DHM Research Proposal Guideline 2024-2025 (1)
DHM Research Proposal Guideline 2024-2025 (1)
DHM Research Proposal Guideline 2024-2025 (1)
The cover page
The font used on the cover page and title page shall be Times New Roman.
The title of the research will be in UPPERCASE, Bold and Centred and the font size 18.
The next sentence <BHM Research Proposal >, Font Size 16, Centre Alignment. The next
sentence is < Submitted By>, Font Size 14, Centre Alignment.
Enter the name of the candidate without any prefixes as in the University Register.
The Next sentence <Department of Hotel Management>, Font Size 16, Centre alignment
followed by <REGISTRATION NUMBER>, Font Size 14, Centre Alignment, followed
by <XXXXXXX> (enter register number), Font Size 14, Centre Alignment.
The Next sentence will be <Research Mentor>, Font Size 14, non-bold, followed by
<NAME OF THE RESEARCH MENTOR> followed by <Designation> All centred one
below the other with 1.0 line spacing in-between, Font Size 14, Bold. Academic designation
means either Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor.
Do not place administrative designations such as director, HOD on the cover page or
titlepage. Also do not Prefix the name with Mr. , Dr. , Prof., and so on.
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) logo is placed next centred and used in accordance with
the stipulations of the University. A copy of the logo can be obtained by mail from the
department or mentors. Research printed with the wrong logo will not be accepted by
the department.
Below the logo type <CHRIST (Deemed to be University)> and <BENGALURU-560029>
In UPPERCASE, Bold, Font Size 18, one below the other with single line spacing.
Next type the Month and Year of Submission in UPPERCASE and Numerals respectively, Font
Size 18, Bold.
The inner page
The font used on the cover page and title page shall be Times New Roman.
The title of the research will be in UPPERCASE, Bold and Centred and the font size 18.
The next sentence <BHM Research Proposal >, Font Size 16, Centre Alignment. The next
sentence is < Submitted By>, Font Size 14, Centre Alignment.
Enter the name of the candidate without any prefixes as in the University Register.
The Next sentence <Department of Hotel Management>, Font Size 16, Centre alignment
followed by <REGISTRATION NUMBER>, Font Size 14, Centre Alignment, followed
by <XXXXXXX> (enter register number), Font Size 14, Centre Alignment.
The next sentence <Signature of the Student> and <Signature of the Research Mentor> to be on
the same line and centred, Font Size 12 .
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) logo is placed next centred and used in accordance with
the stipulations of the University. A copy of the logo can be obtained by mail from the
department or mentors. Research printed with the wrong logo will not be accepted by
the department.
Below the logo type <CHRIST (Deemed to be University)> and <BENGALURU-560029>
In UPPERCASE, Bold, Font Size 18, one below the other with single line spacing.
Next type the Month and Year of Submission in UPPERCASE and Numerals respectively, Font
Size 18, Bold.
The proposal shall be presented in a single chapter structure. Do not divide the proposal into
chapters. However, it may be divided into suitable sections again subdivided into sub-sections
and sub-sub-sections so as to present the content discretely and with due emphasis. Tables and
Figures should be included at appropriate places in the text of the dissertation.
Title of the project: The Title of the project should be specific (include keywords), reflecting the
scope of the investigation. It should be a short, concise phrase.
Introduction / Background
Both an introduction and background section outlines why you chose your topic. The section
should include:
• What prompted your interest in the topic
• Need for the study
Overview of Literature: The problem identified should be logically linked to other studies on the
theme in the literature delineating the need for the present investigation ( minimum 10 research
articles need to be reviewed for each variable at the time of preparing proposal). The research gap
should be established at the end of the literature review.
Aim of the Project: The broad aim of the project emphasizing the overall thrust of the proposed
investigation should be clearly mentioned i.e. what do you want to know, prove, demonstrate,
analyze, test, investigate or examine? List your aims in a logical sequence, e.g.
Significance/Contribution to the Discipline: In this section you should justify the project from
a review of literature on the topic: discuss the texts which you believe are most important to the
project, demonstrate your understanding of the research issues, and identify existing gaps in the
literature that the research is intended to address. You should also use this section to make links
between your research and the existing strengths of the Discipline to which you are applying. Visit
appropriate websites to find out about existing research taking place in the Discipline and how
your project can complement this.
Conceptual Framework: The concepts to be used, the variables to be studied, their relevance
and applicability to the study and their operationalisation should be indicated.
Research Methodology:
a. Coverage: The proposal should clearly indicate the universe of the study, sampling
frame,sampling methods and sample size.
b. Data Collection: The proposal should indicate sources of data, types of data, tools and
techniques for collection of various categories of proposed data.
c. Data Analysis: It should indicate the statistical techniques proposed to be used in data
processing-Correlation, ANOVA, Chi square test, Regression Analysis-content analysis and
scaling techniques.
Chapterization: The proposal should include the number of chapters in the final project.
Timeline: Provide an outline of how you will complete the work within the time scheduled. It
should indicate the time needed for various tasks such as Designing/selecting a tool, pilot study
(if any), data collection, data analysis and report writing.
References: The proposal should include a ‘List of References’ mentioned in the text. The
references should indicate the author, title, publisher and year of publication ( APA 7th edition)
General guidelines:
• Word limit: 2500 words maximum excluding references / bibliography. Use 12 font size,
Times New Roman font type and 1.5 spacing throughout including titles and headers.
• All the pages shall be printed on a single side A4 good quality bond paper, 85 GSM.
• Page numbering in the text of the proposal shall be Small Roman numeral center of the
footer, stating as ‘ii’ from the proposal approval to the end of the preliminary pages. The
page number shall be Hindu-Arabic numerals at the center of the footer starting from
the starting of the first page of the body content. Page number shall appear 20 mm from
• The line spacing of the body text should be 1.5 lines. Vertical space between
paragraphs shall be about 1.5 line spacing. The first line of each paragraph should
normally be indented by 15 mm. A paragraph should normally comprise more than one
line. A single line of a paragraph shall not be left at the top or bottom of a page (that is,
no widows or orphans should be left). The word at the right end of the first line of a
page or paragraph should, as far as possible, not be hyphenated. The paragraph has to
be justified.
• Margins:
- Right: 30 mm