
2. Leaching: Water soluble inorganic nutrients go down into the soil horizon and get precipitated as unavailable salts.
3. Catabolism: Bacterial and fungal enzymes degrade detritus into simpler inorganic substances. This process is called
4. Humification: It is a process of accumulation of dark coloured amorphous substance called humus that is highly
resistant to microbial action and undergoes decomposition at an extremely slow rate. Being colloid in nature it serves
as a reservoir of nutrients.
An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of various ecological parameters like number of individuals present
at various levels of a food chain. In a pyramid producer occupy the base, top carnivores at the top and intermediate
level in between.
- There are three types of ecological pyramids namely- (a). Pyramid of number (b). Pyramid of biomass & (c). Pyramid
of energy.
a). Pyramid of number: It is the numerical relationship between different tropic level of a food chain at a particular
b). Pyramid of biomass: It gives the total biomass or standing crop of organisms at each level at a particular time.
c). Pyramid of energy: It represents the amouny of calories transferred from one trophic to next trophic level.
- A given species may occupy more than one tropic level in the same ecosystem at the same time. For example, a
sparrow is a primary consumer when it eats fruits but a secondary consumer when it eats insects.
- Pyramid of energy is always upright, can never be inverted because when energy flows from a particular tropic level
to the next tropic level, some energy is always lost as heat at each level.
- But pyramid of number and pyramid of biomass can be inverted in certain ecosystem. Eg: Pyramid of energy in
inverted in tree dominated ecosystem and pyramid of biomass is inverted in sea, pond or ocean ecosystem.