M.tech Thesis and Review Report Guidelines
M.tech Thesis and Review Report Guidelines
M.tech Thesis and Review Report Guidelines
7. List of Figures / Exhibits / Charts 8. List of Tables 9. Symbols & Notations 10. Chapters 11. Appendices 12. References 2. Page Dimensions & Binding Specifications: Page Specification: Left Margin: 1.5 inch Right Margin: 1 inch Top Margin: 1 inch Bottom Margin: 1 inch The report / thesis should be bound using flexible cover (soft binding). The cover should be printed in black letters and the text for printing should be identical. Page numbers All text pages as well as program source code listings should be numbered using Arabic numerals at the bottom center of the pages. Font Times New Roman 12pt font should be used consistently throughout the text. Captions for tables and figures can be in smaller fonts, but not smaller than 10pt. Paragraphs No paragraph should have its opening line at the bottom of a page. A clear, consistent, but not too large a separation must be provided between the paragraphs throughout the report / thesis. Headings Chapter Heading Font Size: 16, Bold, Times New Roman Section Heading Font Size: 14, Times New Roman, CAPS Subsection Heading Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, CAPS Line spacing The line spacing used should be one and a half and should be the same throughout the text. The lines in captions for figures and tables, Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables can be single spaced.
3. Preparation Format: Cover Page & Title Page As per the format given in Appendix A. Certificate: As per the format given in Appendix B. The certificate shall be followed by the Guides signature. Abstract: Abstract should be one page synopsis of the report / thesis typed one and a half line spacing, Font Style: Times New Roman and Font Size: 12. The abstract is a very brief summary of the thesis contents. It should be about one page long not more than 300 words. The 300-word statement should describe the problem addressed by your report / thesis, a description of the work completed and a summary of any findings or lessons learned. The format is given Appendix C. Acknowledgement: In the Acknowledgement page, the student acknowledges the guidance and assistance of the Research advisor and other members. Courtesy demands that he / she also recognizes specific contributions by other persons or institutions such as libraries and research foundations. Sometimes the nature of the contribution is described (For example, permission for the use of equipment and facilities). Acknowledgement should be expressed simply, tastefully, and tactfully. The format is given Appendix D. Citation of References: Please follow the following format for citing references: Tatavarti (1987) for citing single author reference. Tatavarti and Narayanan (1992) for citing references having two authors. Tatavarti et al (2004) for citing references having more than two authors. References: The references should be typed as follows: 1. Journals: Give complete information such as name(s) of all author(s), year, Title of the paper, Journal, year of publication, volume, number and pages.
2. International Conferences: Give all information such as name(s) of all author(s), year, Title of the papers, Conference details like organizers, the publisher, Editors of the proceedings, page No. and place. 3. Books: Give all information such as name(s) of author(s), year, Title of the Book, Book details including publisher, page no. and place.
All references should be typed in alphabetical order at the end of the report / thesis.
Appendix A
A project review report / thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
<Times New Roman, Font 14, Italic>
Month, Year
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Appendix B
<Times New Roman, Font 14, Underlined, Bold, CAPS>
This is to certify that the project review report / thesis entitled TITLE OF THE THESIS submitted by NAME OF THE CANDIDATE, for the award of the degree of Masters of Technology is a record of bonafide work carried out by him/her under my supervision, as per the VIT code of academic and research ethics. The contents of this report have not been submitted and will not be submitted either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma in this institute or any other institute or university. The report / thesis fulfills the requirements and regulations of the University and in my opinion meets the necessary standards for submission. <Times New Roman, Font 12>
Signature of the internal Guide <Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold >
Signature of the external Guide <Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold >
Appendix C
<Times New Roman, Font 14, Underlined, Bold, CAPS>
Abstract should be one page synopsis of the report / thesis typed one and a half line spacing, Font Style: Times New Roman and Font Size: 12. The abstract is a very brief summary of the thesis contents. It should be about one page long not more than 300 words. The 300-word statement should describe the problem addressed by your report / thesis, a description of the work completed and a summary of any findings or lessons learned.
<Times New Roman, Font 12>
Appendix D
<Times New Roman, Font 14, Underlined, Bold, CAPS>
I express my profound gratitude to my Research Guide NAME OF THE GUIDE, Designation, School, VIT University, enabling me to complete the report / thesis..<Times New Roman, Font 12>
Place : Vellore Date : Name of the Candidate <Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold>
Chapter 1
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<Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold>
Clearly, taking sentences/paragraphs from sources such as journal articles, books, reports, proceedings, theses, and Internet, mixing them to camouflage the source, changing some of the words, or rearranging the sentences is plagiarism. Picking sentences from various sources to form paragraphs is also plagiarism. Similarly, if there is a thesis/report already submitted and is closely aligned with your work, copying sections such as literature survey, methodology, theory, etc., with or without changes is also plagiarism. You must carry out your own literature survey, write your own interpretation of theory or methodology after reading the relevant material or quote from earlier reports or the relevant material using quotation marks.
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<Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold, CAPS>
Eckart, C. (1951). Surface waves on water of variable depth, Wave Rep. 100, Scripps Inst. of Oceanogr., Univ. of California, pp.99. <For referring reports> Hasselmann, K., W.H. Munk and G.J.F. MacDonald (1963). Bispectra of Ocean Waves, In: M. Rosenblatt (ed.), Time Series Analysis, John Wiley Sons, p. 125, New York. <For referring from books
edited from a collection of different papers>.
Stoker, J.J. (1957). Water Waves. Interscience, New York. p. 520. <For referring book> Tatavarti, Rao V.S.N. and D.A. Huntley (1987). Wave reflection at Beaches. Proc. Canadian Coastal Conference, Quebec City, pp. 241-255, Canada. <For referring conference proceedings> Wallace, J.M. and R.E. Dickinson (1972). Empirical orthogonal representation of time series in the frequency domain, Part I: Theoretical considerations, J. App.Meteorology, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 887-892. <For referring journals>
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